In mathematics, a separable algebra is a kind of semisimple algebra. It is a generalization to associative algebras of the notion of a separable field extension.
A ring homomorphism (of unital, but not necessarily commutative rings)
is called separable if the multiplication map
admits a section
that is a homomorphism of A-A-bimodules.
If the ring is commmutative and maps into the center of , we call a separable algebra over.
It is useful to describe separability in terms of the element
The reason is that a section σ is determined by this element. The condition that σ is a section of μ is equivalent to
and the condition that σ is a homomorphism of A-A-bimodules is equivalent to the following requirement for any a in A:
Such an element p is called a separability idempotent, since regarded as an element of the algebra it satisfies .
For any commutative ring R, the (non-commutative) ring of n-by-n matrices is a separable R-algebra. For any , a separability idempotent is given by , where denotes the elementary matrix which is 0 except for the entry in position (i, j), which is 1. In particular, this shows that separability idempotents need not be unique.
A field extension L/K of finite degree is a separable extension if and only if L is separable as an associative K-algebra. If L/K has a primitive element with irreducible polynomial , then a separability idempotent is given by . The tensorands are dual bases for the trace map: if are the distinct K-monomorphisms of L into an algebraic closure of K, the trace mapping Tr of L into K is defined by . The trace map and its dual bases make explicit L as a Frobenius algebra over K.
More generally, separable algebras over a field K can be classified as follows: they are the same as finite products of matrix algebras over finite-dimensional division algebras whose centers are finite-dimensional separable field extensions of the field K. In particular: Every separable algebra is itself finite-dimensional. If K is a perfect field – for example a field of characteristic zero, or a finite field, or an algebraically closed field – then every extension of K is separable so that separable K-algebras are finite products of matrix algebras over finite-dimensional division algebras over field K. In other words, if K is a perfect field, there is no difference between a separable algebra over K and a finite-dimensional semisimple algebra over K. It can be shown by a generalized theorem of Maschke that an associative K-algebra A is separable if for every field extension the algebra is semisimple.
If K is commutative ring and G is a finite group such that the order of G is invertible in K, then the group ring K[G] is a separable K-algebra. [1] A separability idempotent is given by .
There are several equivalent definitions of separable algebras. A K-algebra A is separable if and only if it is projective when considered as a left module of in the usual way. [2] Moreover, an algebra A is separable if and only if it is flat when considered as a right module of in the usual way.
Separable algebras can also be characterized by means of split extensions: A is separable over K if and only if all short exact sequences of A-A-bimodules that are split as A-K-bimodules also split as A-A-bimodules. Indeed, this condition is necessary since the multiplication mapping arising in the definition above is a A-A-bimodule epimorphism, which is split as an A-K-bimodule map by the right inverse mapping given by . The converse can be proven by a judicious use of the separability idempotent (similarly to the proof of Maschke's theorem, applying its components within and without the splitting maps). [3]
Equivalently, the relative Hochschild cohomology groups of (R, S) in any coefficient bimodule M is zero for n > 0. Examples of separable extensions are many including first separable algebras where R is a separable algebra and S = 1 times the ground field. Any ring R with elements a and b satisfying ab = 1, but ba different from 1, is a separable extension over the subring S generated by 1 and bRa.
A separable algebra is said to be strongly separable if there exists a separability idempotent that is symmetric, meaning
An algebra is strongly separable if and only if its trace form is nondegenerate, thus making the algebra into a particular kind of Frobenius algebra called a symmetric algebra (not to be confused with the symmetric algebra arising as the quotient of the tensor algebra).
