"},"note1":{"wt":"{{nihongo2|「ぽ」ドラマ}} ''\"Po\" Dorama''"},"title1":{"wt":"'Po' Drama"},"length1":{"wt":"1:00"},"note2":{"wt":"{{nihongo2|オープニング〜♪}} ''Ōpuningu~♪''"},"title2":{"wt":"Opening ♪"},"length2":{"wt":"1:59"},"note3":{"wt":"{{nihongo2|驚きの携帯電話}} ''Odoroki no Keitai Denwa''"},"title3":{"wt":"Amazing Mobile Phones"},"length3":{"wt":"0:55"},"note4":{"wt":"{{nihongo2|まいまいといっしょに...ぽぽぽっぽっ♪}} ''Maimai to Issho ni... Popopoppo♪''"},"title4":{"wt":"Maimai together with... Popopoppo♪"},"length4":{"wt":"2:23"},"note5":{"wt":"{{nihongo2|ぽぽぽ愛の劇場「ぽぽたんを探せ!」前編}}"},"title5":{"wt":"''Popopo Love's Theater \"Search for the Popotan\" First Half''"},"length5":{"wt":"3:11"},"note6":{"wt":"{{nihongo2|The 絶叫☆スペシャル まいまいの場合}} ''The Zekkyou ☆ Supesharu Maimai no Baai''"},"title6":{"wt":"The Amazing ☆ Spectacular Maimai's Case"},"length6":{"wt":"1:47"},"note7":{"wt":"{{nihongo2|The 絶叫☆スペシャル さやさやの場合}} ''The Zekkyou ☆ Supesharu Sayasaya no Baai''"},"title7":{"wt":"The Amazing ☆ Spectacular Sayasaya's Case"},"length7":{"wt":"1:18"},"note8":{"wt":"{{nihongo2|The 絶叫☆スペシャル ももーいの場合}} ''The Zekkyou ☆ Supesharu Momoi no Baai''"},"title8":{"wt":"The Amazing ☆ Spectacular Momoi's Case"},"length8":{"wt":"1:14"},"note9":{"wt":"{{nihongo2|The 絶叫☆スペシャル ますみんの場合}} ''The Zekkyou ☆ Supesharu Masumin no Baai''"},"title9":{"wt":"The Amazing ☆ Spectacular Masumin's Case"},"length9":{"wt":"1:28"},"note10":{"wt":"{{nihongo2|ぽぽぽ愛の劇場「ぽぽたんを探せ!」後編}} ''Popopo Ai no Gekijō 'Popotan o Sagase!' Kōhen''"},"title10":{"wt":"Popopo Love's Theater \"Search for the Popotan!\" Second Half"},"length10":{"wt":"9:00"},"note11":{"wt":"{{nihongo2|健康食品「ピコピコピーピー」}} ''Kenkō Shokuhin 'Pikopikopiipii{{'}}''"},"title11":{"wt":"Health Food 'Pikopikopiipii'"},"length11":{"wt":"1:18"},"note12":{"wt":"{{nihongo2|ぽぽぽっ、ぽぽっぽぽ}}"},"title12":{"wt":"''Popopo, Popoppopo''"},"length12":{"wt":"0:45"},"note13":{"wt":"{{nihongo2|ぽぽらじ傑作選(さやさや編)}} ''Poporaji Kessakusen (Sayasaya Hen)''"},"title13":{"wt":"Poporaji Selected Masterpieces (Sayasaya Chapter)"},"length13":{"wt":"0:59"},"note14":{"wt":"{{nihongo2|ぽぽらじ傑作選(さやさや編)}} ''Poporaji Kessakusen (Masumin Hen)''"},"title14":{"wt":"Poporaji Selected Masterpieces (Masumin Chapter)"},"length14":{"wt":"1:10"},"note15":{"wt":"{{nihongo2|ぽぽらじ傑作選(さやさや編)}} ''Poporaji Kessakusen (Momoi Hen)''"},"title15":{"wt":"Poporaji Selected Masterpieces (Momoi Chapter)"},"length15":{"wt":"0:43"},"note16":{"wt":"{{nihongo2|ぽぽぽぽっ、ぽっぽぽぽ}}"},"title16":{"wt":"''Popopopo, Poppopopo''"},"length16":{"wt":"1:02"},"note17":{"wt":"{{nihongo2|「ぽぽぽ不動産」}} ''\"Popopo Fudōsan\"''"},"title17":{"wt":"'Popopo Real Estate'"},"length17":{"wt":"1:06"},"note18":{"wt":"{{nihongo2|まんが日本ぽぽぽ話「ぽぽ太郎」}} ''Manga Nippon Popopo Hanashi \"Popotarō\"''"},"title18":{"wt":"Manga Japan Popopo Story '[[Momotarō|Popotarō]]'"},"length18":{"wt":"8:44"},"note19":{"wt":"{{nihongo2|「ぽぽぽ学習塾」}} ''Popopo Gakushū Juku''"},"title19":{"wt":"Popopo Prep School"},"length19":{"wt":"1:18"},"note20":{"wt":"{{nihongo2|エンディング〜♪}} ''Endingu~♪''"},"title20":{"wt":"Ending♪"},"length20":{"wt":"1:10"},"note21":{"wt":"{{nihongo2|第1話 ぽぽたん撮影記録}} ''Dai Ichiwa Popotan Satsuei Kiroku''"},"title21":{"wt":"1st Story: Popotan Photographic Record"},"length21":{"wt":"6:53"},"note22":{"wt":"{{nihongo2|第2話 みいたんに毛がはえた?