Sanquinia gens

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Denarius of Quintus Sanquinius, 17 BC. The obverse depicts the head of Caesar, with his comet above. On the reverse is the herald of the Secular Games, holding a shield and a winged caduceus. M. Sanquinius, denarius, 17 BC, RIC I 340.jpg
Denarius of Quintus Sanquinius, 17 BC. The obverse depicts the head of Caesar, with his comet above. On the reverse is the herald of the Secular Games, holding a shield and a winged caduceus.

The gens Sanquinia [lower-roman 1] was a minor plebeian family at ancient Rome, which rose out of obscurity in imperial times to attain the highest offices of the Roman state. Members of this gens are first mentioned in the time of Augustus, and Quintus Sanquinius Maximus held the consulship under Tiberius and Caligula. The family vanishes from history in the time of Claudius. [1]



Ronald Syme described the gens as Etruscan, thanks to an inscription found in Etruria. [2]

Branches and cognomina

There may only have been a single family of the Sanquinii, as all of those occurring in history come from the same time and place, and only one other is added from inscriptions anywhere else. The only attested surname, Maximus, seems to have been a personal cognomen, and was probably given to the consul Sanquinius either because he was the eldest brother in his family, or because he was the most illustrious of the Sanquinii. [3]


This list includes abbreviated praenomina. For an explanation of this practice, see filiation.

See also


  1. Frequently misspelled as Sanguinius, particularly for Q. Sanquinius Maximus in Tacitus.

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  1. Dictionary of Greek and Roman Biography and Mythology, vol. II, p. 999 ("Sanquinius Maximus"), vol. III, p. 706 ("Marcus Sanquinius").
  2. Syme, "Prefects of the City, Vespasian to Trajan", Roman Papers, vol. V, p. 619 (note 63).
  3. Chase, p. 111.
  4. CIL VI, 1323.
  5. Borghesi, vol. I, pp. 243-245.
  6. PIR, vol. III, p. 173.
  7. Broughton, vol. II, pp. 465, 473, 476, 481.
  8. Eckhel, vol. v, pp. 299, 300.
  9. Sutherland, Roman Imperial Coinage, vol. I, p. 66.
  10. Tacitus, Annales, vi. 4, xi. 18.
  11. Cassius Dio, lix. 13.
  12. Tacitus, Annales, vi. 7.
  13. CIL XI, 7714.
