Philo line

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In geometry, the Philo line is a line segment defined from an angle and a point inside the angle as the shortest line segment through the point that has its endpoints on the two sides of the angle. Also known as the Philon line, it is named after Philo of Byzantium, a Greek writer on mechanical devices, who lived probably during the 1st or 2nd century BC. Philo used the line to double the cube; [1] [2] because doubling the cube cannot be done by a straightedge and compass construction, neither can constructing the Philo line. [1] [3]


Geometric characterization

The philo line of a point P and angle DOE, and the defining equality of distances from P and Q to the ends of DE, where Q is the base of a perpendicular from the apex of the angle Philo line equality.svg
The philo line of a point P and angle DOE, and the defining equality of distances from P and Q to the ends of DE, where Q is the base of a perpendicular from the apex of the angle

The defining point of a Philo line, and the base of a perpendicular from the apex of the angle to the line, are equidistant from the endpoints of the line. That is, suppose that segment is the Philo line for point and angle , and let be the base of a perpendicular line to . Then and . [1]

Conversely, if and are any two points equidistant from the ends of a line segment , and if is any point on the line through that is perpendicular to , then is the Philo line for angle and point . [1]

Algebraic Construction

A suitable fixation of the line given the directions from to and from to and the location of in that infinite triangle is obtained by the following algebra:

The point is put into the center of the coordinate system, the direction from to defines the horizontal -coordinate, and the direction from to defines the line with the equation in the rectilinear coordinate system. is the tangent of the angle in the triangle . Then has the Cartesian Coordinates and the task is to find on the horizontal axis and on the other side of the triangle.

The equation of a bundle of lines with inclinations that run through the point is

These lines intersect the horizontal axis at

which has the solution

These lines intersect the opposite side at

which has the solution

The squared Euclidean distance between the intersections of the horizontal line and the diagonal is

The Philo Line is defined by the minimum of that distance at negative .

An arithmetic expression for the location of the minimum is obtained by setting the derivative , so

So calculating the root of the polynomial in the numerator,

determines the slope of the particular line in the line bundle which has the shortest length. [The global minimum at inclination from the root of the other factor is not of interest; it does not define a triangle but means that the horizontal line, the diagonal and the line of the bundle all intersect at .]

is the tangent of the angle .

Inverting the equation above as and plugging this into the previous equation one finds that is a root of the cubic polynomial

So solving that cubic equation finds the intersection of the Philo line on the horizontal axis. Plugging in the same expression into the expression for the squared distance gives

Location of

Since the line is orthogonal to , its slope is , so the points on that line are . The coordinates of the point are calculated by intersecting this line with the Philo line, . yields

With the coordinates shown above, the squared distance from to is


The squared distance from to is


The difference of these two expressions is


Given the cubic equation for above, which is one of the two cubic polynomials in the numerator, this is zero. This is the algebraic proof that the minimization of leads to .

Special case: right angle

The equation of a bundle of lines with inclination that run through the point , , has an intersection with the -axis given above. If form a right angle, the limit of the previous section results in the following special case:

These lines intersect the -axis at

which has the solution

The squared Euclidean distance between the intersections of the horizontal line and vertical lines is

The Philo Line is defined by the minimum of that curve (at negative ). An arithmetic expression for the location of the minimum is where the derivative , so

equivalent to


Alternatively, inverting the previous equations as and plugging this into another equation above one finds

Doubling the cube

The Philo line can be used to double the cube, that is, to construct a geometric representation of the cube root of two, and this was Philo's purpose in defining this line. Specifically, let be a rectangle whose aspect ratio is , as in the figure. Let be the Philo line of point with respect to right angle . Define point to be the point of intersection of line and of the circle through points . Because triangle is inscribed in the circle with as diameter, it is a right triangle, and is the base of a perpendicular from the apex of the angle to the Philo line.

Let be the point where line crosses a perpendicular line through . Then the equalities of segments , , and follow from the characteristic property of the Philo line. The similarity of the right triangles , , and follow by perpendicular bisection of right triangles. Combining these equalities and similarities gives the equality of proportions or more concisely . Since the first and last terms of these three equal proportions are in the ratio , the proportions themselves must all be , the proportion that is required to double the cube. [4]

Philo line.svg

Since doubling the cube is impossible with a straightedge and compass construction, it is similarly impossible to construct the Philo line with these tools. [1] [3]

Minimizing the area

Given the point and the angle , a variant of the problem may minimize the area of the triangle . With the expressions for and given above, the area is half the product of height and base length,


Finding the slope that minimizes the area means to set ,


Again discarding the root which does not define a triangle, the slope is in that case

and the minimum area


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  1. 1 2 3 4 5 Eves, Howard (1965). A Survey of Geometry. Vol. 2. Boston: Allyn and Bacon. pp. 39, 234–236.
  2. Wells, David (1991). "Philo's line". The Penguin Dictionary of Curious and Interesting Geometry. Penguin Books. pp. 182–183.
  3. 1 2 Kimberling, Clark (2003). Geometry in Action: A Discovery Approach Using The Geometer's Sketchpad. Emeryville, California: Key College Publishing. pp. 115–116. ISBN   1-931914-02-8.
  4. Coxeter, H. S. M.; van de Craats, Jan (1993). "Philon lines in non-Euclidean planes". Journal of Geometry. 48 (1–2): 26–55. doi:10.1007/BF01226799. MR   1242701. S2CID   120488240.

Further reading