Memory of the World Programme

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Former logo of the Memory of the World Programme UNESCO-MOW-text.svg
Former logo of the Memory of the World Programme

UNESCO's Memory of the World (MoW) Programme is an international initiative to safeguard the documentary heritage of humanity against collective amnesia, neglect, decay over time and climatic conditions, as well as deliberate destruction. [1] It calls for the preservation of valuable archival holdings, library collections, and private individual compendia all over the world for posterity, the reconstitution of dispersed or displaced documentary heritage, and increased accessibility to, and dissemination of, these items. [1] [2] [3]


Following the establishment of the international register, UNESCO and the Memory of the World Programme have encouraged the creation of national and regional organizations as well as national and regional registers which focus on documentary heritage of great regional or national importance, but not necessarily of global importance.


The Memory of the World Register is a compendium of documents, manuscripts, oral traditions, audio-visual materials, library, and archival holdings of universal value. [1] Inscription on the register aims to improve conservation of the documentary heritage by calling upon the program's networks of experts to exchange information and raise resources for the preservation, digitization, and dissemination of the material. [3] The program also uses technology to provide wider accessibility and diffusion of the items inscribed on the register. [3]

Any organization or individual can nominate a documentary item for inscription on the register via UNESCO Member States through their National Commission for UNESCO or, in the absence of a National Commission, the relevant government body in charge of relations with UNESCO, involving, if one exists, the relevant national MoW committee. Two proposals per UNESCO Member State are considered in each nomination cycle, joint nomination proposals from two or more UNESCO Member States are unlimited. During its meetings, the International Advisory Council (IAC) examines the full documentation of the item's description, origin, world significance, and contemporary state of conservation. The IAC recommends to the Executive Board of UNESCO the items proposed for inscription. [4]


In 1992, the program began as a way to preserve and promote documentary heritage, which can be a single document, a collection, a holding or an archival fonds that is deemed to be of such significance as to transcend the boundaries of time and culture. [1] This recorded memory reflects the diversity of languages, people, and cultures. [5] UNESCO, the world agency responsible for the protection of the world's cultural and natural heritage, realized the need to protect such fragile yet important component of cultural heritage. The Memory of the World Programme was established to preserve and digitize humanity's documentary heritage. [6]

People the world over are creating [memories] in forms that are less and less permanent—be it sound recordings, film, videotape, newsprint, photographs, or computer-based documents. It must be said that the output of the present century alone is probably greater than the total output of all previous centuries put together; and ironically and tragically, it is being lost faster than ever before. It is a tragedy indeed, for what is at stake is the recorded memory of mankind.

Dato’ Habibah Zon, Director-General of the National Archives of Malaysia, introduction from
UNESCO MEMORY OF THE WORLD PROGRAMME: The Asia-Pacific Strategy, 17 April 1999 [1]

The program is administered by the International Advisory Committee (IAC), whose 14 members are appointed by the Director-General of UNESCO. [1] [3] The IAC is responsible for the formulation of major policies, including the technical, legal and financial framework for the program. Regular meetings were held by the IAC in its interim capacity beginning in 1993 to sustain the momentum gained by the program, culminating in the creation of the Memory of the World Register during its second meeting in 1995, [1] [7] with the inaugural batch of documents being inscribed on the register in 1997, after the statutes that created the IAC as a standing committee took effect. [8] The IAC also maintains several subsidiary bodies: [9]

The Declaration of the Rights of Man and of the Citizen (1789) was used to disseminate to the political community the first French Constitution. Declaration of Human Rights.jpg
The Declaration of the Rights of Man and of the Citizen (1789) was used to disseminate to the political community the first French Constitution.

