List of Mac models

Last updated

This is a list of all major types of Mac computers produced by Apple Inc. in order of introduction date. Macintosh Performa models were often physically identical to other models, in which case they are omitted in favor of the identical twin. Also not listed are model numbers that identify software bundles. For example, the Performa 6115CD and 6116CD differed only in software and were identical to the Power Macintosh 6100, so only the 6100 is listed below. The Apple Network Server and Apple Lisa are included, as they filled high-end niches of the Macintosh line despite not directly running Mac OS.



Complete timeline of Macintosh models
Apple TViPodiPhoneiPadApple WatchApple NewtonPowerCDApple IIc PlusApple IIe PlatinumApple IIe CardApple IIGSApple IIcApple IIeApple III PlusMacBook Pro (Apple silicon)MacBook Pro (Apple silicon)MacBook Pro (Apple silicon)MacBook Air (Apple silicon)MacBook Air (Apple silicon)MacBook Pro (Intel-based)MacBook Pro (Apple silicon)MacBook Pro (Intel-based)MacBook Pro (Intel-based)MacBook Pro (Intel-based)MacBook Pro (Intel-based)MacBook Pro (Intel-based)MacBook Pro (Intel-based)MacBook Pro (Intel-based)MacBook Pro (Intel-based)MacBook Pro (Intel-based)MacBook Pro (Intel-based)PowerBook G4PowerBook G4PowerBook G4PowerBook G4PowerBook G3PowerBook G3PowerBook G3PowerBook 3400cPowerBook 5300PowerBook 500 seriesPowerBook 500 seriesPowerBook 500 seriesPowerBook 150PowerBook 180PowerBook 160PowerBook 140PowerBook 180PowerBook 160PowerBook 160PowerBook 140PowerBook 170PowerBook 140MacBook Air (Apple silicon)MacBook Air (Intel-based)MacBook Air (Intel-based)MacBook Air (Intel-based)MacBook (2006–2012)12-inch MacBookMacBook Air (Intel-based)MacBook (2006–2012)MacBook (2006–2012)iBookiBookiBookiBookiBookPowerBook 1400PowerBook 2400cPowerBook 190PowerBook DuoPowerBook DuoPowerBook DuoPowerBook 100PowerBook DuoPowerBook DuoMacintosh PortablePowerBook DuoPowerBook DuoMacintosh PortableApple Workgroup ServerApple Workgroup ServerApple Workgroup ServerApple Workgroup ServerApple Workgroup ServerApple Workgroup ServerApple Workgroup ServerApple Workgroup ServerApple Workgroup ServerXserveXserveXserveXserveXserveApple Network ServerApple Network ServerApple Network ServerApple Workgroup ServerApple Workgroup ServerApple Workgroup ServerMac ProMac ProMac ProMac ProMac ProPower Mac G5Power Mac G5Power Mac G5Power Mac G4Power Mac G4Power Mac G4 CubePower Mac G4Power Macintosh G3Power Macintosh G3Power Macintosh G3Power Macintosh 8600Power Macintosh 7300Power Macintosh 9600Power Macintosh 8500Power Macintosh 7600Power Macintosh 7200Power Macintosh 9500Power Macintosh 8100Power Macintosh 7500Power Macintosh 7100Macintosh Quadra 950Macintosh Quadra 840AVMacintosh Quadra 800Macintosh Quadra 900Macintosh Quadra 700Mac MiniMac MiniMac MiniMac MiniMac MiniiMac ProMac StudioMac MiniMac StudioMac MiniMac MiniPower Macintosh 6200Power Macintosh G3Power Macintosh 6500Power Macintosh 6400Power Macintosh 6100Macintosh Quadra 630Macintosh Quadra 660AVMacintosh Quadra 650Macintosh Quadra 610Macintosh Quadra 605Macintosh IIvxMacintosh IIviMacintosh IIsiMacintosh IIfxMacintosh IIciMacintosh IIcxMacintosh IIxMacintosh IIiMac (Intel-based)iMac (Intel-based)iMac (Intel-based)Power Macintosh 4400Macintosh LC IIIMacintosh LC IIMacintosh LCiMac (Apple silicon)iMac (Intel-based)iMac (Intel-based)iMac (Intel-based)iMac (Intel-based)iMac (Intel-based)iMac (Intel-based)iMac (Intel-based)iMac (Intel-based)iMac G5iMac G5iMac G4iMac G4Twentieth Anniversary MacintoshPower Macintosh 5500Macintosh Color ClassicMacintosh LC 550Macintosh Color ClassicMacintosh Classic IIMacintosh LC 520Macintosh ClassicMacintosh SE/30Macintosh PlusMacintosh SEMacintosh PlusMacintosh SEMacintosh 512KeMacintosh XLMacintosh 512KMacintosh 128KeMaciMac G4iMac G3iMac G3Power Macintosh 5260Power Macintosh 5400Power Macintosh 5200 LCMacintosh LC 580Macintosh LC 575Macintosh TVApple siliconUEFINew World ROMOld World ROMList of Mac models

