Quantum enveloping algebra

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In mathematics, a quantum or quantized enveloping algebra is a q-analog of a universal enveloping algebra. [1] Given a Lie algebra , the quantum enveloping algebra is typically denoted as . Among the applications, studying the limit led to the discovery of crystal bases.

In mathematics, a q-analog of a theorem, identity or expression is a generalization involving a new parameter q that returns the original theorem, identity or expression in the limit as q → 1. Typically, mathematicians are interested in q-analogs that arise naturally, rather than in arbitrarily contriving q-analogs of known results. The earliest q-analog studied in detail is the basic hypergeometric series, which was introduced in the 19th century.

In mathematics, a universal enveloping algebra is the most general algebra that contains all representations of a Lie algebra.

Lie algebra A vector space with an alternating binary operation satisfying the Jacobi identity.

In mathematics, a Lie algebra is a vector space together with a non-associative operation called the Lie bracket, an alternating bilinear map , satisfying the Jacobi identity.


The case of

Michio Jimbo considered the algebras with three generators related by the three commutators

Michio Jimbo is a Japanese mathematician, currently a professor at the Rikkyo University. He is a grandson of the linguist Kaku Jimbo.

When , these reduce to the commutators that define the special linear Lie algebra . In contrast, for nonzero , the algebra defined by these relations is not a Lie algebra but instead an associative algebra that can be regarded as a deformation of the universal enveloping algebra of . [2]

Special linear Lie algebra Lie algebra of traceless linear transformations; Lie algebra of the special linear group

In mathematics, the special linear Lie algebra of order n is the Lie algebra of matrices with trace zero and with the Lie bracket . This algebra is well studied and understood, and is often used as a model for the study of other Lie algebras. The Lie group that it generates is the special linear group.

In mathematics, an associative algebra is an algebraic structure with compatible operations of addition, multiplication, and a scalar multiplication by elements in some field. The addition and multiplication operations together give A the structure of a ring; the addition and scalar multiplication operations together give A the structure of a vector space over K. In this article we will also use the term K-algebra to mean an associative algebra over the field K. A standard first example of a K-algebra is a ring of square matrices over a field K, with the usual matrix multiplication.

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In mathematics, a quantum affine algebra is a Hopf algebra that is a q-deformation of the universal enveloping algebra of an affine Lie algebra. They were introduced independently by Drinfeld (1985) and Jimbo (1985) as a special case of their general construction of a quantum group from a Cartan matrix. One of their principal applications has been to the theory of solvable lattice models in quantum statistical mechanics, where the Yang-Baxter equation occurs with a spectral parameter. Combinatorial aspects of the representation theory of quantum affine algebras can be described simply using crystal bases, which correspond to the degenerate case when the deformation parameter q vanishes and the Hamiltonian of the associated lattice model can be explicitly diagonalized.

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Lie algebra extension

In the theory of Lie groups, Lie algebras and their representation theory, a Lie algebra extensione is an enlargement of a given Lie algebra g by another Lie algebra h. Extensions arise in several ways. There is the trivial extension obtained by taking a direct sum of two Lie algebras. Other types are the split extension and the central extension. Extensions may arise naturally, for instance, when forming a Lie algebra from projective group representations. Such a Lie algebra will contain central charges.


  1. Kassel, Christian (1995), Quantum groups, Graduate Texts in Mathematics, 155, Berlin, New York: Springer-Verlag, ISBN   978-0-387-94370-1, MR   1321145
  2. Jimbo, Michio (1985), "A -difference analogue of and the YangBaxter equation", Letters in Mathematical Physics , 10 (1): 63–69, Bibcode:1985LMaPh..10...63J, doi:10.1007/BF00704588

Vladimir Gershonovich Drinfeld, surname also romanized as Drinfel'd, is a Soviet-American mathematician, currently working at the University of Chicago.

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