}} ''Dai Niwa Mii-tan ni Ke ga haeta?''"},"title22":{"wt":"2nd Story: Does Mii's Hair Shine?"},"length22":{"wt":"5:32"},"note23":{"wt":"{{nihongo2|第3話 セントぽぽたん学園}} ''Dai Sanwa Sento Popotan Gakuen''"},"title23":{"wt":"3rd Story: St. Popotan School"},"length23":{"wt":"5:59"},"note24":{"wt":"{{nihongo2|第4話 逆転裁判}} ''Dai Yonwa Gyakuten Saiban''"},"title24":{"wt":"4th Story: [[Phoenix Wright|Turnabout Trial]]"},"length24":{"wt":"5:22"},"note25":{"wt":"{{nihongo2|第5話 ぽぽたんのトラ}} ''Dai Gowa Popotan no Tora''"},"title25":{"wt":"5th Story: Popotan's Tiger"},"length25":{"wt":"5:45"},"note26":{"wt":"{{nihongo2|第6話 チャイルドプレイ}} ''Dai Rokuwa Chairudo Purei''"},"title26":{"wt":"6th Story: Child Play"},"length26":{"wt":"5:15"},"note27":{"wt":"{{nihongo2|待て次回!!次回予告!!}} ''Mate Jikai!! Jikai Yokoku!!''"},"title27":{"wt":"Wait for the Next Installment!! Preview of the Next Installment!!"},"length27":{"wt":"1:47"}},"i":0}}]}" id="mwmQ">
No. | Title | Length |
1. | "'Po' Drama" (「ぽ」ドラマ"Po" Dorama) | 1:00 |
2. | "Opening ♪" (オープニング〜♪Ōpuningu~♪) | 1:59 |
3. | "Amazing Mobile Phones" (驚きの携帯電話Odoroki no Keitai Denwa) | 0:55 |
4. | "Maimai together with... Popopoppo♪" (まいまいといっしょに...ぽぽぽっぽっ♪Maimai to Issho ni... Popopoppo♪) | 2:23 |
5. | "Popopo Love's Theater "Search for the Popotan" First Half" (ぽぽぽ愛の劇場「ぽぽたんを探せ!」前編) | 3:11 |
6. | "The Amazing ☆ Spectacular Maimai's Case" (The 絶叫☆スペシャル まいまいの場合The Zekkyou ☆ Supesharu Maimai no Baai) | 1:47 |
7. | "The Amazing ☆ Spectacular Sayasaya's Case" (The 絶叫☆スペシャル さやさやの場合The Zekkyou ☆ Supesharu Sayasaya no Baai) | 1:18 |
8. | "The Amazing ☆ Spectacular Momoi's Case" (The 絶叫☆スペシャル ももーいの場合The Zekkyou ☆ Supesharu Momoi no Baai) | 1:14 |
9. | "The Amazing ☆ Spectacular Masumin's Case" (The 絶叫☆スペシャル ますみんの場合The Zekkyou ☆ Supesharu Masumin no Baai) | 1:28 |
10. | "Popopo Love's Theater "Search for the Popotan!" Second Half" (ぽぽぽ愛の劇場「ぽぽたんを探せ!」後編Popopo Ai no Gekijō 'Popotan o Sagase!' Kōhen) | 9:00 |
11. | "Health Food 'Pikopikopiipii'" (健康食品「ピコピコピーピー」Kenkō Shokuhin 'Pikopikopiipii') | 1:18 |
12. | "Popopo, Popoppopo" (ぽぽぽっ、ぽぽっぽぽ) | 0:45 |
13. | "Poporaji Selected Masterpieces (Sayasaya Chapter)" (ぽぽらじ傑作選(さやさや編)Poporaji Kessakusen (Sayasaya Hen)) | 0:59 |
14. | "Poporaji Selected Masterpieces (Masumin Chapter)" (ぽぽらじ傑作選(さやさや編)Poporaji Kessakusen (Masumin Hen)) | 1:10 |
15. | "Poporaji Selected Masterpieces (Momoi Chapter)" (ぽぽらじ傑作選(さやさや編)Poporaji Kessakusen (Momoi Hen)) | 0:43 |
16. | "Popopopo, Poppopopo" (ぽぽぽぽっ、ぽっぽぽぽ) | 1:02 |
17. | "'Popopo Real Estate'" (「ぽぽぽ不動産」"Popopo Fudōsan") | 1:06 |
18. | "Manga Japan Popopo Story 'Popotarō'" (まんが日本ぽぽぽ話「ぽぽ太郎」Manga Nippon Popopo Hanashi "Popotarō") | 8:44 |
19. | "Popopo Prep School" (「ぽぽぽ学習塾」Popopo Gakushū Juku) | 1:18 |
20. | "Ending♪" (エンディング〜♪Endingu~♪) | 1:10 |
21. | "1st Story: Popotan Photographic Record" (第1話 ぽぽたん撮影記録Dai Ichiwa Popotan Satsuei Kiroku) | 6:53 |
22. | "2nd Story: Does Mii's Hair Shine?" (第2話 みいたんに毛がはえた?Dai Niwa Mii-tan ni Ke ga haeta?) | 5:32 |
