List of Temeraire characters

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Temeraire is a series of novels by Naomi Novik, comprising His Majesty's Dragon (released as Temeraire in the United Kingdom), Throne of Jade , Black Powder War , Empire of Ivory , Victory of Eagles , Tongues of Serpents , Crucible of Gold , Blood of Tyrants , and League of Dragons . The novels are works of both fantasy and alternate history: they are "a reimagining of the epic events of the Napoleonic Wars with an air force — an air force of dragons, manned by crews of aviators". [1]


Major characters



Minor characters



  • Sipho: Brother of Demane. Both were made crew members on Temeraire in Empire of Ivory and Victory of Eagles. Becomes an author later in life, penning books on his native Africa, as well as on his travels in Australia.



  • Admiral Powys: Head of the Aerial Corps.
  • Albert, Lord Seymour: Henry Ferris' brother.
  • Bertram Woolvey: Marries Edith Galman, Laurence's former fiancée. Killed assisting Laurence and Tharkay to retrieve Iskierka and Granby in London after their capture by the French during the occupation.
  • Broughton
  • Captain Portland: Laetificat's companion.
  • Captain Richard Clark
  • Captain Sutton: Companion to Messoria.
  • Colonel Prayle: Marine colonel.
  • Dr. Harrow: Dragon surgeon.
  • Dr. Wapping: Dragon surgeon.
  • Edith Galman: Engaged to Laurence until his situation changed and he became part of the Aerial Corps. Married Bertram Woolvey.
  • Hollin: Former ground-crew master for Captain Laurence. Becomes companion to the Winchester Elsie.
  • Jervis: Officer at the London covert. Oversees Temeraire during the hearing on Temeraire and Laurence's future.
  • Lady Catherine Seymour: Henry Ferris' mother.
  • Lady Seymour: Ferris' sister-in-law.
  • Lloyd: Crewmember serving under Captain Portland.
  • Lady Allendale: Captain Laurence's mother. Quietly supports Laurence, meets Temeraire and is quite taken with him. Writes to him on the side and later openly.
  • Lord Allendale: Captain Laurence's father. He disapproves of Laurence's career in the Navy and nearly disowns him when informed of his son's transition to the Aerial Corps. Supporter of the abolitionist movement.
  • Lady Wrightley
  • Lord Wrightley
  • Marchioness of Carstoke: A guest at Temeraire's dinner.
  • Miss Lucas
  • Mr. Cutter: Carpenter at the London covert. Works on building the first draconic pavilion in Britain.
  • Mr. Royle: Carpenter at the London covert. Works on building the first draconic pavilion in Britain.
  • Mrs. Brantham
  • Patson: Officer in the Aerial Corps. Gatekeeper to the London covert.
  • Richard Ferris: Officer in the Royal Navy.
  • Sanders: Crewmember serving under Captain Portland.
  • Wilpoys: Officer who is part of Lily's crew. Killed by Choiseul in his attempt to hijack Lily and Captain Harcourt for the French.


  • Captain Holt: East India Company Captain. Ship seized by the Imperial Throne for the mission to Britain to recover Temeraire.
  • Captain Greggson: East India Company Captain. Ship seized by the Imperial Throne for the mission to Britain to recover Temeraire.
  • Captain Mestis: East India Company Captain. Ship seized by the Imperial Throne for the mission to Britain to recover Temeraire.
  • Feng Li: Prince Yongxing's servant. Tries to kill Laurence twice, once on New Year's Day, once during a storm. Dies in the second attempt.
  • Gong Su: Cook serving Temeraire and Captain Laurence.
  • Jing Chao: Cook serving Temeraire and Captain Laurence. Disappears in the Taklamakan desert.
  • Li Honglin: Member of Yongxing's retinue.
  • Liu Bao: Elder of Prince Yongxing's lieutenants in the mission sent to Britain.
  • Major Heretford: Commander of the East India Company's private soldiery in China.
  • Miankai: Prince and possible heir to the Imperial Throne. Yongxing seeks to make him companion to Temeraire so he can become heir to the Throne in the event of the deaths of the Emperor and the Crown Prince.
  • Mianning: Eldest of Jiaqing Emperor's sons. Heir to the throne. Companion to Lung Tien Chuan, Temeraire's twin brother.
  • Sun Kai: One of Prince Yongxing's lieutenants in the foreign mission sent to Britain. Pro-Western and proves to be of aid in China. Serves as Prince Mianning's agent in Yongxing's retinue.
  • Ye Bing: Member of Yongxing's retinue.
  • Zhao Wei: Functionary for the Emperor. Negotiates with Hammond on the conditions in which the British are to behave while in Peking.


