List of Roman imperial victory titles

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This is a list of victory titles assumed by Roman Emperors, not including assumption of the title Imperator (originally itself a victory title); note that the Roman Emperors were not the only persons to assume victory titles (Maximinus Thrax acquired his victory title during the reign of a previous Emperor). In a sense, the Imperial victory titles give an interesting summary of which wars and which adversaries were considered significant by the senior leadership of the Roman Empire, but in some cases more opportunistic motifs play a role, even to the point of glorifying a victory that was by no means a real triumph (but celebrated as one for internal political prestige).


Multiple grants of the same title were distinguished by ordinals, e.g. Germanicus Maximus IV, "great victor in Germania for the fourth time".


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  2. 1 2 Rösch 1978, p. 165
  3. Rösch 1978, p. 167
  4. Rösch 1978, p. 168
  5. Rösch 1978, p. 169
  6. Walter Kaegi (2003), Heraclius, Emperor of Byzantium (Cambridge University Press, 2003), p. 164.
  7. Panov, Mitko (2022). "Ideology Behind the Naming: On the Origin of Basil II's Appellation 'Scythicus'". Studia Ceranea. 12: 739–750. doi:10.18778/2084-140X.12.02.
  8. A. A. Vasiliev (1936), The Goths in the Crimea (Cambridge MA: Mediaeval Academy of America), pp. 140–145.