Detailed timeline


1983January 19, 1983 Lisa [a] Compact August 1, 1986
1984January 1, 1984 Lisa 2 [a] Compact January 1, 1985
January 24, 1984 Macintosh 128K Compact September 10, 1984
September 10, 1984 Macintosh 512K Compact April 14, 1986
Macintosh 128K (revised) Compact October 1, 1985
1985January 1, 1985 Macintosh XL Compact April 29, 1985
1986January 16, 1986 Macintosh Plus Compact January 1, 1987
April 14, 1986 Macintosh 512Ke Compact October 1, 1987
1987January 1, 1987 Macintosh Plus (Platinum) Compact October 15, 1990
February 3, 1987 Macintosh SE Compact August 1, 1989
March 2, 1987 Macintosh II Mac II January 15, 1990
1988September 19, 1988 Macintosh IIx Mac II October 15, 1990
1989January 19, 1989 Macintosh SE/30 Compact October 21, 1991
March 7, 1989 Macintosh IIcx Mac II March 11, 1991
August 1, 1989 Macintosh SE FDHD Compact October 15, 1990
September 20, 1989 Macintosh IIci Mac II February 20, 1993
Macintosh Portable Portable February 11, 1991


1990March 19, 1990 Macintosh IIfx Mac II April 15, 1992
October 15, 1990 Macintosh LC LC March 23, 1992
Macintosh Classic Compact September 14, 1992
Macintosh IIsi Mac II March 15, 1993
1991February 11, 1991 Macintosh Portable (backlit screen)PortableOctober 21, 1991
October 21, 1991 Macintosh Classic II Compact September 13, 1993
Macintosh Quadra 700 Quadra March 15, 1993
Macintosh Quadra 900 Quadra May 18, 1992
PowerBook 100 PowerBook 100 August 3, 1992
PowerBook 140 PowerBook 100 August 3, 1992
PowerBook 170 PowerBook 100 October 19, 1992
1992March 23, 1992 Macintosh LC II LC March 15, 1993
May 18, 1992 Macintosh Quadra 950 Quadra October 14, 1995
August 3, 1992 PowerBook 145 PowerBook 100 July 7, 1993
October 19, 1992 Macintosh IIvi Mac II February 10, 1993
Macintosh IIvx Mac II October 19, 1993
PowerBook 160 PowerBook 100 August 16, 1993
PowerBook 180 PowerBook 100 May 16, 1994
PowerBook Duo 210 PowerBook Duo October 21, 1993
PowerBook Duo 230 PowerBook Duo July 27, 1994
1993February 10, 1993 Macintosh LC III LC February 14, 1994
Macintosh Color Classic Compact May 16, 1994
Macintosh Centris/Quadra 610 Centris October 21, 1993
Macintosh Centris/Quadra 650 Centris October 21, 1993
Macintosh Quadra 800 Quadra March 14, 1994
PowerBook 165c PowerBook 100 December 13, 1993
March 22, 1993 Workgroup Server 80 Workgroup Server October 17, 1994
Workgroup Server 95 Workgroup Server April 3, 1995
June 7, 1993 PowerBook 145B PowerBook 100 July 18, 1994
PowerBook 180c PowerBook 100 March 14, 1994
June 28, 1993 Macintosh LC 520 LC February 2, 1994
July 26, 1993 Workgroup Server 60 Workgroup Server October 17, 1994
July 29, 1993 Macintosh Centris/Quadra 660AV Quadra September 12, 1994
Macintosh Quadra 840AV Quadra July 18, 1994
August 16, 1993 PowerBook 165 PowerBook 100 July 18, 1994
October 10, 1993 Macintosh Color Classic II Compact November 1, 1995
October 18, 1993 Macintosh LC III+ LC February 14, 1994
October 21, 1993 Macintosh Quadra 605 Quadra October 17, 1994
Macintosh Quadra 610 Quadra July 18, 1994
Macintosh Quadra 650 Quadra September 12, 1994
Macintosh TV LC February 1, 1995
PowerBook Duo 250 PowerBook Duo May 16, 1994
PowerBook Duo 270c PowerBook Duo May 16, 1994
1994February 2, 1994 Macintosh LC 550 LC March 23, 1995
Macintosh LC 575 LC April 3, 1995
March 14, 1994 Power Macintosh 6100 Power Macintosh October 14, 1995
Power Macintosh 7100 Power Macintosh August 5, 1996
Power Macintosh 8100 Power Macintosh August 5, 1996
April 26, 1994 Workgroup Server 6150 Workgroup Server October 1, 1995
Workgroup Server 8150 Workgroup Server February 26, 1996
Workgroup Server 9150 Workgroup Server February 26, 1996
