![]() | This article may be too technical for most readers to understand.(June 2022) |
In mathematics, planar algebras first appeared in the work of Vaughan Jones on the standard invariant of a II1 subfactor. [1] They also provide an appropriate algebraic framework for many knot invariants (in particular the Jones polynomial), and have been used in describing the properties of Khovanov homology with respect to tangle composition. [2] [3] Any subfactor planar algebra provides a family of unitary representations of Thompson groups. [4] Any finite group (and quantum generalization) can be encoded as a planar algebra. [1]
The idea of the planar algebra is to be a diagrammatic axiomatization of the standard invariant. [1] [5] [6]
A (shaded) planar tangle is the data of finitely many input disks, one output disk, non-intersecting strings giving an even number, say , intervals per disk and one -marked interval per disk.
Here, the mark is shown as a -shape. On each input disk it is placed between two adjacent outgoing strings, and on the output disk it is placed between two adjacent incoming strings. A planar tangle is defined up to isotopy.
To compose two planar tangles, put the output disk of one into an input of the other, having as many intervals, same shading of marked intervals and such that the -marked intervals coincide. Finally we remove the coinciding circles. Note that two planar tangles can have zero, one or several possible compositions.
The planar operad is the set of all the planar tangles (up to isomorphism) with such compositions.
A planar algebra is a representation of the planar operad; more precisely, it is a family of vector spaces , called -box spaces, on which acts the planar operad, i.e. for any tangle (with one output disk and input disks with and intervals respectively) there is a multilinear map
with according to the shading of the -marked intervals, and these maps (also called partition functions) respect the composition of tangle in such a way that all the diagrams as below commute.
The family of vector spaces generated by the planar tangles having intervals on their output disk and a white (or black) -marked interval, admits a planar algebra structure.
The Temperley-Lieb planar algebra is generated by the planar tangles without input disk; its -box space is generated by
Moreover, a closed string is replaced by a multiplication by .
Note that the dimension of is the Catalan number . This planar algebra encodes the notion of Temperley–Lieb algebra.
A semisimple and cosemisimple Hopf algebra over an algebraically closed field is encoded in a planar algebra defined by generators and relations, and "corresponds" (up to isomorphism) to a connected, irreducible, spherical, non degenerate planar algebra with non zero modulus and of depth two. [7]
Note that connected means (as for evaluable below), irreducible means , spherical is defined below, and non-degenerate means that the traces (defined below) are non-degenerate.
A subfactor planar algebra is a planar -algebra which is:
Note that by (2) and (3), any closed string (shaded or not) counts for the same constant .
The tangle action deals with the adjoint by:
with the mirror image of and the adjoint of in .
No-ghost theorem: The planar algebra has no ghost (i.e. element with ) if and only if
For as above, let be the null ideal (generated by elements with ). Then the quotient is a subfactor planar algebra, called the Temperley–Lieb-Jones subfactor planar algebra. Any subfactor planar algebra with constant admits as planar subalgebra.
A planar algebra is a subfactor planar algebra if and only if it is the standard invariant of an extremal subfactor of index , with and . [8] [9] [10] A finite depth or irreducible subfactor is extremal ( on ).
There is a subfactor planar algebra encoding any finite group (and more generally, any finite dimensional Hopf -algebra, called Kac algebra), defined by generators and relations. A (finite dimensional) Kac algebra "corresponds" (up to isomorphism) to an irreducible subfactor planar algebra of depth two. [11] [12]
The subfactor planar algebra associated to an inclusion of finite groups, [13] does not always remember the (core-free) inclusion. [14] [15]
A Bisch-Jones subfactor planar algebra (sometimes called Fuss-Catalan) is defined as for but by allowing two colors of string with their own constant and , with as above. It is a planar subalgebra of any subfactor planar algebra with an intermediate such that and . [16] [17]
The first finite depth subfactor planar algebra of index is called the Haagerup subfactor planar algebra. [18] It has index .