  • Avraam Maden: A banker in Istanbul.
  • Ertegün: Turkish Captain of the Guard.
  • Yarmouth: Secretary to Ambassador Arbuthnot. Disappears without a trace.
  • Hasan Mustafa Pasha: A vizier in service to the Sultan. Serves to keep the British occupied and locked away while they are in Istanbul.
  • Sara Maden: Daughter of Avraam Maden.


  • Colonel Richard Thorndyke: British liaison officer to the Prussian army.
  • Captain Dyhern: Companion to Eroica, a Prussian heavyweight. Captured by the French at Jena.
  • Lieutenant Badenhauer: Prussian officer assigned to Temeraire to fill out Laurence's crew. Injured saving Laurence's life during the Battle at Jena.
  • Captain Schleitz: Prussian dragon-captain.
  • Captain Schleimann: Prussian dragon-captain.
  • Captain Abend: Prussian dragon-captain.
  • Major Sieberling: Kalkreuth's second among the survivors of the evacuated Prussian officers from Danzig.

Temeraire's Crew

  • Allen
  • Baylesworth: Flight crew. Lieutenant. Dies during an avalanche in Central Asia.
  • Bell
  • Blythe: Armorer's mate.
  • Calloway
  • Digby: Flight crew. Promoted to midshipman. Falls to death, trying to save the Alaman egg in Istanbul.
  • Donnell: Topman killed in skirmish off the coast of France.
  • Dorset: Field Surgeon. Keynes' replacement.
  • Dunne: Midshipman
  • Dyer: Midshipman in Lawrence's ground crew. Serves as a runner.
  • Emily Roland: Initially serves on the ground crew as a runner, then ensign, then midwingman. Tapped to inherit Excidium's captaincy being the daughter of Captain Jane Roland.
  • Evans: Lieutenant. Serves as second officer. Sent home after seriously injured in skirmish off the coast of France.
  • Fellowes: Flight crew.
  • Gong Su: Cook
  • Henry Ferris: Lieutenant. Promoted from third officer to acting-second when Evans is sent home.
  • Hakley: Midshipman
  • Harley
  • Harper
  • Hollin: Harness master later promoted to captain on a Winchester
  • Keynes: Ground crew. A capable field surgeon who can operate on humans and dragons.
  • Lithgow
  • Macdonough: Flight crew. Dies in Turkestan.
  • Martin: Second Lieutenant.
  • Miggy: Topman killed in skirmish off the coast of France.
  • Morgan: Runner. Killed in skirmish off the coast of France.
  • Parker: Flight crew. Harness-man.
  • Portis
  • Pratt: Ground crew. Serves as armourer. Killed in Africa.
  • Quale: Midwingman. Dies saving Laurence during skirmish off the British coast.
  • Riggs: Lieutenant.
  • Salyer: Flight crew.
  • Therrows: Flight crew.
  • Turner: Signal-ensign.
  • Willoughby: Flight crew. Harness-man. Killed during the attack of the hunhun in China.
  • Winston

Aboard HMS Allegiance

  • Bassan: Crewman.
  • Bayne: Crewman.
  • Beckett: Lieutenant.
  • Chervis
  • Criggs: Crewman.
  • Cornell: Master-at-arms.
  • Doyle: Crewman killed by the sea-serpent.
  • Dyfydd
  • Eklof: Ship's carpenter.
  • Franks: Lieutenant. Third officer.
  • Garrett: Ship's master.
  • Harris: Main gunner. Killed in skirmish with a Fleur-de-Nuit.
  • Leddowes: Dies during a storm when attempting to help Laurence tie down Temeraire.
  • Lord Purbeck: first officer.
  • Pollitt: Ship's surgeon.
  • Macready: Lieutenant. Commander of the Marines on board.
  • Masterson
  • Reynolds: Midshipman. Petty antagonist to the Aviators, eaten by the sea-serpernt.
  • Sackler: Master's mate.
  • Tripp: Midshipman.


  • Captain Choiseul: Originally a French Royalist who fled France and Napoleon. Betrays Britain by becoming a spy and tries to kidnap Captain Harcourt and Lily to attempt to earn a pardon after not being able to recapture Temeraire's egg. Executed as a spy at Dover Covert, upsets the young dragons and his dragon Praecursoris gets sent to the British breeding grounds in Newfoundland.


