List of butterflies of Sri Lanka (Nymphalidae)

Last updated

This is a list of the butterflies of family Nymphalidae which are found in Sri Lanka . It is part of List of butterflies of Sri Lanka.


Subfamily Danainae

Genus Parantica – glassy tigers

Glassy tiger Glassy Tiger.jpg

Parantica aglea at Nayikayam Thattu.jpg

Parantica agleaParantica aglea agleaLeast concern
Ceylon tiger ChittiraFumata 16 2b.jpg

ChittiraFumata 16 2a.jpg

Parantica taprobanaEndemic. Near threatened
Ceylon blue glassy tiger Ceylon Blue Glassy Tiger Ideopsis similis Liu Qiu Qian Cong Ban (riyuukiyuuasagimadara).jpg Ideopsis similisIdeopsis similis expromptaLeast concern

Genus Tirumala – blue tigers

Blue tiger Blue tiger (Tirumala limniace exoticus).jpg

Blue Tiger Tirumala limniace UN by Dr. Raju Kasambe Thane DSCN0692 (2).jpg

Tirumala limniaceTirumala limniace leopardusLeast concern
Dark blue tiger Dark blue tiger (Tirumala septentrionis dravidarum).jpg

Dark Blue Tiger tirumala septentrionis by kadavoor.JPG

Tirumala septentrionisTirumala septentrionis musikanosLeast concern

Genus Danaus – tigers

Common tiger Common tiger (Danaus genutia) 2.jpg

Danaus genutia female in Kerala, India.jpg

Danaus genutiaDanaus genutia genutiaLeast concern
Plain tiger Danaus chrysippus (1).jpg

Plain tiger (Danaus chrysippus chrysippus) male underside.jpg

Danaus chrysippusDanaus chrysippus chrysippusLeast concern

Genus Euploea – crows

Double-branded crow Butterflies of Kerala - Euploea sylvester (Double Branded Crow) (2016.07.03).jpg

VB 056 Double Branded Crow.jpg

Euploea sylvesterEuploea sylvester montanaLeast concern
Great crow EuploeaPhaenaretaFUpUn.jpg

B001 Euploea Phaenareta Castelnaui Female Laying Koh Yao Noi Island Thailand Southern (5588355875).jpg

Euploea phaenaretaEuploea phaenareta corusLeast concern
Blue king crow PademmaKlugii 42 1.jpg

Brown King Crow Euploea klugii UN by Dr. Raju Kasambe DSCN4771 (2).jpg

Euploea klugiiEuploea klugii sinhalaLeast concern
Common Indian crow Common Indian Crow (Euploea core asela) - cprogrammer.jpg

Common crow (Euploea core core) underside.jpg

Euploea coreEuploea core aselaLeast concern

Genus Idea – tree nymphs

Ceylon tree nymph Ideajasoni.jpg Idea iasoniaNear threatened

Subfamily Satyrinae

Genus Melanitis – evening browns

Common evening brown Melanitis leda-Kadavoor-2017-04-26-001.jpg

Melanitis leda dry season form at Kadavoor.jpg

Melanitis ledaMelanitis leda ismeneLeast concern
Dark evening brown 416Hei Shu Yin Die 10(Guo Yue Xiu She ) (12960609454).jpg

Common Evening Brown -Melanitis phedima 05.JPG Dark evening brown (Melanitis phedima bethami) dry season form.jpg

Melanitis phedimaMelanitis phedima tambraLeast concern

Genus Elymnias – palmflies

Common palmfly Common Palmfly (8161537578).jpg

Common palmfly (Elymnias hypermnestra baliensis) Bali I.jpg Common Palm Fly I3 IMG 6162.jpg

Elymnias hypermnestraElymnias hypermnestra fraternaLeast concern
Ceylon palmfly Elymnias singhalaEndemic. Near threatened

Genus Lethe – treebrowns

Ceylon treebrown LetheDaretis 83 2.jpg Lethe daretisEndemic
Common treebrown Common-tree-brown.jpg

