List of government schools in Victoria, Australia

Last updated

This is a list of government schools in Victoria, Australia.


Primary schools

SchoolSuburb or townM/F/co-edCategoryFoundedWebsite
Abbotsford Primary SchoolAbbotsfordCo-edChinese/English bilingual1984 website
Aberfeldie Primary SchoolAberfeldieCo-ed1925 website
Ainslie Parklands Primary SchoolCroydonCo-ed website
Aintree Primary SchoolAintreeCo-ed2021 website
Aireys Inlet Primary SchoolAireys InletCo-ed1893 website
Airly Primary SchoolAirlyCo-ed1924 website
Aitken Creek Primary SchoolCraigieburnCo-ed2011 website
Aitken Hill Primary SchoolCraigieburnCo-ed2019 website
Alamanda K–9 CollegePoint CookCo-ed website
Albanvale Primary SchoolAlbanvaleCo-ed1981 website
Albany Rise Primary SchoolMulgraveCo-ed1971 website
Albert Park Primary SchoolAlbert ParkCo-ed1873 website
Albert Street Primary SchoolMoeCo-ed website
Alberton Primary SchoolAlbertonCo-ed1858 website
Albion North Primary SchoolSunshine NorthCo-ed1962 website
Albion Primary SchoolAlbionCo-ed1926 website
Aldercourt Primary SchoolFrankston NorthCo-ed website
Alexandra Primary SchoolAlexandraCo-ed1867 website
Alfredton Primary SchoolAlfredtonCo-ed website
Allansford & District Primary SchoolAllansfordCo-ed website
Alphington Primary SchoolAlphingtonCo-ed1908 website
Altona CollegeAltonaCo-edP–12 website
Altona Green Primary SchoolAltona MeadowsCo-ed1990 website
Altona Meadows Primary SchoolAltona MeadowsCo-ed website
Altona North Primary SchoolAltona NorthCo-ed1965 website
Altona Primary SchoolAltonaCo-ed website
Alvie Primary SchoolAlvieCo-ed1957 website
Amphitheatre Primary SchoolAmphitheatreCo-ed1861 website
Amsleigh Park Primary SchoolOakleigh EastCo-ed website
Anakie Primary SchoolAnakieCo-ed1871 website
Anderson's Creek Primary SchoolWarrandyteCo-ed1977 website
Anglesea Primary SchoolAngleseaCo-ed website
Antonio Park Primary SchoolMitchamCo-ed1960 website
Apollo Bay P–12 CollegeApollo BayCo-ed website
Apollo Parkways Primary SchoolGreensboroughCo-ed website
Appin Park Primary SchoolWangarattaCo-ed website
Apsley Primary SchoolApsleyCo-edc. 1870 website
Araluen Primary SchoolSaleCo-ed website
Ararat North Primary SchoolAraratCo-ed website
Ararat Primary SchoolAraratCo-ed1865 website
Ararat West Primary SchoolAraratCo-ed website
Ardeer Primary SchoolArdeerCo-ed website
Ardeer South Primary SchoolSunshine WestCo-ed website
Ardmona Primary SchoolArdmonaCo-ed1881 website
Armadale Primary SchoolArmadaleCo-ed1884 website
Armstrong Creek SchoolArmstrong CreekCo-edCombined specialist and primary2018 website
Arnolds Creek Primary SchoolHarknessCo-ed2015 website
Arthurs Creek Primary SchoolArthurs CreekCo-ed1876 website
Ascot Vale Primary SchoolAscot ValeCo-ed1984 website
Ascot Vale West Primary SchoolAscot ValeCo-ed1920 website
Ashburton Primary SchoolAshburtonCo-ed1928 website
Ashby Primary SchoolGeelong WestCo-ed1875 website
Ashley Park Primary SchoolDoreenCo-ed2019 website
Aspendale Gardens Primary SchoolAspendale GardensCo-ed website
Aspendale Primary SchoolAspendaleCo-ed1925 website
Athol Road Primary SchoolSpringvale SouthCo-ed website
Auburn Primary SchoolHawthorn EastCo-ed1889 website
Auburn South Primary School Hawthorn EastCo-ed1925 website
Austin SchoolHeidelbergCo-edFor children who are patients of Austin Health website
Avenel Primary SchoolAvenelCo-ed website
Avoca Primary SchoolAvocaCo-ed1878 website
Avondale Primary SchoolAvondale HeightsCo-ed1961 website
Axedale Primary SchoolAxedaleCo-edc. 1870 website
Bacchus Marsh Primary SchoolBacchus MarshCo-ed1850 website
Baden Powell P–9 CollegeDerrimut, TarneitCo-ed1992 website
Badger Creek Primary SchoolBadger CreekCo-ed website
Bairnsdale Primary SchoolBairnsdaleCo-ed1864 website
Bairnsdale West Primary SchoolBairnsdaleCo-ed website
Ballam Park Primary SchoolFrankstonCo-ed1970 website
Ballan Primary SchoolBallanCo-ed1855 website
Ballarat North Primary SchoolBallarat NorthCo-ed1953 website
Balliang East Primary SchoolBalliang EastCo-ed1913 website
Balmoral K–12 Community CollegeBalmoralCo-ed website
Balnarring Primary SchoolBalnarringCo-ed1990 website
Balwyn North Primary SchoolBalwyn NorthCo-ed website
Balwyn Primary SchoolBalwynCo-ed website
Bandiana Primary SchoolBandianaCo-ed website
Bannockburn P–12 CollegeBannockburnCo-ed2018 website
Banum Warrik Primary SchoolKalkalloCo-ed2024 website
Banyan Fields Primary SchoolCarrum DownsCo-ed website
Banyule Primary SchoolRosannaCo-ed website
Baranduda Primary SchoolBarandudaCo-ed website
Barayip Primary SchoolTarneitCo-ed2025 website
Barnawartha Primary SchoolBarnawarthaCo-ed website
Barrawang Primary SchoolWollert WestCo-ed2023 website
Barton Primary SchoolCranbourne WestCo-ed2017 website
Barwon Heads Primary SchoolBarwon HeadsCo-ed1891 website
The Basin Primary SchoolThe BasinCo-ed1880 website
Bass Valley Primary SchoolCorinellaCo-ed website
Baxter Primary SchoolBaxterCo-ed website
Bayles Regional Primary SchoolBaylesCo-ed website
Bayside P–12 CollegeAltona, Williamstown, NewportCo-ed website
Bayswater North Primary SchoolBayswater NorthCo-ed1923 website
Bayswater Primary SchoolBayswaterCo-ed1879 website
Bayswater South Primary SchoolBayswaterCo-ed website
Bayswater West Primary SchoolBayswaterCo-ed website
Beaconsfield Primary SchoolBeaconsfieldCo-ed website
Beaconsfield Upper Primary SchoolBeaconsfield UpperCo-ed1883 website
Bealiba Primary SchoolBealibaCo-ed website
Beaufort Primary SchoolBeaufortCo-ed website
Beaumaris North Primary SchoolBeaumarisCo-ed1959 website
Beaumaris Primary SchoolBeaumarisCo-ed1915 website
Beeac Primary SchoolBeeacCo-ed website
Beechworth Primary SchoolBeechworthCo-ed website
Belgrave South Primary SchoolBelgrave SouthCo-ed1907 website
Bell Park North Primary SchoolBell ParkCo-ed website
Bell Primary SchoolPrestonCo-ed1928 website
Bellaire Primary SchoolHightonCo-ed1965 website
Bellbrae Primary SchoolBellbraeCo-ed website
Bellbridge Primary SchoolHoppers CrossingCo-ed website
Belle Vue Park Primary SchoolGlenroyCo-ed website
Belle Vue Primary SchoolBalwyn NorthCo-ed website
Belmont Primary SchoolBelmontCo-ed website
Belvedere Park Primary SchoolSeafordCo-ed website
Benalla P–12 College BenallaCo-ed website
Bendigo Primary SchoolBendigoCo-ed website
Bentleigh West Primary SchoolBentleighCo-ed website
Benton Junior CollegeMorningtonCo-ed website
Berwick Chase Primary SchoolBerwickCo-ed2009 website
Berwick Fields Primary SchoolBerwickCo-ed2006 website
Berwick Lodge Primary SchoolBerwickCo-ed1990 website
Berwick Primary SchoolBerwickCo-edc. 1850 website
Bethal Primary SchoolMeadow HeightsCo-ed website
Bethanga Primary SchoolBethangaCo-ed1877 website
Beulah Primary SchoolBeulahCo-ed website
Beverford District Primary SchoolBeverfordCo-ed website
Beveridge Primary SchoolBeveridgeCo-edc. 1874 website
Beverley Hills Primary SchoolDoncaster EastCo-ed website
Big Hill Primary SchoolBig HillCo-ed website
Billanook Primary SchoolMontroseCo-ed website
Bimbadeen Heights Primary SchoolMooroolbarkCo-ed website
Binap Primary SchoolBrookfieldCo-ed2024 website
Birchip P–12 SchoolBirchipCo-ed website
Birmingham Primary SchoolMount EvelynCo-ed website
Birralee Primary SchoolDoncasterCo-ed1970 website
Birregurra Primary SchoolBirregurraCo-ed website
Bittern Primary SchoolBitternCo-ed1916 website
Black Hill Primary SchoolBlack HillCo-ed website
Black Rock Primary SchoolBlack RockCo-ed1910 website
Blackburn Lake Primary SchoolBlackburnCo-ed website
Blackburn Primary SchoolBlackburnCo-ed1889 website
Boisdale Consolidated SchoolBoisdaleCo-ed website
Bolinda Primary SchoolBolindaCo-ed website
Bolwarra Primary SchoolBolwarraCo-ed website
Bona Vista Primary SchoolBona VistaCo-ed website
Bonbeach Primary SchoolBonbeachCo-ed1958 website
Boneo Primary SchoolBoneoCo-ed website
Boolarra Primary SchoolBoolarraCo-ed website
Boort District P–12 SchoolBoortCo-ed website
Boronia Heights Primary SchoolBoronia HeightsCo-ed1968 website
Boronia K–12 CollegeBoroniaCo-ed2012 website
Boronia West Primary SchoolBoroniaCo-ed website
Boroondara Park Primary SchoolBalwyn NorthCo-ed website
Botanic Ridge Primary SchoolBotanic RidgeCo-ed2020 website
Bourchier Street Primary SchoolSheppartonCo-ed1970 website
Box Hill North Primary SchoolBox Hill NorthCo-ed website
Brandon Park Primary SchoolWheelers HillCo-ed website
Branxholme-Wallacedale Community SchoolBranxholmeCo-ed website
Brentwood Park Primary SchoolBerwickCo-ed website
Briagolong Primary SchoolBriagolongCo-ed website
Briar Hill Primary SchoolBriar HillCo-ed1927 website
Bridgewater Primary SchoolBridgewater on LoddonCo-ed website
Bridgewood Primary SchoolOfficerCo-ed2018 website
Bright P–12 CollegeBrightCo-ed1865 website
Brighton Beach Primary SchoolBrightonCo-ed website
Brighton Primary SchoolBrightonCo-ed1875 website
Broadford Primary SchoolBroadfordCo-ed1873 website
Broadmeadows Primary SchoolBroadmeadowsCo-ed website
Broadmeadows Valley Primary SchoolBroadmeadowsCo-ed website
Broken Creek Primary SchoolBroken CreekCo-ed website
Brookside P–9 CollegeCaroline SpringsCo-ed website
Brunswick East Primary SchoolBrunswick EastCo-ed1893 website
Brunswick North Primary SchoolBrunswick WestCo-ed1908 website
Brunswick North West Primary SchoolBrunswick WestCo-ed1929 website
Brunswick South Primary SchoolBrunswick EastCo-ed website
Brunswick South West Primary SchoolBrunswick WestCo-ed website
Bruthen Primary SchoolBruthenCo-ed website
Buangor Primary SchoolBuangorCo-ed website
Buchan Primary SchoolBuchanCo-ed website
Bullarto Primary SchoolBullartoCo-ed website
Buln Buln Primary SchoolBuln BulnCo-ed website
Bundalaguah Primary SchoolSaleCo-ed1877 website
Bundarra Primary SchoolPortlandCo-ed website
Bundoora Primary SchoolBundooraCo-ed website
Bungaree Primary SchoolBungareeCo-ed website
Buninyong Primary SchoolBuninyongCo-ed1873 website
Bunyip Primary SchoolBunyipCo-ed website
Burnside Primary SchoolBurnsideCo-ed2019 website
Burwood East Primary SchoolBurwood EastCo-ed website
Burwood Heights Primary SchoolBurwood EastCo-ed website
Buxton Primary SchoolBuxtonCo-ed1875 website
Cairnlea Park Primary SchoolCairnleaCo-ed website
Caledonian Primary SchoolBrown HillCo-ed1877 website
California Gully Primary SchoolCalifornia GullyCo-ed website
Camberwell Primary SchoolCamberwellCo-edFrench/English bilingual website
Camberwell South Primary SchoolGlen IrisCo-ed website
Cambridge Primary SchoolHoppers CrossingCo-ed1992 website
Camelot Rise Primary SchoolGlen WaverleyCo-ed website
Camp Hill Primary SchoolBendigoCo-ed website
Campbellfield Heights Primary SchoolCampbellfieldCo-ed website
Campbells Creek Primary SchoolCampbells CreekCo-ed website
Camperdown CollegeCamperdownCo-edP–121994 website
Canadian Lead Primary SchoolBallarat EastCo-ed website
Cann River P–12 CollegeCann RiverCo-ed website
Canterbury Primary SchoolCanterburyCo-ed1908 website
Cape Clear Primary SchoolCape ClearCo-ed website
Cardinia Primary SchoolCardiniaCo-ed website
Cardross Primary SchoolCardrossCo-ed website
Carisbrook Primary SchoolCarisbrookCo-ed website
Carlisle River Primary SchoolCarlisle RiverCo-ed website
Carlton Gardens Primary SchoolCarltonCo-ed1884 website
Carlton North Primary SchoolCarlton NorthCo-ed1873 website
Carlton Primary SchoolCarltonCo-ed website
Carnegie Primary SchoolCarnegieCo-ed website
Carranballac P–9 CollegePoint CookCo-ed2002 website
Carraragarmungee Primary SchoolLondriganCo-ed website
Carrington Primary SchoolKnoxfieldCo-ed1994 website
Carrum Primary SchoolCarrumCo-ed website
Carwatha College P–12Noble Park NorthCo-ed website
Casey Fields Primary SchoolCranbourneCo-ed2020 website
Casterton Primary SchoolCastertonCo-ed website
Castlemaine North Primary SchoolCastlemaineCo-ed1878 website
Castlemaine Primary SchoolCastlemaineCo-ed website
Caulfield Junior CollegeCaulfield NorthCo-ed1914 website
Caulfield Primary SchoolCaulfield SouthCo-edJapanese/English bilingual website
Caulfield South Primary SchoolCaulfield SouthCo-ed1928 website
Cavendish Primary SchoolCavendishCo-ed website
Ceres Primary SchoolCeresCo-ed website
Chalcot Lodge Primary SchoolEndeavour HillsCo-ed website
Chandler Park Primary SchoolKeysboroughCo-ed website
Charles La Trobe P–12 CollegeMacleodCo-ed2011 website
Charlton CollegeCharltonCo-edP–12 website
Chatham Primary SchoolSurrey HillsCo-ed1927 website
Chelsea Heights Primary SchoolChelsea HeightsCo-ed1900 website
Chelsea Primary SchoolChelseaCo-ed1912 website
Cheltenham East Primary SchoolCheltenhamCo-edc. 1960 website
Cheltenham Primary SchoolCheltenhamCo-ed1855 website
Chewton Primary SchoolChewtonCo-ed website
Chiltern Primary SchoolChilternCo-ed website
Chilwell Primary SchoolNewtownCo-ed website
Chirnside Park Primary SchoolChirnsideCo-ed website
Christmas Hills Primary SchoolChristmas HillsCo-ed website
Chum Creek Primary SchoolHealesvilleCo-ed1897 website
Churchill North Primary SchoolChurchillCo-ed website
Churchill Primary SchoolChurchillCo-ed website
Clarinda Primary SchoolClarindaCo-ed1899 website
Clayton North Primary SchoolClaytonCo-ed1865 website
Clayton South Primary SchoolClayton SouthCo-ed1929 website
Clifton Creek Primary SchoolClifton CreekCo-ed1911 website
Clifton Hill Primary School Clifton HillCo-ed1874 website
Clifton Springs Primary SchoolClifton SpringsCo-ed website
Clunes Primary SchoolClunesCo-ed1875 website
Clyde Creek Primary SchoolClydeCo-ed2022 website
Clyde Primary SchoolClydeCo-ed website
Coatesville Primary SchoolBentleigh EastCo-ed website
Cobains Primary SchoolCobainsCo-ed1928 website
Cobden Primary SchoolCobdenCo-ed website
Cobram Primary SchoolCobramCo-ed website
Coburg North Primary SchoolCoburgCo-ed1937 website
Coburg Primary SchoolCoburgCo-ed1853 website
Coburg West Primary SchoolCoburgCo-ed1917 website
Coburn Primary SchoolMelton SouthCo-ed website
Cockatoo Primary SchoolCockatooCo-ed website
Cohuna Consolidated SchoolCohunaCo-ed website
Coimadai Primary SchoolCoimadaiCo-ed website