May 16, 1994 PowerBook 520/c PowerBook 500 September 16, 1995
PowerBook 540/c PowerBook 500 August 16, 1995
PowerBook 550 PowerBook 500 April 1, 1996
PowerBook Duo 280 PowerBook Duo November 14, 1994
PowerBook Duo 280c PowerBook Duo January 1, 1996
July 18, 1994 Macintosh Quadra 630 Quadra April 17, 1995
PowerBook 150 PowerBook 100 October 14, 1995
1995April 3, 1995 Macintosh LC 580 LC August 1, 1995
Power Macintosh 5200 LC Power Macintosh April 13, 1996
May 1, 1995 Power Macintosh 6200 Power Macintosh May 1, 1996
June 19, 1995 Power Macintosh 9500 Power Macintosh February 17, 1997
August 7, 1995 Power Macintosh 7200 Power Macintosh February 1, 1997
Power Macintosh 7500 Power Macintosh April 1, 1996
Power Macintosh 8500 Power Macintosh February 17, 1997
August 28, 1995 PowerBook 190 PowerBook 100 September 1, 1996
PowerBook 5300 PowerBook 500 August 3, 1996
PowerBook Duo 2300c PowerBook Duo February 1, 1997
Power Macintosh 5300 LC Power Macintosh April 1, 1996
1996February 15, 1996 Apple Network Server 500 [a] Network Server (non-Mac PPC)April 1, 1997
Apple Network Server 700/150 [a] Network Server (non-Mac PPC)April 1, 1997
February 26, 1996 Workgroup Server 7250 Workgroup Server April 21, 1997
Workgroup Server 8550 Workgroup Server April 21, 1997
April 15, 1996 Power Macintosh 5260 Power Macintosh March 1, 1997
Power Macintosh 5400 Power Macintosh March 31, 1998
April 22, 1996 Power Macintosh 7600 Power Macintosh November 10, 1997
June 27, 1996 Power Macintosh 6300 Power Macintosh July 1, 1997
October 16, 1996 Apple Network Server 700/200 [a] Network Server (non-Mac PPC)April 1, 1997
October 23, 1996 Power Macintosh 6400 Power Macintosh May 1, 1997
November 15, 1996 Power Macintosh 4400 Power Macintosh October 11, 1997
November 20, 1996 PowerBook 1400 PowerBook May 6, 1998
1997February 17, 1997 Power Macintosh 5500 Power Macintosh August 31, 1998
Power Macintosh 6500 Power Macintosh March 14, 1998
Power Macintosh 7220 Power Macintosh January 1, 1998
Power Macintosh 7300 Power Macintosh November 10, 1997
Power Macintosh 8600 Power Macintosh February 17, 1998
Power Macintosh 9600 Power Macintosh March 17, 1998
PowerBook 3400c PowerBook March 14, 1998
March 20, 1997 Twentieth Anniversary Macintosh Power Macintosh March 14, 1998
April 21, 1997 Workgroup Server 7350 Workgroup Server March 2, 1998
Workgroup Server 9650 Workgroup Server March 2, 1998
May 8, 1997 PowerBook 2400c PowerBook March 14, 1998
November 10, 1997 Power Macintosh G3 desktop Power Macintosh December 14, 1998
Power Macintosh G3 minitower Power Macintosh December 14, 1998
PowerBook G3 (Original / "Kanga") PowerBook G3 March 14, 1998
1998January 31, 1998 Power Macintosh G3 AIO Power Macintosh October 17, 1998
March 2, 1998 Macintosh Server G3 Workgroup Server January 1, 1999
May 1998 PowerBook G3 ("Wallstreet") PowerBook G3 August 1998
August 15, 1998 iMac G3 (Revision A) iMac January 5, 1999
PowerBook G3 ("Wallstreet II, PDQ") PowerBook G3 May 10, 1999
October 26, 1998 iMac G3 (Revision B) iMac January 5, 1999
1999January 5, 1999 Power Macintosh G3 Blue and White ("Yosemite") Power Macintosh October 13, 1999
Macintosh Server G3 Blue and White Workgroup Server August 31, 1999
iMac G3 266 (Revision C) iMac April 14, 1999
April 14, 1999 iMac G3 333 (Revision D) iMac October 5, 1999
May 10, 1999 PowerBook G3 ("Lombard") PowerBook G3 February 16, 2000
June 21, 1999 iBook iBook September 13, 2000
August 31, 1999 Macintosh Server G4 Workgroup Server July 19, 2000
October 5, 1999 iMac G3 Slot Loading (Fall 1999) iMac March 18, 2003
October 13, 1999 Power Mac G4 Graphite Power Mac July 18, 2001