Lethe rohria Fabricius, 1787 - Common Treebrown at Periya (10).jpg

Lethe rohriaLethe rohria yogaLeast concern
Tamil treebrown LetheDrypetis 83 1.jpg

Lethe drypetis - Tamil Treebrown 01.jpg

Lethe drypetisLethe drypetis drypetisLeast concern
Ceylon forester HaniphaDynsate 77 2.jpg Lethe dynsateEndemic

Genus Mycalesis – bushbrowns

Common bushbrown

Common Bushbrown PRA02.jpg Mycalesis 1 by Kadavoor-2.jpg Mycalesis 2 by Kadavoor-2.jpg

Mycalesis perseusMycalesis perseus typhlusLeast concern
Dark-brand bushbrown

Mmineus.JPG Mycalesis mineus-Kadavoor-2017-04-26-001.jpg Mycalesis mineus-Kadavoor-2016-04-02-001.jpg

Mycalesis mineusMycalesis mineus polydectaNot evaluated
Long-brand bushbrown

CalysismeVisalaWSF 63.jpg

Mycalesis visalaMycalesis visala subditaNot evaluated
Cingalese bushbrown

Mycalesis rama M 57 3.jpg

Mycalesis ramaEndemic
Glad-eye bushbrown

NissangaPatnia 72 2.jpg Gald eye bush brown.jpg

Mycalesis patniaMycalesis patina junonia

Genus Orsotriaena – nigger


Flora and Fauna Pathiyarakkara Vadakara Kozhikode Kerala (1).jpg

Orsotriaena medusOrsotriaena medus mandataLeast concern

Genus Ypthima – rings

Jewel four-ring

Jewel Fourring Eaglenest Arunachal.jpg

Ypthima avanta
White four-ring

White four ring butterfly Anaikkatti 01.jpg White four ring butterfly Anaikkatti 02.jpg

Ypthima ceylonica
Sinhalese five-ring Ypthima singalaEndemic

Subfamily Morphinae

Genus Discophora – duffers

Southern duffer

MooreThe Lepidoptera of CeylonPlate18.jpg Davidraju 100 3331.jpg

Discophora lepidaDiscophora lepida ceylonicaLeast concern

Subfamily Biblidinae

Genus Ariadne – castors

Angled castor

Ariadne ariadne ok.JPG

Ariadne ariadneAriadne Ariadne minorata
Common castor

Common Castor Ariadne merione by Dr. Raju Kasambe DSCN2371 (5).jpg Ariadne merione - Common Castor 15.jpg

Ariadne merioneAriadne merione taprobana

Genus Byblia – joker


Joker Byblia ilithyia by Dr. Raju Kasambe (1).jpg Joker Byblia ilithyia Bangalore, crop.jpg

Byblia ilithyiaLeast concern

Subfamily Heliconiinae

Genus Acraea – costers

Tawny coster

Tawny Coster.JPG Tawny Coster female Showing sphragis.jpg

Acraea terpsicore

Genus Argynnis – fritillaries

Indian fritillary

Argynnis hyperbius (male).JPG Argyreus hyperbius female and Zinnia elegans.jpg A argynnis butterfly in front of my house.jpg

Argynnis hyperbiusArgynnis hyperbius taprobana

Genus Phalanta – leopards

Common leopard

Open wing position of Phalanta phalantha Drury, 1773 - Common Leopard WLB.jpg Close wing position of Phalanta phalantha Drury, 1773 - Common Leopard WLB.jpg

Phalanta phalanthaPhalanta phalantha phalantha
Small leopard

Phalanta alcippe.jpg Phalanta alcippe around Nayikayam Thattu.jpg

Phalanta alcippePhalanta alcippe ceylonica

Genus Cethosia – lacewings

Tamil lacewing

Tamil Lacewing2 before.jpg Cethosia mahratta Moore, 1872 - Sahyadri Lacewing - Cethosia nietneri - Tamil lacewing at Kannavam RF (84).jpg

