Mohamed Said Pasha [1] GCMG (Arabic :محمدسعيدباشا;19 January 1863 –1928),was Prime Minister of Egypt from 1910 to 1914,and again in 1919. He was born in Alexandria to a family of Turkish origin. [2] He was the father of the artist Mahmoud Sa'id and grandfather of Queen Farida of Egypt.
Ibrahim Pasha was an Egyptian general and politician;he was the commander of both the Egyptian and Ottoman armies and the eldest son of Muhammad Ali,the Wāli and unrecognized Khedive of Egypt and Sudan. He served as a general in the Egyptian army that his father established during his reign,taking his first command of Egyptian forces when he was merely a teenager. In the final year of his life,he succeeded his still-living father as ruler of Egypt and Sudan,owing to the latter's ill health. His rule also extended over the other dominions that his father had brought under Egyptian rule,namely Syria,Hejaz,Morea,Thasos,and Crete. Ibrahim pre-deceased his father,dying 10 November 1848,only four months after acceding to the throne. Upon his father's death the following year,the Egyptian throne passed to Ibrahim's nephew,Abbas.
Boutros Ghali was the prime minister of Egypt from 1908 to 1910.
The history of Egypt under the Muhammad Ali dynasty (1805–1953) spanned the later period of Ottoman Egypt,the Khedivate of Egypt under British occupation,and the nominally independent Sultanate of Egypt and Kingdom of Egypt,ending with the Revolution of 1952 and the formation of the Republic of Egypt.
Nubar Pasha GCSI was an Egyptian-Armenian politician and the first Prime Minister of Egypt. He served as Prime Minister three times during his career. His first term was between August 1878 and 23 February 1879. His second term was served from 10 January 1884 to 9 June 1888. His final term was between 16 April 1894 and 12 November 1895.
Riyad Pasha GCMG was an Egyptian statesman. His name can also be spelled Riaz Pasha and RiyāḍBāshā. He served as Prime Minister of Egypt three times during his career. His first term was between September 21,1879 and September 10,1881. His second term was from June 9,1888 to May 12,1891. His final term lasted from January 17,1893 to April 16,1894.
Isma'il ibn Ahmad ibn Hassan bani Yani,known simply as Isma'il Ragheb Pasha (1819–1884),was a Greek Ottoman politician who served as a Prime Minister of Egypt and held several other high-ranking government positions.
Mehmed Said Pasha,also known as Küçük Said Pasha or Şapur Çelebi or in his youth as Mabeyn Başkatibi Said Bey,was an Ottoman monarchist,senator,statesman and editor of the Turkish newspaper Jerid-i-Havadis. He served as grand vizier for nine years in total,seven times during the reign of Abdul Hamid II and twice during the Second Constitutional Monarchy. He was known for his opposition to the extension of foreign influence in the Ottoman Empire. He was among the statesmen who were disliked by the Committee of Union and Progress (CUP). However in his last two grand vizierships,Said Pasha was supported by the CUP in the Chamber of Deputies,and his last grand vizierate ended in 1912 with a military memorandum against the Unionists.
Mohamed Sa'id Pasha was the Wāli of Egypt and Sudan from 1854 until 1863,officially owing fealty to the Ottoman Sultan but in practice exercising virtual independence. Construction of the Suez Canal began under his tenure.
Ottoman Egypt was an administrative division of the Ottoman Empire after the conquest of Mamluk Egypt by the Ottomans in 1517. The Ottomans administered Egypt as a province (eyalet) of their empire. It remained formally an Ottoman province until 1914,though in practice it became increasingly autonomous during the 19th century and was under de facto British control from 1882.
Hussein Sirri Pasha was an Egyptian politician. He served as 25th Prime Minister of Egypt for three short periods,during which he also served as foreign minister.
Mehmed Said Halim Pasha was a was a statesman who served as the Grand Vizier of the Ottoman Empire from 1913 to 1917. He was one of the perpetrators of the Armenian genocide and later assassinated by Arshavir Shirakian as part of Operation Nemesis,a retribution campaign to kill perpetrators of the Armenian genocide.
Mehmed Kâmil Pasha,also spelled as Kamil Pasha,was an Ottoman statesman and liberal politician of Turkish Cypriot origin in the late-19th-century and early-20th-century. He was the Grand Vizier of the Empire during four different periods.
The First Egyptian–Ottoman War or First Syrian War (1831–1833) was a military conflict between the Ottoman Empire and Egypt brought about by Muhammad Ali Pasha's demand to the Sublime Porte for control of Greater Syria,as reward for aiding the Sultan during the Greek War of Independence. As a result,Egyptian forces temporarily gained control of Syria,advancing as far north as Kütahya.
Pasha was a high rank in the Ottoman political and military system,typically granted to governors,generals,dignitaries,and others. Pasha was also one of the highest titles in the 20th-century Kingdom of Egypt and it was also used in Morocco in the 20th century,where it denoted a regional official or governor of a district.
Abbas Helmy I of Egypt was the Wāli of Egypt and Sudan. He was a son of Tusun Pasha,the younger son of Muhammad Ali Pasha whom he succeeded as ruler of Egypt and Sudan. The Chambers Biographical Dictionary says of him:"[b]igoted and sensual,he did much to undo the progress made under Muhammad Ali."
Piri Mehmed Pasha was an Ottoman statesman,and grand vizier of the Ottoman Empire from 1518 to 1523.
Mere Hüseyin Pasha was an Ottoman statesman of Albanian origin. He was two times Grand Vizier of the Ottoman Empire in 1622 and 1623,and previously the Ottoman governor of Egypt between 1620 and 1622. His epithet "Mere!" comes from the word for "Take it!" in Albanian;he was nicknamed so because of the many times he ordered his men to "take [the heads]" of his opponents,i.e. execute them. He was purportedly the only grand vizier who did not speak Ottoman Turkish or Osmanlica.
Yusuf Kamil Pasha was an Ottoman statesman and Grand Vizier of the Ottoman Empire during the reign of Sultan Abdülaziz.
Muhammad Ali was the Ottoman Albanian governor and de facto ruler of Egypt from 1805 to 1848,considered the founder of modern Egypt. At the height of his rule,he controlled Egypt,Sudan,Hejaz,Najd,the Levant,Crete and parts of Greece.
Prince Mohamed Omar Toussoun (1872–1944) was an Egyptian prince of the Muhammad Ali dynasty. He is one of the most admired princes of the Muhammad Ali family. He was famous for his excellence in many fields,his charitable works,his discoveries and his writings in Geography,History and Archaeology. He published many books and maps in Arabic and French,and he was the first to suggest sending a delegation from Egypt to the Versailles conference to demand its independence,a task later accomplished by Saad Zaghloul.