2000February 16, 2000 PowerBook FireWire (G3 "Pismo") PowerBook G3 January 9, 2001
iBook SE iBook September 13, 2000
July 19, 2000 Power Mac G4 Cube Power Mac July 3, 2001
iMac G3 (Summer 2000) iMac February 22, 2001
September 13, 2000 iBook (FireWire), iBook SE iBook May 1, 2001
2001January 7, 2001 PowerBook G4 Titanium PowerBook G4 September 16, 2003
January 9, 2001 Power Mac G4 (Digital Audio) Power Mac August 13, 2002
February 22, 2001 iMac G3 (Winter 2001) iMac July 18, 2001
May 1, 2001 iBook G3 "Snow" 12" (Mid 2001) iBook October 16, 2001
July 18, 2001 iMac G3 (Summer 2001) iMac March 18, 2003
Power Mac G4 Quicksilver Power Mac August 13, 2002
September 8, 2001 Macintosh Server G4 Quicksilver Workgroup Server May 14, 2002
October 16, 2001 iBook G3 "Snow" 12" (Late 2001) iBook October 22, 2003
2002January 2002 iMac G4 15" iMac February 4, 2003
iBook G3 "Snow" 14" (Early 2002) iBook October 22, 2003
April 29, 2002 eMac G4/700 eMac May 6, 2003
May 14, 2002 Xserve G4 Xserve February 10, 2003
May 20, 2002 iBook "Snow" (Mid 2002) iBook November 6, 2002
August 2002 iMac G4 17" iMac February 4, 2003
August 13, 2002 Power Mac G4 MDD Power Mac June 9, 2004
eMac G4/800 eMac May 6, 2003
August 27, 2002 Macintosh Server G4 MDD Workgroup Server January 28, 2003
November 6, 2002 iBook "Snow" (Late 2002) iBook April 22, 2003
2003January 7, 2003 PowerBook G4 Aluminum 12" PowerBook G4 May 16, 2006
PowerBook G4 Aluminum 17" PowerBook G4 April 24, 2006
February 4, 2003 iMac G4 800 15" X Only iMac September 8, 2003
iMac G4 1.0 17" iMac September 8, 2003
February 10, 2003 Xserve G4 (Slot Load) Xserve January 6, 2004
Xserve G4 Cluster Node Xserve January 6, 2004
April 22, 2003 iBook "Snow" (Early 2003) iBook October 22, 2003
May 6, 2003 eMac G4/800 (ATI) eMac May 6, 2003
eMac G4/1.0 (ATI) eMac April 13, 2004
June 23, 2003 Power Mac G5 Power Macintosh June 9, 2004
September 8, 2003 iMac G4 1.0 15" (USB 2.0) iMac July 1, 2004
iMac G4 1.25 17" (USB 2.0) iMac July 1, 2004
September 16, 2003 PowerBook G4 Aluminum 15" PowerBook G4 February 14, 2006
October 22, 2003 iBook G4 (Late 2003) iBook May 16, 2006
November 18, 2003 iMac G4 1.25 20" (USB 2.0) iMac July 1, 2004
2004January 6, 2004 Xserve G5 Xserve August 7, 2006
Xserve G5 Cluster Node Xserve August 7, 2006
April 13, 2004 eMac G4/1.25 (USB 2.0) eMac May 3, 2005
April 19, 2004 iBook G4 (Early 2004) iBook October 19, 2004
June 9, 2004 Power Mac G5 FX Power Macintosh October 19, 2005
August 31, 2004 iMac G5 (August 2004) iMac May 3, 2005
October 19, 2004 iBook G4 (Late 2004) iBook July 26, 2005
2005January 11, 2005 Mac Mini G4 (Early 2005) Mac Mini July 26, 2005
May 3, 2005 eMac G4/1.42 (2005) eMac October 12, 2005
iMac G5 Ambient Light Sensor iMac October 12, 2005
June 6, 2005 Developer Transition Kit (2005) Power Macintosh December 31, 2006
July 26, 2005 iBook G4 (Mid 2005) iBook May 16, 2006
Mac Mini G4 (Mid 2005) Mac Mini September 27, 2005
September 27, 2005 Mac Mini G4 (Late 2005) Mac Mini February 28, 2006
October 12, 2005 iMac G5 iSight iMac January 10, 2006
