List of events and attractions in Minneapolis

Last updated


Annual events

City of Lakes LoppetFebruary
International Film Festival April
May Day Parade May
Art-A-Whirl May
Minneapolis Marathon May-June
Twin Cities Pride June
Twin Cities Hot Summer Jazz Festival June
Stone Arch Festival of the Arts June
Svenskarnas DagJune
Minneapolis Aquatennial July
Art Car Parade July
Basilica Block Party July
Minnesota Fringe Festival August
Sommerfest July-August
Uptown, Loring and Powderhorn art fairsAugust
Twin Cities Marathon October
Art AttackNovember
Holidazzle Parade November-December


Gold medal flour factory.jpg Sky and Prairie-Powderhorn-Minneapolis-2006-05-07.jpg Minneapolis Institute of Arts-2007-03-26.jpg Walker Art Center-Minneapolis-night-2005.jpg The Bakken Museum - Medicinal Garden View.jpg Al's Breakfast-Dinkytown-2005-05-16.jpg
Guthrie Theater, Gold Medal Flour, Washburn "A" Mill, Mill City Museum In the Heart of the Beast May Day Parade, Powderhorn Park Minneapolis Institute of Arts Walker Art Center The Bakken Museum Al's Breakfast
First Avenue-Minneapolis-2005-05-18.jpg Minnehaha Falls-20050614.jpg Pride Parade-Minneapolis-2006-06-25.jpg Minneapolis-Basilica of Saint Mary-windows.jpg Hennepin Avenue-Minneapolis-2006-12-14.jpg Lake Calhoun-Minneapolis-2006-10-14-.jpg
First Avenue Minnehaha Falls Ashley Rukes GLBT Pride Parade Basilica of Saint Mary Hennepin Avenue Chain of Lakes
George Floyd memorial at the intersection of Chicago Ave and E 38th St in Minneapolis, Minnesota (50022892592).jpg
George Floyd memorial site
