Maelia gens

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The gens Maelia was a plebeian family at ancient Rome. Members of this gens are mentioned in the time of the early Republic, from just after the decemvirs down to the Samnite Wars. The Maelii belonged to the equestrian order, and were among the wealthiest of the plebeians. [1] The most famous of the Maelii was probably Spurius Maelius, a wealthy merchant who purchased grain from the Etruscans during a famine in 440 BC, and sold it to the poor at a nominal price. The following year, the patricians accused him of conspiring to make himself king, and when he resisted arrest he was slain by the magister equitum, Gaius Servilius Ahala. [2]



The Maelii mentioned in the early history of the Republic used the praenomina Spurius, Gaius, Publius , and Quintus . All were common names during this period, although Spurius was less common in the later Republic, and vanished altogether in early imperial times.

Branches and cognomina

The only surname associated with the Maelii was Capitolinus, indicating that this branch of the family lived on the Capitoline Hill.


This list includes abbreviated praenomina. For an explanation of this practice, see filiation.


  1. Ahala's justification for slaying Maelius was that he had refused the dictator's summons; a Roman dictator held the power of life and death, symbolized by the axes in his lictor's fasces, which were not removed even within the sacred boundary of Rome. But the Lex Valeria Horatia , passed after the abolition of the decemvirs, only ten years before Maelius' summary execution, assured Roman citizens the right of appeal, even from a dictator. The dictator could summon Maelius to appear and account for his actions, but he could not have him put to death without a trial before the comitia centuriata . This illegal act may be considered strong evidence that the charge of treason could not be proved. Furthermore, the only occasion for appointing a dictator had been Maelius' alleged conspiracy. The facts that Ahala might be brought to trial for his actions as magister equitum, and that he expected to be condemned for Maelius' murder, and chose exile rather than face trial, are also strong evidence in Maelius' favour. [2]
  2. It was not customary for the tribunes of the plebs to leave Rome during their year of office, since they could only perform their duty within the city and a short distance beyond the walls. Niebuhr discusses the reason why Maelius might have accompanied the army. [13]

See also

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  1. Dictionary of Greek and Roman Biography and Mythology, vol. II, p. 895 ("Maelia Gens").
  2. 1 2 Dictionary of Greek and Roman Biography and Mythology, vol. II, p. 895 ("Maelius", no. 1)
  3. Livy, iv. 13–16.
  4. Zonaras, vii. 20.
  5. Dionysius, Excerpta Vaticana, in Mai, Nova Collectio, ii. p. 466.
  6. Niebuhr, History of Rome, vol. ii, p. 418 ff.
  7. Cicero, Laelius sive de Amicitia, 8; De Senectute, 16; In Catilinam, i, 1; De Republica, ii. 27; Philippicae, ii. 44; Pro Milone, 17; De Domo Sua, 38.
  8. Valerius Maximus, vi. 3. § 1.
  9. Livy, iv. 21.
  10. Valerius Maximus, v. 3. § 2.
  11. Livy, v. 12, 18.
  12. Broughton, vol. I, pp. 84–88.
  13. Niebuhr, vol. iii, p. 220.
  14. Livy, ix. 8.
  15. Cicero, De Officiis, iii. 30.