Colac Primary SchoolColacCo-ed website
Colac South West Primary SchoolColacCo-ed website
Colac West Primary SchoolColacCo-ed website
Colbinabbin Primary SchoolColbinabbinCo-ed website
Coldstream Primary SchoolColdstreamCo-ed website
Coleraine Primary SchoolColeraineCo-ed website
Collingwood CollegeAbbotsfordCo-edP–121882 website
Concongella Primary SchoolConcongellaCo-ed website
Congupna Primary SchoolCongupnaCo-ed website
Coolaroo South Primary SchoolCoolarooCo-ed website
Coral Park Primary SchoolHampton ParkCo-ed website
Corryong CollegeCorryongCo-ed website
Courtenay Gardens Primary SchoolCranbourne NorthCo-ed website
Cowes Primary SchoolCowes, Phillip IslandCo-ed website
Cowwarr Primary SchoolCowwarrCo-ed1877 website
Craigieburn Primary SchoolCraigieburnCo-edc. 1950 website
Craigieburn South Primary SchoolCraigieburnCo-ed1986 website
Cranbourne Carlisle Primary SchoolCranbourneCo-ed2010 website
Cranbourne East Primary SchoolCranbourne EastCo-ed2011 website
Cranbourne Park Primary SchoolCranbourneCo-ed1962 website
Cranbourne Primary SchoolCranbourneCo-ed1890 website
Cranbourne South Primary SchoolCranbourne SouthCo-ed1956 website
Cranbourne West Primary SchoolCranbourneCo-ed website
Creekside K–9 CollegeCaroline SpringsCo-ed2012 website
Creswick North Primary SchoolCreswickCo-ed website
Creswick Primary SchoolCreswickCo-ed website
Crib Point Primary SchoolCrib PointCo-ed1890 website
Croydon Hills Primary SchoolCroydon HillsCo-ed1988 website
Croydon Primary SchoolCroydonCo-ed website
Cudgee Primary SchoolCudgeeCo-ed website
Currawa Primary SchoolDookie CollegeCo-ed website
Dallas Brooks Community Primary SchoolDallasCo-ed website
Dana Street Primary SchoolBallaratCo-ed1857 website
Dandenong North Primary SchoolDandenongCo-ed website
Dandenong Primary SchoolDandenongCo-ed website
Dandenong South Primary SchoolDandenongCo-ed website
Dandenong West Primary SchoolDandenongCo-ed website
Dargo Primary SchoolDargoCo-edGhost school [1]
Darley Primary SchoolBacchus MarshCo-ed website
Darnum Primary SchoolDarnumCo-ed website
Darraweit Guim Primary SchoolDarraweit GuimCo-ed website
Dartmoor Primary SchoolDartmoorCo-ed website
Davis Creek Primary SchoolTarneitCo-ed2020 website
Daylesford Primary SchoolDaylesfordCo-ed website
Deans Marsh Primary SchoolDeans MarshCo-ed website
Deanside Primary SchoolDeansideCo-ed2022 website
Debney Meadows Primary SchoolFlemingtonCo-ed website
Dederang Primary SchoolDederangCo-ed website
Deepdene Primary SchoolDeepdeneCo-ed1911 website
Deer Park North Primary SchoolDeer ParkCo-ed website
Deer Park West Primary SchoolDeer ParkCo-ed website
Delacombe Primary SchoolDelacombeCo-ed website
Derinya Primary SchoolFrankston SouthCo-ed website
Derrimut Primary SchoolDerrimutCo-ed2010 website
Derrinallum P–12 CollegeDerrinallumCo-ed website
Devenish Primary SchoolDevenishCo-edGhost school [1]
Devon Meadows Primary SchoolDevon MeadowsCo-ed website
Dhurringile Primary SchoolDhurringileCo-ed website
Diamond Creek East Primary SchoolHurstbridgeCo-ed website
Diamond Creek Primary SchoolDiamond CreekCo-ed1870 website
Diggers Rest Primary SchoolDiggers RestCo-ed website
Dimboola Primary SchoolDimboolaCo-ed website
Dingley Primary SchoolDingley VillageCo-ed website
Dinjerra Primary SchoolBraybrookCo-ed website
Dixons Creek Primary SchoolDixons CreekCo-ed1875 website
Docklands Primary SchoolDocklandsCo-ed2021 website
Dohertys Creek P–9 CollegeTruganinaCo-ed2019 website
Don Valley Primary SchoolDon ValleyCo-ed website
Donald Primary SchoolDonaldCo-ed website
Donburn Primary SchoolDoncaster EastCo-ed1974 website
Doncaster Gardens Primary SchoolDoncaster EastCo-ed1997 website
Doncaster Primary SchoolDoncasterCo-edc. 1860 website
Donnybrook Primary SchoolDonnybrookCo-ed2023 website
Donvale Primary SchoolDonvaleCo-ed1968 website
Dookie Primary SchoolDookieCo-ed website
Doreen Primary SchoolDoreenCo-ed website
Dorset Primary SchoolCroydonCo-ed website
Doveton CollegeDovetonCo-edP–92012 website
Dromana Primary SchoolDromanaCo-ed website
Drouin Primary SchoolDrouinCo-ed1877 website
Drouin South Primary SchoolDrouin SouthCo-ed website
Drouin West Primary SchoolDrouin WestCo-ed1874 website
Drysdale Primary SchoolDrysdaleCo-ed website
Dunkeld Consolidated SchoolDunkeldCo-ed website
Dunolly Primary SchoolDunollyCo-ed website
Eagle Point Primary SchoolEagle PointCo-ed1894 website
Eaglehawk North Primary SchoolEaglehawkCo-ed website
Eaglehawk Primary SchoolEaglehawkCo-ed website
East Bentleigh Primary SchoolBentleigh EastCo-ed website
East Loddon P–12 CollegeDingeeCo-ed website
Eastbourne Primary SchoolRosebudCo-ed website
Eastwood Primary SchoolRingwood EastCo-ed website
Echuca East Primary SchoolEchucaCo-ed website
Echuca Primary SchoolEchucaCo-ed1858 website
Echuca Twin Rivers Primary SchoolEchucaCo-ed website
Edenhope CollegeEdenhopeCo-edP–121994 website
Edgars Creek Primary SchoolWollertCo-ed2021 website
Edi Upper Primary SchoolEdi UpperCo-ed website
Edithvale Primary SchoolEdithvaleCo-ed1913 website
Eildon Primary SchoolEildonCo-ed website
Elliminyt Primary SchoolElliminytCo-ed website
Ellinbank Primary SchoolEllinbankCo-ed website
Elmhurst Primary SchoolElmhurstCo-edGhost school [1]
Elmore Primary SchoolElmoreCo-ed website
Elphinstone Primary SchoolElphinstoneCo-ed website
Elsternwick Primary SchoolBrightonCo-ed website
Eltham East Primary SchoolElthamCo-ed website
Eltham North Primary SchoolEltham NorthCo-ed1924 website
Eltham Primary SchoolElthamCo-ed1855 website
Elwood Primary SchoolElwoodCo-ed1917 website
Emerald Primary SchoolEmeraldCo-ed1879 website
Eppalock Primary SchoolAxe CreekCo-ed1874 website
Epping Primary SchoolEppingCo-ed1874 website
Epping Views Primary SchoolEppingCo-ed website
Epsom Primary SchoolEpsomCo-ed website
Eskdale Primary SchoolEskdaleCo-ed1877 website
Essendon North Primary SchoolEssendon NorthCo-ed1920 website
Essendon Primary SchoolEssendonCo-ed1850 website
Essex Heights Primary SchoolMount WaverleyCo-edc. 1970 website
Euroa Primary SchoolEuroaCo-ed website
Everton Primary SchoolEvertonCo-ed website
Exford Primary SchoolExfordCo-ed website
Eynesbury Primary SchoolEynesburyCo-ed2021 website
Fairfield Primary SchoolFairfieldCo-ed1885 website
Fairhills Primary SchoolFerntree GullyCo-ed1965 website
Falls Creek Primary SchoolFalls CreekCo-ed website
Fawkner Primary SchoolFawknerCo-ed website
Featherbrook P–9 CollegePoint CookCo-ed2017 website
Ferntree Gully North Primary SchoolFerntree GullyCo-ed1954 website
Ferny Creek Primary SchoolFerny CreekCo-ed website
Findon Primary SchoolMill ParkCo-ed website
Fish Creek and District Primary SchoolFish CreekCo-ed website
Fitzroy North Primary SchoolFitzroy NorthCo-ed1875 website
Fitzroy Primary SchoolFitzroyCo-ed website
Fleetwood Primary SchoolNarre WarrenCo-ed website
Flemington Primary SchoolFlemingtonCo-ed1858 website
Flowerdale Primary SchoolFlowerdaleCo-ed website
Footscray City Primary SchoolFootscrayCo-ed1878 website
Footscray North Primary SchoolFootscrayCo-ed1923 website
Footscray Primary SchoolFootscrayCo-ed website
Footscray West Primary SchoolWest FootscrayCo-ed website
Forest Street Primary SchoolWendoureeCo-ed1966 website
Forrest Primary SchoolForrestCo-ed website
Foster Primary SchoolFosterCo-ed website
Fountain Gate Primary SchoolNarre WarrenCo-ed website
Frankston East Primary SchoolFrankstonCo-ed website
Frankston Heights Primary SchoolFrankstonCo-ed website
Frankston Primary SchoolFrankstonCo-ed1874 website
Fyans Park Primary SchoolNewton, GeelongCo-ed website
Gaayip–Yagila Primary SchoolMicklehamCo-ed2021 website
Gardenvale Primary SchoolBrighton EastCo-ed1922 website
Garfield Primary SchoolGarfieldCo-ed website
Garrang Wilam Primary SchoolTruganinaCo-ed2021 website
Geelong East Primary SchoolGeelongCo-ed1857 website
Geelong South Primary SchoolGeelongCo-ed website
Gembrook Primary SchoolGembrookCo-ed website
George Street Primary SchoolHamiltonCo-ed website
Gilgai Plains Primary SchoolKalkalloCo-ed2022 website
Girgarre Primary SchoolGirgarreCo-ed website
Gisborne Primary SchoolGisborneCo-ed1853 website
Gladesville Primary SchoolKilsythCo-ed website
Gladstone Park Primary SchoolGladstone ParkCo-ed1970 website
Gladstone Views Primary SchoolGladstone ParkCo-ed website
Gladysdale Primary SchoolGladysdaleCo-ed website
Glen Huntly Primary SchoolCarnegieCo-ed website
Glen Iris Primary SchoolGlen IrisCo-ed1872 website
Glen Katherine Primary SchoolEltham NorthCo-ed1988 website
Glen Park Primary SchoolGlen ParkCo-ed1870 website
Glen Waverley Primary SchoolGlen WaverleyCo-ed website
Glen Waverley South Primary SchoolGlen WaverleyCo-ed website
Glendal Primary SchoolGlen WaverleyCo-ed1971 website
Glenferrie Primary SchoolHawthornCo-ed1875 website
Glengala Primary SchoolSunshine WestCo-ed website
Glengarry Primary SchoolGlengarryCo-ed website
Glenrowan Primary SchoolGlenrowanCo-ed website
Glenroy Central Primary SchoolGlenroyCo-ed website
Glenroy West Primary SchoolGlenroyCo-ed website
Golden Square Primary SchoolGolden SquareCo-ed website
Goonawarra Primary SchoolSunburyCo-ed website
Goornong Primary SchoolGoornongCo-ed website
Gordon Primary SchoolGordonCo-ed website
Gormandale and District Primary SchoolGormandaleCo-ed website
Goroke P–12 CollegeGorokeCo-ed website
Gowrie Street Primary SchoolSheppartonCo-ed website
Grahamvale Primary SchoolGrahamvaleCo-ed website
The Grange P–12 CollegeHoppers CrossingCo-ed website
Grasmere Primary SchoolGrasmereCo-ed website
Grayling Primary SchoolClyde NorthCo-ed2020 website
Great Ryrie Primary SchoolHeathmontCo-ed1998 website
Great Western Primary SchoolGreat WesternCo-ed website
Greenhills Primary SchoolGreensboroughCo-ed1962 website
Greensborough Primary SchoolGreensboroughCo-ed website
Greenvale Primary SchoolGreenvaleCo-ed1868 website
Greta Valley Primary SchoolGreta SouthCo-ed website
Grey Street Primary SchoolTraralgonCo-ed1912 website
Greythorn Primary SchoolBalwyn NorthCo-ed1953 website
Grovedale Primary SchoolGrovedaleCo-ed1855 website
Grovedale West Primary SchoolGrovedaleCo-ed website
Gruyere Primary SchoolGruyereCo-edGhost school [1]
Gunbower Primary SchoolGunbowerCo-ed website
Guthridge Primary SchoolSaleCo-ed website
Guthrie Street Primary SchoolSheppartonCo-ed website
Haddon Primary SchoolHaddonCo-ed1870 website
Hallam Primary SchoolHallamCo-ed website
Halls Gap Primary SchoolHalls GapCo-ed website
Hamilton (Gary Street) Primary SchoolHamiltonCo-ed website
Hamilton North Primary SchoolHamiltonCo-ed website
Hamlyn Banks Primary SchoolHamlyn HeightsCo-ed website
Hampton Park Primary SchoolHampton ParkCo-ed website
Hampton Primary SchoolHamptonCo-ed1913 website
Harcourt Valley Primary SchoolHarcourtCo-ed website
Harkaway Primary SchoolHarkawayCo-edc. 1880 website
Harrietville Primary SchoolHarrietvilleCo-ed1866 website
Harrisfield Primary SchoolNobel ParkCo-ed1866 website
Harston Primary SchoolHarstonCo-ed1874 website
Hartwell Primary SchoolCamberwellCo-ed1922 website
Harvest Home Primary SchoolEppingCo-ed2017 website
Hastings Primary SchoolHastingsCo-ed1872 website
Hawkesdale P–12 CollegeHawkesdaleCo-ed website
Hawthorn West Primary SchoolHawthornCo-ed website
Hazel Glen CollegeDoreenCo-edP–122014 website
Hazelwood North Primary SchoolHazelwood NorthCo-ed website
Healesville Primary SchoolHealesvilleCo-ed1866 website
Heany Park Primary SchoolRowvilleCo-ed1993 website
Heathcote Primary SchoolHeathcoteCo-ed website
Heatherhill Primary SchoolSpringvaleCo-ed1958 website
Heathmont East Primary SchoolHeathmontCo-ed website
Heidelberg Primary SchoolHeidelbergCo-ed1854 website
Hepburn Primary SchoolHepburnCo-ed website
Herne Hill Primary SchoolHamlyn HeightsCo-ed website
Hesket Hill Primary SchoolHesketCo-ed website
Heyfield Primary SchoolHeyfieldCo-ed1871 website
Heywood Consolidated SchoolHeywoodCo-ed website
Highton Primary SchoolHightonCo-ed1880 website
Highvale Primary SchoolGlen WaverleyCo-ed website
Hillsmeade Primary SchoolNarre Warren SouthCo-ed website
Hoddles Creek Primary SchoolHoddles CreekCo-ed website
Hopetoun P–12 CollegeHopetounCo-ed website
Horsham Primary SchoolHorshamCo-ed website
Horsham West and Haven Primary SchoolHorsham & HavenCo-ed website
Hughesdale Primary SchoolHughesdaleCo-ed website
Huntingdale Primary SchoolOakleigh SouthCo-edJapanese/English bilingual website
Huntly Primary SchoolHuntlyCo-ed website
Hurstbridge Primary SchoolHurstbridgeCo-ed1916 website
Inglewood Primary SchoolInglewoodCo-ed website
Invergordon Primary SchoolInvergordonCo-ed website
Inverleigh Primary SchoolInverleighCo-ed website
Inverloch Primary SchoolInverlochCo-ed website
Invermay Primary SchoolInvermayCo-ed1867 website
Iramoo Primary SchoolWyndham ValeCo-ed1978 website
Irymple Primary SchoolIrympleCo-ed website
Irymple South Primary SchoolIrympleCo-ed website
Ivanhoe East Primary SchoolIvanhoe EastCo-ed website
Ivanhoe Primary SchoolIvanhoeCo-ed1853 website
James Cook Primary SchoolEndeavour HillsCo-ed website
Jamieson Primary SchoolJamiesonCo-ed website
Jells Park Primary SchoolWheelers HillCo-ed website
Jeparit Primary SchoolJeparitCo-ed website
Jindivick Primary SchoolJindivickCo-ed website
John Henry Primary SchoolPakenhamCo-ed2017 website
Kalinda Primary SchoolRingwoodCo-ed website
Kallista Primary SchoolKallistaCo-ed website
Kananook Primary SchoolSeafordCo-ed website
Kangaroo Flat Primary SchoolKangaroo FlatCo-ed website
Kangaroo Ground Primary SchoolKangaroo GroundCo-ed website
Kaniva CollegeKanivaCo-edP–121883 website
Karingal Heights Primary SchoolFrankstonCo-ed website
Karingal Primary SchoolFrankstonCo-ed website
Karoo Primary SchoolRowvilleCo-ed1992 website
Karwan Primary SchoolTarneitCo-ed2023 website
Katamatite Primary SchoolKatamatiteCo-ed website
Katandra West Primary SchoolKatandra WestCo-ed website
Katunga Primary SchoolKatungaCo-ed website
Keelonith Primary SchoolGreenvaleCo-ed2021 website
Keilor Heights Primary SchoolKeilor EastCo-ed website
Keilor Primary SchoolKeilorCo-ed1875 website
