List of members of the Flemish Parliament, 2009–2014

Last updated

Flemish Parliament, 2009–2014
Legislative body Flemish Parliament
Meeting place Brussels
TermJune 2009 (2009-06) – April 2014 (2014-04)
Election 7 June 2009
Government Peeters II Government
Speaker Jan Peumans (N-VA)
The seat division of the Parliament after the elections of 2009 Zetelverdeling-VP-2009.gif
The seat division of the Parliament after the elections of 2009
The Parliament building in Brussels Brussels - Vlaams Parlement.jpg
The Parliament building in Brussels

This is a list of members of the Flemish Parliament in its 12th legislative term, arranged alphabetically. The legislative term started in 2009 (after the Belgian regional elections of 2009) and lasted until 2014. However, it is only the fourth legislature since the members of the Flemish Parliament were first elected.



2009 Flemish Parliament.svg
Christian Democratic and Flemish 939,87322.8631131-4
Flemish Interest 628,56415.2820121-11
Socialist Party Differently 627,85215.2718119-6
Open Flemish Liberals and Democrats 616,61014.9919221-4
New Flemish Alliance 537,04013.061616+16
List Dedecker 313,1767.6288+8
Groen! 278,2116.77617+1
Union of Francophones 47,3191.1511
Social Liberal Party 44,7341.09
Workers' Party of Belgium+ 42,8491.04
Left Socialist Party 10,0380.24
Belgische Alliantie9,3180.23
Committee for Another Policy 2,2110.05
Vrije Christen Democraten1,8980.05
Belgische Unie – Union Belge 7120.02
Valid votes4,112,32594.50
Invalid/blank votes239,4825.50
Total votes4,351,807100.00
Registered voters/turnout4,676,48893.06
Source: Belgian Elections



This is a list of the current members of the Bureau of the Flemish Parliament.


Speaker Jan Peumans N-VA
1st Deputy Speaker Veerle Heeren CD&V
2nd Deputy Speaker Marijke Dillen Vlaams Belang
3rd Deputy Speaker Dirk Van Mechelen Open VLD
4th Deputy Speaker Mia De Vits SP.A
5th Deputy Speaker Jos De Meyer CD&V
6th Deputy Speaker Filip Dewinter Vlaams Belang


Eric Van Rompuy CD&V
Marino Keulen Open VLD
Bart Martens SP.A

Floor leaders

This is a list of the current floor leaders of the recognised fractions. They form the Extended Bureau together with the members of the Bureau.

Floor leaderParty
Koen Van den Heuvel CD&V
Joris Van Hauthem Vlaams Belang
Sas van Rouveroij Open VLD
Matthias Diependaele
(2009-2012: Kris Van Dijck)
Bart Van Malderen SP.A
Lode Vereeck Lijst Dedecker
Elisabeth Meuleman Groen