Cethosia nietneri

Genus Cupha – rustic


Rustic @ Kanjirappally.jpg Rustic Cupha erymanthis by kadavoor.JPG

Cupha erymanthisCupha erymanthis placida

Genus Vindula – cruiser


Vindula erota female.JPG Cruiser Vindula erota saloma Male.jpg Vindula erota Fabricius, 1793 - Cruiser male - at Kottiyoor Wildlife Sanctuary (40).jpg

Vindula erotaVindula erota asela

Genus Cirrochroa – yeomans

Tamil yeoman

Tamil Yeoman.jpg Cirrochroa thais at Kadavoor.jpg

Cirrochroa thaisCirrochroa thais lanka

Subfamily Nymphalinae

Genus Kaniska – tortoiseshells

Blue admiral

Kaniska canace no-japonicum front.JPG Kaniska canace viridis Evans, 1924 - Sahyadri Blue Admiral from Maloor, Peravoor (53).jpg

Kaniska canaceKaniska canace haronica

Genus Vanessa – red admirals

Indian red admiral

Vanessa indica-Silent Valley-2016-08-14-001.jpg Close wing position of Vanessa indica Herbst, 1794 - Indian Red Admiral WLB IMG 9284 29.jpg

Vanessa indicaVanessa indica nubicola
Painted lady

Vanessa cardui.jpg Butterfly August 2008-3.jpg

Vanessa cardui

Genus Junonia – pansies

Chocolate soldier

Junonia iphita 03414.JPG Junonia iphita 05014.JPG

Junonia iphitaJunonia iphita pluviatalis
Yellow pansy

Yellow pansy (Junonia hierta cebrene) male.jpg Yellow Pansy (Junonia hierta)- Female in Talakona forest, AP W IMG 8579.jpg Junonia hierta by kadavoor.JPG

Junonia hierta
Blue pansy

Blue pansy (Junonia oenone oenone).jpg Junonia orithya female blue-type back 20140322.jpg Blue pansy (Junonia oenone) underside.jpg

Junonia orithyaJunonia orithya patenas
Lemon pansy

Junonia lemonias - Lemon Pansy 25.jpg Junonia lemonias - Lemon Pansy 18.jpg Junonia lemonias DSF upper by Kadavoor.JPG Junonia lemonias DSF by Kadavoor.JPG

Junonia lemoniasJunonia lemonias vaisya
Peacock pansy

Junonia almana-Kadavoor-2016-07-11-002.jpg Peacock Pansy Junonia almana UN by Dr. Raju Kasambe DSCN5377 (3).jpg Junonia almana DSF by kadavoor.JPG

Junonia almanaJunonia almana almana
Grey pansy

Junonia atlites by kadavoor UP.jpg Grey Pansy Junonia atlites by kadavoor UW.JPG

Junonia atlitesJunonia atlites atlites

Genus Kallima – oakleafs

Ceylon blue oakleaf

Kallima.philarchus ed.jpg Philarchus03.jpg

Kallima philarchusEndemic. Near threatened

Genus Doleschallia – autumn leaf

Autumn leaf

Doleschallia bisaltide-Madayippara.jpg Autumn leaf (Doleschallia bisaltide) Bali I.jpg

Doleschallia bisaltideDoleschallia bisaltide ceylonica

Genus Hypolimnas – eggflies

Great eggfly

Hypolimnas bolina in Japan.jpg Hypolimnas bolina by Kadavoor.jpg Hypolimnas bolina-female.jpg Common Eggfly02 - melbourne zoo.jpg

Hypolimnas bolina
Danaid eggfly

Hypolimnas misippus Madayippara.jpg Hypolimnas misippus by kadavoor.jpg Danaid Eggfly Hypolimnas misippus female by Dr. Raju Kasambe DSC 8466 (3).jpg Danaid Eggfly Hypolimnas misippus Female UN by Dr. Raju KasambeDSCN2439 (2).jpg