The subfactor planar algebras are completely classified for index at most [19] and a bit beyond. [20] This classification was initiated by Uffe Haagerup. [21] It uses (among other things) a listing of possible principal graphs, together with the embedding theorem [22] and the jellyfish algorithm. [23]
A subfactor planar algebra remembers the subfactor (i.e. its standard invariant is complete) if it is amenable. [24] A finite depth hyperfinite subfactor is amenable.
About the non-amenable case: there are unclassifiably many irreducible hyperfinite subfactors of index 6 that all have the same standard invariant. [25]
Let be a finite index subfactor, and the corresponding subfactor planar algebra. Assume that is irreducible (i.e. ). Let be an intermediate subfactor. Let the Jones projection . Note that . Let and .
Note that and .
Let the bijective linear map be the Fourier transform, also called -click (of the outer star) or rotation; and let be the coproduct of and .
Note that the word coproduct is a diminutive of convolution product. It is a binary operation.
The coproduct satisfies the equality
For any positive operators , the coproduct is also positive; this can be seen diagrammatically: [26]
Let be the contragredient (also called rotation). The map corresponds to four -clicks of the outer star, so it's the identity map, and then .
In the Kac algebra case, the contragredient is exactly the antipode, [12] which, for a finite group, correspond to the inverse.
A biprojection is a projection with a multiple of a projection. Note that and are biprojections; this can be seen as follows:
A projection is a biprojection iff it is the Jones projection of an intermediate subfactor , [27] iff . [28] [26]
Galois correspondence: [29] in the Kac algebra case, the biprojections are 1-1 with the left coideal subalgebras, which, for a finite group, correspond to the subgroups.
For any irreducible subfactor planar algebra, the set of biprojections is a finite lattice, [30] of the form , as for an interval of finite groups .
Using the biprojections, we can make the intermediate subfactor planar algebras. [31] [32]
The uncertainty principle extends to any irreducible subfactor planar algebra :
Let with the range projection of and the unnormalized trace (i.e. on ).
Noncommutative uncertainty principle: [33] Let , nonzero. Then
Assuming and positive, the equality holds if and only if is a biprojection. More generally, the equality holds if and only if is the bi-shift of a biprojection.
In mathematics, a Hopf algebra, named after Heinz Hopf, is a structure that is simultaneously an algebra and a coalgebra, with these structures' compatibility making it a bialgebra, and that moreover is equipped with an antihomomorphism satisfying a certain property. The representation theory of a Hopf algebra is particularly nice, since the existence of compatible comultiplication, counit, and antipode allows for the construction of tensor products of representations, trivial representations, and dual representations.
In quantum information theory, a quantum channel is a communication channel which can transmit quantum information, as well as classical information. An example of quantum information is the general dynamics of a qubit. An example of classical information is a text document transmitted over the Internet.
In mathematics, especially in the fields of representation theory and module theory, a Frobenius algebra is a finite-dimensional unital associative algebra with a special kind of bilinear form which gives the algebras particularly nice duality theories. Frobenius algebras began to be studied in the 1930s by Richard Brauer and Cecil Nesbitt and were named after Georg Frobenius. Tadashi Nakayama discovered the beginnings of a rich duality theory, . Jean Dieudonné used this to characterize Frobenius algebras. Frobenius algebras were generalized to quasi-Frobenius rings, those Noetherian rings whose right regular representation is injective. In recent times, interest has been renewed in Frobenius algebras due to connections to topological quantum field theory.
In mathematics, coherent duality is any of a number of generalisations of Serre duality, applying to coherent sheaves, in algebraic geometry and complex manifold theory, as well as some aspects of commutative algebra that are part of the 'local' theory.
In the theory of von Neumann algebras, a subfactor of a factor is a subalgebra that is a factor and contains . The theory of subfactors led to the discovery of the Jones polynomial in knot theory.
In statistical mechanics, the Temperley–Lieb algebra is an algebra from which are built certain transfer matrices, invented by Neville Temperley and Elliott Lieb. It is also related to integrable models, knot theory and the braid groups, quantum groups and subfactors of von Neumann algebras.
