List of URI schemes

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This article lists common URI schemes. A Uniform Resource Identifier helps identify a source without ambiguity. Many URI schemes are registered with the IANA; however, there exist many unofficial URI schemes as well. Mobile deep links are one example of a class of unofficial URI schemes that allow for linking directly to a specific location in a mobile app.


Official IANA-registered schemes

URI schemes registered with the IANA, both provisional and fully approved, are listed in its registry for Uniform Resource Identifier (URI) Schemes. These include well known ones like:

as well as many lesser known schemes like:

Unofficial but common URI schemes

SchemePurposeDefined byGeneral formatNotes
admin URL scheme in the GNOME desktop environment to access file(s) with administrative permissions with GUI applications in a safer way, instead of the insecure-considered sudo, gksu & gksudo. GNOME Virtual file system admin:/⟨path⟩/⟨to⟩/⟨file⟩

example: gedit admin:/etc/default/grub

See more information on:
app URL scheme can be used by packaged applications to obtain resources that are inside a container. Google app://⟨application⟩/⟨path⟩

example: app://

See more information on:
freeplane Open a Freemind/Freeplane `.mm` file in the locally installed Freeplane application and optionally highlight a node in the opened mindmap. Freeplane v1.3 and above freeplane:/%20⟨path to file⟩#ID_⟨node number⟩

freeplane:/%20⟨path to file⟩#:⟨path⟩/⟨in⟩/⟨map⟩/⟨to⟩/⟨node⟩

javascript Execute JavaScript code IETF Draft javascript:⟨javascript to execute⟩
jdbc Connect a database with Java Database Connectivity technology.Database vendor dependentjdbc:somejdbcvendor:other_data...

jdbc:oracle:oci:@host:port(sid or [/service])?params...

Requires a vendor provided connector (jar archive) to be included in the client library.
msteams Used by Microsoft to launch the Microsoft Teams desktop client. Microsoft msteams:/l/... [1] [2]
Used by Microsoft to launch Microsoft Office applications. Microsoft ⟨scheme-name⟩:⟨command-name⟩|⟨command-argument-descriptor⟩|⟨command-argument⟩

example: ms-excel:ofv|u|<https://contoso/Q4/budget.xls>

odbc Open Database Connectivity IETF Draft
psnsUsed by PlayStation consoles to open the PS Store application, also used by Media Go.Sony (not public)psns://browse?product=⟨ContentID⟩If entered without parameters, like psns:// it opens the PS Store or Media Go app main page.
rdarURL scheme used by Apple's internal issue-tracking system.Apple (not public)rdar://⟨issue number⟩

example: rdar://10198949

Allows employees to link to internally-tracked issues from anywhere. Example of a private scheme which has leaked in to the public space and is widely seen on the internet, but can only be resolved by Apple employees.
s3Used to interact programmatically with Amazon S3 bucket aws-cli documentation
shortcutsA scheme used by Apple to execute a Shortcut from apps that support links.Appleshortcuts://run-shortcut?name=Add20%to20%Notes&input=clipboardSee more information at

slackUsed by Slack to launch the Slack client. Slack API reference slack://open?team={TEAM_ID}
stratum Connectivity URI for the Stratum protocol, used for proof-of-work coordination in pooled cryptocurrency mining. Stratum Protocol Draft stratum+tcp://server:port, stratum+udp://server:portThis protocol has completely superseded the now-obsolete Getwork protocol,[ citation needed ] and was created primarily to reduce network overhead as mining pool sizes inevitably scale upwards. [3]
trueconfUsed by TrueConf Server to interact with client applications. trueconf:[target][@server]&[param_1]=[value_1]&[...]&[param_n]=[value_n]See more information at
viber Open the locally installed Viber application to link to a view or perform an action, such as share an URL to a contact. Viber API Documentation - Deep Links

Viber API Documentation - Viber Share Button



web+... Effectively namespaces web-based protocols from other, potentially less web-secure, protocols.This convention is defined within the HTML Living Standard specification web+string of some lower-case alphabetic characters:This convention is not associated with the registration of any new scheme but is currently a requirement as well as convention for non-whitelisted web-based protocols.
Used by Zoom conferencing software to launch the Zoom client. Zoom developer community zoommtg://⟨confno⟩...See more information at Zoom developer community

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<span class="mw-page-title-main">HTTP location</span> Instruction by web server containing the intended location of a web page.

The HTTP Location header field is returned in responses from an HTTP server under two circumstances:

  1. To ask a web browser to load a different web page. In this circumstance, the Location header should be sent with an HTTP status code of 3xx. It is passed as part of the response by a web server when the requested URI has:
  2. To provide information about the location of a newly created resource. In this circumstance, the Location header should be sent with an HTTP status code of 201 or 202.

A uniform resource locator (URL), colloquially known as an address on the Web, is a reference to a resource that specifies its location on a computer network and a mechanism for retrieving it. A URL is a specific type of Uniform Resource Identifier (URI), although many people use the two terms interchangeably. URLs occur most commonly to reference web pages (HTTP/HTTPS) but are also used for file transfer (FTP), email (mailto), database access (JDBC), and many other applications.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">Well-known URI</span>

A well-known URI is a Uniform Resource Identifier for URL path prefixes that start with /.well-known/. They are implemented in webservers so that requests to the servers for well-known services or information are available at URLs consistent well-known locations across servers.

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  1. "Create deep links - Teams". Archived from the original on 2022-10-06.{{cite web}}: CS1 maint: unfit URL (link)
  2. "Build apps for Teams meeting stage - Teams". Retrieved 27 October 2022.
  3. Stratum mining protocol, ..the official documentation of lightweight bitcoin mining protocol.