Pascal Saikaly

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Saikaly, Pascal; Stroot, Peter; Oerther, Daniel (2005). "Use of 16S rRNA gene terminal restriction fragment analysis to assess the impact of solids retention time on the bacterial diversity of activated sludge". Applied and Environmental Microbiology. 71 (10): 5814–5822. Bibcode:2005ApEnM..71.5814S. doi: 10.1128/AEM.71.10.5814-5822.2005 . PMC   1265999 . PMID   16204492.
  • Maleb, Lilian; Le-Clech, Pierre; Vrouwenvelder, Johannes; Ayoub, George; Saikaly, Pascal (2013). "Do biological-based strategies hold promise to biofouling control in MBRs?". Water Research. 47 (15): 25447–5463. Bibcode:2013WatRe..47.5447M. doi:10.1016/j.watres.2013.06.033. PMID   23863390.
  • Logan, Bruce; Wallack, Maxwell; Kim, K-Y; Hu, Weihua; Feng, Yuejeng; Saikaly, Pascal (2015). "Assessment of Microbial Fuel Cell Configurations and Power Densities". Environmental Science and Technology Letters. 2 (8): 206–214. doi: 10.1021/acs.estlett.5b00180 . hdl: 10754/561402 .
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    Pascal Saikaly
    Pascal Elias Saikaly
    Occupation(s)Professor of Environmental Science and Engineering
    Known for Bioelectrochemistry
    Academic background
    Alma mater American University of Beirut University of Cincinnati
    Thesis Ecological Approach to Mitigate Toxic Shock Loads in Activated Sludge Systems  (2005)
    Doctoral advisor Daniel Oerther