List of brood parasitic passerines

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Cuckoo finch at Polokwane, Limpopo Anomalospiza imberbis, Polokwane Voelpark.jpg
Cuckoo finch at Polokwane, Limpopo
Village indigobird Vidua chalybeata (cropped).jpg
Village indigobird
Female pin tailed whydah at Johannesburg Botanical Garden Vidua macroura01.jpg
Female pin tailed whydah at Johannesburg Botanical Garden
Female long tailed paradise whydah Vidua paradisaea-20081223B.jpg
Female long tailed paradise whydah
Female shiny cowbird Shiny Cowbird (female).JPG
Female shiny cowbird
Brown-headed cowbird Brown headed cowbird female in JBWR (25487).jpg
Brown-headed cowbird

This is the list of the brood parasites in order Passeriformes, the perching birds. Instead of making nests of their own, and feeding their young, brood parasites deposit their eggs in the nests of other birds. [1]

Note that the vampire finch is a parasite, but is not brood parasitic. [2]


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  1. David Attenborough (1998) [1998]. The Life of Birds . New Jersey: Princeton University Press. p.  246. ISBN   0-691-01633-X.
  2. Schluter, Dolph; Grant, Peter R. (1984). "Ecological Correlates of Morphological Evolution in a Darwin's Finch, Geospiza difficilis" (PDF). Evolution . 38 (4): 856–869. doi:10.2307/2408396. hdl: 2027.42/137395 . JSTOR   2408396.