October 19, 2005 Power Mac G5 dual core Power Macintosh August 7, 2006
2006January 10, 2006 iMac Polycarbonate (Early 2006) iMac September 6, 2006
February 14, 2006 MacBook Pro Aluminum 15" (Early 2006) MacBook Pro February 26, 2008
February 28, 2006 Mac Mini Intel (Early 2006) Mac Mini September 6, 2006
April 24, 2006 MacBook Pro Aluminum 17" (Early 2006) MacBook Pro February 26, 2008
May 16, 2006 MacBook Polycarbonate (Mid 2006) MacBook November 8, 2008
July 5, 2006 iMac Polycarbonate (Mid 2006) iMac September 6, 2006
August 7, 2006 Mac Pro Tower (Mid 2006) Mac Pro January 8, 2008
Xserve Intel (Late 2006) Xserve January 8, 2008
September 6, 2006 iMac Polycarbonate (Late 2006) iMac August 7, 2007
Mac Mini Intel (Late 2006) Mac Mini August 7, 2007
October 24, 2006 MacBook Pro Aluminum (Late 2006) MacBook Pro June 5, 2007
November 8, 2006 MacBook Polycarbonate (Late 2006) MacBook May 15, 2007
2007May 15, 2007 MacBook Polycarbonate (Mid 2007) MacBook November 1, 2007
June 5, 2007 MacBook Pro Aluminum (Mid 2007) MacBook Pro November 1, 2007
August 7, 2007 iMac Aluminum 20" (Mid 2007) iMac April 28, 2008
Mac Mini Intel (Mid 2007) Mac Mini March 3, 2009
November 1, 2007 MacBook Pro Aluminum (Late 2007) MacBook Pro February 26, 2008
November 1, 2007 MacBook Polycarbonate (Late 2007) MacBook February 26, 2008
2008January 8, 2008 Xserve (Early 2008) Xserve April 7, 2009
Mac Pro Tower (Early 2008) Mac Pro March 3, 2009
January 15, 2008 MacBook Air Unibody (Early 2008) MacBook Air October 14, 2008
February 26, 2008 MacBook Polycarbonate (Early 2008) MacBook October 14, 2008
MacBook Pro Aluminum 15" (Early 2008) MacBook Pro October 14, 2008
MacBook Pro Aluminum 17" (Early 2008) MacBook Pro January 6, 2009
April 28, 2008 iMac Aluminum (Early 2008) iMac March 3, 2009
October 14, 2008 MacBook Air Unibody (Late 2008) MacBook Air June 8, 2009
MacBook Polycarbonate White (Late 2008) MacBook January 29, 2009
MacBook Aluminum Unibody (Late 2008) MacBook June 8, 2009
MacBook Pro Aluminum (Late 2008) MacBook Pro June 8, 2009
MacBook Pro Unibody (Late 2008) MacBook Pro June 8, 2009
2009January 6, 2009 MacBook Pro Unibody 17" (Early 2009) MacBook Pro June 8, 2009
January 29, 2009 MacBook Polycarbonate White (Early 2009) MacBook May 27, 2009
March 3, 2009 iMac Aluminum (Early 2009) iMac October 20, 2009
Mac Mini Intel (Early 2009) Mac Mini October 20, 2009
Mac Pro Tower (Early 2009) Mac Pro August 9, 2010
MacBook Pro Unibody 15" (Early 2009) MacBook Pro June 8, 2009
April 7, 2009 iMac Aluminum (Mid 2009) iMac March 4, 2010
Xserve (Early 2009) Xserve January 31, 2011
May 27, 2009 MacBook Polycarbonate White (Mid 2009) MacBook October 20, 2009
June 8, 2009 MacBook Air Unibody (Mid 2009) MacBook Air September 1, 2010
MacBook Pro Unibody (Mid 2009) MacBook Pro April 13, 2010
October 20, 2009 iMac Unibody (Late 2009) iMac July 27, 2010
Mac Mini Intel (Late 2009) Mac Mini June 15, 2010
Mac Mini Intel Server (Late 2009) Mac Mini June 15, 2010
MacBook Polycarbonate Unibody (Late 2009) MacBook May 18, 2010


