List of fictional alien species: A

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Aaamazzarite Star Trek: The Motion Picture Hairless humanoids that create objects biochemically from their mouths; also known as Therbians
Aalaag Gordon R. Dickson's Way of the PilgrimNine foot tall alabaster-skinned and white-haired humanoids with a biological instinct for racial-preservation instead of a human instinct for self-preservation, known as The Immaculate People in their language
Abh Crest of the Stars Genetically-enhanced humans
Abductors Invader Zim , Squee
Abu Chacha Let's Shake It Humanoid
Abzorbalof Doctor Who Human-absorbing humanoid
Abyormenites Hal Clement's Cycle of Firefloating balloons
Acamarian Star Trek
Acquarans Farscape Humanoid
Adipose Doctor Who Tiny, round humanoids made of fat
Advent Sins of a Solar Empire Humanoid
Advents (aka Uranus or the Creators) Guyver: The Bioboosted Armor
Aenar Star Trek Telepathic humanoid
Aeodronians Battlelords of the 23rd Century
Aerophibian Ben 10 Manta ray-like humanoids from the misty planet Aeropela, who can fly and swim at supersonic speeds, accelerate to speeds greater than light, and shoot neuroshock blasts from their eyes and tails to disable a victim's nervous system.
Affront Iain M. Banks' Excession
Agorian Ratchet & Clank
Akaali Star Trek
Akiss Harry Turtledove's Worldwar series Very large and dangerous reptilian animal in the mythology of the Race. It is comparable to Earth's mythical dragons.
Akrennians Titan A.E. Rat/hyena-like humanoids who apparently do not dream (or bathe much); the character Preed is an Akrennian. The food "Akrennian Beetle Sushimi" is also featured in the film, hinting that insect-like life-forms are also found on their home planet.
Akritirians Star Trek
AlbategnaThe webcomic Not So DistantLarge black-and-white creatures with six tentacular limbs (two for walking and four for manipulating)
The Alien Satyajit Ray's The Alien and Banku Babu's Friend
The Alien Girl Thiagarajan Kumararaja's Super Deluxe
Alien The Hidden and its sequel Parasitic and having the capability to possess its host
Alien Frogs Taro the Space Alien An alien species like frogs: James and his family
Alien Husbands Adventure Time This species of aliens is Gray, Tree Trunks' five alien husbands
Alien Mechawar Taro the Space Alien
Alien Sex Goddesses Church of the SubGenius
Alkari Master of Orion
Allasomorph Star Trek
Amaut C. J. Cherryh's Alliance-Union universe
Altarians Galactic Civilizations Humanoid
Alzarians Doctor Who Humanoid
Amazonians Futurama Giant humanoid women. Men of this species have died out.
Amnioni Stephen Donaldson's The Gap Cycle Humanoid
Amorphs Schlock Mercenary
Anabis The Voyage of the Space Beagle by A. E. van Vogt
Ancients Farscape
Ancients Freespace Technologically advanced beings that were wiped out several thousand years ago. Unknown physical description.
Ancient Stargate SG-1 Humans from Earth, with a developed intelligence, who in the age of the creation of the pyramids, left Earth for universe exploration.
Andalites K. A. Applegate's Animorphs Centaur-like aliens, they have non-poisonous scorpion tails as a formidable weapon. They lack mouths, so they use a technique called "thought-speak", similar to but not quite telepathy, and they have four eyes: two on their face, and two on stalks that give them 360 degree vision. They are the main enemies of the villainous Yeerks.
Andorians Star Trek Humanoid with blue skin, white hair, antennae
Andromeni Battlelords of the 23rd Century
Angara Mass Effect: Andromeda
Angol Mois Sgt. Frog
Angosian Star Trek
Annari Star Trek Humanoid
Anodite Ben 10 Free-spirited humanoid energy beings from the planet Anodyne, who can draw life from the mana around them. Old enough Anodites can use this manipulate reality, while even younger ones have a strong connection to magic.
Antarans Master of Orion II Marauders exiled to a pocket dimension
Antarians Imperium Galactica II: Alliances
Antedeans Star Trek
Anterians The Suite Life on Deck & Cocoon.
Anticans Star Trek
The Anti-Monitor DC Comics
Appoplexian Ben 10 Muscular tiger-like humanoids from the planet Apploplexia. They value emotional openness, but this can be a problem since their primary emotion is rage, and they are proud fighters. Primarily, they use claws on their wrists that elongate when their rage increases, but are skilled in wrestling, though are fatally vulnerable to certain high pitched noises.
Aqualish Star Wars
Aquatoids X-COM: Terror from the Deep
Arachnichimp Ben 10 Four-eyed, four-armed monkey-like aliens from the jungle planet Arahnascimmia, they have the ability to produce strong webbing from their tails.
Arachnids Battlelords of the 23rd Century
Arachnoids Serious Sam: The First Encounter Scorpion-like
Aras Perry Rhodan
Arbryls Ascendancy
Arburian Pelarota Ben 10 Functionally extinct due to the destruction of their home planet Arburia, they are bulky yellow aliens that can curl into a ball, much like a pillbug, and are very hard to damage in ball form, and they use this to crush enemies either by bouncing around or rolling over them
Arcadians Star Trek
Arceans Galactic Civilizations
Arcturians Star Trek
Argolin Doctor Who Humanoid
Arilou Lalee'lay Star Control Humanoid - 'Grey' alien
Arisians and Eddorians E. E. Smith's Lensman novels
Ark Megaforms Noon Universe
Arkonides Perry Rhodan
Armada of Annihilation Axelay
Arquillians Men in Black
AirliaArea 51 novel series by Robert Doherty Humanoid, see moai
Arnor Galactic Civilizations II: Dread Lords
Asari Mass Effect Blue-skinned feminine humanoids
Aschen Stargate SG-1 Humanoid
Asgard Stargate SG-1 Grey humanoid
Aslan Traveller RPGFeline humanoid
Asuran Stargate Atlantis
Atavus Earth: Final Conflict Humanoid
Atevi C. J. Cherryh's Foreigner seriesTall, dark, mysterious humanoids. Culture progresses rapidly from steam-age to contemporary and beyond perhaps due to their numerological language. Assassin's Guild rather than police.
Atraxi Doctor who
Aurelians Advent Rising
Autobot Transformers A machine race that can transform between a humanoid form and that of a certain machine, depending on the specific Autobot
Auronar Blake's 7
Autons Doctor Who Living plastic beings
Axanars Star Trek
Axons Doctor Who
Azathoth Cthulhu Mythos
Azgonians Perry Rhodan
Aziam Battlelords of the 23rd Century
Azwaca Harry Turtledove's Worldwar series A large stock animal native to Home and used by the Race as food. They are also edible to humans. The Colonization Fleet brought azwaca and several other species of livestock to Tosev 3 (Earth). As Earth plants were not equipped to deal with the extremely economic grazing patterns of these animals, some ecological damage resulted. This in turn led to diplomatic tensions between the Race and the various human powers that shared borders with Lizard-territory.