Rothmann (crater)

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Rothmann crater 4076 h3.jpg
Coordinates 30°49′S27°42′E / 30.81°S 27.70°E / -30.81; 27.70 Coordinates: 30°49′S27°42′E / 30.81°S 27.70°E / -30.81; 27.70
Diameter 41.67 km
Depth 4.2 km
Colongitude 333° at sunrise
Eponym Christopher Rothmann

Rothmann is an impact crater that is located in the southeastern part of the Moon's near side, about one crater diameter to the southwest of the Rupes Altai scarp. To the southwest is the slightly larger crater Lindenau.

This is a relatively fresh crater that is not significantly eroded. The outer rim is circular and is not overlaid by craters of note. The inner walls have slumped and formed terraces in places. The interior floor is somewhat irregular, and has a central rise near the midpoint.

Rothmann is a crater of Eratosthenian age. [1]

Rothmann is named after German astronomer Christopher Rothmann. [2]

Satellite craters

By convention these features are identified on lunar maps by placing the letter on the side of the crater midpoint that is closest to Rothmann.

A29.4° S27.6° E8 km
B31.8° S28.4° E21 km
C28.6° S25.1° E19 km
D28.9° S22.8° E14 km
E32.9° S29.2° E10 km
F29.1° S28.0° E7 km
G28.4° S24.3° E92 km
H29.1° S25.4° E11 km
J29.3° S25.7° E8 km
K28.8° S24.4° E6 km
L29.2° S28.7° E14 km
M31.2° S29.8° E16 km
W30.8° S26.6° E11 km

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  1. The geologic history of the Moon. USGS Professional Paper 1348. By Don E. Wilhelms, John F. McCauley, and Newell J. Trask. U.S. Government Printing Office, Washington: 1987. Table 12.2.
  2. "Rothmann (crater)". Gazetteer of Planetary Nomenclature. USGS Astrogeology Research Program.