Keilor Views Primary SchoolKeilor DownsCo-ed2010 website
Kennington Primary SchoolKenningtonCo-edc. 1920 website
Kensington Primary SchoolKensingtonCo-ed website
Kent Park Primary SchoolFerntree GullyCo-ed website
Kerang Primary SchoolKerangCo-ed website
Kerang South Primary SchoolKerangCo-ed website
Kerrimuir Primary SchoolBox Hill NorthCo-ed1959 website
Kew East Primary SchoolKew EastCo-ed1892 website
Kew Primary SchoolKewCo-ed1870 website
Keysborough Gardens Primary SchoolKeysboroughCo-ed2020 website
Keysborough Primary SchoolSpringvaleCo-ed website
Kialla West Primary SchoolKialla WestCo-ed website
Kiewa Valley Primary SchoolTangambalangaCo-ed website
Kilberry Valley Primary SchoolHampton ParkCo-ed website
Killara Primary SchoolSunburyCo-ed website
Kilmore Primary SchoolKilmoreCo-ed website
Kilsyth Primary SchoolKilsythCo-ed1910 website
Kinglake Primary SchoolKinglakeCo-ed website
Kinglake West Primary SchoolKinglakeCo-ed website
Kings Park Primary SchoolKings ParkCo-ed website
Kingsbury Primary SchoolKingsburyCo-ed website
Kingsley Park Primary SchoolFrankstonCo-ed website
Kingston Heath Primary SchoolCheltenhamCo-ed website
Kingsville Primary SchoolYarravilleCo-ed1919 website
Kingswood Primary SchoolDingley VillageCo-ed website
Kismet Park Primary SchoolSunburyCo-ed1980 website
Knox Central Primary SchoolBoroniaCo-ed1965 website
Knox Gardens Primary SchoolWantirna SouthCo-ed website
Knox Park Primary SchoolKnoxfieldCo-ed website
Kongwak Primary SchoolKongwakCo-ed website
Koo Wee Rup Primary SchoolKoo Wee RupCo-ed website
Koondrook Primary SchoolKoondrookCo-ed website
Koorlong Primary SchoolKoorlongCo-ed website
Koroit and District Primary SchoolKoroitCo-ed website
Kororoit Creek Primary SchoolBurnside HeightsCo-ed website
Korumburra Primary SchoolKorumburraCo-edc. 1920 website
Kosciuszko St Primary SchoolTraralgonCo-ed website
Kunyung Primary SchoolMount ElizaCo-ed website
Kurmile Primary SchoolOfficerCo-ed2024 website
Kurrun Primary SchoolOfficerCo-ed2023 website
Kurunjang Primary SchoolKurunjangCo-ed website
Kuyim Primary SchoolPakenhamCo-ed2025 website
Kyabram P–12 CollegeKyabramCo-ed website
Kyneton Primary SchoolKynetonCo-ed website
Laa Yulta Primary SchoolMambourinCo-ed2024 website
Labertouche Primary SchoolLabertoucheCo-ed website
Laburnum Primary SchoolBlackburnCo-ed1964 website
Laharum Primary SchoolLaharumCo-ed website
Lake Boga Primary SchoolLake BogaCo-ed website
Lake Bolac CollegeLake BolacCo-edP–12 website
Lake Charm Primary SchoolLake CharmCo-edGhost school [1]
The Lake Primary SchoolCabaritaCo-ed website
Lakes Entrance Primary SchoolLakes EntranceCo-ed website
The Lakes South Morang CollegeSouth MorangCo-edP–12 website
Lal Lal Primary SchoolLal LalCo-ed website
Lalor East Primary SchoolThomastownCo-ed website
Lalor Gardens Primary SchoolLalorCo-ed2010 website
Lalor North Primary SchoolLalorCo-ed1971 website
Lalor Primary SchoolLalorCo-ed1954 website
Lancaster Primary SchoolLancasterCo-ed website
Lancefield Primary SchoolLancefieldCo-ed1858 website
Landsborough Primary SchoolLandsboroughCo-ed website
Lang Lang Primary SchoolLang LangCo-ed website
Langley Primary SchoolLangleyCo-ed website
Langwarrin Park Primary SchoolLangwarrinCo-ed website
Langwarrin Primary SchoolLangwarrinCo-ed website
Lara Lake Primary SchoolLaraCo-ed1865 website
Lara Primary SchoolLaraCo-ed website
Lardner and District Primary SchoolLardnerCo-ed website
Launching Place Primary SchoolLaunching PlaceCo-ed website
Laurimar Primary SchoolDoreenCo-ed website
Lavers Hill K–12 CollegeLavers HillCo-ed website
Laverton P–12 CollegeLavertonCo-ed website
Le Page Primary SchoolCheltenhamCo-ed1995 website
Leitchville Primary SchoolLeitchvilleCo-ed website
Lemnos Primary SchoolLemnosCo-ed website
Leongatha Primary SchoolLeongathaCo-edc. 1890 website
Leopold Primary SchoolLeopoldCo-ed website
Lethbridge Primary SchoolLethbridgeCo-ed website
Liddiard Road Primary SchoolTraralgonCo-ed website
Lightning Reef Primary SchoolNorth BendigoCo-ed website
Lilydale Primary SchoolLilydaleCo-ed1866 website
Lindenow Primary SchoolLindenowCo-ed website
Lindenow South Primary SchoolLindenow SouthCo-ed website
Linton Primary SchoolLintonCo-ed website
Lismore Primary SchoolLismoreCo-ed website
Little Bendigo Primary SchoolNerrinaCo-ed1857 website
Little River Primary SchoolLittle RiverCo-ed website
Livingstone Primary SchoolVermont SouthCo-ed1978 website
Lloyd Street Primary SchoolMalvern EastCo-ed1923 website
Loch Primary SchoolLochCo-ed website
Loch Sport Primary SchoolLoch SportCo-ed website
Lockington Consolidated SchoolLockingtonCo-ed website
Lockwood Primary SchoolLockwoodCo-ed website
Lockwood South Primary SchoolLockwood SouthCo-ed website
Lollypop Creek Primary SchoolWerribeeCo-ed2023 website
Longwarry Primary SchoolLongwarryCo-ed website
Longwood Primary SchoolLongwoodCo-ed website
Lorne P–12 CollegeLorneCo-ed1879 website
Lower Plenty Primary SchoolLower PlentyCo-ed website
Lucas Primary SchoolLucasCo-ed2020 website
Lucknow Primary SchoolBairnsdaleCo-ed website
Lynbrook Primary SchoolLynbrookCo-ed2005 website
Lyndale Greens Primary SchoolDandenong NorthCo-ed2010 website
Lyndhurst Primary SchoolLyndhurstCo-ed website
Lysterfield Primary SchoolLysterfieldCo-ed1877 website
Macarthur Primary SchoolMacarthurCo-ed website
Macarthur Street Primary SchoolSoldiers HillCo-ed1878 website
Macclesfield Primary SchoolMacclesfieldCo-ed website
Macedon Primary SchoolMacedonCo-ed1869 website
Mackellar Primary SchoolDelaheyCo-ed website
Macleod CollegeMacleodCo-edP–121954 website
Maffra Primary SchoolMaffraCo-ed website
Magpie Primary SchoolMagpieCo-ed1857 website
Mahogany Rise Primary SchoolFrankston NorthCo-ed website
Maiden Gully Primary SchoolMaiden GullyCo-ed website
Maldon Primary SchoolMaldonCo-ed website
Mallacoota P–12 CollegeMallacootaCo-ed website
Malmsbury Primary SchoolMalmsburyCo-ed website
Malvern Central SchoolMalvernCo-ed1875 website
Malvern Primary SchoolMalvern EastCo-ed1884 website
Malvern Valley Primary SchoolMalvern EastCo-ed website
Manangatang P–12 CollegeManangatangCo-edP–12 website
Manchester Primary SchoolMooroolbarkCo-ed website
Mandama Primary SchoolGrovedaleCo-ed website
Manifold Heights Primary SchoolManifold HeightsCo-ed website
Manor Lakes P–12 CollegeManor LakesCo-ed website
Manorvale Primary SchoolWerribeeCo-ed website
Mansfield Primary SchoolMansfieldCo-ed1872 website
Maramba Primary SchoolNarre WarrenCo-ed1995 website
Marlborough Primary SchoolHeathmontCo-ed website
Marlo Primary SchoolMarloCo-ed website
Marnoo Primary SchoolMarnooCo-ed website
Marong Primary SchoolMarongCo-ed website
Maroona Primary SchoolMaroonaCo-ed website
Marysville Primary SchoolMarysvilleCo-ed website
McKinnon Primary SchoolOrmondCo-ed website
Meadow Heights Primary SchoolMeadow HeightsCo-ed website
Meadowglen Primary SchoolEppingCo-ed website
Meadows Primary SchoolBroadmeadowsCo-ed website
Meeniyan Primary SchoolMeeniyanCo-ed website
Melrose Primary SchoolWodongaCo-ed website
Melton Primary SchoolMeltonCo-ed website
Melton South Primary SchoolMelton SouthCo-ed website
Melton West Primary SchoolMeltonCo-ed website
Mentone Park Primary SchoolMentoneCo-ed website
Mentone Primary SchoolMentoneCo-ed website
Menzies Creek Primary SchoolMenzies CreekCo-ed website
Merbein P–10 CollegeMerbeinCo-edP–10 website
Meredith Primary SchoolMeredithCo-ed website
Merino Consolidated SchoolMerinoCo-ed website
Mernda Central P–12 CollegeMerndaCo-ed2017 website
Mernda Park Primary SchoolMerndaCo-ed2017 website
Mernda Primary SchoolMerndaCo-ed website
Merri Creek Primary SchoolFitzroy NorthCo-ed website
Merri-bek Primary SchoolCoburgCo-ed website
Merrigum Primary SchoolMerrigumCo-ed website
Merrijig Primary SchoolMerrijigCo-ed website
Merrivale Primary SchoolWarrnamboolCo-ed website
Metung Primary SchoolMetungCo-ed website
Mickleham Primary SchoolMicklehamCo-ed website
Middle Indigo Primary SchoolIndigo ValleyCo-ed website
Middle Kinglake Primary SchoolKinglake CentralCo-ed website
Middle Park Primary SchoolMiddle ParkCo-ed website
Milawa Primary SchoolMilawaCo-ed website
Mildura Primary SchoolMilduraCo-ed1888 website
Mildura South Primary SchoolMilduraCo-ed website
Mildura West Primary SchoolMilduraCo-ed website
Milgate Primary SchoolDoncaster EastCo-ed website
Mill Park Heights Primary SchoolMill ParkCo-ed website
Mill Park Primary SchoolMill ParkCo-ed1980 website
Millwarra Primary SchoolWarburton East & MillgroveCo-ed website
Miners Rest Primary SchoolMiners RestCo-ed website
Minyip Primary SchoolMinyipCo-ed website
Mirboo North Primary SchoolMirboo NorthCo-ed1914 website
Mirniyan Primary SchoolClyde NorthCo-ed2025 website
Mirripoa Primary SchoolMount DuneedCo-ed2020 website
Mitcham Primary SchoolMitchamCo-ed website
Mitta Mitta Primary SchoolMitta MittaCo-edc. 1860 website
Moe South Street Primary SchoolMoeCo-ed website
Monbulk Primary SchoolMonbulkCo-ed website
Monmia Primary SchoolKeilor DownsCo-ed website
Mont Albert Primary SchoolMont AlbertCo-ed1917 website
Montmorency Primary SchoolMontmorencyCo-ed website
Montmorency South Primary SchoolMontmorencyCo-ed website
Montpellier Primary SchoolHightonCo-ed website
Montrose Primary SchoolMontroseCo-ed website
Moolap Primary SchoolMoolapCo-ed1878 website
Moomba Park Primary SchoolFawknerCo-ed website
Moonambel Primary SchoolMoonambelCo-ed website
Moonee Ponds Primary SchoolMoonee PondsCo-ed website
Moonee Ponds West Primary SchoolMoonee PondsCo-ed1888 website
Moorabbin Primary SchoolMoorabbinCo-ed website
Moorooduc Primary SchoolMoorooducCo-ed website
Mooroolbark East Primary SchoolMooroolbarkCo-ed1972 website
Mooroopna North Primary SchoolMooroopna NorthCo-ed website
Mooroopna Park Primary SchoolMooroopnaCo-ed1980 website
Mooroopna Primary SchoolMooroopnaCo-ed1980 website
Morang South Primary SchoolSouth MorangCo-ed1877 website
Mordialloc Beach Primary SchoolMordiallocCo-ed1868 website
Moriac Primary SchoolMoriacCo-ed1922 website
Mornington Park Primary SchoolMorningtonCo-ed website
Mornington Primary SchoolMorningtonCo-ed website
Mortlake P–12 CollegeMortlakeCo-ed website
Morwell Central Primary SchoolMorwellCo-ed2018 website
Morwell Park Primary SchoolMorwellCo-ed1969


Mossfiel Primary SchoolHoppers CrossingCo-ed1970 website
Mossgiel Park Primary SchoolEndeavour HillsCo-ed website
Mount Beauty Primary SchoolMount BeautyCo-ed website
Mount Blowhard Primary SchoolMount BlowhardCo-ed website
Mount Clear Primary SchoolMount ClearCo-ed1858 website
Mount Dandenong Primary SchoolMount DandenongCo-ed website
Mount Duneed Regional Primary SchoolMount DuneedCo-ed website
Mount Egerton Primary SchoolMount EgertonCo-ed website
Mount Eliza North Primary SchoolMount ElizaCo-ed1979 website
Mount Eliza Primary SchoolMount ElizaCo-edc. 1890 website
Mount Evelyn Primary SchoolMount EvelynCo-ed website
Mount Macedon Primary SchoolMount MacedonCo-ed1858 website
Mount Martha Primary SchoolMount MarthaCo-ed website
Mount Pleasant Primary SchoolBallaratCo-ed website
Mount Pleasant Road Primary SchoolNunawadingCo-ed website
Mount Ridley P–12 CollegeCraigieburnCo-edP–12 website
Mount View Primary SchoolGlen WaverleyCo-ed1965 website
Mount Waverley Heights Primary SchoolMount WaverleyCo-ed website
Mount Waverley North Primary SchoolMount WaverleyCo-ed website
Mount Waverley Primary SchoolMount WaverleyCo-ed1906 website
Mountain Gate Primary SchoolFerntree GullyCo-ed website
Movelle Primary SchoolKings ParkCo-ed website
Moyhu Primary SchoolMoyhuCo-ed website
Moyston Primary SchoolMoystonCo-ed website
Mulgrave Primary SchoolMulgraveCo-ed1879 website
Mullum Primary SchoolRingwoodCo-ed website
Murchison Primary SchoolMurchisonCo-ed1871 website
Murrabit Group SchoolMurrabitCo-ed website
Murrayville Community CollegeMurrayvilleCo-edP–12 website
Murrumbeena Primary SchoolMurrumbeenaCo-ed1903 website
Murtoa CollegeMurtoaCo-edP–12 website
Myrniong Primary SchoolMyrniongCo-ed website
Myrrhee Primary SchoolMyrrheeCo-ed website
Myrtleford P–12 CollegeMyrtlefordCo-ed website
Nagambie Primary SchoolNagambieCo-ed website
Nambrok Denison Primary SchoolNambrokCo-ed website
Nangiloc Colignan & District Primary SchoolNangiloc & ColignanCo-ed website
Nanneella Estate Primary SchoolNanneellaCo-ed1911 website
Napoleons Primary SchoolNapoleonsCo-ed website
Nar Nar Goon Primary SchoolNar Nar GoonCo-ed website
Narracan Primary SchoolNarracanCo-ed website
Narrawong District Primary SchoolNarrawongCo-ed website
Narre Warren North Primary SchoolNarre Warren NorthCo-ed website
Narre Warren South P–12 CollegeNarre Warren SouthCo-ed website
Nathalia Primary SchoolNathaliaCo-ed website
Natimuk Primary SchoolNatimukCo-ed website
Natte Yallock Primary SchoolNatte YallockCo-ed website
Navarre Primary SchoolNavarreCo-ed website
Nearnung Primary SchoolTarneitCo-ed2023 website
Neerim District Rural Primary SchoolNeerimCo-edGhost school [1]
Neerim South Primary SchoolNeerim SouthCo-ed website
New Gisborne Primary SchoolNew GisborneCo-ed website
Newborough East Primary SchoolNewboroughCo-ed website
Newborough Primary SchoolNewboroughCo-ed website
Newbury Primary SchoolCraigieburnCo-ed2017 website
Newcomb Primary SchoolNewcombCo-ed website
Newham Primary SchoolNewhamCo-ed1877 website
Newhaven Primary SchoolNewhavenCo-ed website
Newington Primary SchoolNewingtonCo-ed1860 website
Newlands Primary SchoolPreston WestCo-ed website
Newlyn Primary SchoolNewlynCo-ed1858 website
Newmerella Primary SchoolNewmerellaCo-ed1889 website
Newport Gardens Primary SchoolNewportCo-ed website
Newport Lakes Primary SchoolNewportCo-ed1855 website
Newstead Primary SchoolNewsteadCo-ed website
Newtown Primary SchoolNewtownCo-ed website
Ngarri Primary SchoolManor LakesCo-ed2023 website
Nhill CollegeNhillCo-edP–12 website
Nichols Point Primary SchoolNichols PointCo-ed website
Nicholson Primary SchoolNicholsonCo-ed website
Niddrie Primary SchoolAirport WestCo-ed1961 website