23. | "3rd Story: St. Popotan School" (第3話 セントぽぽたん学園Dai Sanwa Sento Popotan Gakuen) | 5:59 |
24. | "4th Story: Turnabout Trial" (第4話 逆転裁判Dai Yonwa Gyakuten Saiban) | 5:22 |
25. | "5th Story: Popotan's Tiger" (第5話 ぽぽたんのトラDai Gowa Popotan no Tora) | 5:45 |
26. | "6th Story: Child Play" (第6話 チャイルドプレイDai Rokuwa Chairudo Purei) | 5:15 |
27. | "Wait for the Next Installment!! Preview of the Next Installment!!" (待て次回!!次回予告!!Mate Jikai!! Jikai Yokoku!!) | 1:47 |
Total length: | 1:19:03 [16] |
No. | Title | Length |
1. | "'Po' Drama" (「ぽ」ドラマ"Po" Dorama) | 0:27 |
2. | "Opening ♪" (オープニング〜♪Ōpuningu♪) | 2:31 |
3. | "Rapid Chacha Time!" (ずんずんチャチャタイーム!Zunzun Chacha Taīmu!) | 0:46 |
4. | "The King has the Donkey's Popo: Explanation" (王様のぽぽは、ロバのぽぽ 説明Ōsama no Popo wa, Roba no Popo Setsumei) | 1:36 |
5. | "The King has the Donkey's Popo: Sayaka Ohara's Compilation" (王様のぽぽは、ロバのぽぽ 大原さやか編Ōsama no Popo wa, Roba no Popo Ōhara Sayaka Hen) | 7:13 |
6. | "The King has the Donkey's Popo: Masumi Asano's Compilation" (王様のぽぽは、ロバのぽぽ 浅野真澄編Ōsama no Popo wa, Roba no Popo Asano Masumi Hen) | 4:18 |
7. | "The King has the Donkey's Popo: Haruko Momoi's Compilation" (王様のぽぽは、ロバのぽぽ 桃井はるこ編Ōsama no Popo wa, Roba no Popo Momoi Haruko Hen) | 6:36 |
8. | "The King has the Donkey's Popo: Mai Kadowaki's Compilation" (王様のぽぽは、ロバのぽぽ 門脇舞編Ōsama no Popo wa, Roba no Popo Kadowaki Mai Hen) | 5:34 |
9. | "Ending♪" (エンディング〜♪Endingu~♪) | 3:54 |
10. | "The Drama Begins~♪" (ドラマ始まるよ〜♪Dorama Hajimaru yo~♪) | 0:11 |
12. | "Popotan RPG" (RPGぽぽたんRPG Popotan) | 5:13 |
13. | "Mission Impossible" (ミッションインポッシブルMisshon Inposshiburu) | 5:30 |
14. | "Aphrodisiac..." (媚薬...Biyaku...) | 5:53 |
15. | "Sister Princess" (しすたーぷりんせすShisutā Purinsesu) | 5:53 |
16. | "Popopo Quiz" (クイズぽぽぽネアKuizu Popopo Nea) | 5:12 |
Total length: | 1:05:06 [19] |
Album | Release date | Label | Format | Oricon peak chart position | Print run total |
"Popotan Maxi Single" | December 28, 2002 | Petit Ferret (GRW0212-2) | CD | 2000 | |
"Poporaji no Uta" | June 27, 2003 | Bandai Visual (BCBA-1665) | Mini-CD | 10, 000 | |
Popotan e. p. | August 6, 2003 | Lantis (LACM-4099) | CD | 68 | |
Popo Music | November 27, 2003 | Lantis (LACM-5239) | CD | ||
It's a Popo Time | November 6, 2003 | Lantis (LACM-5216) | CD | 296 | |
Poporaji-like CD | September 26, 2003 | Lantis (LACA-5201) | CD | ||
Poporaji-like CD2 | February 25, 2004 | Lantis (LACA-5262) | CD |
Under17 later re-released their songs from the visual novel, anime, and "Popotan Kiss" from Poporaji in their "Best" albums. "Say It! Popotan", "Answer", and "Magical Mii's Pong" are all released on Under17 Best Album 1: Pretty Girl Game Love Songs (Under17 Best Album1 美少女ゲームソングに愛を!!, Under17 Best Album1 Bishōjo Geemu Songu ni ai o), which appeared twice on the Oricon charts, peaking at number 93. [21] [22] "Catching the Popotan Field" and "Popotan Kiss" from the anime and radio drama respectively have been released in the second volume, Under17 Best Album 2: Thoroughly Investigating Moe Songs (Under17 Best Album2 萌えソングをきわめるゾ!, Under17 Best Album2 Moe Songu o Kiwameru zo!), and appeared twice on the Oricon charts, peaking at number 50. [23] [24] "Say It! Popotan", "Answer" and "Popotan Kiss" were also re-released in Under17's final "Best" album, Under17 Best Album 3: And Thus to Legend... (Under17 Best Album3 そして伝説へ..., Under17 Best Album3 Soshite Densetsu e...), which ranked three times on the Oricon charts, peaking at number 58. [25] [26]
