Roman administration of Judaea (AD 6–135)

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The administration of Judaea as a province of Rome from 6 to 135 was carried out primarily by a series of Roman Prefects, Procurators, and Legates pro praetore. These administrators coincided with the ostensible rule by Hasmonean and Herodian rulers of Judea. The Roman administrators were as follows:


NameDates of administrationNumber of yearsTitle
Coponius 6–93 Prefect
Marcus Ambivulus 9–123Prefect
Annius Rufus 12–153Prefect
Valerius Gratus 15–2611Prefect
Pontius Pilatus 26–3610Prefect
Marcellus 36–371Prefect
Marullus 37–414Prefect
Marcus Julius Agrippa 41–443King of Judaea
Cuspius Fadus 44–462 Procurator
Tiberius Julius Alexander 46–482Procurator
Ventidius Cumanus 48–524Procurator
Marcus Antonius Felix 52–608Procurator
Porcius Festus 60–622Procurator
Lucceius Albinus 62–642Procurator
Gessius Florus 64–662Procurator
Marcus Antonius Julianus c. 66–c. 704Procurator
Sextus Vettulenus Cerialis 70–711 Legatus
Sextus Lucilius Bassus 71–721Legatus
Lucius Flavius Silva Nonius Bassus 72–819Legatus
Marcus Salvidienus 80–855Legatus
Gnaeus Pinarius Aemilius Cicatricula Pompeius Longinus 85–891Legatus
Sextus Hermentidius Campanus 93–971Legatus
Gaius Julius Quadratus Bassus 102–1042Legatus
Quintus Pompeius Falco 105–1072Legatus
Tiberianus 114–1173Legatus
Lusius Quietus 117–1181Legatus
Lucius Cossonius Gallus [1] c. 120 ?Legatus
Quintus Coredius Gallus Gargilius Antiquus [2] c. 124–125 or 122–1251 (3)Legatus
Quintus Tineius Rufus c. 130–c. 1322Legatus
Sextus Julius Severus 133–136(137?)3 (4)Legatus

"Hadrian stationed an extra legion in Judaea, renaming it Syria Palaestina." [3] This was following the defeat of the Bar Kokhba Revolt in 135. The Syria-based legion, Legio III Gallica, took part in the quelling of the revolt from 132 to 136, and in the aftermath, the emperor Hadrian renamed the province of Judea and its extra legion Syria Palaestina. The province of Syria Palaestina was divided into Palaestina Prima and Palaestina Salutaris in about 357, and by 409 Palaestina Prima had been further split into a smaller Palaestina Prima and Palaestina Secunda, while Salutaris was named Tertia or Salutaris. [4] Palæstina Prima or Palaestina I existed from the late 4th century until it was temporarily lost to the Sassanid Empire (Persian Empire) in 614, but re-conquered in 628 and finally until the Muslim conquest of the Levant in the 630s. [5]

See also


  1. Dąbrowa E. Hadrianic governors of Syria: a reappraisal. Zeitschrift für Papyrologie und Epigraphik. 2017:285-91.
  2. "Ancient Inscription Identifies Gargilius Antiques as Roman Ruler on Eve of Bar Kochva Revolt". December 2016.
  3. Adkins & Adkins 1998 , p. 121.
  4. DAN, YARON (1982). "Palaestina Salutaris (Tertia) and Its Capital". Israel Exploration Journal. 32 (2/3): 134–135. JSTOR   27925836. The division of Palestine into two provinces, Palestina Prima and Southern Palestine, later to be known as Palaestina Salutaris, took place in 357-358 [...] In 409 we hear for the first time of the three provinces of Palestine: Palaestina Prima, Secunda and Tertia (the former Salutaris)
  5. Lewis 2011 , p. 155; Britannica, Palestine - Roman Palestine : At the end of the fourth century, an enlarged Palestine was divided into three provinces: Prima, with its capital at Caesarea; Secunda, with its capital at Scythopolis (Bet Sheʾan); and Salutaris, with its capital at Petra or possibly for a time at Elusa.; Shahin 2005 , p. 8