2010April 13, 2010 MacBook Pro Unibody (Mid 2010) MacBook Pro February 24, 2011
May 18, 2010 MacBook Polycarbonate Unibody (Mid 2010) MacBook July 20, 2011
June 15, 2010 Mac Mini Unibody (Mid 2010) Mac Mini July 20, 2011
Mac Mini Unibody Server (Mid 2010) Mac Mini July 20, 2011
July 27, 2010 iMac Unibody (Mid 2010) iMac May 3, 2011
August 9, 2010 Mac Pro Tower (Mid 2010) Mac Pro June 11, 2012
October 20, 2010 MacBook Air Tapered Unibody (Late 2010) MacBook Air July 20, 2011
2011February 24, 2011 MacBook Pro Unibody (Early 2011) MacBook Pro October 24, 2011
May 3, 2011 iMac Unibody (Mid 2011) iMac October 23, 2012
July 20, 2011 MacBook Air Tapered Unibody (Mid 2011) MacBook Air June 11, 2012
Mac Mini Unibody (Mid 2011) Mac Mini October 23, 2012
Mac Mini Unibody Server (Mid 2011) Mac Mini October 23, 2012
August 8, 2011 iMac Unibody (Late 2011) iMac March 5, 2013
October 24, 2011 MacBook Pro Unibody (Late 2011) MacBook Pro June 11, 2012
2012June 11, 2012 Mac Pro Tower (Mid 2012) Mac Pro December 19, 2013
MacBook Air Tapered Unibody (Mid 2012) MacBook Air June 10, 2013
MacBook Pro Unibody (Mid 2012) MacBook Pro October 27, 2016
MacBook Pro Retina (Mid 2012) MacBook Pro February 13, 2013
October 23, 2012 iMac Slim Unibody (Late 2012) iMac October 23, 2013
Mac Mini Unibody (Late 2012) Mac Mini October 16, 2014
Mac Mini Unibody Server (Late 2012) Mac Mini October 16, 2014
MacBook Pro Retina (Late 2012) MacBook Pro February 13, 2013
2013February 13, 2013 MacBook Pro Retina (Early 2013) MacBook Pro October 22, 2013
March 5, 2013 iMac Slim Unibody (Early 2013) iMac September 24, 2013
June 10, 2013 MacBook Air Tapered Unibody (Mid 2013) MacBook Air April 29, 2014
September 24, 2013 iMac Slim Unibody (Late 2013) iMac June 18, 2014
October 22, 2013 MacBook Pro Retina (Late 2013) MacBook Pro July 29, 2014
December 19, 2013 Mac Pro Cylinder (Late 2013) Mac Pro June 3, 2019
2014April 29, 2014 MacBook Air Tapered Unibody (Early 2014) MacBook Air March 9, 2015
June 18, 2014 iMac Slim Unibody (Mid 2014) iMac October 13, 2015
July 29, 2014 MacBook Pro Retina (Mid 2014) MacBook Pro March 9, 2015
October 16, 2014 iMac Retina (Late 2014) iMac May 19, 2015
Mac Mini Unibody (Late 2014) Mac Mini October 30, 2018
2015March 9, 2015 MacBook Air Tapered Unibody (Early 2015) MacBook Air June 5, 2017
MacBook Pro Retina (Early 2015) MacBook Pro June 5, 2017 [1]
April 10, 2015 MacBook Retina (Early 2015) MacBook April 19, 2016
May 19, 2015 iMac Retina (Mid 2015) iMac October 13, 2015
MacBook Pro Retina (Mid 2015) MacBook Pro July 12, 2018
October 13, 2015 iMac Slim Unibody (Late 2015) iMac June 5, 2017
iMac Retina (Late 2015) iMac June 5, 2017
2016April 20, 2016 MacBook Retina (Early 2016) MacBook June 5, 2017
October 27, 2016 MacBook Pro Butterfly kbd (Late 2016) MacBook Pro June 5, 2017
November 12, 2016 MacBook Pro Butterfly kbd (Late 2016) MacBook Pro June 5, 2017
2017June 5, 2017 MacBook Retina (2017) [2] MacBook July 9, 2019 [3]
MacBook Air Tapered Unibody (2017) [2] MacBook Air July 9, 2019
MacBook Pro Butterfly kbd (2017) [2] MacBook Pro July 9, 2019 [4]
MacBook Pro Butterfly kbd (2017) [2] MacBook Pro July 12, 2018
iMac Slim Unibody (2017) iMac October 30, 2021
iMac Retina (2017) iMac March 19, 2019
December 14, 2017 iMac Pro [2] iMac Pro March 5, 2021
2018July 12, 2018 MacBook Pro (2018) MacBook Pro May 21, 2019
October 30, 2018 Mac Mini (2018) Mac Mini January 17, 2023
MacBook Air (13-inch, Retina, 2018) MacBook Air July 9, 2019
2019March 19, 2019 [5] iMac (Retina, 2019) [6] iMac [6] April 20, 2021 [7] [8]
May 21, 2019 MacBook Pro (15-inch, 2019) MacBook Pro November 13, 2019
MacBook Pro (13-inch, Four Thunderbolt, 2019) MacBook Pro May 4, 2020
July 9, 2019 MacBook Pro (13-inch, Two Thunderbolt, 2019) MacBook Pro May 4, 2020
July 9, 2019 MacBook Air (Retina, 13-inch, 2019) MacBook Air March 18, 2020
November 13, 2019 MacBook Pro (16-inch, 2019) MacBook Pro October 18, 2021
December 10, 2019 Mac Pro (2019) Mac Pro June 5, 2023