Memory of the World International Register

The Memory of the World International Register is a compendium of the world's documentary heritage – such as manuscripts, oral traditions, audio-visual materials, and library and archive holdings. [1] It catalogues documentary heritage that has been recommended by the International Advisory Committee, and endorsed by the Director-General of UNESCO, according to the selection criteria regarding "world significance and outstanding universal value." [11]

The first inscriptions on the UNESCO Memory of the World Register were made in 1997. [3] [7] The various properties in the register include recordings of folk music; ancient languages and phonetics; aged remnants of religious and secular manuscripts; collective lifetime works of renowned giants of literature; science and music; copies of landmark motion pictures and short films; and accounts documenting changes in the world's political, economic, and social stage.

As of December 2018, 432 pieces of documentary heritage had been inscribed in the register, with 274 of these from Europe and North America and 116 from Asia and the Pacific. [12]

The program is not without controversy. During the 2015 cycle, for example, there was a significant degree of conflict within East Asia, as registry with the MoW Program was becoming viewed as an approval of particular views of contested history, specifically with respect to the Nanjing Massacre and the comfort women. [13]

RegionNumber of inscriptions to the RegisterNumber of countries/organizations
Memory of the World Register – Africa 24
Memory of the World Register – Arab States 13
Memory of the World Register – Asia and the Pacific 116
Memory of the World Register – Europe and North America 274
Memory of the World Register – Latin America and the Caribbean 93
Memory of the World Register – Other 7
Total429 main + 3 additional523 main [Note 1] + 4 additional

Top 10 countries by number of inscriptions

RankCountryNumber of inscriptions
1Flag of Germany.svg  Germany 30
2Flag of the United Kingdom.svg  United Kingdom 24
3Flag of the Netherlands.svg  Netherlands 21
4Flag of France.svg  France 20
5Flag of Poland.svg  Poland 18
5Flag of South Korea.svg  South Korea 18
7Flag of Austria.svg  Austria 16
8Flag of the People's Republic of China.svg  China 15
8Flag of Russia.svg  Russia 15
10Flag of Spain.svg  Spain 14

Memory of the World IAC meetings

Biennial meetings of the International Advisory Committee are used to discuss and inscribe items onto the register. The meeting takes place every odd year:

IAC SessionDateSiteIAC chairpersonNumber of nominations evaluatedNumber of inscriptions to the RegisterReferences
Sept 12–14
Pułtusk, Poland Jean-Pierre Wallot (Canada) [8] nonenone [1]
May 3–5
Paris, FranceJean-Pierre Wallot (Canada) [7] nonenone [1]
Sept 29 – Oct 1
Tashkent, Uzbekistan Jean-Pierre Wallot (Canada)6938 [1] [7]
Bureau Meeting1998
Sept 4–5
London, United KingdomJean-Pierre Wallot (Canada)nonenone [1]
Jun 10–12
Vienna, Austria Bendik Rugaas (Norway)209 [8]
Jun 27–29
Cheongju, South Korea Bendik Rugaas (Norway)4221 [14]
Aug 28–30
Gdańsk, Poland Ekaterina Genieva (Russian Federation)4123 [3] [15]
Jun 13–18
Lijiang, China Deanna B. Marcum (US)5329 [5] [16]
Jun 1–15
Pretoria, South Africa Alissandra Cummins (Barbados)5338 [6] [17]
Jul 27–31
Bridgetown, Barbados Roslyn Russell (Australia)5535 [18] [19]
May 22–25
Manchester, United Kingdom Roslyn Russell (Australia)8445 [20]
Jun 18–21
Gwangju, South Korea Helena R Asamoah-Hassan (Ghana)8456 [21]
Oct 4–6
Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates Abdulla El Reyes (United Arab Emirates)8644 [22]
Oct 24–27
Paris, France Abdulla El Reyes (United Arab Emirates)13278 [23]
Mar 8–10,
Apr 11
Paris, France + online8864 [24]

National and regional registers

Some national or regional offices of UNESCO maintain their own Memory of the World registers, highlighting documentary heritage of great national or regional importance. Examples include:

In the Asia-Pacific region, in 2014–2015, there were 18 member nations of MOWCAP (6 without national committees), while in 2016, there were 16 national MoW committees. [13]

Jikji Prize

The Jikji is the earliest known book printed with movable metal type in 1377. SelectedTeachingsofBuddhistSagesandSonMasters1377.jpg
The Jikji is the earliest known book printed with movable metal type in 1377.

