Robertson (crater)

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Robertson LROC.jpg
LRO image, which also shows rays from Ohm in the southern half of the crater
Coordinates 21°48′N105°12′W / 21.8°N 105.2°W / 21.8; -105.2 Coordinates: 21°48′N105°12′W / 21.8°N 105.2°W / 21.8; -105.2
Diameter 88 km
Depth Unknown
Colongitude 106° at sunrise
Eponym Howard P. Robertson
Oblique Lunar Orbiter 5 image, facing west Robertson crater 5015 h2.jpg
Oblique Lunar Orbiter 5 image, facing west

Robertson is an important lunar impact crater that is located on the far side of the Moon, just beyond the western limb. It lies just to the south of Berkner, a formation with a comparable size but more eroded features. Just to the east is Helberg, and to the southwest is Alter.

The inner wall of the crater rim has a wide, complex formation of multiple terraces. The rim is approximately circular, but with an irregular outline where various terraces have slumped away. The interior has a central peak at the midpoint, and this is joined to a rugged stretch of ground that connects with the northeastern rim. A band of light-hued ray material from Ohm covers the southern half of the crater floor and rim.

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