Nilma Primary SchoolNilmaCo-ed website
Noble Park Primary SchoolNoble ParkCo-ed website
Noojee Primary SchoolNoojeeCo-edGhost school [1]
Noorat Primary SchoolNooratCo-ed website
Norris Bank Primary SchoolBundooraCo-ed website
North Melbourne Primary SchoolNorth MelbourneCo-ed1857 website
Northcote Primary SchoolNorthcoteCo-ed1874 website
Northern Bay P–12 CollegeCorio, GeelongCo-ed1950 website
Nullawarre and District Primary SchoolNullawarreCo-ed website
Nullawil Primary SchoolNullawilCo-edGhost school [1] website
Numurkah Primary SchoolNumurkahCo-ed website
Nungurner Primary SchoolNungurnerCo-ed website
Nyah District Primary SchoolNyah WestCo-ed website
Nyora Primary SchoolNyoraCo-ed website
Oak Park Primary SchoolOak ParkCo-ed1954 website
Oakleigh Primary SchoolOakleighCo-ed website
Oakleigh South Primary SchoolOakleigh SouthCo-ed1958 website
Oatlands Primary SchoolNarre WarrenCo-ed1996 website
Oberon Primary SchoolBelmontCo-ed website
Ocean Grove Primary SchoolOcean GroveCo-ed website
Officer Primary SchoolOfficerCo-ed website
Old Orchard Primary SchoolBlackburn NorthCo-ed website
Olinda Primary SchoolOlindaCo-ed website
Omeo Primary SchoolOmeoCo-ed1866 website
Orbost North Primary SchoolOrbostCo-ed website
Orbost Primary SchoolOrbostCo-ed website
Orchard Grove Primary SchoolBlackburn SouthCo-edc. 1990 website
Orchard Park Primary SchoolOfficerCo-ed2021 website
Ormond Primary SchoolOrmondCo-ed1891 website
Orrvale Primary SchoolOrrvaleCo-ed website
Osborne Primary SchoolMount MarthaCo-ed1873 website
Osbornes Flat Primary SchoolOsbornes FlatCo-ed website
Outdoor SchoolBogong, Greta SouthCo-edResidential school2010 website
Ouyen P–12 CollegeOuyenCo-ed website
Overport Primary SchoolFrankstonCo-ed website
Oxley Primary SchoolOxleyCo-ed website
Pakenham Consolidated SchoolPakenhamCo-edc. 1890 website
Pakenham Hills Primary SchoolPakenhamCo-ed website
Pakenham Lakeside Primary SchoolPakenhamCo-ed website
Pakenham Primary SchoolPakenhamCo-ed2019 website
Pakenham Springs Primary SchoolPakenhamCo-ed website
Panmure Primary SchoolPanmureCo-ed website
Panton Hill Primary SchoolPanton HillCo-ed website
Park Orchards Primary SchoolPark OrchardsCo-ed1961 website
Park Ridge Primary SchoolRowvilleCo-ed website
Parkdale Primary SchoolParkdaleCo-ed website
Parkhill Primary SchoolAshwoodCo-ed website
Parkmore Primary SchoolForesthillCo-ed website
Parktone Primary SchoolParkdaleCo-ed website
Parkwood Green Primary SchoolHillsideCo-ed website
Pascoe Vale North Primary SchoolPascoe ValeCo-ed website
Pascoe Vale Primary SchoolPascoe ValeCo-ed1891 website
Pascoe Vale South Primary SchoolPascoe Vale SouthCo-ed website
The Patch Primary SchoolThe PatchCo-ed website
Patterson Lakes Primary SchoolPatterson LakesCo-ed website
Paynesville Primary SchoolPaynesvilleCo-ed website
Pearcedale Primary SchoolPearcedaleCo-ed website
Pembroke Primary SchoolMooroolbarkCo-ed website
Pender's Grove Primary SchoolThornburyCo-ed website
Penshurst Primary SchoolPenshurstCo-ed website
Pentland Primary SchoolDarleyCo-ed website
Peranbin Primary CollegeViolet TownCo-ed website
Perseverance Primary SchoolFrench IslandCo-ed website
Phoenix P–12 Community CollegeSebastopolCo-ed website
Pinewood Primary SchoolMount WaverleyCo-ed1961 website
Pleasant Street Primary SchoolLake WendoureeCo-ed1877 website
Plenty Parklands Primary SchoolMill ParkCo-ed1999 website
Point Cook P–9 CollegePoint CookCo-ed1923 website
Point Lonsdale Primary SchoolPoint LonsdaleCo-ed1898 website
Pomonal Primary SchoolPomonalCo-ed website
Poowong Consolidated SchoolPoowongCo-ed website
Porepunkah Primary SchoolPorepunkahCo-ed1873 website
Port Fairy Consolidated SchoolPort FairyCo-ed1874 website
Port Melbourne Primary SchoolPort MelbourneCo-ed website
Portarlington Primary SchoolPortarlingtonCo-ed website
Portland Bay Primary SchoolPortlandCo-ed website
Portland North Primary SchoolPortlandCo-ed website
Portland Primary SchoolPortlandCo-ed website
Portland South Primary SchoolPortlandCo-ed website
Powlett River Primary SchoolCalystonCo-ed website
Preston North East Primary SchoolPrestonCo-ed website
Preston Primary SchoolPrestonCo-ed1875 website
Preston South Primary SchoolPrestonCo-ed1866 website
Preston West Primary SchoolPrestonCo-ed1915 website
Princes Hill Primary SchoolPrinces HillCo-ed1889 website
Puckapunyal Primary SchoolPuckapunyalCo-ed website
Pyalong Primary SchoolPyalongCo-ed website
Pyramid Hill CollegePyramid HillCo-ed website
Quarry Hill Primary SchoolQuarry HillCo-ed website
Quarters Primary SchoolCranbourne WestCo-ed2023 website
Queenscliff Primary SchoolQueenscliffCo-ed website
Rainbow P–12 CollegeRainbowCo-ed website
Ramlegh Park Primary SchoolClyde NorthCo-ed2021 website
Ranfurly Primary SchoolMilduraCo-ed website
Rangebank Primary SchoolCranbourneCo-ed website
Rangeview Primary SchoolMitchamCo-ed website
Rawson Primary SchoolRawsonCo-ed1994 website
Raywood Primary SchoolRaywoodCo-ed1864 website
Red Cliffs East Primary SchoolRed CliffsCo-ed website
Red Cliffs Primary SchoolRed CliffsCo-ed website
Red Hill Consolidated SchoolRed HillCo-ed website
Redesdale Mia Mia Consolidated SchoolRedesdaleCo-ed website
Regency Park Primary SchoolWantirnaCo-ed1977 website
Research Primary SchoolResearchCo-ed1889 website
Reservoir East Primary SchoolReservoirCo-ed website
Reservoir Primary SchoolReservoirCo-ed website
Reservoir Views Primary SchoolReservoirCo-ed website
Reservoir West Primary SchoolReservoirCo-ed1954 website
Richmond Primary SchoolRichmondCo-ed1874 website
Richmond West Primary SchoolRichmondCo-edEnglish/Mandarin bilingual1975 website
Riddells Creek Primary SchoolRiddells CreekCo-ed website
Ringwood Heights Primary SchoolRingwood NorthCo-ed1965 website
Ringwood North Primary SchoolRingwood NorthCo-ed website
Ripplebrook Primary SchoolRipplebrookCo-ed website
Ripponlea Primary SchoolSt. Kilda EastCo-ed1922 website
River Gum Primary SchoolHampton ParkCo-ed website
Riverbend Primary SchoolWyndham ValeCo-ed2021 website
Riverwalk Primary SchoolWerribeeCo-ed2020 website
Roberts McCubbin Primary SchoolBox Hill SouthCo-ed1927 website
Robinvale CollegeRobinvaleCo-ed website
Rochester Primary SchoolRochesterCo-ed website
Rockbank Primary SchoolRockbankCo-ed1868 website
Rokewood Primary SchoolRokewoodCo-ed website
Rolling Hills Primary SchoolMooroolbarkCo-ed1986 website
Rollins Primary SchoolBell Post HillCo-ed1975 website
Romsey Primary SchoolRomseyCo-ed website
Rosanna Golf Links Primary SchoolRosannaCo-ed website
Rosanna Primary SchoolRosannaCo-ed1940 website
Rosebud Primary SchoolRosebudCo-ed1884 website
Rosedale Primary SchoolRosedaleCo-ed website
Rosewood Downs Primary SchoolDandenong NorthCo-ed website
Roslyn Primary SchoolBelmontCo-ed1951 website
Rowellyn Park Primary SchoolCarrum DownsCo-ed website
Rowville Primary SchoolRowvilleCo-ed1973 website
Roxburgh Homestead Primary SchoolRoxburgh ParkCo-ed website
Roxburgh Park Primary SchoolRoxburgh ParkCo-ed website
Roxburgh Rise Primary SchoolRoxburgh ParkCo-ed2005 website
Rupanyup Primary SchoolRupanyupCo-ed website
Rushworth P–12 CollegeRushworthCo-ed website
Ruskin Park Primary SchoolCroydonCo-ed website
Rutherglen Primary SchoolRutherglenCo-ed website
Rye Primary SchoolRyeCo-ed website
Sale Primary SchoolSaleCo-ed website
Saltwater P–9 CollegePoint CookCo-ed2019 website
San Remo Primary SchoolSan RemoCo-ed website
Sandringham East Primary SchoolSandringhamCo-ed1923 website
Sandringham Primary SchoolSandringhamCo-ed website
Sassafras Primary SchoolSassafrasCo-ed website
Scoresby Primary SchoolScoresbyCo-ed website
Seabrook Park Primary SchoolSeabrookCo-ed website
Seaford North Primary SchoolSeafordCo-ed1969 website
Seaford Park Primary SchoolSeafordCo-ed website
Seaford Primary SchoolSeafordCo-ed website
Seaholme Primary SchoolSeaholmeCo-ed1929 website
Seaspray Primary SchoolSeasprayCo-ed website
Sebastopol Primary SchoolSebastopolCo-ed1978 website
Selby Primary SchoolSelbyCo-ed website
Serpell Primary SchoolTemplestoweCo-ed website
Seville Primary SchoolSevilleCo-ed website
Seymour CollegeSeymourCo-edP–12 website
Shelford East Primary SchoolShelfordCo-ed website
Shepparton East Primary SchoolShepparton EastCo-ed website
Sherbourne Primary SchoolBriar HillCo-ed website
Sherbrooke Community SchoolSassafrasCo-ed1985 website
Silvan Primary SchoolSilvanCo-ed website
Silverton Primary SchoolNoble Park NorthCo-ed1977 website
Simpson Primary SchoolSimpsonCo-ed website
Skipton Primary SchoolSkiptonCo-ed website
Skye Primary SchoolSkyeCo-ed website
Solway Primary SchoolAshburtonCo-ed1950 website
Somers Primary SchoolSomersCo-ed1930 website
Somerville Primary SchoolSomervilleCo-ed website
Somerville Rise Primary SchoolSomervilleCo-ed website
Sorrento Primary SchoolSorrentoCo-ed website
South Melbourne Park Primary SchoolAlbert ParkCo-ed2019 website
South Melbourne Primary SchoolSouthbankCo-ed2018 website
South Yarra Primary SchoolSouth YarraCo-ed website
Southern Cross Primary SchoolEndeavour HillsCo-ed website
Southmoor Primary SchoolMoorabbinCo-ed1963 website
Specimen Hill Primary SchoolGolden SquareCo-ed website
Spensley Street Primary SchoolClifton HillCo-ed website
Spotswood Primary SchoolSpotswoodCo-ed website
Spring Gully Primary SchoolSpring GullyCo-ed website
Spring Parks Primary SchoolSpringvaleCo-ed website
Springhurst Primary SchoolSpringhurstCo-ed website
Springside Primary SchoolCaroline SpringsCo-ed website
Springvale Rise Primary SchoolSpringvaleCo-ed2010 website
St Albans East Primary SchoolSt AlbansCo-ed1956 website
St Albans Heights Primary SchoolSt AlbansCo-ed1968 website
St Albans Meadows Primary SchoolSt AlbansCo-ed1980 website
St Albans North Primary SchoolSt AlbansCo-ed website
St Albans Primary SchoolSt AlbansCo-ed website
St Andrews Primary SchoolSt AndrewsCo-ed website
St Arnaud Primary SchoolSt ArnaudCo-ed website
St Georges Road Primary SchoolSheppartonCo-ed website
St Kilda Park Primary SchoolSt KildaCo-ed1882 website
St Kilda Primary SchoolSt KildaCo-ed1875 website
St Leonards Primary SchoolGlen WaverleyCo-ed website
Stanhope Primary SchoolStanhopeCo-ed website
Stanley Primary SchoolStanleyCo-edGhost school [1]
Stawell Primary SchoolStawellCo-ed website
Stawell West Primary SchoolStawellCo-ed website
Stevensville Primary SchoolSt AlbansCo-ed website
Stockdale Road Primary SchoolTraralgonCo-ed website
Stratford Primary SchoolStratfordCo-ed website
Strathaird Primary SchoolNarre WarrenCo-ed website
Strathewen Primary SchoolStrathewenCo-ed website
Strathfieldsaye Primary SchoolStrathfieldsayeCo-ed website
Strathmerton Primary SchoolStrathmertonCo-ed website
Strathmore North Primary SchoolStrathmoreCo-ed website
Strathmore Primary SchoolStrathmoreCo-ed1944 website
Strathtulloh Primary SchoolStrathtullohCo-ed2022 website
Streeton Primary SchoolYallambieCo-ed website
Sunbury Heights Primary SchoolSunburyCo-ed website
Sunbury Primary SchoolSunburyCo-ed website
Sunbury West Primary SchoolSunburyCo-ed website
Sunshine Harvester Primary SchoolSunshineCo-ed website
Sunshine Heights Primary SchoolSunshine WestCo-ed website
Sunshine North Primary SchoolSunshine NorthCo-ed website
Sunshine Primary SchoolSunshineCo-ed website
Surfside Primary SchoolOcean GroveCo-ed website
Surrey Hills Primary SchoolSurrey HillsCo-ed website
Swan Hill North Primary SchoolSwan HillCo-ed website
Swan Hill Primary SchoolSwan HillCo-ed website
Swan Reach Primary SchoolSwan ReachCo-ed website
Swifts Creek P–12 SchoolSwifts CreekCo-ed2010 website
Sydenham Hillside Primary SchoolSydenham, HillsideCo-ed website
Syndal South Primary SchoolMount WaverleyCo-ed website
Talbot Primary SchoolTalbotCo-ed website
Talgarno Primary SchoolTalgarnoCo-ed website
Tallangatta Primary SchoolTallangattaCo-ed website
Tallarook Primary SchoolTallarookCo-ed website
Tallygaroopna Primary SchoolTallygaroopnaCo-ed website
Tambo Upper Primary SchoolTambo UpperCo-ed website
Tanjil South Primary SchoolTanjil SouthCo-ed website
Taradale Primary SchoolTaradaleCo-ed website
Tarnagulla Primary SchoolTarnagullaCo-ed website
Tarneit P–9 CollegeTarneitCo-ed website
Tarneit Rise Primary SchoolTarneitCo-ed2018 website
Tarwin Lower Primary SchoolTarwin LowerCo-ed website
Tate Street Primary SchoolThomsonCo-ed website
Tatura Primary SchoolTaturaCo-ed website
Tawonga Primary SchoolTawongaCo-ed website
Taylors Hill Primary SchoolTaylors HillCo-ed website
Taylors Lakes Primary SchoolTaylors LakesCo-ed1989 website
Tecoma Primary SchoolTecomaCo-ed website
Teesdale Primary SchoolTeesdaleCo-ed website
Templestowe Heights Primary SchoolTemplestowe LowerCo-ed website
Templestowe Park Primary SchoolTemplestoweCo-ed1977 website
Templestowe Valley Primary SchoolTemplestowe LowerCo-ed1969 website
Templeton Primary SchoolWantirnaCo-ed website
Tempy Primary SchoolTempyCo-ed website
Terang CollegeTerangCo-edP–12 website
Thomas Chirnside Primary SchoolWerribeeCo-ed website
Thomas Mitchell Primary SchoolEndeavour HillsCo-ed1991 website
Thomastown East Primary SchoolThomastownCo-ed website
Thomastown Meadows Primary SchoolThomastownCo-ed1980 website
Thomastown Primary SchoolThomastownCo-ed1855 website
Thomastown West Primary SchoolThomastownCo-ed website
Thornbury Primary SchoolThornburyCo-ed website
Thornhill Park Primary SchoolGrangefieldsCo-ed2023 website
Thorpdale Primary SchoolThorpdaleCo-ed1889 website
Timbarra P–9 CollegeBerwickCo-ed website
Timboon P–12 School TimboonCo-ed1948 website
Timor Primary SchoolTimorCo-ed website
Tinternvale Primary SchoolRingwood EastCo-ed website
Tongala Primary SchoolTongalaCo-ed website
Tooborac Primary SchoolTooboracCo-ed website
Toolamba Primary SchoolToolambaCo-ed website
Toolangi Primary SchoolToolangiCo-ed website
Toolern Vale and District Primary SchoolToolern ValeCo-ed website
Toongabbie Primary SchoolToongabbieCo-ed website
Toora Primary SchoolTooraCo-ed1888 website
Tooradin Primary SchoolTooradinCo-ed website
Toorak Primary SchoolToorakCo-ed website