  • Junichiro
  • Kaneko



  • Auctoritas: Victim of the dragon flu, flies in Excidiums formation
  • Caelifera: Victim of the dragon flu.
  • Celeritas: A Reaper in charge of training at the Loch Laggan covert, he has no captain, as his previous two died, and he refused the third.
  • Celoxia: Victim of the dragon flu.
  • Dulcia: Grey Copper serving at the Dover covert. Wing-dragon in Lily's formation. Captain Chenery is her companion.
  • Elsie: Winchester serving at the London covert. Hollin is her companion.
  • Excidium: Longwing. Formation leader stationed at Dover. Captain Jane Roland is his companion.
  • Excursius: Unknown Breed. All that is known is that John Granby served aboard him/her.
  • Felicitas: Victim of the dragon flu.
  • Fluitare: Victim of the dragon flu.
  • Inlacrimas: Victim of the dragon flu.
  • Immortalis: Yellow Reaper. Mid-weight dragon in Lily's formation. Captain Little is his companion.
  • Laetificat: Regal Copper. Admiral Portland is her companion.
  • Laudabilis: Victim of the dragon flu.
  • Majestatis: Member of the Pen Y Fan breeding grounds.
  • Mortiferus: Longwing stationed along the British Channel.
  • Minacitus: Victim of the dragon flu.
  • Nitidus: Pascal's Blue. Captain Warren is his companion. Wing-dragon in Lily's formation.
  • Obversaria: Anglewing. Admiral Lenton's dragon. Formation leader with over forty years of service. Victim of the dragon flu.
  • Perscitia: A dragon Temeraire meets in the breeding grounds, Pen Y Fan, very clever in mathematics and finds clever attack plans against the French.
  • Praecursoris: Chanson-de-Guerre. Sent to Newfoundland for breeding after his rider was executed for spying.
  • Prolixis: Victim of the dragon flu.
  • Repugnatis: Victim of the dragon flu.
  • Requiescat: Member of the Pen Y Fan breeding grounds.
  • Validius: Victim of the dragon flu.
  • Victoriatus: Parnassian. Injured in a skirmish and borne to Loch Laggan by Temeraire and Maximus. Victim of the dragon flu.


  • Lung Qin Gao: An Imperial dragon and Temeraire's sire.
  • Lung Qin Mei (or Mei): An Imperial. Serves Qian. Becomes enamoured of Temeraire during his stay in Peking.
  • Lung Qin Shu (or Shu): An Imperial. Serves Qian.
  • Lung Li Po: Historical dragon and Emperor. Author of poetry.
  • Lung Tien Chuan (or Chuan): A Celestial. Companion to the Imperial Heir, Prince Mianning. Older twin of Temeraire.
  • Lung Tien Ming (or Ming): A Celestial.
  • Lung Tien Qian (or Qian): A Celestial and mother of Temeraire. Aunt to Lien. Daughter of Xian.
  • Lung Tien Xian (or Xian): A Celestial. Referred to as Grandfather as he is both the oldest Celestial alive and the progenitor of the eight that live. Sire of Chu, companion to the Jiaqing Emperor, and Qian.
  • Lung Tien Zhi (or Zhi): A Celestial.
  • Lung Yu Ping (or Yu Ping): A Jade Dragon. Messenger dragon sent to inform Yongxing and Laurence that they are to head to Peking in all haste.


  • Arkady: Leader of a band of ferals, although not the strongest of the ferals, his charisma led to his high position.
  • Gherni: Scout and translator in Arkady's dragon-pack.
  • Molnar: One of Arkady's lieutenants.
  • Wringe: Another of Arkady's lieutenants.
  • Hertaz: Scout in Arkady's dragon-pack, his light colors let him ambush prey in grasslands near Istanbul.
  • Lester: Member of Arkady's group.


  • Accendare: Flamme-de-Gloire in service on the French coast. Her formation is involved in a skirmish with Lily's formation when attempting to sink a convoy of merchantmen.
  • Triumphalis: Grand Chevalier which ambushed Lily's formation near Dover. Triumphalis is called "one of France's most dangerous fighters."


  • Bezaid: A Kazilik in service to the Sultan. Father of Iskierka.
  • Sherazde: A Kazilik in service to the Sultan. Mother of Iskierka.


  • Eroica: A Prussian heavyweight Regal Copper, which is the largest type of dragon in the Temeraire series. Captured by the French along with his captain at Jena.

Dragons at Pen Y Fan Breeding Grounds

  • Requiescat
  • Majestatis
  • Chalcedony
  • Gladius
  • Cantarella
  • Moncey
  • Minnow
  • Gentius
  • Ballista
  • Reedly
  • Armatius
  • Palliatia
  • Velocitas
  • Fricatio
  • Rictus
  • Dirigion
  • Ventiosa


  • Lady Arikawa
  • Lord Jinai, a Sui Riu water dragon, and the "Guardian of the West".

Historical Figures

The fictional characters in the Temeraire series interact with fictionalized versions of actual historical figures, who can take on either major or minor roles in the story, or else are mentioned as indirect actors in the story background.

Major roles

Minor roles

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  1. "Temeraire: the official website of Naomi Novik". Archived from the original on 15 June 2006. Retrieved 9 June 2006.