Newick format

Last updated
Newick format
Filename extensions .tree
Internet media type text/x-nh
Initial release24 June 1986(38 years ago) (1986-06-24)
Type of format graph-theoretical trees
Open format?Yes

In mathematics and phylogenetics, Newick tree format (or Newick notation or New Hampshire tree format) is a way of representing graph-theoretical trees with edge lengths using parentheses and commas. It was adopted by James Archie, William H. E. Day, Joseph Felsenstein, Wayne Maddison, Christopher Meacham, F. James Rohlf, and David Swofford, at two meetings in 1986, the second of which was at Newick's restaurant [1] in Dover, New Hampshire, US. The adopted format is a generalization of the format developed by Meacham in 1984 for the first tree-drawing programs in Felsenstein's PHYLIP package. [2]



The following tree:


could be represented in Newick format in several ways

(,,(,));                               no nodes are named (A,B,(C,D));                           leaf nodes are named (A,B,(C,D)E)F;                         all nodes are named (:0.1,:0.2,(:0.3,:0.4):0.5);           all but root node have a distance to parent (:0.1,:0.2,(:0.3,:0.4):0.5):0.0;       all have a distance to parent (A:0.1,B:0.2,(C:0.3,D:0.4):0.5);       distances and leaf names(popular) (A:0.1,B:0.2,(C:0.3,D:0.4)E:0.5)F;     distances and all names ((B:0.2,(C:0.3,D:0.4)E:0.5)F:0.1)A;    a tree rooted on a leaf node(rare)

Newick format is typically used for tools like PHYLIP and is a minimal definition for a phylogenetic tree.

Rooted, unrooted, and binary trees

When an unrooted tree is represented in Newick notation, an arbitrary node is chosen as its root. Whether rooted or unrooted, typically a tree's representation is rooted on an internal node and it is rare (but legal) to root a tree on a leaf node.

A rooted binary tree that is rooted on an internal node has exactly two immediate descendant nodes for each internal node. An unrooted binary tree that is rooted on an arbitrary internal node has exactly three immediate descendant nodes for the root node, and each other internal node has exactly two immediate descendant nodes. A binary tree rooted from a leaf has at most one immediate descendant node for the root node, and each internal node has exactly two immediate descendant nodes.


A grammar for parsing the Newick format (roughly based on [3] ):

The grammar nodes

Tree: The full input Newick Format for a single tree Subtree: an internal node (and its descendants) or a leaf node Leaf: a node with no descendants Internal: a node and its one or more descendants BranchSet: a set of one or more Branches Branch: a tree edge and its descendant subtree. Name: the name of a node Length: the length of a tree edge.

The grammar rules

Note, "|" separates alternatives.

TreeSubtree ";" SubtreeLeaf | InternalLeafNameInternal → "(" BranchSet ")" NameBranchSetBranch | Branch "," BranchSetBranchSubtreeLengthNameempty | stringLengthempty | ":" number

Whitespace (spaces, tabs, carriage returns, and linefeeds) within number is prohibited. Whitespace within string is often prohibited. Whitespace elsewhere is ignored. Sometimes the Namestring must be of a specified fixed length; otherwise the punctuation characters from the grammar (semicolon, parentheses, comma, and colon) are prohibited. The TreeSubtree ";" production is instead the TreeBranch ";" production in those cases where having the entire tree descended from nowhere is permitted; this captures the replaced production as well because Length can be empty.

Note that when a tree having more than one leaf is rooted from one of its leaves, a representation that is rarely seen in practice, the root leaf is characterized as an Internal node by the above grammar. Generally, a root node labeled as Internal should be construed as actually internal if and only if it has at least two Branches in its BranchSet. One can make a grammar that formalizes this distinction by replacing the above Tree production rule with

TreeRootLeaf ";" | RootInternal ";" RootLeafName | "(" Branch ")" NameRootInternal → "(" Branch "," BranchSet ")" Name

The first RootLeaf production is for a tree with exactly one leaf. The second RootLeaf production is for rooting a tree from one of its two or more leaves.



New Hampshire X format

The New Hampshire X (NHX) format is an extension to Newick that adds key-value data (gene duplication, etc.) to Newick nodes. This is done by putting the additional data in brackets [&&NHX:key=value:...] in the node labels. The brackets are used because they represent comments in the Nexus file format, so any parser not understanding these additional information will ignore them. [4]

Extended Newick

While the standard Newick notation is limited to phylogenetic trees, Extended Newick (Perl Bio::PhyloNetwork) can be used to encode explicit phylogenetic networks. [5] In a phylogenetic network, which is a generalization of a phylogenetic tree, a node either represents a divergence event (cladogenesis) or a reticulation event such as hybridization, introgression, horizontal (lateral) gene transfer or recombination. Nodes that represent a reticulation event are duplicated, annotated by introducing the # symbol into the Newick format, and numbered consecutively (using integer values starting with 1).

For example, if leaf Y is the product of hybridisation (x) between lineages leading to C and D in the tree above,

















Two trees in standard Newick

one can express this situation by defining two trees in standard Newick notation

(A,B,((C,Y)c,D)e)f; and (A,B,(C,(Y,D)d)e)f;  standard Newick, all nodes are named (internal nodes lowercase, leaves upper case)

or in extended Newick notation

(A,B,((C,(Y)x#H1)c,(x#H1,D)d)e)f;               extended Newick, all nodes are named; 1 is the integer identifying the hybrid node x

The x#H1 here is a hybrid node. It will be joined by the program into a single node when drawn. This is the picture drawn by Dendroscope for this example: Dendroscope-network.png

The production rules above is modified by the following for labelling hybrid nodes (in general, nodes representing reticulation events): [6]

LeafNameHybridHybridempty | "#" Typeinteger  -- The #i part is an obligatory identifier for a hybrid node Typeempty | string              -- type of reticulation, e.g., H = hybridisation, LGT = lateral gene transfer, R = recombination.

