Man Shield

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Geologic map of the Tarkwa gold district in Ghana showing significant folding and faulting USGS geologic map Ghana.png
Geologic map of the Tarkwa gold district in Ghana showing significant folding and faulting

The Man Shield (Leo-Man Shield or Leo-Man Craton) is a geological shield or craton in the southeast portion of the West African Craton. The shield is in part overlaid by gold-bearing Birimian formations.


Geography and Geology

The shield covers the countries Ivory CoastMaliBurkina FasoGhanaSierra LeoneLiberia, and Guinea. [1]   this shield, a large portion of the WAC consists of Paleoproterozoic Birimian continent margins. [2]

The Birimian units were initially produced in an immature volcanic arc setting, which was later metamorphosed during the Eburnean orogeny. The poor exposure of the greenstone belt in the area limits interpretations of a broad structural context. The limited greenstone belt exposure indicates a major deformation event associated with granitoid intrusions. [3] The shield hosts world-class gold deposits, important iron ore concentrations, and the mineralization of aluminum ore, lead-zinc, manganesephosphate, and uranium. A majority of the gold deposit formations occurred during the Eburnean orogeny, but a number of the remaining gold deposits formed before this orogeny during a period of oceanic arc-back-arc basin formation and erosion during the Neoproterozoic and Cretaceous. [4]

See also

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An orogenic gold deposit is a type of hydrothermal mineral deposit. More than 75% of the gold recovered by humans through history belongs to the class of orogenic gold deposits. Rock structure is the primary control of orogenic gold mineralization at all scales, as it controls both the transport and deposition processes of the mineralized fluids, creating structural pathways of high permeability and focusing deposition to structurally controlled locations.


  1. Jessell M.W., Liégeois J-P. (2015). "100 years of research on the West African Craton". Journal of African Earth Sciences. 112(B): 377– 381.  doi : 10.1016/j.jafrearsci.2015.10.008
  2. Ennih N. & Liégeois J-P. (2008). The Boundaries of the West African Craton. Geological Society, London, Special Publications. 297: 1–17.  doi : 10.1144/SP297.1
  3. Ganne J., De Andrade V., Weinberg R.F., Vidal O., Dubacq B., Kagambega N., Naba S., Baratoux L., Jessell M., Allibon J. (2011). "Modern-style plate subduction preserved in the Palaeoproterozoic West African craton". Nature: Geoscience. 5: 60-65. doi : 10.1038/ngeo1321
  4. Markwitz V., Hein K.A.A., Jessell M.W., Miller J. (2016).M "etallogenic portfolio of the West African craton". Ore Geology Reviews. 78: 558-563.