2020March 18, 2020 MacBook Air (Retina, 13-inch, 2020) MacBook Air November 10, 2020
May 4, 2020 MacBook Pro (13-inch, Two Thunderbolt, 2020) MacBook Pro November 10, 2020
MacBook Pro (13-inch, Four Thunderbolt, 2020) MacBook Pro October 18, 2021
June 22, 2020 Developer Transition Kit (2020) Mac Mini February 3, 2021
August 4, 2020 iMac (Retina 5K, 27-inch, 2020) iMac March 8, 2022
November 10, 2020 Mac Mini (M1, 2020) Mac Mini January 17, 2023
MacBook Air (M1, 2020) MacBook Air March 4, 2024
MacBook Pro (13-inch, M1, 2020) MacBook Pro June 6, 2022
2021April 30, 2021 [9] iMac (24-inch, M1, 2021) [10] iMac October 30, 2023
October 18, 2021 MacBook Pro (14-inch, 2021) MacBook Pro January 17, 2023
MacBook Pro (16-inch, 2021) MacBook Pro January 17, 2023
2022March 18, 2022 Mac Studio (2022) Mac Studio June 5, 2023
June 24, 2022 MacBook Pro (13-inch, M2, 2022) MacBook Pro October 30, 2023
July 15, 2022 MacBook Air (M2, 2022) MacBook Air Current
2023January 24, 2023 Mac Mini (2023) Mac Mini October 29, 2024
MacBook Pro (14-inch, 2023) MacBook Pro October 30, 2023
MacBook Pro (16-inch, 2023) MacBook Pro October 30, 2023
June 13, 2023 MacBook Air (15-inch, M2, 2023) MacBook Air March 4, 2024
Mac Studio (2023) Mac Studio Current
Mac Pro (2023) Mac Pro Current
November 7, 2023 iMac (24-inch, 2023) iMac October 28, 2024
MacBook Pro (14-inch, Nov 2023) MacBook Pro October 30, 2024
MacBook Pro (16-inch, Nov 2023) MacBook Pro October 30, 2024
March 8, 2024 MacBook Air (13-inch, M3, 2024) MacBook Air Current
MacBook Air (15-inch, M3, 2024) MacBook Air Current
November 8, 2024 iMac (24-inch, 2024) iMac Current
Mac Mini (2024) Mac Mini Current
MacBook Pro (14-inch, 2024) MacBook Pro Current
MacBook Pro (16-inch, 2024) MacBook Pro Current