If K is commutative, A is a finitely generated projective separable K-module, then A is a symmetric Frobenius algebra. [4]
Any separable extension A / K of commutative rings is formally unramified. The converse holds if A is a finitely generated K-algebra. [5] A separable flat (commutative) K-algebra A is formally étale. [6]
A theorem in the area is that of J. Cuadra that a separable Hopf–Galois extension R | S has finitely generated natural S-module R. A fundamental fact about a separable extension R | S is that it is left or right semisimple extension: a short exact sequence of left or right R-modules that is split as S-modules, is split as R-modules. In terms of G. Hochschild's relative homological algebra, one says that all R-modules are relative (R, S)-projective. Usually relative properties of subrings or ring extensions, such as the notion of separable extension, serve to promote theorems that say that the over-ring shares a property of the subring. For example, a separable extension R of a semisimple algebra S has R semisimple, which follows from the preceding discussion.
There is the celebrated Jans theorem that a finite group algebra A over a field of characteristic p is of finite representation type if and only if its Sylow p-subgroup is cyclic: the clearest proof is to note this fact for p-groups, then note that the group algebra is a separable extension of its Sylow p-subgroup algebra B as the index is coprime to the characteristic. The separability condition above will imply every finitely generated A-module M is isomorphic to a direct summand in its restricted, induced module. But if B has finite representation type, the restricted module is uniquely a direct sum of multiples of finitely many indecomposables, which induce to a finite number of constituent indecomposable modules of which M is a direct sum. Hence A is of finite representation type if B is. The converse is proven by a similar argument noting that every subgroup algebra B is a B-bimodule direct summand of a group algebra A.
In mathematics, an associative algebraA over a commutative ring K is a ring A together with a ring homomorphism from K into the center of A. This is thus an algebraic structure with an addition, a multiplication, and a scalar multiplication. The addition and multiplication operations together give A the structure of a ring; the addition and scalar multiplication operations together give A the structure of a module or vector space over K. In this article we will also use the term K-algebra to mean an associative algebra over K. A standard first example of a K-algebra is a ring of square matrices over a commutative ring K, with the usual matrix multiplication.
In mathematics, specifically abstract algebra, an integral domain is a nonzero commutative ring in which the product of any two nonzero elements is nonzero. Integral domains are generalizations of the ring of integers and provide a natural setting for studying divisibility. In an integral domain, every nonzero element a has the cancellation property, that is, if a ≠ 0, an equality ab = ac implies b = c.
In mathematics, rings are algebraic structures that generalize fields: multiplication need not be commutative and multiplicative inverses need not exist. In other words, a ring is a set equipped with two binary operations satisfying properties analogous to those of addition and multiplication of integers. Ring elements may be numbers such as integers or complex numbers, but they may also be non-numerical objects such as polynomials, square matrices, functions, and power series.
Ring theory is the branch of mathematics in which rings are studied: that is, structures supporting both an addition and a multiplication operation. This is a glossary of some terms of the subject.
In mathematics, a Hopf algebra, named after Heinz Hopf, is a structure that is simultaneously an algebra and a coalgebra, with these structures' compatibility making it a bialgebra, and that moreover is equipped with an antiautomorphism satisfying a certain property. The representation theory of a Hopf algebra is particularly nice, since the existence of compatible comultiplication, counit, and antipode allows for the construction of tensor products of representations, trivial representations, and dual representations.
In field theory, a branch of algebra, an algebraic field extension is called a separable extension if for every , the minimal polynomial of over F is a separable polynomial. There is also a more general definition that applies when E is not necessarily algebraic over F. An extension that is not separable is said to be inseparable.
In mathematics, particularly in algebra, the class of projective modules enlarges the class of free modules over a ring, by keeping some of the main properties of free modules. Various equivalent characterizations of these modules appear below.
In abstract algebra, a matrix ring is a set of matrices with entries in a ring R that form a ring under matrix addition and matrix multiplication (Lam 1999). The set of all n × n matrices with entries in R is a matrix ring denoted Mn(R) (alternative notations: Matn(R) and Rn×n). Some sets of infinite matrices form infinite matrix rings. Any subring of a matrix ring is a matrix ring. Over a rng, one can form matrix rngs.