Hypolimnas misippus

Subfamily Limenitidinae

Genus Neptis – sailers

Common sailer

Neptis hylas.jpg Neptis hylas by kadavoor.JPG

Neptis hylasNeptis hylas varmona
Chestnut-streaked sailer

Chestnut streaked sailor Butterfly from JP Nagar Forest,Banaglore,Karnataka,India.jpg

Neptis jumbahNeptis jumbah nalanda

Genus Lasippa – lascars

Common lascar

Open wing position of Pantoporia hordonia Stoll, 1790 - Common Lascar JAyanti.jpg Common Lascar (Pantoporia hordonia) in Kinnarsani WS, AP W IMG 5962.jpg

Pantoporia hordoniaPantoporia hordonia sinuata

Genus Moduza – commander


Moduza procris - Commander 02.jpg Commander Butterfly.jpg

Moduza procrisModuza procris calidasa

Genus Parthenos – clipper


Blauerhelikon1cele4.jpg Parthenos sylvia-01 (xndr).jpg

Parthenos sylviaParthenos Sylvia cyaneus

Genus Dophla – redspot duke

Redspot duke

Dophla evelina dorsal.jpg Redspot duke Butterfly.jpg

Dophla evelinaDophla evelina evelina

Genus Euthalia – barons


Baronet-Bangalore.jpg VB 074 Baronet UN.jpg Baronet (Euthalia nais) in Narshapur, AP W IMG 1050.jpg

Euthalia nais
Gaudy baron

Euthalia lubentina - Davidraju IMG 6700.jpg Close wing position of Euthalia lubentina Cramer, 1777 - Gaudy Baron.jpg

Euthalia lubentinaEuthalia lubentina sittacus
Common baron

Common Baron.JPG Common Baron Euthalia aconthea Female UP by Dr. Raju Kasambe DSCN4436 (16).jpg Common baron.jpg

Euthalia acontheaEuthalia aconthea vasanta

Subfamily Apaturinae

Genus Rohana – princes

Black prince

Rohana parisatis Westwood, 1850 - Black Prince newly eclosed male from Peraiya (16).jpg Rohana parisatis Westwood, 1850 - Black Prince newly eclosed male from Peraiya (3).jpg Rohana parisatis Westwood, 1850 - Black Prince newly eclosed female from Peraiya (11).jpg Rohana parisatis Westwood, 1850 - Black Prince newly eclosed female from Peraiya (25).jpg

Rohana parisatisRohana parisatis camiba

Subfamily Charaxinae

Genus Polyura – nawabs

Common nawab

Polyura athamas attalus MHNT dos.jpg Common Nawab-Charaxes athamas.jpg

Polyura athamas

Genus Charaxes – rajahs

Tawny rajah

Open wing position of Charaxes bernardus Fabricius, 1793 - Tawny Rajah (2).jpg Close wing position of Charaxes bernardus Fabricius, 1793 - Tawny Rajah UN.jpg Charaxes psaphon by Sagar Sarang.jpg Tawny Rajah Charaxes bernardus 2 Mumbai IMG 3737 (1).JPG

Charaxes psaphonCharaxes psaphon psaphon
Black rajah

Open wing position of Charaxes solon Fabricius, 1793 - Black Rajah.jpg Black Rajah.jpg Charaxes solon at MNP.jpg Close wing position of Charaxes solon, Fabricius, 1793 - Black Rajah WLB.jpg

Charaxes solonCharaxes solon cerynthus

Subfamily Libytheinae

Genus Libythea – beaks or snouts

Club beak

Club Beak-Kakkayam.jpg Club Beak Butterfly.jpg

Libythea myrrhaLibythea myrrha rama
European or common beak

Libythea celtis MHNT CUT 2013 19 Chateauvert.jpg Libythea celtis - Nettle-tree Butterfly.jpg

Libythea celtisLibythea celtis lepitoides

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