Richard M. Davidson

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Richard M. Davidson
Personal details
Occupation Theologian

Richard M. Davidson is an Old Testament scholar at Andrews University, Michigan, where he is currently the J. N. Andrews Professor of Old Testament Exegesis.



Davidson was the president of the Adventist Theological Society from 1996-1998. [1] He is married to JoAnn Davidson. [2]

Flame of Yahweh

Davidson is best known for his major academic work Flame of Yahweh: A Theology of Sexuality in the Old Testament, published in 2007. [3] The title is derived from the Biblical verse Song of Solomon 8:6c. [4] He has been studying the topic of sexuality in the Old Testament since the early 1980s. Grenville Kent writes "Davidson is to be commended for an OT biblical theology of sexuality which is fearless, deep and comprehensive – almost encyclopaedic." [5] Other reviewers of this work include Anselm C. Hagedorn, [6] C. Amos, [7] J. Harold Ellens, [8] Yael Klangswisan, [9] Dale Launderville, [10] Harvey E. Solganick, [11] Nicholas T. Batzig, [12] Jennifer L. Koosed, [13] Heather Macumber, [14] and James D. Lorenz. [15] [16]

According to one reviewer, "From the structural point of view, the book forms a literary envelope. Davidson begins with the theology of sexuality depicted in the narrative of the Garden of Eden and closes the book with the restoration of that theology in the book of Song of Solomon. There we again find a couple deeply in love in the setting of a garden." [17]

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  1. "Adventist Theological Society" in Seventh-day Adventist Encyclopedia vol. 1, p31–32
  2. Brief biography of JoAnn Davidson provided here
  3. Flame of Yahweh: A Theology of Sexuality in the Old Testament (Peabody, MA: Hendrickson, 2007); publishers page)
  4. Cited by Rodríguez (see below). The New American Standard Bible has a similar rendering, "flame of the Lord"
  5. Grenville Kent, Journal of Asia Adventist Seminary 11:1 (2008), p84–87; archives - presently unavailable online
  6. Anselm C. Hagedorn, Vetus Testamentum 59:1 (2009), p163
  7. C. Amos, Journal for the Study of the Old Testament 32:5 (June 2008), p157–158
  8. J. Harold Ellens [ed. Rodney L. Bassett], Journal of Psychology and Christianity 27:2 (Summer 2008), p178–179
  9. Yael Klangswisan, Colloquium 40:1 (May 2008), p102–103
  10. Dale Launderville, Catholic Biblical Quarterly 70:2 (April 2008), p338–339
  11. Harvey E. Solganick, Journal of the Evangelical Theological Society 51:1 (March 2008), p108–111
  12. Nicholas T. Batzig, Scottish Bulletin of Evangelical Theology 26:1 (Spring 2008), p88–90
  13. Jennifer L. Koosed, Hebrew Studies 49 (2008), p333–336
  14. Heather Macumber, Journal of Hebrew Scriptures 7 (2007)
  15. James D. Lorenz, Spectrum 36 (Winter 2008), p79–80
  16. "Hendrickson Publishing Group | Books, Bible Reference, and Bibles".
  17. Ángel Rodríguez, Review, Ministry 80 (July 2008), p28–29