List of near-Earth object observation projects

Last updated

List of near-Earth object observation projects is a list of projects that observe Near-Earth objects. Most are astronomical surveys intended to find undiscovered asteroids, and they sometimes find comets.


Anglo-Australian Near-Earth Asteroid Survey 19901996
Asiago-DLR Asteroid Survey 20012002
Asteroid Terrestrial-impact Last Alert System (ATLAS)2015
Beijing Schmidt CCD Asteroid Program 19962002Discovered more than 1000 minor planets [1]
Campo Imperatore Near-Earth Object Survey 2001
Catalina Sky Survey 1998About 1000 objects per year
EURONEAR 2006 [2]
International Near-Earth Asteroid Survey
Lincoln Near-Earth Asteroid Research (LINEAR)1998
Lowell Observatory Near-Earth-Object Search 19932008
Near Earth Object Surveillance Satellite 2013Microsatellite observatory
Near-Earth Asteroid Tracking (NEAT)19952007
NELIOTA 20172023Monitoring project of lunar impact flashes for the determination of the distribution and frequency of small NEOs
NEO Surveyor 2028
NEOSTEL 2020Planned ground-based fly-eye survey telescope
NEODyS Database of near-Earth asteroid orbits
NEOWISE 20092024Infrared survey to identify and characterize the population of near-Earth objects
Orbit@home 20082013?NEO-related distributed computing project
OGS Telescope 1995
OCA–DLR Asteroid Survey 1996 [3] 1999
Palomar–Leiden survey 19601977
Palomar Planet-Crossing Asteroid Survey 19731995
Palomar Transient Factory [4] 20092012
Pan-STARRS 2008
Sentinel Space Telescope Proposed space telescope
Sentry (monitoring system)
Siding Spring Survey 20042013
Space Situational Awareness Programme 2009 [5]
Spacewatch 1984 [6]
Ukrainian Optical Facilities for Near-Earth Space Surveillance Network
Vera C. Rubin Observatory 2024Ground-based survey telescope (under construction)

See also


  1. "Minor Planet Discoverers (by number)". Minor Planet Center. 12 January 2017. Retrieved 2 February 2017.
  2. "Home". EURONEAR . Archived from the original on 2023-12-11. Retrieved 2024-04-06. It was established in May 2006 by Ovidiu Vaduvescu and Mirel Birlan (former Romanian astronomers) at IMCCE, Observatoire de Paris, France.
  3. Hahn, Gerhard (6 February 2015). "O.D.A.S. Home Page". European Asteroid Research Node. Archived from the original on 7 September 2006. Retrieved 10 February 2016.
  4. Waszczak, Adam; Prince, Thomas A.; Laher, Russ; Masci, Frank; Bue, Brian; Rebbapragada, Umaa; Barlow, Tom; Jason Surace; Helou, George (2017). "Small Near-Earth Asteroids in the Palomar Transient Factory Survey: A Real-Time Streak-detection System". Publications of the Astronomical Society of the Pacific. 129 (973): 034402. arXiv: 1609.08018 . doi:10.1088/1538-3873/129/973/034402. ISSN   1538-3873. S2CID   43606524.
  5. "The story so far". European Space Agency . Archived from the original on 2024-02-16. Retrieved 2024-04-06. ESA's Space Situational Awareness (SSA) programme was launched in 2009
  6. "Spacewatch Telescope Detects Its First Asteroids". ScienceDaily. Retrieved 2018-11-18.