In mathematics, an operad is a structure that consists of abstract operations, each one having a fixed finite number of inputs (arguments) and one output, as well as a specification of how to compose these operations. Given an operad , one defines an algebra over to be a set together with concrete operations on this set which behave just like the abstract operations of . For instance, there is a Lie operad such that the algebras over are precisely the Lie algebras; in a sense abstractly encodes the operations that are common to all Lie algebras. An operad is to its algebras as a group is to its group representations.
In mathematics, a Brauer algebra is an associative algebra introduced by Richard Brauer in the context of the representation theory of the orthogonal group. It plays the same role that the symmetric group does for the representation theory of the general linear group in Schur–Weyl duality.
In mathematics, quasi-bialgebras are a generalization of bialgebras: they were first defined by the Ukrainian mathematician Vladimir Drinfeld in 1990. A quasi-bialgebra differs from a bialgebra by having coassociativity replaced by an invertible element which controls the non-coassociativity. One of their key properties is that the corresponding category of modules forms a tensor category.
A quasi-Hopf algebra is a generalization of a Hopf algebra, which was defined by the Russian mathematician Vladimir Drinfeld in 1989.
In category theory, a branch of mathematics, a PROP is a symmetric strict monoidal category whose objects are the natural numbers n identified with the finite sets and whose tensor product is given on objects by the addition on numbers. Because of “symmetric”, for each n, the symmetric group on n letters is given as a subgroup of the automorphism group of n. The name PROP is an abbreviation of "PROduct and Permutation category".
A ribbon Hopf algebra is a quasitriangular Hopf algebra which possess an invertible central element more commonly known as the ribbon element, such that the following conditions hold:
In algebraic geometry, a Fourier–Mukai transformΦK is a functor between derived categories of coherent sheaves D(X) → D(Y) for schemes X and Y, which is, in a sense, an integral transform along a kernel object K ∈ D(X×Y). Most natural functors, including basic ones like pushforwards and pullbacks, are of this type.
In category theory, a branch of mathematics, the center is a variant of the notion of the center of a monoid, group, or ring to a category.
In algebraic geometry and algebraic topology, branches of mathematics, A1homotopy theory or motivic homotopy theory is a way to apply the techniques of algebraic topology, specifically homotopy, to algebraic varieties and, more generally, to schemes. The theory is due to Fabien Morel and Vladimir Voevodsky. The underlying idea is that it should be possible to develop a purely algebraic approach to homotopy theory by replacing the unit interval [0, 1], which is not an algebraic variety, with the affine line A1, which is. The theory has seen spectacular applications such as Voevodsky's construction of the derived category of mixed motives and the proof of the Milnor and Bloch-Kato conjectures.
In mathematics, the Butcher group, named after the New Zealand mathematician John C. Butcher by Hairer & Wanner (1974), is an infinite-dimensional Lie group first introduced in numerical analysis to study solutions of non-linear ordinary differential equations by the Runge–Kutta method. It arose from an algebraic formalism involving rooted trees that provides formal power series solutions of the differential equation modeling the flow of a vector field. It was Cayley (1857), prompted by the work of Sylvester on change of variables in differential calculus, who first noted that the derivatives of a composition of functions can be conveniently expressed in terms of rooted trees and their combinatorics.
This is a glossary of algebraic geometry.
In mathematics, the base change theorems relate the direct image and the inverse image of sheaves. More precisely, they are about the base change map, given by the following natural transformation of sheaves:
q-Gaussian processes are deformations of the usual Gaussian distribution. There are several different versions of this; here we treat a multivariate deformation, also addressed as q-Gaussian process, arising from free probability theory and corresponding to deformations of the canonical commutation relations. For other deformations of Gaussian distributions, see q-Gaussian distribution and Gaussian q-distribution.
The partition algebra is an associative algebra with a basis of set-partition diagrams and multiplication given by diagram concatenation. Its subalgebras include diagram algebras such as the Brauer algebra, the Temperley–Lieb algebra, or the group algebra of the symmetric group. Representations of the partition algebra are built from sets of diagrams and from representations of the symmetric group.