Moscow State Symphony Orchestra

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The Moscow State Symphony Orchestra (MSSO) is a Russian orchestra based in Moscow. The orchestra gives concerts primarily at the Great Hall of the Moscow Conservatory, [1] and at the Tchaikovsky Concert Hall, and occasionally in the Great Hall of the Saint Petersburg D.D. Shostakovich Philharmonic Society, as well as in other Russian cities.


The orchestra was founded in 1943 under the auspices of the government of the then-USSR. Lev Steinberg was the orchestra's first chief conductor until his death in 1945. Successive chief conductors have included Nikolai Anosov (1945–1950), Leo Ginzburg (1950–1954), Mikhail Terian (1954–1960), Veronica Dudarova (1960–1989) and Pavel Kogan (1989–2022).

Moscow State Symphony Orchestra (MSSO) with Pavel Kogan, Music Director and Chief Conductor Moskovskii gosudarstvennyi akademicheskii simfonicheskii orkestr pod upravleniem Pavla Kogana.jpg
Moscow State Symphony Orchestra (MSSO) with Pavel Kogan, Music Director and Chief Conductor

Chief conductors


  1. Craig R Whitney (1993-12-25). "Noted Russian Ensemble Seeks a Place to Rehearse". The New York Times. Retrieved 2017-01-02.