In algebra, flat modules include free modules, projective modules, and, over a principal ideal domain, torsion free modules. Formally, a module M over a ring R is flat if taking the tensor product over R with M preserves exact sequences. A module is faithfully flat if taking the tensor product with a sequence produces an exact sequence if and only if the original sequence is exact.
In algebra, a field k is perfect if any one of the following equivalent conditions holds:
In mathematics, Kähler differentials provide an adaptation of differential forms to arbitrary commutative rings or schemes. The notion was introduced by Erich Kähler in the 1930s. It was adopted as standard in commutative algebra and algebraic geometry somewhat later, once the need was felt to adapt methods from calculus and geometry over the complex numbers to contexts where such methods are not available.
In mathematics, especially in the fields of representation theory and module theory, a Frobenius algebra is a finite-dimensional unital associative algebra with a special kind of bilinear form which gives the algebras particularly nice duality theories. Frobenius algebras began to be studied in the 1930s by Richard Brauer and Cecil Nesbitt and were named after Georg Frobenius. Tadashi Nakayama discovered the beginnings of a rich duality theory, . Jean Dieudonné used this to characterize Frobenius algebras. Frobenius algebras were generalized to quasi-Frobenius rings, those Noetherian rings whose right regular representation is injective. In recent times, interest has been renewed in Frobenius algebras due to connections to topological quantum field theory.
In mathematics, the tensor product of modules is a construction that allows arguments about bilinear maps to be carried out in terms of linear maps. The module construction is analogous to the construction of the tensor product of vector spaces, but can be carried out for a pair of modules over a commutative ring resulting in a third module, and also for a pair of a right-module and a left-module over any ring, with result an abelian group. Tensor products are important in areas of abstract algebra, homological algebra, algebraic topology, algebraic geometry, operator algebras and noncommutative geometry. The universal property of the tensor product of vector spaces extends to more general situations in abstract algebra. The tensor product of an algebra and a module can be used for extension of scalars. For a commutative ring, the tensor product of modules can be iterated to form the tensor algebra of a module, allowing one to define multiplication in the module in a universal way.
In abstract algebra, Morita equivalence is a relationship defined between rings that preserves many ring-theoretic properties. More precisely two rings like R, S are Morita equivalent if their categories of modules are additively equivalent. It is named after Japanese mathematician Kiiti Morita who defined equivalence and a similar notion of duality in 1958.
In commutative algebra, an element b of a commutative ring B is said to be integral overA, a subring of B, if there are n ≥ 1 and aj in A such that
In mathematics, Hochschild homology (and cohomology) is a homology theory for associative algebras over rings. There is also a theory for Hochschild homology of certain functors. Hochschild cohomology was introduced by Gerhard Hochschild (1945) for algebras over a field, and extended to algebras over more general rings by Henri Cartan and Samuel Eilenberg (1956).
Module theory is the branch of mathematics in which modules are studied. This is a glossary of some terms of the subject.
In ring theory and Frobenius algebra extensions, areas of mathematics, there is a notion of depth two subring or depth of a Frobenius extension. The notion of depth two is important in a certain noncommutative Galois theory, which generates Hopf algebroids in place of the more classical Galois groups, whereas the notion of depth greater than two measures the defect, or distance, from being depth two in a tower of iterated endomorphism rings above the subring. A more recent definition of depth of any unital subring in any associative ring is proposed in a paper studying the depth of a subgroup of a finite group as group algebras over a commutative ring.
In abstract algebra, a cellular algebra is a finite-dimensional associative algebra A with a distinguished cellular basis which is particularly well-adapted to studying the representation theory of A.
In abstract algebra, a decomposition of a module is a way to write a module as a direct sum of modules. A type of a decomposition is often used to define or characterize modules: for example, a semisimple module is a module that has a decomposition into simple modules. Given a ring, the types of decomposition of modules over the ring can also be used to define or characterize the ring: a ring is semisimple if and only if every module over it is a semisimple module.