Skew binomial heap

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Skew binomial heap
Type heap
Invented by Gerth Stølting Brodal and Chris Okasaki
Time complexity in big O notation
OperationAverageWorst case
Delete-min O(log n)
Decrease-key O(log n)
Merge O(log n)
Space complexity

In computer science, a skew binomial heap (or skew binomial queue) is a data structure for priority queue operations. It is a variant of the binomial heap that supports constant-time insertion operations in the worst case, rather than amortized time.



Just as binomial heaps are based on the binary number system, skew binary heaps are based on the skew binary number system. [1] Ordinary binomial heaps suffer from worst case logarithmic complexity for insertion, because a carry operation may cascade, analagous to binary addition. Skew binomial heaps are based on the skew binary number system, where the th digit (zero-indexed) represents , instead of . Digits are either 0 or 1, except the lowest non-zero digit, which may be 2. An advantage of this system is that at most one carry operation is needed. For example, 60 is represented as 11200 in skew binary (31 + 15 + 7 + 7), and adding 1 produces 12000 (31 + 15 + 15). Since the next higher digit is guaranteed not to be 2, a carry is performed at most once. This analogy is applied to the insertion operation by introducing ternary (skew) links, which link 3 trees together. This allows the insertion operation to execute in constant time.


Skew binomial heap containing numbers 1 to 19, showing trees of ranks 0, 1, 2, and 3 constructed from various types of links Skew binomial heap.svg
Skew binomial heap containing numbers 1 to 19, showing trees of ranks 0, 1, 2, and 3 constructed from various types of links
Simple, type a skew, and type b skew links Skew binomial heap links.svg
Simple, type a skew, and type b skew links

A skew binomial heap is a forest of skew binomial trees, which are defined inductively:

When performing any link, the tree with the smallest key always becomes the root.

We impose the invariant that there may be only one tree of each rank, except the lowest rank which may have up to two. The following OCaml code demonstrates the linking operations:

type'aheap='atreelistand'atree=Treeof'a*int*'atreelistletrank(Tree(_,r,_))=rletsimple_link(Tree(k1,r,c1)ast1)(Tree(k2,r,c2)ast2)=ifk1<=k2thenTree(k1,r+1,t2::c1)elseTree(k2,r+1,t1::c2)letskew_linkk1(Tree(k2,r,c2)ast2)(Tree(k3,r,c3)ast3)=ifk1<=k2&&k1<=k3then(* type A *)Tree(k1,r+1,[t2;t3])else(* type B *)lett1=Tree(k1,0,[])inifk2<=k3thenTree(k2,r+1,t1::t3::c2)elseTree(k3,r+1,t1::t2::c3)

Additionally, we impose the invariant that there may be only one tree of each rank, except the lowest rank which may have up to two.

From these properties, it can be deduced that the root of a rank skew binomial tree has up to children. The number of nodes in a skew binomial tree of rank is also bounded by . Since trees of the same rank may have different numbers of nodes, there may be more than one way to distribute the ranks in the heap.

These constructions may be seen as a generalisation of binary trees and binomial trees. A skew binomial tree constructed using only simple links is an ordinary binomial tree, and using only type A skew links results in a perfectly balanced binary tree.



Search the list of roots to find the node containing the minimum key. This takes time.

In an imperative setting, one can maintain a pointer to the root containing the minimum key, allowing access in time. This pointer must be updated after every operation, adding only a constant overhead in time complexity.

In a functional setting without random access to nodes, one can instead represent the heap as a single tree with skew binomial trees as its children. The root of this tree is the minimum of the heap, allowing access. Note that this tree will not necessarily be a skew binomial tree itself. The other operations must be modified to deal with this single tree. This concept of a global root is used in the optimizations described below, albeit slightly differently.


To merge two skew binomial heaps together, first eliminate any duplicate rank trees in each heap by performing simple links. Then, merge the heaps in the same fashion as ordinary binomial heaps, which is similar to binary addition. Trees with the same ranks are linked with a simple link, and a 'carry' tree is passed upwards if necessary. Because the rank of trees in each heap is now unique, at most three trees of the same rank are considered, which is sufficient to establish a bound.



Create a skew binomial tree of rank 0 (a singleton node), containing the key to be inserted. The smallest two trees in the heap are then considered:

As up to one link is performed, this operation executes in worst case time, improving on the binomial heap which relies on amortized analysis for its bound, with a worst case of .



Find and discard the node containing the minimum key. This node must be the root of a tree. Divide its children into two groups, those with rank 0, and those with rank > 0. Note that there may be more than two children with rank 0, due to skew links. The children whose rank > 0 form a valid skew binomial heap, as they are already ordered, and have no duplicates. Merging these children into the heap takes time. Afterwards, reinsert each of the rank 0 children into the heap at a cost of each. The total time required is .


This operation is unchanged from binomial heaps. Decreasing the key of a node may cause it to be smaller than its parent. Repeatedly exchange it with its parent until the minimum-heap property is satisfied, at a cost of time complexity. This operation requires a pointer to the node containing the key in question, and is easiest done in an imperative setting.


Brodal and Okasaki showed how the time complexity of the merge operation can be reduced to , by applying the 'bootstrapping' technique of Buchsbaum and Tarjan. [2]

Let the type of a primitive skew binomial heap containing elements of type be . Instead of the forest of trees representation described above, we mainintain a single tree with a global root as its minimum.