List of current representatives

Filip Anthuenis (resigned) Open VLD East Flanders
Erik ArckensIndependent Brussels-Capital Region
Robrecht Bothuyne CD&V East Flanders
Boudewijn Bouckaert Lijst Dedecker East Flanders
Karin Brouwers CD&V Flemish Brabant
Ann Brusseel Open VLD Brussels-Capital Region
Agnes Bruyninckx-Vandenhoudt Vlaams Belang West Flanders
Karlos Callens Open VLD West Flanders
Ludwig Caluwé (resigned) CD&V Antwerp
Bart Caron Groen West Flanders
Vera Celis N-VA Antwerp
Patricia Ceysens Open VLD Flemish Brabant
Lode Ceyssens CD&V Limburg
Sonja Claes CD&V Limburg
Griet Coppé CD&V West Flanders
Frank Creyelman Vlaams Belang Antwerp
John Crombez (resigned) SP.A West Flanders
Steve D'Hulster SP.A Antwerp
Carl Decaluwe (resigned) CD&V West Flanders
Johan Deckmyn Vlaams Belang East Flanders
Kathleen Deckx SP.A Antwerp
Philippe De Coene SP.A West Flanders
Jean-Jacques De Gucht Open VLD East Flanders
Tom Dehaene (resigned) CD&V Flemish Brabant
Lieven Dehandschutter (resigned) N-VA East Flanders
Irina De Knop Open VLD Flemish Brabant
Dirk de Kort CD&V Antwerp
Kurt De Loor SP.A East Flanders
Paul Delva CD&V Brussels-Capital Region
Mark Demesmaeker (resigned) N-VA Flemish Brabant
Marnic De Meulemeester Open VLD East Flanders
Jos De Meyer CD&V East Flanders
Annick De Ridder Open VLD Antwerp
Mia De Vits SP.A Flemish Brabant
Gwenny De Vroe Open VLD Flemish Brabant
Else De Wachter SP.A Flemish Brabant
Patricia De Waele Lijst Dedecker East Flanders
Bart De Wever N-VA Antwerp
Filip Dewinter Vlaams Belang Antwerp
Matthias Diependaele N-VA East Flanders
Marijke Dillen Vlaams Belang Antwerp
Jan Durnez CD&V West Flanders
Tine Eerlingen N-VA Flemish Brabant
Martine Fournier CD&V West Flanders
Cindy Franssen CD&V East Flanders
Sven Gatz (resigned) Open VLD Brussels-Capital Region
Danielle Godderis-T'Jonck N-VA West Flanders
Peter Gysbrechts Open VLD Antwerp
Veerle Heeren CD&V Limburg
Kathleen Helsen CD&V Antwerp
Marc Hendrickx N-VA Antwerp
Liesbeth Homans N-VA Antwerp
Michèle Hostekint SP.A West Flanders
Pieter Huybrechts Vlaams Belang Antwerp
Yamila Idrissi SP.A Brussels-Capital Region
Lies Jans N-VA Limburg
Vera Jans CD&V Limburg
Chris Janssens Vlaams Belang Limburg
Patrick Janssens SP.A Antwerp
Ward Kennes CD&V Antwerp
Marino Keulen Open VLD Limburg
Jan Laurys CD&V Flemish Brabant
Marcel Logist SP.A Flemish Brabant
Chokri Mahassine SP.A Limburg
Bart Martens SP.A Antwerp
Katleen Martens Vlaams Belang Limburg
Elisabeth Meuleman Groen East Flanders
An Michiels (resigned) Vlaams Belang Flemish Brabant
Fientje Moerman Open VLD East Flanders
Dirk Peeters Groen Antwerp
Lydia Peeters Open VLD Limburg
Fatma Pehlivan SP.A East Flanders
Jan Penris Vlaams Belang Antwerp
Jan Peumans N-VA Limburg
Sabine Poleyn CD&V West Flanders
Peter Reekmans Lijst Dedecker Flemish Brabant
Els Robeyns SP.A Limburg
Jan Roegiers SP.A East Flanders
Tinne Rombouts CD&V Antwerp
Ivan Sabbe Lijst Dedecker West Flanders
Hermes Sanctorum Groen Flemish Brabant
Ludo Sannen (resigned) SP.A Limburg
Johan Sauwens CD&V Limburg
Katrien Schryvers CD&V Antwerp
Herman Schueremans (resigned) Open VLD Flemish Brabant
Willy Segers N-VA Flemish Brabant
Stefaan Sintobin Vlaams Belang West Flanders
Griet Smaers CD&V Antwerp
Helga Stevens N-VA East Flanders
Felix Strackx Vlaams Belang Flemish Brabant
Erik Tack Vlaams Belang East Flanders
Valerie Taeldeman CD&V East Flanders
Bart Tommelein Open VLD West Flanders
Güler Turan SP.A Antwerp
Wilfried Vandaele N-VA West Flanders
Marc Vanden Bussche Open VLD West Flanders
Marleen Van den Eynde Vlaams Belang Antwerp
Koen Van den Heuvel CD&V Antwerp
Vera Van der Borght Open VLD East Flanders
Marleen Vanderpoorten Open VLD Antwerp
Luckas Van Der Taelen Groen Brussels-Capital Region
Marc Van de Vijver CD&V East Flanders
Kris Van Dijck N-VA Antwerp
Christian Van Eyken UF Flemish Brabant
Joris Van Hauthem Vlaams Belang Flemish Brabant
Bart Van Malderen SP.A East Flanders
Dirk Van Mechelen Open VLD Antwerp
Karim Van Overmeire N-VA East Flanders
Eric Van Rompuy CD&V Flemish Brabant
Sas van Rouveroij Open VLD East Flanders
Gerda Van SteenbergeIndependent East Flanders
Mercedes Van Volcem Open VLD West Flanders
Lode Vereeck Lijst Dedecker Limburg
Jan Verfaillie CD&V West Flanders
Goedele Vermeiren N-VA Antwerp
Christian Verougstraete Vlaams Belang West Flanders
Johan Verstreken CD&V West Flanders
Jurgen Verstrepen Lijst Dedecker Antwerp
Linda Vissers Vlaams Belang Limburg
Mieke Vogels Groen Antwerp
Filip Watteeuw (resigned) Groen East Flanders
Ulla Werbrouck Lijst Dedecker West Flanders
Wim Wienen Vlaams Belang Antwerp
Veli Yüksel CD&V East Flanders

† Elected as member of Vlaams Belang; joined the New Flemish Alliance (N-VA) on 31 August 2011.
‡ Elected as members of Vlaams Belang; became independent representatives on 20 July 2011 (Ackers) and 12 July 2012 (Van Steenberge).