Toorloo Arm Primary SchoolLake Tyers BeachCo-ed website
Tootgarook Primary SchoolTootgarookCo-ed website
Topirum Primary SchoolClyde NorthCo-ed2024 website
Torquay Coast Primary SchoolTorquayCo-ed2018 website
Torquay P–6 CollegeTorquayCo-ed website
Trafalgar Primary SchoolTrafalgarCo-ed website
Traralgon South Primary SchoolTraralgon SouthCo-ed website
Trawalla Primary SchoolTrawallaCo-ed website
Trentham District Primary SchoolTrenthamCo-ed1860 website
Truganina P–9 CollegeTruganinaCo-ed website
Truganina South Primary SchoolTruganinaCo-ed website
Tucker Road Bentleigh Primary SchoolBentleighCo-ed website
Tullamarine Primary SchoolTullamarineCo-ed website
Tulliallan Primary SchoolCranbourne NorthCo-ed2017 website
Tungamah Primary SchoolTungamahCo-ed website
Tyabb Primary SchoolTyabbCo-ed1891 website
Tyabb Railway Station Primary SchoolTyabbCo-ed1907 website
Tyers Primary SchoolTyersCo-ed website
Tylden Primary SchoolTyldenCo-ed website
Tyrrell CollegeSea LakeCo-edP–12 website
Ultima Primary SchoolUltimaCo-ed1902 website
Undera Primary SchoolUnderaCo-ed website
Underbool Primary SchoolUnderboolCo-ed website
University Park Primary SchoolSt. AlbansCo-ed website
Upper Ferntree Gully Primary SchoolUpper Ferntree GullyCo-ed website
Upper Plenty Primary SchoolUpper PlentyCo-ed website
Upper Sandy Creek Primary SchoolSandy CreekCo-ed website
Upwey Primary SchoolUpweyCo-ed1947 website
Upwey South Primary SchoolUpweyCo-ed1964 website
Valkstone Primary SchoolBentleigh EastCo-ed1957 website
Vermont Primary SchoolVermontCo-edc. 1870 website
Victoria Road Primary SchoolLilydaleCo-ed website
Victorian School of LanguagesCo-ed LOTE only, statewide enrolment1935 website
Viewbank Primary SchoolViewbankCo-ed1966 website
Virtual School Victoria ThornburyCo-edP–121909 website
Waaia Yalca South Primary SchoolWaaiaCo-edGhost school [1] website
Wahgunyah Primary SchoolWahgunyahCo-ed website
Wales Street Primary SchoolThornburyCo-ed1891 website
Wallan Primary SchoolWallanCo-ed website
Wallarano Primary SchoolNoble ParkCo-ed website
Wallaroo Primary SchoolHastingsCo-ed website
Wallington Primary SchoolWallingtonCo-ed1866 website
Walwa Primary SchoolWalwaCo-ed website
Wandiligong Primary SchoolWandiligongCo-ed1870 website
Wandin North Primary SchoolWandin NorthCo-ed website
Wandin Yallock Primary SchoolWandin NorthCo-ed website
Wandong Primary SchoolWandongCo-ed1871 website
Wangala Primary SchoolBelmontCo-ed website
Wangaratta Primary SchoolWangarattaCo-ed website
Wangaratta West Primary SchoolWangarattaCo-ed website
Wantirna Primary SchoolWantirnaCo-ed1912 website
Wantirna South Primary SchoolWantirna SouthCo-ed1940 website
Warburton Primary SchoolWarburtonCo-ed website
Warracknabeal Primary SchoolWarracknabealCo-ed website
Warragul North Primary SchoolWarragulCo-ed website
Warragul Primary SchoolWarragulCo-ed website
Warrandyte Primary SchoolWarrandyteCo-ed1862 website
Warranwood Primary SchoolWarranwoodCo-ed website
Warreen Primary SchoolTruganinaCo-ed2024 website
Warrenheip Primary SchoolWarrenheipCo-ed1860 website
Warrnambool East Primary SchoolWarrnamboolCo-ed website
Warrnambool Primary SchoolWarrnamboolCo-ed1876 website
Warrnambool West Primary SchoolWarrnamboolCo-ed website
Watsonia Heights Primary SchoolGreensboroughCo-ed website
Watsonia North Primary SchoolWatsonia NorthCo-ed1971 website
Watsonia Primary SchoolWatsoniaCo-ed website
Wattle Glen Primary SchoolWattle GlenCo-ed website
Wattle Park Primary SchoolBurwoodCo-ed1914 website
Wattleview Primary SchoolFerntree GullyCo-ed1971 website
Waubra Primary SchoolWaubraCo-ed1869 website
Waverley Meadows Primary SchoolWheelers HillCo-ed1975 website
Wedderburn CollegeWedderburnCo-edP–12 website
Wedge Park Primary SchoolMelton WestCo-ed website
Weeden Heights Primary SchoolVermont SouthCo-ed website
Welshpool and District Primary SchoolWelshpoolCo-ed website
Wembley Primary SchoolYarravilleCo-ed1958 website
Wendouree Primary SchoolWendoureeCo-ed website
Werribee Primary SchoolWerribeeCo-ed1861 website
Werrimull P–12 SchoolWerrimullCo-ed website
Wesburn Primary SchoolWesburnCo-ed website
Westall Primary SchoolClayton SouthCo-ed website
Westbreen Primary SchoolPascoe ValeCo-ed1923 website
Westgarth Primary SchoolNorthcoteCo-ed1924 website
Westgrove Primary SchoolWerribeeCo-ed website
Westmeadows Primary SchoolWestmeadowsCo-ed1870 website
Wheelers Hill Primary SchoolWheelers HillCo-ed website
White Hills Primary SchoolWhite HillsCo-ed1877 website
Whitehorse Primary SchoolBlackburn NorthCo-ed1922 website
Whitfield District Primary SchoolWhitfieldCo-ed website
Whittington Primary SchoolWhittingtonCo-ed website
Whittlesea Primary SchoolWhittleseaCo-ed1855 website
Whorouly Primary SchoolWhoroulyCo-ed1874 website
Wilandra Rise Primary SchoolClyde NorthCo-ed2017 website
Willaura Primary SchoolWillauraCo-ed website
William Ruthven Primary SchoolReservoirCo-ed website
Williamstown North Primary SchoolWilliamstownCo-ed1874 website
Williamstown Primary SchoolWilliamstownCo-ed1873 website
Willmott Park Primary SchoolCraigieburnCo-ed website
Willow Grove Park Primary SchoolWillow GroveCo-ed website
Willowbank Primary SchoolGisborneCo-ed2022 website
Willowmavin Primary SchoolWillowmavinCo-ed website
Wilmot Road Primary SchoolSheppartonCo-ed website
Wimba Primary SchoolTarneitCo-ed2024 website
Winchelsea Primary SchoolWinchelseaCo-ed2015 website
Windsor Primary SchoolWindsorCo-ed website
Winters Flat Primary SchoolCastlemaineCo-ed1860 website
Winton Primary SchoolWintonCo-ed website
Wirrigirri Primary SchoolWollertCo-ed2025 website
Woady Yaloak Primary SchoolRoss CreekCo-ed1994 website
Wodonga Primary SchoolWodongaCo-ed website
Wodonga South Primary SchoolWodongaCo-ed website
Wodonga West Primary SchoolWodongaCo-ed website
Wollert Primary SchoolWollertCo-ed2022 website
Wonga Park Primary SchoolWonga ParkCo-ed1895 website
Wonthaggi North Primary SchoolWonthaggiCo-ed1912 website
Wonthaggi Primary SchoolWonthaggiCo-ed website
Woodend Primary SchoolWoodendCo-ed website
Woodford Primary SchoolWoodfordCo-ed website
Woodlands Primary SchoolLangwarrinCo-ed website
Woodside Primary SchoolWoodsideCo-ed website
Woodville Primary SchoolHoppers CrossingCo-ed1973 website
Woolsthorpe Primary SchoolWoolsthorpeCo-ed website
Wooragee Primary SchoolWoorageeCo-ed website
Wooranna Park Primary SchoolDandenongCo-ed website
Woori Yallock Primary SchoolWoori YallockCo-ed website
Woorinen District Primary SchoolWoorinen SouthCo-ed website
Wunghnu Primary SchoolWunghnuCo-ed website
Wurruk Primary SchoolWurrukCo-ed website
Wycheproof P–12 CollegeWycheproofCo-ed website
Wyndham Park Primary SchoolWerribeeCo-ed website
Wyndham Vale Primary SchoolWyndham ValeCo-ed website
Yaapeet Primary SchoolYaapeetCo-ed website
Yackandandah Primary SchoolYackandandahCo-ed1872 website
Yallourn North Primary SchoolYallourn NorthCo-ed website
Yandoit Primary SchoolYandoitCo-ed1861 website
Yarra Glen Primary SchoolYarra GlenCo-ed website
Yarra Junction Primary SchoolYarra JunctionCo-ed1894 website
Yarra Primary SchoolRichmondCo-ed1888 website
Yarra Road Primary SchoolCroydon NorthCo-ed1925 website
Yarragon Primary SchoolYarragonCo-ed website
Yarram Primary SchoolYarramCo-ed website
Yarraman Oaks Primary SchoolNoble ParkCo-ed2008 website
Yarrambat Primary SchoolYarrambatCo-ed1878 website
Yarraville West Primary SchoolYarravilleCo-edc. 1890 website
Yarrawonga College P–12YarrawongaCo-ed website
Yarrunga Primary SchoolWangarattaCo-ed website
Yea Primary SchoolYeaCo-ed website
Yering Primary SchoolYeringCo-ed1870 website
Yinnar Primary SchoolYinnarCo-ed website
Yinnar South Primary SchoolYinnar SouthCo-ed website
Yubup Primary SchoolMicklehamCo-ed2024 website
Yuille Park P–8 Community CollegeWendouree, DelacombeCo-ed website
Zeerust Primary SchoolZeerustCo-ed1928 website

Secondary schools

SchoolSuburb or townYearsM/F/co-edCategoryFoundedWebsite
Alamanda K–9 CollegePoint CookP–9Co-ed2010 website
Albert Park College Albert Park7–12Co-ed2010 website
Alexandra Secondary College Alexandra7–12Co-ed1953 website
Alkira Secondary College Cranbourne North7–12Co-ed2009 website
Altona CollegeAltonaP–12Co-ed website
Apollo Bay P–12 CollegeApollo BayP–12Co-ed website
Ararat CollegeArarat7–12Co-ed1909 website
Ashwood High School Ashwood7–12Co-ed1958 website
Auburn High School Hawthorn East7–12Co-edEnglish/French bilingual2014 website
Bacchus Marsh College Maddingley7–12Co-ed1921 website
Baden Powel P–9 CollegeTarneitP–9Co-ed website
Baimbridge College Hamilton7–12Co-ed2003 website
Bairnsdale Secondary College Bairnsdale7–12Co-ed1912 website
Ballarat High School Lake Gardens7–12Co-ed1907 website
Balmoral K–12 Community CollegeBalmoralP–12Co-ed website
Balwyn High School Balwyn North7–12Co-ed1954 website
Bannockburn P–12 CollegeBannockburnP–12Co-ed2018 website
Bass Coast CollegeSan Remo & Wonthaggi & Dudley7–12Co-ed website
Bayside P–12 CollegeAltona & WilliamstownP–12Co-ed website
Bayswater Secondary College Bayswater7–12Co-ed1961 website
Beaufort Secondary College Beaufort7–12Co-ed1962 website
Beaumaris Secondary CollegeBeaumaris7–12Co-ed2022 website
Beechworth Secondary College Beechworth7–12Co-ed website
Bellarine Secondary College Drysdale, Ocean Grove7–12Co-ed1957 website
Belmont High School Belmont7–12Co-ed1955 website
Bemin Secondary CollegeTruganina7–12Co-ed2024 website
Benalla P–12 College BenallaP–12Co-ed1912 website
Bendigo Senior Secondary College Bendigo11–12Co-ed1907 website
Bendigo South East 7–10 Secondary CollegeFlora Hill7–10Co-ed2009 website
Bentleigh Secondary College Bentleigh East7–12Co-ed1969 website
Berwick College Berwick7–12Co-ed1977 website
Birchip P–12 SchoolBirchipP–12Co-ed website
Blackburn High School Blackburn North7–12Co-ed1956 website
Boort District P–12 SchoolBoortP–12Co-ed website
Boronia K–12 CollegeBoroniaP–12Co-ed2012 website
Box Hill High School Box Hill7–12Co-ed1930 website
Box Hill Senior Secondary College Mont Albert North10–12Co-ed1943 website
Brauer College Warrnambool7–12Co-ed1911 website
Braybrook College Braybrook7–12Co-ed1960 website
Brentwood Secondary College Glen Waverley7–12Co-ed1969 website
Bright P–12 College BrightP–12Co-ed1876 website
Brighton Secondary College Brighton East7–12Co-ed1955 website
Brinbeal Secondary CollegeTarneit7–12Co-ed2024 website
Broadford Secondary College Broadford7–12Co-ed1960 website
Brookside P–9 CollegeCaroline SpringsP–9Co-ed website
Brunswick Secondary College Brunswick7–12Co-ed1995 website
Buckley Park College Essendon7–12Co-ed1963 website
Bundoora Secondary CollegeBundoora7–12Co-ed1971 website
Camberwell High School Canterbury7–12Co-ed1941 website
Camperdown CollegeCamperdownP–12Co-ed1994 website
Cann River P–12 CollegeCann RiverP–12Co-ed website
Canterbury Girls' Secondary College Canterbury7–12F1928 website
Carranballac P–9 CollegePoint CookP–9Co-ed2002 website
Carrum Downs Secondary College Carrum Downs7–12Co-ed2004 website
Carwatha College P–12Noble Park NorthP–12Co-ed website
Casterton Secondary CollegeCasterton7–12Co-ed website
Castlemaine Secondary College Castlemaine7–12Co-ed website
Chaffey Secondary CollegeMildura7–12Co-ed website
Charles La Trobe P–12 College MacleodP–12Co-ed2011 website
Charlton CollegeCharltonP–12Co-ed website
Cheltenham Secondary College Cheltenham7–12Co-ed1959 website
Clyde Secondary CollegeClyde7–12Co-ed2022 website
Cobden Technical SchoolCobden7–12Co-ed1969 website
Cobram Secondary CollegeCobram7–12Co-ed website
Coburg High School Coburg7–12Co-ed1916, reopened 2007 website
Cohuna Secondary CollegeCohuna7–12Co-ed website
Colac Secondary CollegeColac7–12Co-edc. 1880 website
Collingwood College AbbotsfordP–12Co-ed1882 website
Copperfield College Sydenham7–12Co-ed website
Corryong CollegeCorryong7–12Co-ed website
Craigieburn Secondary CollegeCraigieburn7–12Co-ed1984 website
Cranbourne East Secondary CollegeCranbourne East7–12Co-ed website
Cranbourne Secondary CollegeCranbourne7–12Co-ed website
Cranbourne West Secondary CollegeCranbourne West7–12Co-ed2021 website
Croydon Community SchoolCroydon7–12Co-edSpecialist school website
Crusoe College Kangaroo Flat7–10Co-ed website
Dandenong High School Dandenong7–12Co-ed1919 website
Daylesford CollegeDaylesford7–12Co-ed1889 website
Derrinallum P–12 CollegeDerrinallumP–12Co-ed website
Diamond Valley College Diamond Creek7–12Co-ed1989 website
Dimboola Memorial Secondary College Dimboola7–12Co-ed1924 website
Dohertys Creek P–9 CollegeTruganinaP–9Co-ed2019 website
Donald High SchoolDonald7–12Co-ed1963 website
Doncaster Secondary College Doncaster7–12Co-ed1969 website
Dromana CollegeDromana7–12Co-ed website
Drouin Secondary College Drouin7–12Co-ed1953 website
Eaglehawk Secondary CollegeEaglehawk7–12Co-ed website
East Doncaster Secondary College Doncaster East7–12Co-ed1974 website
East Loddon P–12 CollegeDingeeP–12Co-ed website
Echuca College Echuca7–12Co-ed2006 website
Edenbrook Secondary CollegePakenham7–12Co-ed2021 website
Edenhope CollegeEdenhopeP–12Co-ed1994 website
Edgars Creek Secondary CollegeWollert7–12Co-ed website
Elevation Secondary CollegeCraigieburn7–12Co-ed2020 website
Elisabeth Murdoch College Langwarrin7–12Co-ed1984 website
Eltham High School Eltham7–12Co-ed1926 website
Elwood College Elwood7–12Co-ed1957 website
Emerald Secondary CollegeEmerald7–12Co-ed1985 website
Epping Secondary College Epping7–12Co-ed1976 website
Essendon Keilor College Essendon, Airport West, Keilor East7–12Co-ed1993 website
Euroa Secondary CollegeEuroa7–12Co-ed website
Fairhills High School Knoxfield7–12Co-ed1973 website
Featherbrook College P–9Point CookP–9Co-ed2017 website
Fitzroy High School Fitzroy North7–12Co-ed1915 website
Footscray High School Footscray, Seddon7–12Co-ed1916 website
Forest Hill College Burwood East7–12Co-ed1990 website
Foster Secondary CollegeFoster7–12Co-ed1920 website
Fountain Gate Secondary CollegeNarre Warren7–12Co-ed website
Frankston High School Frankston7–12Co-ed1924 website
