Null semigroup

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In mathematics, a null semigroup (also called a zero semigroup) is a semigroup with an absorbing element, called zero, in which the product of any two elements is zero. [1] If every element of a semigroup is a left zero then the semigroup is called a left zero semigroup; a right zero semigroup is defined analogously. [2]


According to A. H. Clifford and G. B. Preston, "In spite of their triviality, these semigroups arise naturally in a number of investigations." [1]

Null semigroup

Let S be a semigroup with zero element 0. Then S is called a null semigroup if xy = 0 for all x and y in S.

Cayley table for a null semigroup

Let S = {0, a, b, c} be (the underlying set of) a null semigroup. Then the Cayley table for S is as given below:

Cayley table for a null semigroup

Left zero semigroup

A semigroup in which every element is a left zero element is called a left zero semigroup. Thus a semigroup S is a left zero semigroup if xy = x for all x and y in S.

Cayley table for a left zero semigroup

Let S = {a, b, c} be a left zero semigroup. Then the Cayley table for S is as given below:

Cayley table for a left zero semigroup

Right zero semigroup

A semigroup in which every element is a right zero element is called a right zero semigroup. Thus a semigroup S is a right zero semigroup if xy = y for all x and y in S.

Cayley table for a right zero semigroup

Let S = {a, b, c} be a right zero semigroup. Then the Cayley table for S is as given below:

Cayley table for a right zero semigroup


A non-trivial null (left/right zero) semigroup does not contain an identity element. It follows that the only null (left/right zero) monoid is the trivial monoid.

The class of null semigroups is:

It follows that the class of null (left/right zero) semigroups is a variety of universal algebra, and thus a variety of finite semigroups. The variety of finite null semigroups is defined by the identity ab = cd.

See also

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In mathematics, an absorbing element is a special type of element of a set with respect to a binary operation on that set. The result of combining an absorbing element with any element of the set is the absorbing element itself. In semigroup theory, the absorbing element is called a zero element because there is no risk of confusion with other notions of zero, with the notable exception: under additive notation zero may, quite naturally, denote the neutral element of a monoid. In this article "zero element" and "absorbing element" are synonymous.

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In mathematics, a cancellative semigroup is a semigroup having the cancellation property. In intuitive terms, the cancellation property asserts that from an equality of the form a·b = a·c, where · is a binary operation, one can cancel the element a and deduce the equality b = c. In this case the element being cancelled out is appearing as the left factors of a·b and a·c and hence it is a case of the left cancellation property. The right cancellation property can be defined analogously. Prototypical examples of cancellative semigroups are the positive integers under addition or multiplication. Cancellative semigroups are considered to be very close to being groups because cancellability is one of the necessary conditions for a semigroup to be embeddable in a group. Moreover, every finite cancellative semigroup is a group. One of the main problems associated with the study of cancellative semigroups is to determine the necessary and sufficient conditions for embedding a cancellative semigroup in a group.

In abstract algebra, a semigroup with three elements is an object consisting of three elements and an associative operation defined on them. The basic example would be the three integers 0, 1, and −1, together with the operation of multiplication. Multiplication of integers is associative, and the product of any two of these three integers is again one of these three integers.

In mathematics, and more precisely in semigroup theory, a variety of finite semigroups is a class of semigroups having some nice algebraic properties. Those classes can be defined in two distinct ways, using either algebraic notions or topological notions. Varieties of finite monoids, varieties of finite ordered semigroups and varieties of finite ordered monoids are defined similarly.

In mathematics, and more precisely in semigroup theory, a nilsemigroup or nilpotent semigroup is a semigroup whose every element is nilpotent.


  1. 1 2 A H Clifford; G B Preston (1964). The Algebraic Theory of Semigroups, volume I. mathematical Surveys. Vol. 1 (2 ed.). American Mathematical Society. pp. 3–4. ISBN   978-0-8218-0272-4.
  2. M. Kilp, U. Knauer, A.V. Mikhalev, Monoids, Acts and Categories with Applications to Wreath Products and Graphs, De Gruyter Expositions in Mathematics vol. 29, Walter de Gruyter, 2000, ISBN   3-11-015248-7, p. 19