Postumulena gens

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The gens Postumulena was an obscure plebeian family at ancient Rome. Few members of this gens are mentioned in history, but others are known from inscriptions. [1]



The nomen Postumulenus belongs to a class of names formed primarily from other gentilicia, using the suffix -enus. [2] In this case, the nomen is a lengthened form of Postumius , derived from the old Latin praenomen Postumus. This name is derived from the adjective postremus, "hindmost" or "last", and originally referred to a last-born child, although in later times it was confused with posthumus, "after burial", being applied to children born after their fathers' death. [3]


The only praenomina associated with the Postumuleni are Lucius , Marcus , and Gaius , the three most common names throughout Roman history, and perhaps Publius , known from a filiation, and also very common.


This list includes abbreviated praenomina. For an explanation of this practice, see filiation.

See also

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  1. Dictionary of Greek and Roman Biography and Mythology, vol. III, p. 510 ("Postumulenus").
  2. Chase, p. 118.
  3. Chase, pp. 111, 131, 150.
  4. Cicero, Epistulae ad Familiares, vi. 10.
  5. BCTH, 1913 CLXXII.
  6. AE 1964, 29.
  7. 1 2 CIL XIV, 4160.
  8. 1 2 AE 2007, 301.
  9. CIL VI, 22366.
  10. 1 2 CIL VI, 24895.
  11. NSA, 1923-371.
  12. CIL IX, 397.
  13. CIL XI, 4116.
  14. AE 1971, 57.
  15. CIL VI, 24896.
  16. AE 1997, 604.
  17. CIL VI, 200.
  18. AE 2002, 562.