Changes during the legislature

Representatives who chose not to sit

NameFractionConstituencyDate of resignationReplacementNotes
Gerolf Annemans Vlaams Belang Antwerp 30 June 2009 Jan Penris Stays federal representative
Jean-Marie Dedecker Lijst Dedecker West Flanders 30 June 2009 Ivan Sabbe Stays federal representative
Johan Demol Vlaams Belang Brussels-Capital Region 30 June 2009 Erik Arckens Stays Brussels representative
Guy D'Haeseleer Vlaams Belang East Flanders 30 June 2009 Erik Tack Stays federal representative
Annick Ponthier Vlaams Belang Limburg 30 June 2009 Katleen Martens Stays federal representative
Bart Somers Open VLD Antwerp 30 June 2009 Annick De Ridder Stays federal representative
Dirk Sterckx Open VLD Antwerp 30 June 2009 Peter Gysbrechts Becomes member of the European Parliament
Daniël Termont SP.A East Flanders 30 June 2009 Bart Van Malderen Stays mayor of Ghent
Erika Thijs CD&V Limburg 30 June 2009 Lode Ceyssens Stays federal senator
Bruno Valkeniers Vlaams Belang Antwerp 30 June 2009 Marleen Van den Eynde Stays federal representative
Kathleen Van Brempt SP.A Antwerp 30 June 2009 Bart Martens Becomes member of the European Parliament
Anke Van dermeersch Vlaams Belang East Flanders 30 June 2009 Wim Wienen Stays federal senator
Frank Van Hecke Vlaams Belang Antwerp 30 June 2009 Stefaan Sintobin Becomes member of the European Parliament
Brigitte Grouwels CD&V Brussels-Capital Region 13 July 2009 Paul Delva Stays Brussels representative
Yves Leterme CD&V West Flanders 13 July 2009 Jan Durnez Stays federal senator

Representatives who resigned

NameFractionConstituencyDate of resignationReplacementNotes
Geert Bourgeois N-VA West Flanders 13 July 2009 Wilfried Vandaele Became minister in Peeters II
Hilde Crevits CD&V West Flanders 13 July 2009 Sabine Poleyn Became minister in Peeters II
Kris Peeters CD&V Antwerp 13 July 2009 Koen Van den Heuvel Became minister-president in Peeters II
Joke Schauvliege CD&V East Flanders 13 July 2009 Valerie Taeldeman Became minister in Peeters II
Freya Van den Bossche SP.A East Flanders 13 July 2009 Jan Roegiers Became minister in Peeters II
Jo Vandeurzen CD&V Limburg 13 July 2009 Vera Jans Became minister in Peeters II
Sophie De Wit N-VA Antwerp 6 July 2010 Goedele Vermeiren Became federal representative
Caroline Gennez SP.A Antwerp 6 July 2010 Steve D'Hulster Became federal representative
Frank Vandenbroucke SP.A Flemish Brabant 6 July 2010 Else De Wachter Became federal representative
Peter Vanvelthoven SP.A Limburg 6 July 2010 Ludo Sannen Became federal representative
An Michiels VB Flemish Brabant 10 October 2010 Wim Van Dijck Ended her political career for personal reasons
Sven Gatz Open VLD Brussels-Capital Region 30 June 2011 Khadija Zamouri Ended his political career for professional reasons
John Crombez SP.A West Flanders 6 December 2011 Jurgen Vanlerberghe Became secretary of state in Di Rupo I
Carl Caluwe CD&V West Flanders 31 January 2012 Els Kindt Became governor of West Flanders
Ludwig Caluwé CD&V Antwerp 1 December 2012 Caroline Bastiaens Became provincial deputy in 2013
Tom Dehaene CD&V Flemish Brabant 13 December 2012 Peter Van Rompuy Became provincial deputy in 2013
Lieven Dehandschutter N-VA East Flanders 31 December 2012 Marius Meremans Became mayor of Sint-Niklaas
Herman Schueremans Open VLD Flemish Brabant 1 January 2013 Jo De Ro Ended his political career for professional reasons
Filip Watteeuw Groen East Flanders 4 January 2013 Björn Rzoska Became alderman in Ghent
Mark Demesmaeker N-VA Flemish Brabant 31 January 2013 Piet De Bruyn Became member of the European Parliament
Ludo Sannen SP.A Limburg 16 September 2013 Joke Quintens Ended his political career
Filip Anthuenis Open VLD East Flanders 23 September 2013 Egbert Lachaert


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