Nauru Court of Appeal

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Nauru Court of Appeal
Appeals from Supreme Court of Nauru

The Nauru Court of Appeal is the highest court in the judicial system of the Republic of Nauru.



Appeals to the High Court of Australia

In 1976, Nauru entered into a treaty with Australia, in which litigants could appeal a decision of the Supreme Court of Nauru to the High Court of Australia, which would serve as the final court of appeal. [1] Under the treaty, the High Court's jurisdiction was limited to cases that did not involve the interpretation or effect of the Nauru Constitution, the membership of the Nauru Parliament, or appeals from the Nauru Lands Committee. [2]

This arrangement between Nauru and Australia, in which appeals were taken to the court of a foreign country, was possibly the only one in the world. [3]

Members of the Court of Appeal

Justice Rangajeeva Wimalasena - President of the Court of Appeal.

Justice Filimone Jitoko - former Chief Justice of Nauru.

Justice Prasantha de Silva

Sir Albert Rocky Palmer - Chief Justice of Solomon Islands

Justice Dr Shirani Bandaranayake - former Chief Justice of Sri Lanka

Justice Colin Makail

Justice Sir John Muria - former Chief Justice of Kiribati

See also

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  1. Doherty, Ben (3 April 2018). "Nauru's former president accuses Australia of being complicit in 'political prosecution'". The Guardian . Archived from the original on 9 April 2023. Retrieved 20 November 2023.
  2. Dziedzic, Anna (8 August 2018). "A new court for Nauru". The Interpreter. Lowy Institute. Archived from the original on 10 October 2023. Retrieved 20 November 2023.
  3. Roberts, Andrew (4 December 2017). "Appeals to Australia from Nauru: The High Court's Unusual Jurisdiction". AUSPUBLAW, the Australian Public Law Blog. Archived from the original on 20 November 2023. Retrieved 20 November 2023.