Let the type of a rooted skew binomial heap be


that is, a pair containing an element of type and a primitive heap of rooted heaps.

Finally, we define the type of a bootstrapped heap by enclosing rooted heaps in an option type:

which permits the empty heap.

The operations on this bootstrapped heap are redefined accordingly. In the following OCaml code, the prime symbol ' denotes operations for bootstrapped heaps.


The new merge operation uses only insert operations on primitive heaps. Thus, it executes in time. This technique can be applied to any priority queue with constant time insertion, and logarithmic merging.

Summary of running times

Here are time complexities [3] of various heap data structures. Function names assume a min-heap. For the meaning of "O(f)" and "Θ(f)" see Big O notation.

Binary [3] Θ(1)Θ(log n)O(log n)O(log n)Θ(n)
Leftist Θ(1)Θ(log n)Θ(log n)O(log n)Θ(log n)
Binomial [3] [4] Θ(1)Θ(log n)Θ(1) [lower-alpha 1] Θ(log n)O(log n)
Skew binomial [5] Θ(1)Θ(log n)Θ(1)Θ(log n)O(log n) [lower-alpha 2]
Pairing [6] Θ(1)O(log n) [lower-alpha 1] Θ(1)o(log n) [lower-alpha 1] [lower-alpha 3] Θ(1)
Rank-pairing [9] Θ(1)O(log n) [lower-alpha 1] Θ(1)Θ(1) [lower-alpha 1] Θ(1)
Fibonacci [3] [10] Θ(1)O(log n) [lower-alpha 1] Θ(1)Θ(1) [lower-alpha 1] Θ(1)
Strict Fibonacci [11] Θ(1)O(log n)Θ(1)Θ(1)Θ(1)
Brodal [12] [lower-alpha 4] Θ(1)O(log n)Θ(1)Θ(1)Θ(1)
2–3 heap [14] Θ(1)O(log n) [lower-alpha 1] Θ(1) [lower-alpha 1] Θ(1)O(log n)
  1. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Amortized time.
  2. Brodal and Okasaki describe a technique to reduce the worst-case complexity of meld to Θ(1); this technique applies to any heap datastructure that has insert in Θ(1) and find-min, delete-min, meld in O(log n).
  3. Lower bound of [7] upper bound of [8]
  4. Brodal and Okasaki later describe a persistent variant with the same bounds except for decrease-key, which is not supported. Heaps with n elements can be constructed bottom-up in O(n). [13]

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  1. Brodal, Gerth Stølting; Okasaki, Chris (November 1996), "Optimal purely functional priority queues", Journal of Functional Programming, 6 (6): 839–857, doi: 10.1017/s095679680000201x
  2. Buchsbaum, A.L.; Tarjan, R.E. (May 1995). "Confluently Persistent Deques via Data-Structural Bootstrapping". Journal of Algorithms. 18 (3): 513–547. doi:10.1006/jagm.1995.1020. ISSN   0196-6774.
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  4. "Binomial Heap | Brilliant Math & Science Wiki". Retrieved 2019-09-30.
  5. Brodal, Gerth Stølting; Okasaki, Chris (November 1996), "Optimal purely functional priority queues", Journal of Functional Programming, 6 (6): 839–857, doi: 10.1017/s095679680000201x
  6. Iacono, John (2000), "Improved upper bounds for pairing heaps", Proc. 7th Scandinavian Workshop on Algorithm Theory (PDF), Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol. 1851, Springer-Verlag, pp. 63–77, arXiv: 1110.4428 , CiteSeerX , doi:10.1007/3-540-44985-X_5, ISBN   3-540-67690-2
  7. Fredman, Michael Lawrence (July 1999). "On the Efficiency of Pairing Heaps and Related Data Structures" (PDF). Journal of the Association for Computing Machinery . 46 (4): 473–501. doi:10.1145/320211.320214.
  8. Pettie, Seth (2005). Towards a Final Analysis of Pairing Heaps (PDF). FOCS '05 Proceedings of the 46th Annual IEEE Symposium on Foundations of Computer Science. pp. 174–183. CiteSeerX . doi:10.1109/SFCS.2005.75. ISBN   0-7695-2468-0.
  9. Haeupler, Bernhard; Sen, Siddhartha; Tarjan, Robert E. (November 2011). "Rank-pairing heaps" (PDF). SIAM J. Computing. 40 (6): 1463–1485. doi:10.1137/100785351.
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  11. Brodal, Gerth Stølting; Lagogiannis, George; Tarjan, Robert E. (2012). Strict Fibonacci heaps (PDF). Proceedings of the 44th symposium on Theory of Computing - STOC '12. pp. 1177–1184. CiteSeerX . doi:10.1145/2213977.2214082. ISBN   978-1-4503-1245-5.
  12. Brodal, Gerth S. (1996), "Worst-Case Efficient Priority Queues" (PDF), Proc. 7th Annual ACM-SIAM Symposium on Discrete Algorithms, pp. 52–58
  13. Goodrich, Michael T.; Tamassia, Roberto (2004). "7.3.6. Bottom-Up Heap Construction". Data Structures and Algorithms in Java (3rd ed.). pp. 338–341. ISBN   0-471-46983-1.
  14. Takaoka, Tadao (1999), Theory of 2–3 Heaps (PDF), p. 12