In the visualization of LGT events, for a given reticulate node, one incoming edge is usually drawn as an "acceptor" edge and all other incoming edges are drawn as "transfer" edges. Some programs (e.g. Dendroscope and SplitsTree) allow exactly one copy of the reticulate node to be labeled with ## to indicate that it corresponds to the acceptor edge.

Extended Newick is backward-compatible: a hybrid node would simply be interpreted as a few strangely-named nodes for legacy parsers.

Rich Newick format

The Rich Newick format, also known as the Rice Newick format, is a further extension of Extended Newick. [7] It adds support for:

Ad hoc extensions

Some other programs, like NWX, uses comments starting with & to encode additional information in an ad hoc manner: [8]


Many tools have been published to visualize Newick tree data. Specific examples include the ETE toolkit ("Environment for Tree Exploration") [9] and T-REX. [10] Phylogenetic software packages such as SplitsTree and the tree-viewer Dendroscope as well as the online tree viewing tool IcyTree can handle standard and extended Newick notation, while the phylogenetic network software PhyloNet makes use of both the Extended Newick and Rich Newick format.

See also

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This is a glossary of graph theory. Graph theory is the study of graphs, systems of nodes or vertices connected in pairs by lines or edges.

In computer science, tree traversal is a form of graph traversal and refers to the process of visiting each node in a tree data structure, exactly once. Such traversals are classified by the order in which the nodes are visited. The following algorithms are described for a binary tree, but they may be generalized to other trees as well.

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A phylogenetic network is any graph used to visualize evolutionary relationships between nucleotide sequences, genes, chromosomes, genomes, or species. They are employed when reticulation events such as hybridization, horizontal gene transfer, recombination, or gene duplication and loss are believed to be involved. They differ from phylogenetic trees by the explicit modeling of richly linked networks, by means of the addition of hybrid nodes instead of only tree nodes. Phylogenetic trees are a subset of phylogenetic networks. Phylogenetic networks can be inferred and visualised with software such as SplitsTree, the R-package, phangorn, and, more recently, Dendroscope. A standard format for representing phylogenetic networks is a variant of Newick format which is extended to support networks as well as trees.

Computational phylogenetics, phylogeny inference, or phylogenetic inference focuses on computational and optimization algorithms, heuristics, and approaches involved in phylogenetic analyses. The goal is to find a phylogenetic tree representing optimal evolutionary ancestry between a set of genes, species, or taxa. Maximum likelihood, parsimony, Bayesian, and minimum evolution are typical optimality criteria used to assess how well a phylogenetic tree topology describes the sequence data. Nearest Neighbour Interchange (NNI), Subtree Prune and Regraft (SPR), and Tree Bisection and Reconnection (TBR), known as tree rearrangements, are deterministic algorithms to search for optimal or the best phylogenetic tree. The space and the landscape of searching for the optimal phylogenetic tree is known as phylogeny search space.

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<span class="mw-page-title-main">Unrooted binary tree</span>

In mathematics and computer science, an unrooted binary tree is an unrooted tree in which each vertex has either one or three neighbors.

T-REX is a freely available web server, developed at the department of Computer Science of the Université du Québec à Montréal, dedicated to the inference, validation and visualization of phylogenetic trees and phylogenetic networks. The T-REX web server allows the users to perform several popular methods of phylogenetic analysis as well as some new phylogenetic applications for inferring, drawing and validating phylogenetic trees and networks.

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  1. Newick's Lobster House home page
  2. "The Newick tree format".
  3. 1 2 3 4 Olsen, Gary (30 August 1990). "Interpretation of "Newick's 8:45" Tree Format".
  4. Zmasek, Christian M. (1999). "The New Hampshire X Format (NHX)" (PDF).
  5. Cardona, Gabriel; Rosselló, Francesc; Valiente, Gabriel (27 March 2008). "A perl package and an alignment tool for phylogenetic networks". BMC Bioinformatics. 9: 175. doi: 10.1186/1471-2105-9-175 . ISSN   1471-2105. PMC   2330044 . PMID   18371228.
  6. Cardona, Gabriel; Rosselló, Francesc; Valiente, Gabriel (2008). "Extended Newick: it is time for a standard representation of phylogenetic networks". BMC Bioinformatics. 9: 532. doi: 10.1186/1471-2105-9-532 . PMC   2621367 . PMID   19077301.
  7. Barnett, Robert Matthew (16 February 2012). "Rich Newick Format". Rice University Wiki.
  8. Yu, Guangchuang. "Chapter 1 Importing Tree with Data". Data Integration, Manipulation and Visualization of Phylogenetic Tree.
  9. Huerta-Cepas, Jaime; Serra, François; Bork, Peer (June 2016). "ETE 3: Reconstruction, Analysis, and Visualization of Phylogenomic Data". Molecular Biology and Evolution. 33 (6): 1635–1638. doi:10.1093/molbev/msw046. ISSN   0737-4038. PMC   4868116 . PMID   26921390.
  10. Boc, Alix; Diallo, Alpha Boubacar; Makarenkov, Vladimir (July 2012). "T-REX: a web server for inferring, validating and visualizing phylogenetic trees and networks". Nucleic Acids Research. 40 (Web Server issue): W573–579. doi:10.1093/nar/gks485. ISSN   1362-4962. PMC   3394261 . PMID   22675075.