Geelong High School East Geelong7–12Co-ed1910 website
Gisborne Secondary College Gisborne7–12Co-ed1981 website
Gladstone Park Secondary College Gladstone Park7–12Co-ed1974 website
Glen Eira College Caulfield East7–12Co-ed1999 website
Glen Waverley Secondary College Glen Waverley7–12Co-ed1960 website
Gleneagles Secondary CollegeEndeavour Hills7–12Co-ed website
Glenroy CollegeGlenroy7–12Co-ed website
Goroke P–12 College GorokeP–12Co-ed1885 website
The Grange P–12 College Hoppers CrossingP–12Co-ed1993 website
Greater Shepparton Secondary College Mooroopna, Shepparton7–12Co-ed2022 website
Greensborough College Greensborough7–12Co-ed1990 website
Greenvale Secondary CollegeGreenvale7–12Co-ed2022 website
Grovedale College Grovedale7–12Co-ed1979 website
Hallam Secondary CollegeHallam10–12Co-ed1967 website
Hampton Park Secondary College Hampton Park7–12Co-ed1986 website
Hawkesdale P–12 CollegeHawkesdaleP–12Co-ed website
Hazel Glen CollegeDoreenP–12Co-ed2014 website
Heathmont College Heathmont7–12Co-ed1993 website
Heywood & District Secondary CollegeHeywood7–12Co-ed website
Highvale Secondary College Glen Waverley7–12Co-ed1977 website
Homestead Senior Secondary CollegePoint Cook10–12Co-ed2020 website
Hopetoun P–12 CollegeHopetounP–12Co-ed website
Hoppers Crossing Secondary College Hoppers Crossing7–12Co-ed1984 website
Horsham CollegeHorsham7–12Co-ed website
Hume Central Secondary College Broadmeadows7–12Co-ed2008 website
Irymple Secondary CollegeIrymple7–12Co-ed website
John Fawkner College Fawkner7–12Co-ed1956 website
John Monash Science School Clayton10–12Co-edSTEM specialist school2010 website
Kambrya College Berwick7–12Co-ed2002 website
Kaniva CollegeKanivaP–12Co-ed1883 website
Keilor Downs College Keilor Downs7–12Co-ed1988 website
Kerang Technical High School Kerang7–12Co-ed1913 website
Kew High School Kew7–12Co-ed1963 website
Keysborough Secondary College Keysborough, Springvale South7–12Co-ed2008 website
Koo Wee Rup Secondary CollegeKoo Wee Rup7–12Co-ed1952 website
Koonung Secondary College Mont Albert North7–12Co-ed1964 website
Korumburra Secondary CollegeKorumburra7–12Co-ed website
Kurnai CollegeChurchill & Morwell7–12Co-ed website
Kurunjang Secondary College Kurunjang7–12Co-ed1986 website
Kyabram P–12 College KyabramP–12Co-ed1956 website
Kyneton High School Kyneton7–12Co-ed1912 website
Lake Bolac CollegeLake BolacP–12Co-ed website
The Lakes South Morang College South MorangP–12Co-ed2007 website
Lakes Entrance Secondary CollegeLakes Entrance7–12Co-ed website
Lakeview Senior CollegeCaroline Springs10–12Co-ed2012 website
Lalor North Secondary CollegeEpping7–12Co-ed website
Lalor Secondary CollegeLalor7–12Co-ed1963 website
Lara Secondary College Lara7–12Co-ed2003 website
Lavers Hill K–12 CollegeLavers HillP–12Co-ed website
Laverton P–12 CollegeLavertonP–12Co-ed website
Leongatha Secondary CollegeLeongatha7–12Co-ed website
Lilydale Heights College Lilydale7–12Co-ed1970 website
Lilydale High School Lilydale7–12Co-ed1919 website
Lorne P–12 College LorneP–12Co-ed1879 website
Lowanna College Newborough7–12Co-ed1928 website
Lyndale Secondary College Dandenong North7–12Co-ed1961 website
Lyndhurst Secondary CollegeCranbourne North7–12Co-ed website
Mac.Robertson Girls' High School Melbourne7–12F1934 website
Macleod College MacleodP–12Co-ed1954 website
Maffra Secondary College Maffra7–12Co-ed1927 website
Mallacoota P–12 CollegeMallacootaP–12Co-ed website
Manangatang P–12 CollegeManangatangP–12Co-ed website
Manor Lakes P–12 CollegeManor LakesP–12Co-ed website
Mansfield Secondary CollegeMansfield7–12Co-ed1962 website
Maribyrnong College Maribyrnong7–12Co-ed1958 website
Matthew Flinders Girls Secondary College Geelong7–12F1856 website
McClelland College Frankston7–12Co-ed website
McKinnon Secondary College McKinnon7–12Co-ed1954 website
Melba College Croydon7–12Co-ed2013 website
Melbourne Girls' College Richmond7–12F1994 website
Melbourne High School South Yarra9–12M1905 website
Melton Secondary College Melton7–12Co-ed1975 website
Mentone Girls' Secondary College Mentone7–12F1955 website
Merbein P–10 CollegeMerbeinP–10Co-ed website
Mernda Central P–12 CollegeMerndaP–12Co-ed2017 website
Mickleham Secondary CollegeMicklehamP–12Co-ed2023 website
Mildura Senior CollegeMildura11–12Co-ed1912 website
Mill Park Secondary College Mill Park7–12Co-ed1992 website
Mirboo North Secondary College Mirboo North7–12Co-ed1955 website
Monbulk College Monbulk7–12Co-ed1963 website
Monterey Secondary College Frankston North7–12Co-ed1994 website
Montmorency Secondary CollegeMontmorency7–12Co-ed website
Mooroolbark College Mooroolbark7–12Co-ed1973 website
Mordialloc Secondary College Mordialloc7–12Co-ed1924 website
Mornington Secondary College Mornington7–12Co-ed1993 website
Mortlake College P–12MortlakeP–12Co-ed website
Mount Alexander College Flemington7–12Co-ed1858 website
Mount Beauty Secondary CollegeMount Beauty7–12Co-ed1964 website
Mount Clear College Mount Clear7–12Co-ed1976 website
Mount Eliza Secondary College Mount Eliza7–12Co-ed1975 website
Mount Erin College Frankston South7–12Co-ed website
Mount Ridley CollegeCraigieburnP–12Co-ed website
Mount Rowan Secondary CollegeWendouree7–12Co-ed website
Mount Waverley Secondary College Mount Waverley7–12Co-ed1964 website
Mullauna College Mitcham7–12Co-ed1989 website
Murrayville Community College MurrayvilleP–12Co-ed website
Murtoa CollegeMurtoaP–12Co-ed website
Myrtleford P–12 CollegeMyrtlefordP–12Co-ed website
Narre Warren South P–12 College Narre Warren SouthP–12Co-ed2002 website
Nathalia Secondary CollegeNathalia7–12Co-ed website
Neerim District Secondary College Neerim South7–12Co-ed1961 website
Newcomb Secondary CollegeNewcomb7–12Co-ed1969 website
Nhill College NhillP–12Co-ed website
Noble Park Secondary College Noble Park7–12Co-ed1962 website
North Geelong Secondary CollegeNorth Geelong7–12Co-ed website
Northcote High School Northcote7–12Co-ed1926 website
Northern Bay P–12 CollegeCorio, GeelongP–12Co-ed1950 website
Norwood Secondary College Ringwood7–12Co-ed1958 website
Nossal High School Berwick9–12Co-ed2010 website
Numurkah Secondary CollegeNumurkah7–12Co-ed website
Oakwood SchoolNoble Park North, Frankston, Caulfield North7–12Co-edSpecialist school website
Oberon High School Armstrong Creek7–12Co-ed1963 website
Officer Secondary CollegeOfficer7–12Co-ed2016 website
Orbost Secondary CollegeOrbost7–12Co-ed1912 website
Ouyen P–12 CollegeOuyenP–12Co-ed website
Pakenham Secondary College Pakenham7–12Co-ed1967 website
Parkdale Secondary College Mordialloc7–12Co-ed1964 website
Pascoe Vale Girls College Pascoe Vale7–12F1956 website
Patterson River Secondary College Seaford7–12Co-ed1968 website
Peter Lalor Secondary College Lalor10–12Co-ed website
Phoenix P–12 Community College SebastopolP–12Co-ed1920 website
Point Cook P–9 CollegePoint CookP–9Co-ed1923 website
Point Cook Senior Secondary CollegePoint Cook10–12Co-ed website
Port Melbourne Secondary CollegePort Melbourne7–12Co-ed2022 website
Portland Secondary CollegePortland7–12Co-ed1912 website
Prahran High SchoolWindsor7–12Co-ed2019 website
Preston High SchoolPreston7–12Co-ed2019 website
Princes Hill Secondary College Carlton North7–12Co-ed1889 website
Pyramid Hill CollegePyramid Hill7–12Co-ed website
Rainbow P–12 CollegeRainbowP–12Co-ed website
Red Cliffs Secondary College Red Cliffs7–12Co-ed website
Reservoir High School Reservoir7–12Co-ed1958 website
Richmond High School Richmond7–12Co-ed2018 website
Ringwood Secondary College Ringwood7–12Co-ed1954 website
Robinvale CollegeRobinvale7–12Co-ed website
Rochester Secondary CollegeRochester7–12Co-ed website
Rosebud Secondary CollegeRosebud7–12Co-ed1954 website
Rosehill Secondary College Niddrie7–12Co-ed1959 website
Rowville Secondary College Rowville7–12Co-ed1990 website
Roxburgh College Roxburgh Park7–12Co-ed2003 website
Rushworth P–12 CollegeRushworthP–12Co-ed website
Rutherglen High School Rutherglen7–12Co-ed1999 website
Sale College Sale7–12Co-ed1996 website
Saltwater P–9 CollegePoint CookP–9Co-ed2019 website
Sandringham College Point Cook7–12Co-ed1988 website
Scoresby Secondary CollegeScoresby7–12Co-ed website
Seymour College SeymourP–12Co-ed2010 website
Somerville Secondary CollegeSomerville7–12Co-ed website
South Oakleigh Secondary College Oakleigh South7–12Co-ed website
Springside West Secondary CollegeFraser Rise7–12Co-ed2018 website
St Albans Secondary College St Albans7–12Co-ed1956 website
St Arnaud Secondary CollegeSt Arnaud7–12Co-ed website
St Helena Secondary College Eltham North7–12Co-ed1984 website
Staughton College Melton7–12Co-ed1979 website
Stawell Secondary CollegeStawell7–12Co-ed website
Strathmore Secondary CollegeStrathmore7–12Co-ed1957 website
Sunbury CollegeSunbury7–12Co-ed website
Sunbury Downs College Sunbury7–12Co-ed1988 website
Sunshine CollegeSunshine7–12Co-ed1992 website
Surf Coast Secondary CollegeTorquay7–12Co-ed2012 website
Suzanne Cory High School Werribee9–12Co-ed2011 website
Swan Hill CollegeSwan Hill7–12Co-ed website
Swifts Creek P–12 SchoolSwifts CreekP–12Co-ed2010 website
Swinburne Senior Secondary College Hawthorn11–12Co-ed1913 website
Sydney Road Community School Brunswick7–12Co-ed1972 website
Tallangatta Secondary CollegeTallangatta7–12Co-ed website
Tarneit P–9 CollegeTarneitP–9Co-ed website
Tarneit Senior CollegeTarneit10–12Co-ed2012 website
Taylors Lakes Secondary College Taylors Lakes7–12Co-ed1992 website
Templestowe CollegeTemplestowe Lower7–12Co-ed1994 website
Terang College TerangP–12Co-ed1848 website
Thomastown Secondary CollegeThomastown7–12Co-ed1971 website
Thornbury High School Thornbury7–12Co-ed1962 website
Timbarra P–9 CollegeBerwickP–9Co-ed website
Timboon P–12 School TimboonP–12Co-ed1948 website
Trafalgar High School Trafalgar7–12Co-ed1964 website
Traralgon College Traralgon7–12Co-ed website
Truganina P–9 CollegeTruganinaP–9Co-ed website
Tyrrell CollegeSea LakeP–12Co-ed website
University High School Parkville7–12Co-ed1910 website
Upper Yarra Secondary CollegeYarra Junction7–12Co-ed website
Upwey High SchoolUpwey7–12Co-ed1937 website
Vermont Secondary College Vermont7–12Co-ed1962 website
Victoria University Secondary College Deer Park7–12Co-ed2010 website
Victorian College of the Arts Secondary School Southbank7–12Co-ed1977 website
Victorian School of LanguagesP–12Co-ed LOTE only, statewide enrolment1935 website
Viewbank College Viewbank7–12Co-ed1994 website
Virtual School Victoria ThornburyP–12Co-ed Online school, statewide enrolment1909 website
Walcom Ngarrwa Secondary CollegeWerribee7–12Co-ed2024 website
Wallan Secondary CollegeWallan7–12Co-ed website
Wangaratta High School Wangaratta7–12Co-ed1909 website
Wantirna College Wantirna7–12Co-ed1980 website
Warracknabeal Secondary College Warracknabeal7–12Co-ed1901 website
Warragul Regional CollegeWarragul7–12Co-ed website
Warrandyte High School Warrandyte7–12Co-ed1978 website
Warrnambool College Warrnambool7–12Co-ed1907 website
Wedderburn CollegeWedderburnP–12Co-ed website
Weeroona College Bendigo White Hills7–10Co-ed1999 website
Wellington Secondary College Mulgrave7–12Co-ed1973 website
Werribee Secondary College Werribee7–12Co-ed1858 website
Werrimull P–12 SchoolWerrimullP–12Co-ed website
Westall Secondary CollegeClayton South7–12Co-ed website
Western Heights College Hamlyn Heights7–12Co-ed1985 website
Western Port Secondary CollegeHastings7–12Co-ed website
Wheelers Hill Secondary College Wheelers Hill7–12Co-ed website
Whittlesea Secondary College Whittlesea7–12Co-ed1977 website
William Ruthven Secondary CollegeReservoir7–12Co-ed2010 website
Williamstown High School Williamstown7–12Co-ed1914 website
Wodonga Middle Years College Wodonga3–9Co-ed2005 website
Wodonga Senior Secondary College Wodonga10–12Co-ed2005 website
Wollert Secondary CollegeWollert7–12Co-ed2023 website
Wonthaggi Secondary CollegeWonthaggi7–12Co-ed website
Woodmans Hill Secondary CollegeBallarat East7–12Co-ed website
Wulerrp Secondary CollegeClyde North7–12Co-ed2025 website
Wycheproof P–12 CollegeWycheproofP–12Co-ed website
Wyndham Central College Werribee7–12Co-ed website
Yarra Hills Secondary College Mooroolbark, Mount Evelyn7–12Co-ed1968 website
Yarrabing Secondary CollegeAintree7–12Co-ed2024 website
Yarram Secondary CollegeYarram7–12Co-ed website
Yarrawonga College P–12YarrawongaP–12Co-ed website
Yea High SchoolYea7–12Co-ed website
Yuille Park P–8 Community CollegeWendouree, Delacombe7–12Co-ed website

Specialist schools

SchoolSuburb or townFoundedWebsite
Armstrong Creek SchoolArmstrong Creek2018 website
Ascot Vale Heights SchoolAscot Vale website
Ashwood School Ashwood1976 website
Aurora SchoolBlackburn website
Ballarat Specialist SchoolLake Gardens, Ballarat website
Banmira Specialist SchoolShepparton website
Baringa Special SchoolMoe website
Barwon Valley SchoolBelmont website
Bass Coast Specialist SchoolWonthaggi, Bass Coast website
Bayside Special Development SchoolMoorabbin website
Belmore SchoolBalwyn website
Belvoir Wodonga Special Developmental SchoolWodonga website
Bendigo Special Developmental SchoolKangaroo Flat, Bendigo website
Broadmeadows Special Developmental SchoolBroadmeadows website
Bulleen Heights SchoolBulleen website
Burwood East Special Developmental SchoolBurwood East website
Cobram and District Specialist SchoolCobram website
Coburg Special Developmental SchoolCoburg website
Concord SchoolBundoora website
Croxton Special SchoolCroxton website
Croydon Special Developmental SchoolCroydon South1990 website
Dandenong Valley Special Developmental SchoolNarre Warren website
Dharra SchoolAintree2024 website
Diamond Valley Special Developmental SchoolGreensborough website
East Gippsland Specialist School website
Eastern Ranges SchoolFerntree Gulley website
Echuca Twin Rivers Specialist SchoolEchuca website
Emerson SchoolDandenong website
Endeavour Hills Specialist SchoolEndeavour Hills2022 website
Frankston Special Developmental SchoolFrankston website
Furlong Park School For Deaf ChildrenSunshine website