See also


  1. 1 2 3 4 5 Not a Macintosh, but included here for comparison and completeness.

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<span class="mw-page-title-main">MacBook Pro</span> Line of notebook computer

The MacBook Pro is a line of Mac laptop computers developed and manufactured by Apple. Introduced in 2006, it is the high-end sibling of the MacBook family, sitting above the ultra-portable MacBook Air and previously the low-end MacBook. It is currently sold with 14-inch and 16-inch screens, all using Apple M-series chips. Before Apple silicon, the MacBook Pro used Intel chips, and was the first laptop made by Apple to do so, replacing the earlier PowerBook. It was also the first Apple laptop to carry the MacBook moniker.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">Target Disk Mode</span> Boot mode on certain Macintosh computers

Target Disk Mode is a boot mode unique to Macintosh computers.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">MacBook</span> Line of laptop computers by Apple

MacBook is a brand of Mac notebook computers developed and marketed by Apple that use Apple's macOS operating system since 2006. The MacBook brand replaced the PowerBook and iBook brands during the Mac transition to Intel processors, announced in 2005. The current lineup consists of the MacBook Air (2008–present) and the MacBook Pro (2006–present). Two different lines simply named "MacBook" existed from 2006 to 2012 and 2015 to 2019. The MacBook brand was the "world's top-selling line of premium laptops" as of 2015.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">Mac (computer)</span> Family of personal computers made by Apple

Mac is a family of personal computers designed and marketed by Apple since 1984. The name is short for Macintosh, a reference to a type of apple called McIntosh. The current product lineup includes the MacBook Air and MacBook Pro laptops, and the iMac, Mac Mini, Mac Studio, and Mac Pro desktops. Macs are sold with Apple's proprietary macOS operating system, which is not licensed to other manufacturers and exclusively bundled with Mac computers.

iMac Line of all-in-one desktop computers by Apple Inc.

The iMac is a series of all-in-one computers from Apple Inc. operating on the MacOS. Introduced by Steve Jobs in August 1998 when the company was financially troubled, the computer was an inexpensive, consumer-oriented computer that would easily connect to the Internet. Since that time, it has remained a primary part of Apple's consumer desktop offerings and evolved through seven distinct forms.

Apple Inc. products has had various design motifs since its inception. Recent motifs were mainly developed under the collaboration of Steve Jobs and Jony Ive beginning in 1997, radically altering the previous Apple computer designs.

The Macintosh startup sequence for Apple Macintosh computers includes hardware tests and diagnostics which can trigger the startup chimes and/or other instances of success or failure of the startup routines.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">Apple M1</span> Series of systems-on-a-chip designed by Apple, launched 2020 to 2022

Apple M1 is a series of ARM-based system-on-a-chip (SoC) designed by Apple Inc., launched 2020 to 2022. It is part of the Apple silicon series, as a central processing unit (CPU) and graphics processing unit (GPU) for its Mac desktops and notebooks, and the iPad Pro and iPad Air tablets. The M1 chip initiated Apple's third change to the instruction set architecture used by Macintosh computers, switching from Intel to Apple silicon fourteen years after they were switched from PowerPC to Intel, and twenty-six years after the transition from the original Motorola 68000 series to PowerPC. At the time of its introduction in 2020, Apple said that the M1 had "the world's fastest CPU core in low power silicon" and the world's best CPU performance per watt. Its successor, Apple M2, was announced on June 6, 2022, at Worldwide Developers Conference (WWDC).

<span class="mw-page-title-main">MacBook Pro (Apple silicon)</span> Current line of high-end notebook computers by Apple

The MacBook Pro with Apple silicon is a line of Mac notebook computers first introduced in November 2020 by Apple. It is the higher-end model of the MacBook family, sitting above the consumer-focused MacBook Air, and is currently sold with 14-inch and 16-inch screens. All models use Apple-designed M series systems on a chip.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">MacBook Pro (Intel-based)</span> Line of notebook computers

The Intel-based MacBook Pro is a discontinued line of Macintosh notebook computers sold by Apple Inc. from 2006 to 2021. It was the higher-end model of the MacBook family, sitting above the low-end plastic MacBook and the ultra-portable MacBook Air, and was sold with 13-inch to 17-inch screens.



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