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For the modern Rurales of Mexico see: Cuerpo de Defensa Rural and For other Rurales types forces see: Rurales (disambiguation)


Guardia Rural
Rurales Mexico Su Evolucion Social 1900 Justo Sierra 2.jpg
Rurales in parade uniform during the Diaz era c. 1900.
Active1861–1914 (first stage)
1920s–1950s (second stage)
1970s–present (modern)
CountryFlag of Mexico.svg  Mexico
Branch Coat of arms of Mexico.svg Mexican Army
Type Gendarmerie
EngagementsHistoric mounted police force:

Modern militia:

In Mexico, the term Rurales (Spanish) is used to refer to two armed government forces. The historic Guardia Rural ('Rural Guard') was a rural mounted police force, founded by President Benito Juárez in 1861 and expanded by President Porfirio Díaz (r. 1876–1911). It served as an effective force of repression and a counterweight to the Mexican Army during the nineteenth and early twentieth centuries. The rurales were dissolved during the Mexican Revolution.

The modern Cuerpo de Defensa Rural ('Rural Defense Corps') is a modern part-time voluntary militia, generally used to support Federal forces.

Rural Guard 1861–1914

The Guardia Rural was established as a federal constabulary by the Liberal regime of Benito Juárez in 1861. This mounted rural police force became best known during the long rule of President Porfirio Díaz (18761911).


President Benito Juarez, founder of the rurales in 1861 Benito Pablo Juarez Garcia.png
President Benito Juárez, founder of the rurales in 1861

As originally constituted under Juárez the Rurales lacked the numbers and organization to effectively control the banditry widespread in Mexico during the 1860s and 1870s. The concept of an armed and mobile rural police organized on military lines, was derived from Spain's Civil Guard (" Guardia Civil "). Established in 1844 the Spanish Guardia Civil had quickly won a reputation as an effective but often oppressive force.

On May 6, 1861 four corps of Rural Police were authorized by the Juárez government; each having an establishment of 20 officers and 255 other ranks. Recruitment was intended to be by voluntary enlistment. Pay was set at a higher level than that of the conscript based army. Control of the new force was divided between the Ministers of the Interior and of War - a policy intended to maintain a balance of power within the government. [1]

French intervention

The existing Corps of Rurales was absorbed into the Republican Army and irregular forces opposing the French intervention of 1862–1867. However the Imperial regime of Emperor Maximilian (1862–1867) created a parallel force known as the Resguardo, which by October 1865 numbered 12,263; [2] indicating that the concept of a rural mounted police force had become well established. Following the Republican victory, Los Cuerpos Rurales were re-established.

Under Porfirio Diaz

General Porfirio Diaz, President of Mexico, who expanded the use of the rurales to suppress rural unrest and create "order and progress." Porfirio Diaz in uniform.jpg
General Porfirio Díaz, President of Mexico, who expanded the use of the rurales to suppress rural unrest and create "order and progress."

Described as "well-mounted active men ... in handsome uniform" [3] the rurales were reconstituted in 1869 as part of the reconstruction of the Mexican Republic following the Franco/Maximilian episode. The corps was placed under the Ministro de Gobernación and specifically tasked with providing mounted patrols for rail and road links, escorting gold and other valuable shipments, providing support for the Federal Army when called upon, and ensuring security when local elections were held. [4]

A detachment of Rurales in field uniform during the Diaz era' Rurales.jpg
A detachment of Rurales in field uniform during the Diaz era'

By 1875 the corps numbered about one thousand members, organized in forty-two squads primarily responsible for patrolling the Mexico valley region. While their performance was uneven - with charges being made of both aggressive behavior against the public and slackness in enforcing their responsibilities [5] - the rural guards had been successful in eliminating a number of bandit groups. [6]

Following his accession to power in 1877, President Porfirio Díaz expanded the Rurales to nearly 2,000 by 1889 as part of his programme of modernization and (eventually) repression. Initially some captured guerrilleros were forcibly inducted into the Rurales, as had been the case under Juárez. [7] The system of recruitment however subsequently became a more conventional one of volunteer enlistment. Officers were either seconded from the Federal Army or promoted through the Rurale ranks. The Rurales were heavily armed; carrying cavalry sabers, Remington carbines, lassos and pistols. [8] They were divided into ten corps, each comprising three companies of about 76 men.

