Relatively hyperbolic group

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In mathematics, relatively hyperbolic groups form an important class of groups of interest for geometric group theory. The main purpose in their study is to extend the theory of Gromov-hyperbolic groups to groups that may be regarded as hyperbolic assemblies of subgroups , called peripheral subgroups, in a way that enables "hyperbolic reduction" of problems for to problems for the s.


Illustrative examples of relatively hyperbolic groups are provided by the fundamental groups of complete noncompact hyperbolic manifolds of finite volume. Further generalizations such as acylindrical hyperbolicity are also explored by current research.

Intuition and History

Just like Gromov-hyperbolic groups or spaces can be thought of as thickened free groups or trees, the idea of a group being hyperbolic relative to a collection of subgroups (called peripheral subgroups) is that looks like a "thickened tree-like patchwork" of the conjugates of the s, so that it is "hyperbolic-away" from them.

From there, different approaches exist and find relevance in different contexts.

The original insight by Gromov, motivated by examples from Riemannian geometry and later elaborated by Bowditch, is to say that acts properly, but not cocompactly, on a Gromov-hyperbolic space in such a way that the conjugates of the s fix points at infinity and that the action becomes cocompact after truncating horoballs around them. For this reason, the conjugates of the s are called the parabolic subgroups. [1] [2]

Yaman later gave a fully dynamical characterization, no longer involving a hyperbolic space but only its boundary (called the Bowditch boundary). [3]

The second kind of definition, first due to Farb, roughly says that after contracting the left-cosets of the s to bounded sets, the Cayley graph of becomes a (non-proper) Gromov-hyperbolic space. [4] The resulting notion, known today as weak hyperbolicity, turns out to require extra assumptions on the behavior of quasi-geodesics in order to match the Gromov-Bowditch one. [5] Bowditch elaborated Farb's definition by only requiring to act on a hyperbolic graph with certain additional properties, including that the conjugates of the s are the infinite vertex stabilizers. [2]

Osin later characterized relative hyperbolicity in terms of relative linear isoperimetric inequalities. [6] Druțu and Sapir gave a characterization in terms of asymptotic cones being tree-graded metric spaces, a relative version of real trees. This allows for a notion of relative hyperbolicity that makes sense for more general metric spaces than Cayley graphs, and which is invariant by quasi-isometry. [7]

Formal definition

Given a finitely generated group G with Cayley graph Γ(G) equipped with the path metric and a subgroup H of G, one can construct the coned off Cayley graph as follows: For each left coset gH, add a vertex v(gH) to the Cayley graph Γ(G) and for each element x of gH, add an edge e(x) of length 1/2 from x to the vertex v(gH). This results in a metric space that may not be proper (i.e. closed balls need not be compact).

The definition of a relatively hyperbolic group, as formulated by Bowditch goes as follows. A group G is said to be hyperbolic relative to a subgroup H if the coned off Cayley graph has the properties:

If only the first condition holds then the group G is said to be weakly relatively hyperbolic with respect to H.

The definition of the coned off Cayley graph can be generalized to the case of a collection of subgroups and yields the corresponding notion of relative hyperbolicity. A group G which contains no collection of subgroups with respect to which it is relatively hyperbolic is said to be a non relatively hyperbolic group.




  1. Gromov, Mikhail (1987). "Hyperbolic groups". Essays in Group Theory. (Seminar Held at the Mathematical Sciences Research Institute, Berkeley, California, June 1985). 8: 75–263. ISBN   0-387-96618-8. ISSN   0940-4740.
  2. 1 2 Bowditch, B. H. (2012). "Relatively hyperbolic groups". International Journal of Algebra and Computation. 22 (3): 1250016. doi:10.1142/S0218196712500166. ISSN   0218-1967.
  3. Yaman, Asli (2004). "A topological characterisation of relatively hyperbolic groups". Journal für die Reine und Angewandte Mathematik. 2004 (566): 41–89. doi:10.1515/crll.2004.007. ISSN   1435-5345.
  4. Farb, B. (1998-11-01). "Relatively Hyperbolic Groups". Geometric & Functional Analysis. 8 (5): 810–840. doi:10.1007/s000390050075. ISSN   1420-8970.
  5. Szczepański, Andrzej (1998). "Relatively hyperbolic groups". Michigan Mathematical Journal. 45 (3): 611–618. arXiv: math/0501321 . doi:10.1307/mmj/1030132303. ISSN   0026-2285.
  6. Osin, Denis V. (2006). "Relatively hyperbolic groups: intrinsic geometry, algebraic properties, and algorithmic problems". American Mathematical Society. Retrieved 2025-01-19.
  7. Druţu, Cornelia; Sapir, Mark (2005-09-01). "Tree-graded spaces and asymptotic cones of groups". Topology. 44 (5): 959–1058. arXiv: math/0405030 . doi:10.1016/ ISSN   0040-9383.