Psychroserpens burtonensis

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Psychroserpens burtonensis
Scientific classification
Psychroserpens burtonensis

Bowman et al. 1997

Psychroserpens burtonensis is a species of psychrophilic, yellow-pigmented bacteria. It is non-motile and nutritionally fastidious. Its type strain is ACAM 188. [1]


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  1. Bowman, J. P.; McCammon, S. A.; Brown, J. L.; Nichols, P. D.; McMeekin, T. A. (1997). "Psychroserpens burtonensis gen. nov., sp. nov., and Gelidibacter algens gen. nov., sp. nov., Psychrophilic Bacteria Isolated from Antarctic Lacustrine and Sea Ice Habitats". International Journal of Systematic Bacteriology. 47 (3): 670–677. doi: 10.1099/00207713-47-3-670 . ISSN   0020-7713. PMID   9226898.

Further reading