Rural on board a train. Photograph by Manuel Ramos, published in La Revista de Revistas May 1912 Manuel Ramos Guardia Rural.jpg
Rural on board a train. Photograph by Manuel Ramos, published in La Revista de Revistas May 1912

The Porfirian regime deliberately fostered the image of the Rurales as a ruthless and efficient organization which under the notorious ley fuga ("law of flight") seldom took prisoners and which inevitably got its man. [5] However research by Professor Paul J. Vanderwood, during the 1970s involving detailed examination of the records of the corps, indicated that the Rurales were neither as effective nor as brutal as regime publicists had suggested. [5] The daily pay of 1.30 pesos was not high and up to 25% of recruits deserted before completing their four-year enlistments. This term of service was extended to five years after 1890. Only one rurale in ten re-enlisted after completing his first term; a low proportion that may have been influenced by slow and limited promotion. [8]

Public image of the rurales in charro style dress c1890. Photo Abel Briquet Mexico - Rurales. (21842427026).jpg
Public image of the rurales in charro style dress c1890. Photo Abel Briquet

Never numbering more than about 4,000 men and located in small detachments, the Rurales were too thinly spread to ever completely eliminate unrest in the Mexican countryside. They did however impose a superficial order, especially in the central regions around Mexico City, which encouraged the foreign investment sought by Díaz and his científico advisers. To a certain extent the regime saw the Rurales as a counterweight to the much larger Federal army and in the later years of the regime they were increasingly used to control industrial unrest, in addition to the traditional task of patrolling country areas. [9] While in theory a centralized organisation, the rural guards often came under the direct control of local politicians (Jefes) or landowners. [10]

The Rurales achieved a high profile internationally, [11] rather like that of the Royal Canadian Mounted Police or the Texas Rangers, whose roles they paralleled. They wore a distinctive dove grey [12] uniform braided in silver, which was modelled on the national charro dress and included wide felt sombreros, bolero jackets, tight fitting trousers with silver buttons down the seams, and red or black neckties. [13] Senior officers wore elaborate rank insignia in the form of Austrian knots and sombrero braiding, which cost hundreds of pesos. The corps number appeared in silver on both the headdress and a leather carbine cross-belt. [14] Protective leather chaps and canvas fatigue clothing were often worn as field service dress.

The grey and silver dress, the frequent involvement of Rurales in ceremonial parades and their general reputation, drew the attention of foreign visitors to Mexico during the Porfiriato. [7] They were variously described as "the world's most picturesque policemen" and "mostly bandits". [15] The former may have been true but the latter was a distorted memory of the rough-and-ready early days of the corps. Some of the Mexican states maintained their own rural mounted police forces and a separate city police force operated in Mexico City, [16] but none matched the Federal Rurales in notoriety or glamour.

Under Francisco Madero and Victoriano Huerta

Mexican Rurales before disbandment in 1914. Officers in white and buglers at left. Mexican Rurales., 1922 - 1922 - NARA - 533139.tif
Mexican Rurales before disbandment in 1914. Officers in white and buglers at left.

During the early stages of the Mexican Revolution of 1910, detachments of Rurales served alongside Federal troops against the rebel forces. While retaining an elite image (one revolutionary fighter commented to a US writer that Rurales never surrendered "because they are police", and a report to the U.S. Army rated them as individually superior to any of Pancho Villa's irregulars), [17] the force was too weak in numbers and dispersed in deployment to play a decisive role.

After the overthrow of Díaz in 1911, the Rurales continued in existence under Presidents Francisco I. Madero (19111913) and Victoriano Huerta (19131914). Madero left the force essentially unchanged, although introducing legislation intended to prevent corpsmen, other than senior officers, from carrying out summary executions without due trial process. [18] In practice the induction of large numbers of Maderista fighters on a temporary basis while awaiting discharge simply diluted such efficiency as the corps had retained. Huerta saw a more central role for the Rurales and directed officers of the Corps to murder Madero [19] after the "Ten Tragic Days" of 1913. During the fighting that marked this internecine conflict, part of the rurales remained loyal to the Madero government. Three hundred rural guardsmen of the 18th Corps were ambushed by rebel machine gunners in the centre of Mexico City, losing 67 dead and wounded. It is uncertain whether the destruction of the 18th Corps was the result of a tactical blunder or a measure deliberately arranged by General Huerta to weaken the Madero forces. [20]

Huerta then proposed to expand the existing Rurale units into a field force of over ten thousand men serving alongside the regular Federal troops. Recruiting problems and desertions prevented this ever becoming a realistic project. The remains of the Guardia Rural were finally disarmed and disbanded during July–August 1914, along with the old Federal Army, when Huerta fled into exile. [21]

The Rurales in fiction

"Rurales? They're a sort of country police; but don't draw any mental crayon portraits of the worthy constable with a tin star and a gray goatee. The rurales—well, if we'd mount our Supreme Court on broncos, arm 'em with Winchesters, and start 'em out after John Doe et al. we'd have about the same thing."