"Say It! Popotan", "Searching in the Field of Popotan", "Popotan Kiss", and "Answer" were later sung during Under17's live tour, which was later released on DVD, Under17 First Live Tour: Final And Thus to Legend... (Under17 First Live Tour Final そして伝説へ..., Under17 First Live Tour Final Soshite Densetsu he...). [27]
Popotan is a Japanese adult visual novel developed by Petit Ferret with character designs by Akio Watanabe under the alias Poyoyon Rock. It was originally released as a PC game for CD-ROM on December 13, 2002, and subsequently re-released on DVD-ROM and for the PlayStation 2 with certain scenes removed. The title Popotan is a nonsensical word meant to reflect the prominence of dandelions, spelled tanpopo (たんぽぽ) in Japanese; Petit Ferret also produced a fan disc shortly before the DVD-ROM re-release. Popotan has been adapted to other media, including a novel series by Sassami Yachiruda; a manga series by Yūjiro Izumi; a twelve episode anime television series directed by Shinichiro Kimura, animated by Shaft, and licensed in North America by Geneon USA and later, Sentai Filmworks; a radio drama (Poporaji); and several art and reference books.
Under17 was a Japanese musical duo formed in 2001 by Haruko Momoi and Masaya Koike. The group was known for producing music known colloquially as "moe songs", providing theme and insert songs to series such as Tenbatsu! Angel Rabbie, Popotan, and DearS.
Kashimashi: Girl Meets Girl is a Japanese yuri manga series written by Satoru Akahori and illustrated by Yukimaru Katsura. The manga was originally serialized in Dengeki Daioh between the July 2004 and May 2007 issues, and later published in five bound volumes by MediaWorks from January 2005 to May 2007. The story focuses on Hazumu Osaragi, a normal, albeit effeminate high school boy who is killed when an alien spaceship crash lands on him, only to be restored to health as a girl. This results in a same-sex love triangle that Hazumu finds herself in with two of her best female friends.
Aya Hirano is a Japanese actress and singer. Beginning in the entertainment industry as a child actor in television commercials, she appeared in her first voice acting role in the anime television series Angel Tales (2001).
JAM Project are a Japanese anison band founded on July 19, 2000, by anison singer Ichirou Mizuki. The band is composed of many vocal artists well known in the anime music industry. Aside from the many anime, tokusatsu, and video game theme songs the band has performed together, each member is famous for their own solo performances of Japanese theme songs. JAM Project is known to worldwide audiences for their theme music contributions to Garo and One-Punch Man.