The Jikji Prize was established in 2004 in cooperation with the South Korean government to further promote the objectives of the Memory of the World Programme, and to commemorate the 2001 inscription of the country's Jikji on the Register. [16] [25] The award, which includes a cash prize of $30,000 from the Korean government, recognizes institutions that have contributed to the preservation and accessibility of documentary heritage. [5]

The prize has been awarded biannually since 2005 during the meeting of the IAC. [5]


See also


  1. Some of these were joint submissions.

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The first inscriptions on the UNESCO Memory of the World International Register were announced in 1997. By creating a compendium of important library and archive holdings – including books, manuscripts, audio-visual materials, and digital documents – the program aims to use its networks of experts to exchange information and raise resources for the preservation, digitization, and dissemination of documentary materials. As of 2023, 494 pieces of documentary heritage have been included in the register. Of these, 26 are from Africa. They include recordings of folk music, ancient languages and phonetics; aged remnants of religious and secular manuscripts; collected lifetime works of renowned figures of literature, science, and music; copies of motion pictures and short films; and accounts documenting changes in the world’s political, economic and social stage.

The first inscriptions on the UNESCO Memory of the World International Register were made in 1997. By creating a compendium of the world's documentary heritage—manuscripts, oral traditions, audio-visual materials, library and archive holdings – the program aims to tap on its networks of experts to exchange information and raise resources for the preservation, digitization, and dissemination of documentary materials. As of 2018, 432 documentary heritages have been included in the register, among them recordings of folk music, ancient languages and phonetics, aged remnants of religious and secular manuscripts, collective lifetime works of renowned giants of literature, science and music, copies of landmark motion pictures and short films, and accounts documenting changes in the world's political, economic and social stage. Of these, thirteen properties were nominated by countries from the region of the Arab States.

The first inscriptions on UNESCO's Memory of the World Register were made in 1997. By creating a compendium of the world’s documentary heritage, including manuscripts, oral traditions, audio-visual materials, library and archive holdings, the program aims to promote the exchange of information among experts and raise resources for the preservation, digitization, and dissemination of documentary materials. As of December 2018, 429 main documentary heritages had been inscribed in the Register, with 116 of these from Asia and the Pacific.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">Memory of the World Register – Europe and North America</span>

The International Register of the UNESCO Memory of the World-Programme includes inscriptions from Europe and North America. As of December 2018, the region has 274 inscriptions of the 432 total inscriptions included in the Register.

The first inscriptions on the UNESCO Memory of the World International Register were made in 1997. By creating a compendium of the world's documentary heritage—manuscripts, oral traditions, audio-visual materials, library and archive holdings – the program aims to tap on its networks of experts to exchange information and raise resources for the preservation, digitization, and dissemination of documentary materials. As of 2018, 432 documentary heritages have been included in the Register, among them recordings of folk music, ancient languages and phonetics, aged remnants of religious and secular manuscripts, collective lifetime works of renowned giants of literature, science and music, copies of landmark motion pictures and short films, and accounts documenting changes in the world's political, economic and social stage. Of these, seven properties were nominated by international organizations.

The first inscriptions on the UNESCO Memory of the World International Register were made in 1997. By creating a compendium of important library and archive holdings – including books, manuscripts, audio-visual materials, and digital documents – the program aims to use its networks of experts to exchange information and raise resources for the preservation, digitization, and dissemination of documentary materials. As of 2023, 494 pieces of documentary heritage have been included in the register. Of these, 93 were nominated by countries from the region of Latin America and the Caribbean. These include recordings of folk music, ancient languages and phonetics, aged remnants of religious and secular manuscripts, collective lifetime works of renowned giants of literature, science and music, copies of landmark motion pictures and short films, and accounts documenting changes in the world’s political, economic and social stage.

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Official website