Cuban Guardia Rural

Cuba also maintained a Guardia Rural from 1898 until the revolution of 1959. A militarized and mounted constabulary, it performed the same rural policing functions as its Mexican and Spanish counterparts. [24]

See also

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<span class="mw-page-title-main">Federal Army</span> Military unit

The Mexican Federal Army, also known as the Federales in popular culture, was the military of Mexico from 1876 to 1914 during the Porfiriato, the long rule of President Porfirio Díaz, and during the presidencies of Francisco I. Madero and Victoriano Huerta. Under President Díaz, a military hero against the French Intervention in Mexico, the Federal Army was composed of senior officers who had served in long ago conflicts. At the time of the outbreak of the Mexican Revolution most were old men and incapable of leading men on the battlefield. When the rebellions broke out against Díaz following fraudulent elections of 1910, the Federal Army was incapable of responding. Although revolutionary fighters helped bring Francisco I. Madero to power, Madero retained the Federal Army rather than the revolutionaries. Madero used the Federal Army to suppress rebellions against his government by Pascual Orozco and Emiliano Zapata. Madero placed General Victoriano Huerta as interim commander of the military during the Ten Tragic Days of February 1913 to defend his government. Huerta changed sides and ousted Madero's government. Rebellions broke out against Huerta's regime. When revolutionary armies succeeded in ousting Huerta in July 1914, the Federal Army ceased to exist as an entity, with the signing of the Teoloyucan Treaties.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">United States involvement in the Mexican Revolution</span>

The United States involvement in the Mexican Revolution was varied and seemingly contradictory, first supporting and then repudiating Mexican regimes during the period 1910–1920. For both economic and political reasons, the U.S. government generally supported those who occupied the seats of power, but could withhold official recognition. The U.S. supported the regime of Porfirio Díaz after initially withholding recognition since he came to power by coup. In 1909, Díaz and U.S. President Taft met in Ciudad Juárez, across the border from El Paso, Texas. Prior to Woodrow Wilson's inauguration on March 4, 1913, the U.S. Government focused on just warning the Mexican military that decisive action from the U.S. military would take place if lives and property of U.S. nationals living in the country were endangered. President William Howard Taft sent more troops to the US-Mexico border but did not allow them to intervene directly in the conflict, a move which Congress opposed. Twice during the Revolution, the U.S. sent troops into Mexico, to occupy Veracruz in 1914 and to northern Mexico in 1916 in a failed attempt to capture Pancho Villa. U.S. foreign policy toward Latin America was to assume the region was the sphere of influence of the U.S., articulated in the Monroe Doctrine. However the U.S. role in the Mexican Revolution has been exaggerated. It did not directly intervene in the Mexican Revolution in a sustained manner.

Federales is a Spanish term used in an informal context to denote security forces operating under a federal political system. The term gained widespread usage by English speakers due to popularization in such films as The Wild Bunch, The Treasure of the Sierra Madre, Blue Streak, the television drama series Breaking Bad and its spinoff prequel Better Call Saul, as well as the song Pancho and Lefty by Townes Van Zandt. The term is a cognate and counterpart to the slang "Feds" in the United States.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">Ten Tragic Days</span> 1913 coup détat during the Mexican Revolution

The Ten Tragic Days during the Mexican Revolution is the name given to the multi-day coup d'état in Mexico City by opponents of Francisco I. Madero, the democratically elected president of Mexico, between 9–19 February 1913. It instigated a second phase of the Mexican Revolution, after dictator Porfirio Díaz had been ousted and replaced in elections by Francisco I. Madero. The coup was carried out by general Victoriano Huerta and supporters of the old regime, with support from the United States.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">Battle of Zacatecas (1914)</span> Battle of the Mexican Revolution