Kodomo no Jikan is a Japanese manga series written and illustrated by Kaworu Watashiya. The story revolves around a grade school teacher named Daisuke Aoki, whose main problem is that one of his students, Rin Kokonoe, has a crush on him. It was serialized between May 2005 and April 2013 in Futabasha's Comic High! magazine and is compiled in 13 volumes. At one time, an English-language version of the manga was licensed by Seven Seas Entertainment for distribution in North America under the title Nymphet, but they ultimately decided not to publish it due to controversies over its content. It was then relicensed by Digital Manga, who released the series in English through e-book.
Aira Yūki is a female Japanese singer signed to the record label Lantis. She began her career in 2007 and since then has primarily sung songs that were used for theme music in anime. She released her debut album Reflection on July 2, 2008. Her second album Eternalize. was released on June 9, 2010.
Aki Toyosaki is a Japanese actress and singer. She had her first major voice acting roles in 2007, voicing Amuro Ninagawa in Kenkō Zenrakei Suieibu Umishō and Su in Shugo Chara!. She was named "Best New Actress" at the 4th Seiyu Awards in 2010 for her role as Yui Hirasawa in K-On! and Kana Nakamachi in Kanamemo, and received the "Best Lead Actress" and "Best Personality" awards at the 5th Seiyu Awards in 2011.
The discography of Eufonius, a progressive pop rock band from Japan, consists of 18 studio albums, 1 compilation album, 27 singles, and 1 music video. Eufonius' vocalist Riya and keyboardist Hajime Kikuchi originally produced independent music individually, but after a chance meeting on the Internet in 2003, the two formed Eufonius. The duo independently released their self-titled debut album Eufonius (2003) at the M3 dōjin music convention, followed by their independently released debut single "Guruguru" (2004) also at M3. Eufonius made their major debut on King with their second single "Habataku Mirai" (2004), which appeared on their major debut album Subarashiki Sekai (2006). "Habataku Mirai" was the first release by Eufonius to chart on the Japanese Oricon charts, peaking at No. 80. The band's highest charting single is "Hiyoku no Hane" (2010), which peaked at No. 16.
The discography of the voice actress and J-pop singer Nana Mizuki consists of 13 studio albums, 3 compilation albums, 42 singles, 24 video releases, over 60 official music videos, and over 100 other appearances. The first release with Mizuki as a singer was the "Girl's Age" image song single in 1998 for the fictional character Chisato Kadokura from the NOëL video game series. Mizuki would not release her debut single "Omoi" until 2000, which was followed by two more singles and her debut album Supersonic Girl in 2001. Supersonic Girl was Mizuki's first release to chart on the Japanese Oricon albums chart, peaking at No. 60. Mizuki released one album a year for the next three years, starting with Magic Attraction (2002), followed by Dream Skipper (2003), and Alive & Kicking (2004). "Innocent Starter" (2004), one of two singles from Alive & Kicking, was her first single to reach the top 10 Oricon singles chart, peaking at No. 9.
ChouCho is a Japanese singer from Osaka Prefecture and is signed to Lantis.
Chime is the third studio album from Yuki Saito, released on October 21, 1986 by Canyon Records. It reached #2 on the Oricon charts. The original LP release contained ten songs, though the CD released at the same time had two additional songs: "Aozora no Kakera" and "Yubiwa Monogatari", both from the "Aozora no Kakera" single release earlier that year.
"Irohanihoheto" (いろはにほへと), also known by its French title "Les Couleurs Chantent", is a song by Japanese musician Ringo Sheena. It was initially released digitally on April 30, 2013, and on May 27 released as one of the A-sides of her 14th single, along with the song "Kodoku no Akatsuki". The release date was the 15th anniversary of the release of Sheena's debut single "Kōfukuron" in 1998. The song was used as the theme song for the drama Kamo, Kyōto e Iku.: Shinise Ryokan no Okami Nikki.
Summerdelics is the fourteenth studio album by Japanese pop rock band Glay, released on July 12, 2017. It was released in three versions: the regular edition with the album, a special edition with the album and two live DVDs, and another special edition with the album, four live albums and three blue rays.
Kirarin Revolution is a Japanese manga series that was adapted into an animated series from 2006 to 2009. Music for the series was managed by Up-Front Works and released under the Zetima label. Throughout its run, the show has released three studio albums, two live albums, one compilation album, nine video singles, eleven singles, five soundtrack albums, and twelve music videos.
428: Shibuya Scramble is a visual novel video game developed by Chunsoft and published by Sega. The game was released in 2008, and spawned the sequel anime series Canaan, created by Type-Moon and animated by P.A. Works and aired in 2009. The music of 428: Shibuya Scramble and Canaan spans two soundtrack albums, four singles, and one character song album.
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