Glenallen SchoolGlen Waverley website
Glenroy Specialist School Glenroy1976 website
Hamilton Parklands SchoolHamilton website
Hamlyn Views SchoolGeelong2018 website
Hampden P-12 SchoolCobden website
Heatherwood SchoolDonvale website
Horsham Special SchoolHorsham website
Hume Valley SchoolDallas website
Jacana School for AutismJacana website
Jackson SchoolSt. Albans website
Jennings Street SchoolLaverton website
Kalianna Special SchoolNorth Bendigo website
Lake Colac SchoolColac1985 website
Latrobe Special Developmental SchoolTraralgon website
Marnebek School CranbourneCranbourne website
Maryborough Education CentreMaryborough website
Melton Specialist SchoolMelton website
Merri River SchoolWarrnambool website
Merriang Special Developmental SchoolMerriang website
Mildura Specialist SchoolMildura website
Monash Special Developmental School Wheelers Hill website
Montague Continuing Education CentreSouth Melbourne website
Mornington Special Developmental SchoolMornington website
Naranga SchoolFrankston website
Nelson Park SchoolBell Park website
Nepean Special SchoolSeaford, Frankston website
Nganboo Borron SchoolWerribee2024 website
Niddrie Autistic SchoolNiddrie website
Northern School For Autism website
Officer Specialist SchoolOfficer website
Parkville CollegeParkville website
Peninsula Specialist CollegeDromana website
Port Phillip Specialist SchoolPort Melbourne website
Portland Bay SchoolPortland website
Rosamond Special SchoolBraybrook website
Sale and District Specialist SchoolSale website
Seymour College Seymour website
Skene Street School StawellStawell website
South Gippsland Specialist School website
Southern Autistic School website
Springvale Park Special Developmental SchoolSpringvale website
Sunbury and Macedon Ranges Specialist SchoolSunbury website
Sunshine Special Developmental SchoolSunshine website
Swan Hill Specialist SchoolSwan Hill website
Vermont South Special SchoolVermont South website
Victorian College For The Deaf website
Wangaratta District Specialist SchoolWangaratta website
Waratah Special Developmental SchoolBellfield website
Warracknabeal Special Developmental SchoolWarracknabeal website
Warragul & District Specialist SchoolWarragul website
Warringa Park SchoolHoppers Crossing website
Wayi SchoolCraigieburn2023 website
Western Autistic School website
Yarra Ranges Special Developmental SchoolMount Evelyn website
Yarrabah SchoolAspendale website
Yarraville Special Developmental SchoolYarraville website

Defunct schools

School [2] [3] Suburb or townYear openedYear closedSuccessor school or campus (if applicable)
Alamein Primary SchoolAshburton19501993
Alberton West (and District) Primary SchoolAlberton West18791999
Allans Flat Primary SchoolAllans Flat18591994
Allans Forest Primary SchoolMepunga West18711993Allansford & District Primary School
Altona East Primary SchoolAltona19602009Newport Gardens Primary School
Altona Gate Primary SchoolAltona19602009Bayside P–12 College
Altona North Technical SchoolAltona19591992Bayside P–12 College
Amstle Primary SchoolOakleigh East19581993Amsleigh Park Primary School
Ararat Technical SchoolArarat19691997Ararat Secondary College
Ardeer High SchoolArdeer19792020Sunshine College
Ardoch High SchoolSt Kilda East19771992
Ashwood Primary SchoolAshwood19531993
Aspendale Technical SchoolAspendale19591992
Avondale High SchoolAvondale Heights19721991
Bald Hills Primary SchoolSulky18781993
Ballarat East Primary SchoolBallarat East18781993Caledonian Primary School
Ballarat North Technical SchoolBallarat North19551994 Ballarat Secondary College
Ballarat Primary SchoolBallarat18531992
Ballendella Primary SchoolBallendella19122005
Balliang Primary SchoolBalliang19101995
Balmoral Consolidated SchoolBalmoral18592008Balmoral K–12 Community College
Bangholme Primary SchoolBangholme19151992
Banksia La Trobe Secondary College Heidelberg19542011 Charles La Trobe College
Banyule High SchoolHeidelberg19611994 Viewbank College
Barkers Creek Primary SchoolBarkers Creek18751993
Barongarook Primary SchoolBarongarook18792009Lavers Hill K–12 College
Barwon Downs Primary SchoolBarwon Downs18881993Forrest Primary School
Bayview Primary SchoolMount Waverley19561992Mount Waverley Primary School
Bell Park Technical SchoolBell Park19682008 Western Heights College
Bellarine Primary SchoolBellarine18741993
Bellfield Primary SchoolBellfield19512011 Charles La Trobe College
Bena Primary SchoolBena18902006
Benalla High SchoolBenalla19121994 Benalla P–12 College
Benalla West Primary SchoolBenalla19602013 Benalla P–12 College
Benambra Primary SchoolBenambra18762002
Bendigo East Primary SchoolEast Bendigo18761998 Weeroona College Bendigo
Bendigo North Primary SchoolNorth Bendigo18732012Lightning Reef Primary School
Bennettswood Primary SchoolBennettswood19641993Box Hill South Primary School
Bentleigh East Primary SchoolBentleigh East18781993
Berriwillock Primary SchoolBerriwillock18951994Tyrrell College
Bessiebelle Primary SchoolBessiebelle18792005
Binginwarri Primary SchoolBinginwarri18881993Alberton West and District Primary School
Blackburn East Primary SchoolBlackburn East19581993
Blackburn South High SchoolBlackburn South19591997 Forest Hill College
Blackburn South Primary SchoolBlackburn South19201989Orchard Grove Primary School
Blackburn Technical SchoolBlackburn19591992
Bobinawarrah East Primary SchoolBobinawarrah18991993
Bonbeach High SchoolBonbeach19571991
Bonnie Doon Primary SchoolBonnie Doon18781999
Bookaar Primary SchoolBookaar19081993Camperdown Primary School
Boolarra South Primary SchoolBoolarra South19101990
Boorhaman Primary SchoolBoorhaman18772008
Boort Primary SchoolBoort18772013Boort District P–12 School
Boronia Heights College Boronia19732014Boronia K–12 College
Boronia High SchoolBoronia19571991
Boronia Primary SchoolBoronia19232012Boronia K–12 College
Botanic Park Primary SchoolDoncaster19731993
Box Hill Primary SchoolBox Hill18871993
Box Hill Technical SchoolBox Hill19431993 Box Hill Senior Secondary College
Brandon Park Technical SchoolWheelers Hill19782003
Braybrook Primary SchoolBraybrook18732009Sunshine Harvester Primary School
Brewster Primary SchoolBrewster19241993
Brighton Technical SchoolBrighton19221991
Brim Primary SchoolBrim18902000
Broadmeadows Secondary College Broadmeadows2008 Hume Central Secondary College
Broadmeadows Technical SchoolBroadmeadows19611992
Brooklyn Primary SchoolBrooklyn19531993
Brunswick East High SchoolBrunswick19691993 Brunswick Secondary College
Brunswick High SchoolBrunswick19641993 Brunswick Secondary College
Brunswick Primary SchoolBrunswick18731996Brunswick East Primary School
Brunswick West Primary SchoolBrunswick18881990
Buckley Primary SchoolBuckley18751993Moriac Primary School
Buffalo Primary SchoolBuffalo18952005
Bulla Primary SchoolBulla18541996
Bullarook Primary SchoolBullarook18591989
Bulleen Primary SchoolBulleen19611993
Bullengarook Primary SchoolBullengarook18772007
Bunbartha Primary SchoolBunbartha18811997
Bundgeree Primary SchoolBundgeree18881992
Burbank Primary SchoolReservoir19652009Reservoir Views Primary School
Burramine South Primary SchoolBurramine South18791993
Burwood High SchoolBurwood19551987
Burwood Primary SchoolBurwood18651989
Burwood Technical SchoolBurwood19561989
Cabbage Tree Primary SchoolCabbage Tree19131993
Calder Rise Primary SchoolKeilor19762009Keilor Views Primary School
Campbellfield Primary SchoolCampbellfield18461992
Camperdown Primary SchoolCamperdown18541994Camperdown College
Campmeadows Primary SchoolBroadmeadows19592011
Caramut Primary SchoolCaramut18612005Mortlake College P–12
Carpendeit Primary SchoolCarpendeit18751995
Carrajung Primary SchoolCarrajung19141996
Carrajung Sout Primary SchoolCarrajung18982012
Castle Donnington Primary SchoolCastle Donnington19121993
Castlemaine Technical SchoolCastlemaine19162009 Castlemaine Secondary College
Catani Primary SchoolCatani19231993Bayles Regional Primary School
Chadstone High SchoolChadstone19621991
Charlton Primary SchoolCharlton18751994Charlton College
Cheltenham North Primary SchoolCheltenham North19571993Le Page Primary School
Cheshunt Primary SchoolCheshunt18831993
Chocolyn Primary SchoolChocolyn18731993Camperdown Primary School
Clarendon Primary SchoolClarendon19781993
Clarkefield Primary SchoolClarkefield18902016
Clayton Primary SchoolClayton19562010
Clayton Technical SchoolClayton19611991
Clayton West Primary SchoolClayton19622007Clarinda Primary School
Clear Lake Primary SchoolClear Lake18791997
Cloverlea Primary SchoolCloverlea19062006
Club Terrace Primary SchoolClub Terrace19001993
Clyde North Primary SchoolClyde North18581992Wilandra Rise Primary School
Coburg East Primary SchoolCoburg19261997
Coburg High School Coburg19121997 Coburg High School
Coburg Technical SchoolCoburg19541992
Coghills Creek Primary SchoolCoghills Creek18751997
Colac High SchoolColac19112008
Colignan Primary SchoolColignan19271993Nangiloc Colignan & District Primary School
Collingwood Primary SchoolCollingwood18771992
Commercial Road Primary SchoolMorwell18792017Morwell Central Primary School
Connewarre Primary SchoolConnewarre18781993Mount Duneed Regional Primary School
Cooinda Primary SchoolGlen Waverley19721993Glen Waverley South Primary School
Coolaroo Primary SchoolCoolaroo19761992
Coomboona Primary SchoolCoomboona18911993
Coomoora High SchoolSpringvale South19772011 Keysborough Secondary College
Corio North High SchoolCorio19782010Northern Bay P–12 College
Corio South Primary SchoolCorio19652013Northern Bay P–12 College
Costerfield Primary SchoolCosterfield18731992
Cressy Primary SchoolCressy18662010
Crinigan Road Primary SchoolMorwell19572017Morwell Central Primary School
Croydon High School Croydon19572018 Melba College
Croydon North Primary SchoolCroydon North18782010Croydon Primary School
Croydon South Primary SchoolCroydon South19672009Tinternvale Primary School
Crowlands Primary SchoolCrowlands18641993
Culgoa Primary SchoolCulgoa18952008
Dandenong Technical SchoolDandenong19541991
Denison Primary SchoolDenison19231993Nambrok-Denison Primary School
Dennington Primary SchoolDennington18581996
Derrinallum Primary SchoolDerrinallum18781994Derrinallum P–12 College
Diggers Road Primary SchoolWerribee South19271997
Dixie Primary SchoolDixie18681992
Doncaster East Primary SchoolDoncaster East18781996Doncaster Gardens Primary School
Doncaster Heights Primary SchoolDoncaster East19681993
Doncaster Park Primary SchoolDoncaster19621996
Donvale High SchoolDonvale19661995
Dooen Primary SchoolDooen18761993
Doutta Galla Primary SchoolNiddrie19531996
Doveton High SchoolDoveton19601992
Doveton North Primary SchoolDoveton19652012Doveton College
Doveton West Primary SchoolDoveton19591993
Dudley Primary SchoolDudley19111993
Eastmeadows Primary SchoolBroadmeadows19601996
Eastmont Primary SchoolVermont19641996
Eastmoor Primary SchoolBentleigh East19571998Tucker Road Bentleigh Primary School
Eastville Primary SchoolEastville18731996
Echuca South Primary SchoolEchuca19712018Echuca Twin Rivers Primary School
Echuca Village Primary SchoolEchuca Village18961993
Echuca West Primary SchoolEchuca19152018Echuca Twin Rivers Primary School
Ecklin South Primary SchoolEcklin South18851993
Eddington Primary SchoolEddington18671992
Elaine Primary SchoolElaine18761998
Eldorado Primary SchoolEldorado18611993Tarrawingee Area Primary School
Elingamite North Primary SchoolElingamite North19381993
Ellerslie Primary SchoolEllerslie18741992
Endeavour Hills Secondary CollegeEndeavour Hills19692012Doveton College
Ensay Group SchoolEnsay18891994
Erica Primary SchoolErica18811993
Erinbank Secondary College Erica19782008 Hume Central Secondary College
Essendon Technical SchoolEssendon19391992 Essendon Keilor College
Eumemmerring Primary SchoolEumemmerring19762012Doveton College
Eureka Street Primary SchoolBallarat East18701993Canadian Lead Primary School
Everton Upper Primary SchoolEverton Upper18731994
Fairfield North Primary SchoolFairfield North19281992
Fairway Primary SchoolFrankston19641993Kananook Primary School
Fawkner North Primary SchoolFawkner North19571993
Fawkner Technical SchoolFawkner19611993Glenroy College
Ferntree Gully Technical SchoolFerntree Gully19541996
Fiskville Primary SchoolFiskville19331992
Fitzroy High School Fitzroy19571992 Fitzroy High School
Flemington High SchoolFlemington19641992
Footscray High SchoolYarraville19541996
Framlingham Primary SchoolFramlingham18721993
Freshwater Creek Primary SchoolFreshwater Creek18561993Mount Duneed Regional Primary School
Fyansford Primary SchoolFyansford18761996
Gardiner Primary SchoolGardiner19151992
Garvoc Primary SchoolGarvoc18701993
Geelong North Primary SchoolGeelong North19771996
Geelong Primary School (Swanston Street)Geelong18711993
Geelong Technical School (Moorabool Street)Geelong1913c. 1994
Geelong Technical School (Reynolds Road)Belmontc. 1970s1996
Genoa Primary SchoolGenoa18911990
Gerang Primary SchoolGerang Gerung18841993
Glen Devon Primary SchoolWerribee19642011Wyndham Park Primary
Glen Waverley Primary SchoolGlen Waverley18801993
Glenburn Primary SchoolGlenburn19021993
Glengarry West Primary SchoolGlengarry West19291993
Glenlyon Primary SchoolGlenlyon18611993
Glenmore Primary SchoolGlenmore19111993
Glenroy High SchoolGlenroy19541993Glenroy College
Gnarwarre Primary SchoolGnarwarre18751990
Gnotuk Primary SchoolGnotuk19021993Camperdown Primary School
Golden Point Primary SchoolBallarat East18751993Canadian Lead Primary School
Gowerville Primary SchoolPreston19591993
Granya Primary SchoolGranya18801994
Gravel Hill Primary SchoolGravel Hill18751992
Grenville Primary SchoolGrenville18721990
Greythorn High SchoolBalwyn North19581992 Balwyn High School
Grimshaw Primary SchoolBundoora18711993
Hadfield High SchoolHadfield19641993Glenroy College
Hadfield Primary SchoolHadfield18571996
Hallora Primary SchoolHallora18811994Lardner and District Primary School
Hallston Primary SchoolHallston18871990
