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ICD-9-CM 83.02

Myotomy is a surgical procedure in which muscle is cut. [1] A common example of a myotomy is the Heller myotomy.

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Heller myotomy is a surgical procedure in which the muscles of the cardia are cut, allowing food and liquids to pass to the stomach. It is used to treat achalasia, a disorder in which the lower esophageal sphincter fails to relax properly, making it difficult for food and liquids to reach the stomach.

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Heller may refer to:

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The per-oral endoscopic myotomy, or POEM, is a minimally invasive surgical procedure for the treatment of achalasia wherein the inner circular muscle layer of the lower esophageal sphincter is divided through a submucosal tunnel. This enables food and liquids to pass into the stomach, a process that is impaired in achalasia. The tunnel is created, and the myotomy performed, using a flexible endoscope, meaning the entire procedure can be done without external incisions.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">Morio Kasai</span> Japanese pediatric surgeon

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  1. Karavas, Alexandros N.; Putnam, Joe B. (1 January 2010). "CHAPTER 36 - Esophageal Diverticulum Excision and Repair". Atlas of Thoracic Surgical Techniques. W.B. Saunders. pp. 405–415. ISBN   978-1-4160-4017-0 . Retrieved 17 February 2022.