The Battle of Zacatecas, also known as the Toma de Zacatecas, was the bloodiest battle in the campaign to overthrow Mexican President Victoriano Huerta. On June 23, 1914, Pancho Villa's División del Norte decisively defeated the federal troops of General Luis Medina Barrón defending the town of Zacatecas. The great victory demoralized Huerta's supporters, leading to his resignation on July 15. However, the Toma de Zacatecas also marked the end of support of Villa's Division of the North from Constitutionalist leader Venustiano Carranza and US President Woodrow Wilson.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">Treaty of Ciudad Juárez</span> 1911 treaty during the Mexican Revolution

The Treaty of Ciudad Juárez was a peace treaty signed between the President of Mexico, Porfirio Díaz, and the revolutionary Francisco Madero on May 21, 1911. The treaty put an end to the fighting between forces supporting Madero and those of Díaz and thus concluded the initial phase of the Mexican Revolution.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">Battle of Ciudad Juárez (1911)</span> Battle during the Mexican Revolution

The First Battle of Ciudad Juárez took place in April and May 1911 between federal forces loyal to President Porfirio Díaz and rebel forces of Francisco Madero, during the Mexican Revolution. Pascual Orozco and Pancho Villa commanded Madero's army, which besieged Ciudad Juárez, Chihuahua. After two days of fighting the city's garrison surrendered and Orozco and Villa took control of the town. The fall of Ciudad Juárez to Madero, combined with Emiliano Zapata's taking of Cuautla in Morelos, convinced Díaz that he could not hope to defeat the rebels. As a result, he agreed to the Treaty of Ciudad Juárez, resigned and went into exile in France, thus ending the initial stage of the Mexican Revolution.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">Tomochic Rebellion</span> Rebellion in Mexico

The Tomochic Rebellion was a violent confrontation between rural villagers and the army of the Mexican Government from 1891- 1892 in the town of Tomochi, a small rural town in the mountainous Guerrero district of the Mexican state of Chihuahua. Led by Cruz Chavez, a notable local and charismatic figure, the rebellion was one of a series of uprisings against the government calling for social reform and religious autonomy. The rebellion initially met with success but was eventually crushed by government forces in 1892. The defiance of the tomochitecos became a symbol of resistance against tyranny and became enshrined in Mexican folklore. Furthermore, the rebellion was unique as it was one of the first religiously inspired revolts against the state, with the rebels rallying behind the cult of Teresa Urrea as a symbol of their defiance of the regime.


PD-icon.svg This article incorporates text from this source, which is in the public domain . Country Studies. Federal Research Division.


  1. Vanderwood 1981, p. 51.
  2. Rene Chartrand, page 23 "The Mexican Adventure 1861-67", ISBN   1-85532-430-X
  3. Brenner 1971, p. 11.
  4. Article "Rurales":
  5. 1 2 3 Knight 1990, p. 34.
  6. Vanderwood 1981, p. 59.
  7. 1 2 Knight 1990, p. 33.
  8. 1 2 Vanderwood 1981, p. 101.
  9. Vanderwood 1981, p. 120.
  10. Jowett & De Quesada 1992, pp. 29–30.
  11. Vanderwood 1981, p. xiv.
  12. Brenner 1971, p. 8.
  13. Johns 1997, p. 68.
  14. Jowett & De Quesada 1992, p. 56.
  15. Jowett & De Quesada 1992, p. 28.
  16. Johns 1997, pp. 71–73.
  17. Janssens, Joe Lee (2019). Strategy and Tactics of the Mexican Revolution 1910-1915. Revolution. pp. 214–215. ISBN   9780996478953.
  18. Vanderwood 1981, p. 162.
  19. Montes Ayala, Francisco Gabriel (1993). Raúl Oseguera Pérez, ed. "Francisco Cárdenas. Un hombre que cambió la history". Sahuayo, Michoacán: Impresos ABC.
  20. Vanderwood 1981, p. 165-166.
  21. Jowett & De Quesada 1992, p. 30.
  22. Hostages to Momus.
  23. John Steinbeck, pp. 50, 60, 111 and 157 "Zapte The Little Tiger", ISBN   0-434-74025-X
  24. English, Adrian J. (1984). Armed Forces of Latin America. Jane's. p. 200. ISBN   0-7106-0321-5.

Works cited

Further reading