Hansonville Primary SchoolHansonville18751993Greta Valley Primary School
Harcourt North Primary SchoolHarcourt North19211994Harcourt Valley Primary School
Hawkesdale Primary SchoolHawkesdale18661993Hawkesdale P–12 College
Hawksburn Primary SchoolPrahran18751993
Hawthorn Secondary CollegeHawthornc. 1974c. 2000s Auburn High School (reopened 2014)
Hazelwood Estate Primary SchoolHazelwood19261993
Heatherdale Primary SchoolMitcham19631993
Heatherton Primary SchoolHeatherton18701999
Heathmont Primary SchoolHeathmont19521997Great Ryrie Primary School
Heidelberg Heights Primary SchoolHeidelberg Heights19571993
Heidelberg Technical SchoolHeidelberg19541991
Heidelberg West (Haig Street) Primary SchoolHeidelberg West19252011 Charles La Trobe College
Highett Primary SchoolHighett19531993
Hillcrest Secondary College Highett2008 Hume Central Secondary College
Hopetoun Primary SchoolHopetoun18922013Hopetoun P–12 College
Huntingdale High SchoolHuntingdale1959c. 1990s South Oakleigh Secondary College
Hurstbridge High SchoolHurstbridge19661999 Diamond Valley College
Iona Primary SchoolGarfield18941993
Irrewarra Primary SchoolIrrewarra19231993
Johnsonville Primary SchoolJohnsonville18861998
Jordanville South Primary SchoolChadstone19531993
Jung Primary SchoolJung18761993
Kalimna West Primary SchoolKalimna West19001992
Kalkallo Primary SchoolKalkallo18551993
Kalkee Primary SchoolKalkee18771993
Karingal High SchoolFrankston19591999 McClelland College
Keon Park Technical SchoolReservoir19581992
Kergunyah South Primary SchoolKergunyah South18881992
Kerrie Primary SchoolKerrie18741993
Kewell Primary SchoolKewell18791990
Keysborough Primary SchoolKeysborough18691993
Keysborough Technical SchoolKeysborough19751992
Killoura Primary SchoolBurwood East19711991Orchard Grove Primary School
Kilmany South Primary SchoolKilmany19131991
Kilsyth East Primary SchoolKilsyth19711993
Kingsbury Technical SchoolKingsbury19631997
Kingston Primary School Kingston 18652004
Kirkstall Primary SchoolKirkstall18621993
Knowsley Primary SchoolKnowsley18791990
Knox Technical SchoolKnox19661992
Koonung Heights Primary SchoolMont Albert North19541993Box Hill North Primary School
Koonwarra Primary SchoolKoonwarra18931993
Korong Vale Primary SchoolKorong Vale18771999Wedderburn College
Korweinguboora Primary SchoolKorweinguboora18781993
Krowera Primary SchoolKrowera18891992
Kyvalley Primary SchoolKyvalley18871992
La Trobe High SchoolBundoora19581989
Laanecoorie Primary SchoolLaanecoorie18641993
Laang Primary SchoolLaang18751997
Lakeside Primary SchoolReservoir19621993
Lalor Park Primary SchoolLalor19702012
Larpent Primary SchoolLarpent19031995
Laverton Park Primary SchoolLaverton19551993
Leichardt Primary SchoolLeichardt18741993
Leongatha South Primary SchoolLeongatha South18931991
Little Hampton Primary SchoolLittle Hampton18761993Trentham District Primary
Long Gully Primary SchoolLong Gully18791992
Longlea Primary SchoolLonglea18771993
Longwarry North Primary SchoolLongwarry North19261993
Lovely Banks Primary SchoolLovely Banks18751996Hamlyn Banks Primary School
Lubeck Primary SchoolLubeck18831990
Macleod Primary SchoolMacleod19251997 Macleod College
Macorna Primary SchoolMacorna18921990
Maidstone Primary SchoolMaidstone19511996Dinjerra Primary
Mailors Flat Primary SchoolMailors Flat18731994
Malvern Girls High SchoolMalvern19461993
Mandurang Primary SchoolMandurang18771994
Marcus Hill Primary SchoolMarcus Hill18781993
Mardan South Primary SchoolMardan18921993
Maribyrnong Primary SchoolMaribyrnong19121993
McGuire College Shepparton19662020 Greater Shepparton Secondary College
Mead Primary SchoolMead19121992
Meringur Primary SchoolMeringur19271997
Merlynston Primary SchoolCoburg North19281993
Merrilands Primary SchoolReservoir19591997
Merton Primary SchoolMerton18751996
Metcalfe Primary SchoolMetcalfe18661993
Middlefield Primary SchoolBlackburn North19621991
Millbrook Primary SchoolMillbrook18771993
Mimosa Primary SchoolGlen Waverley19731994
Mincha West Primary SchoolMincha West18771990
Mitcham Technical SchoolMitcham19651996 Mullauna College
Mitiamo Primary SchoolMitiamo18841993
Mitre Primary SchoolMitre18821993
Modella Primary SchoolModella19031993
Moe High SchoolMoe19531994 Lowanna College
Monterey High SchoolFrankston North19661994Monterey Secondary College
Moorabbin West Primary SchoolMoorabbin19501992
Moorilim Primary SchoolMoorilim18751994
Moorleigh High SchoolBentleigh East19661992
Mooroolbark Primary SchoolMooroolbark19282004
Mooroopna North West Primary SchoolMooroopna18781996
Mooroopna Secondary CollegeShepparton19722020 Greater Shepparton Secondary College
Moreland High SchoolMoreland19531991
Mornington High SchoolMornington19561999 Mornington Secondary College
Mortlake Primary SchoolMortlake18581995
Morwell Primary School (Collins Street)Morwell19511992
Morwell Technical SchoolMorwell19591992Kurnai Secondary College
Mount Prospect Primary SchoolMount Prospect18621993
Mount Taylor Primary SchoolMount Taylor19041993
Mount Wallace Primary SchoolMount Wallace18711997
Munro Primary SchoolMunro19131993
Murraydale Primary SchoolMurraydale19131993Beverford District Primary School
Murrayville Primary SchoolMurrayville19121994 Murrayville Community College
Murrumbeena High SchoolMurrumbeena19581996 Glen Eira College
Musk Primary SchoolMusk18721993
Muskerry East Primary SchoolMuskerry East18781993
Myall Primary SchoolMyall18961993
Myrtlebank Primary SchoolMyrtlebank18801993Bundalaguah Primary School
Mywee Primary SchoolMywee18941991
Nandaly Primary SchoolNandaly19161994Tyrrell College
Naringal Primary SchoolNaringal18771993Allansford and District Primary School
Narmara Primary SchoolBurwood East19671992
Narrawong East Primary SchoolNarrawong East18871993Narrawong District Primary School
Neerim East Primary SchoolNeerim East18921994Neerim District Rural Primary School
Nelson Primary SchoolNelson18751990
Newborough High SchoolNewborough19621994 Lowanna College
Newbridge Primary SchoolNewbridge18611996
Newcomb South Primary SchoolNewcomb South19761997Newcomb Primary
Newlands High SchoolCoburg19601992
Nilma North Primary SchoolNilma North19291996
Noble Park Technical SchoolNoble Park19571994 Noble Park Secondary College
Noradjuha Primary SchoolNoradjuha18771996
Norlane Primary SchoolNorlane19551996
Normanville Primary SchoolNormanville18941992
Northcote Technical SchoolNorthcote19661998 Thornbury High School
North Melbourne Primary School (Boundary Road)North Melbourne18831996
Norwood Primary SchoolRingwood North19561993
Nunawading High SchoolNunawading19551997 Forest Hill College
Nyah Primary SchoolNyah18961997Nyah District Primary School
Oakleigh High SchoolOakleigh19551992
Oakleigh Technical SchoolOakleigh19461991
Oak Park High SchoolOak Park19591997Glenroy College
Outtrim Primary SchoolOuttrim18951993
Overland Primary SchoolKeilor East19741993
Parklands Primary SchoolAirport West19581993
Pimpinio Primary SchoolPimpinio18741996
Pine Lodge Primary SchoolPine Lodge18781995
Plenty Primary SchoolPlenty19221993
Pomborneit North Primary SchoolPomborneit North19151990
Poowong East Primary SchoolPoowong East19111995Poowong Consolidated School
Poowong North Primary SchoolPoowong North19221994Poowong Consolidated School
Port Albert Primary SchoolPort Albert18731994
Port Melbourne Primary School (Nott Street)Port Melbourne19741992Port Melbourne Primary School
Port Welshpool Primary SchoolPort Welshpool19001993Welshpool and District Primary School
Portland High SchoolPortland19451993Portland Secondary College
Powelltown Primary SchoolPowelltwon19171993
Prahran High SchoolPrahran19661996 Glen Eira College
Prahran Primary SchoolPrahran18881990
Preston East High SchoolPreston19641997 Reservoir High School
Preston Girls High SchoolPreston19282013Preston High School (reopened 2019)
Preston Technical SchoolPreston19371996
Purnim Primary SchoolPurnim18711993
Purrumbete South Primary SchoolPurrumbete South18771993
Quantong Primary SchoolQuantong18931997
Queenscliff High SchoolQueenscliff19451998 Bellarine Secondary College
Raglan Primary SchoolRaglan18611996
Redbank Primary SchoolRedbank18671993
Richards Street Primary SchoolBallarat East19691997Canadian Lead Primary School
Richmond Girls High SchoolRichmond19261993
Richmond High SchoolRichmond19671992 Richmond High School (reopened 2018)
Richmond Technical SchoolRichmond19261992
Ringwood Primary SchoolRingwood18891997Great Ryrie Primary School
Ringwood Technical SchoolRingwood19581993 Heathmont College
Ringwood East Primary SchoolRingwood East19241993
Rosebank Primary SchoolReservoir19681992
Rosehill Park Primary SchoolKeilor East19681993
Ross Bridge Primary SchoolRossbridge18721993Maroona Primary School
Rushworth Primary SchoolRushworth18721996Rushworth P–12 College
St Germains Primary SchoolSt Germains18751994
St Helens Primary SchoolSt Helens18761993
St James Primary SchoolSt James18841993
Sale Technical SchoolSale18851996 Sale College (Macalister Campus)
Sarsfield Primary SchoolSarsfield18731993
Scoresby Heights Primary SchoolScoresby19721994
Sea Lake Primary SchoolSea Lake18961994Tyrrell College
Sebastian Primary SchoolSebastian18751993
Sedgwick Primary SchoolSedgwick18671990
Shepparton Technical SchoolShepparton19531993
Silvan South Primary SchoolSilvan South19261992
South Melbourne Primary School (Dorcas Street)South Melbourne18731996
South Melbourne Primary School (Eastern Road)South Melbourne18771991
South Melbourne Technical SchoolSouth Melbourne19181992
Southwood Primary SchoolRingwood19651997Great Ryrie Primary School
Speed Primary SchoolSpeed19141993
Speewa Primary SchoolSpeewa19241993Beverford District Primary School
Springvale North Primary SchoolSpringvale North18751993Albany Rise Primary School
Steels Creek Primary SchoolSteels Creek18861992
Stewart Primary SchoolRed Cliffs19351993Red Cliffs Primary School
Strath Creek Primary SchoolStrath Creek18921994
Strathdownie Primary SchoolStrathdownie18891996
Streatham Primary SchoolStreatham18661998
Studfield Primary SchoolStudfield19651993Yawarra Primary School
Sunshine High SchoolSunshine19551991Sunshine College
Sutherlands Creek Primary SchoolSutherlands Creek18771990
Swinburne Technical SchoolHawthorn19131992 Swinburne Senior Secondary College
Sydenham West Primary SchoolSydenham19141993Toolern Vale and District Primary School
Syndal High SchoolSyndal19671996 Glen Waverley Secondary College
Syndal Primary SchoolSyndal19531992
Syndal Technical SchoolSyndal19581994 Glen Waverley Secondary College
Talindert Primary SchoolCamperdown19101993
Tarrawingee (Area) Primary SchoolTarrawingee18721998
Templestowe High SchoolTemplestowe19601993Templestowe College
Templestowe Primary SchoolTemplestowe18741993
Toolamba West Primary SchoolToolamba West18851993
Toolleen Primary SchoolToolleen18741990
Tottenham Primary SchoolTottenham19531993Dinjerra Primary School
Tottenham Technical SchoolTottenham19571991Sunshine College
Trafalgar East Primary SchoolTrafalgar East19051995
Trafalgar South Primary SchoolTrafalgar South1883c. 1995
Tragowel Primary SchoolTragowel18801997
Traralgon Technical SchoolTraralgon19601993Traralgon Secondary College
Tresco Primary SchoolTresco19141992
Tyntynder Primary SchoolTyntynder19131992
Tyntynder South Primary SchoolTyntynder South18921993Beverford District Primary School
Victoria Park Primary SchoolAbbotsford18891992
Vinifera Primary SchoolVinifera19241993
Wallacedale North Primary SchoolWallacedale19001993Branxholme-Wallacedale Community School
Wandin East Primary SchoolWandin East19161992
Wanganui Park Secondary College Shepparton19662020 Greater Shepparton Secondary College
Wangoom Primary SchoolWangoom18651992
Wantirna Heights Primary SchoolWantrina19741997
Warragul West Primary SchoolWarragul West18891994Lardner and District Primary School
Warrandyte South Primary SchoolWarrandyte South19041995
Warrawong Primary SchoolBlackburn South19601990Orchard Grove Primary School
Warrnambool South Primary SchoolWarrnambool18771994
Watsonia High SchoolWatsonia19621992 Greensborough College
Watsonia South Primary SchoolWatsonia19711993
Wattle Park High SchoolWattle Park19621992
Waverley High SchoolMount Waverley1956c. 1995 Mount Waverley Secondary College
Waverley North Primary SchoolMount Waverley19621993Mount Waverley North Primary School
Waverley Park Primary SchoolMulgrave19731996
Wedderburn Primary SchoolWedderburn18651999Wedderburn College
Weerite Primary SchoolWeerite19011993Camperdown Primary School
Wellington Primary SchoolMulgrave19681996Brandon Park Primary
Werribee South Primary SchoolWerribee19151993
West Melbourne Primary SchoolWest Melbourne18751992
Westmere Primary SchoolWestmere19141993
Westside Primary SchoolSpringvale19571993
Whitehorse Girls Technical SchoolBox Hill19241984Box Hill Technical School
Willung Primary SchoolWillung18801993
Windsor Technical SchoolWindsor19801992
Wollert Primary SchoolWollert18771993
Won Wron Primary SchoolWon Wron18771995
Woods Point Primary SchoolWoods Point18651998
Woorinen Primary SchoolWoorinen19171993Woorinen District Primary School
Woorinen North Primary SchoolWoorinen North19251993Woorinen District Primary School
Yalca South Primary SchoolYalca South18801993Waaia Yalca South Primary School
Yalla-y-Poora Primary SchoolYalla-y-Poora19561993Maroona Primary School
Yallourn Technical SchoolNewborough East19281994 Lowanna College
Yanac Primary SchoolYanac18891993
Yanakie Primary SchoolYanakie19601993Fish Creek and District Primary School
Yarack Primary SchoolYarack18741993
Yarra Park Primary SchoolEast Melbourne18741992
Yarraleen Primary SchoolBulleen19751992
Yarraville Primary SchoolYarraville18751994
Yendon Primary SchoolYendon18641993
Yeodene Primary SchoolYeodene18721993


  1. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 "Inside Victoria's 'ghost schools': The classrooms with no teachers or students". The Age. 8 March 2023.
  2. "Lost Schools of the 1990s".
  3. "Lost Schools: 21st Century".