St-planar graph

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In graph theory, an st-planar graph is a bipolar orientation of a plane graph for which both the source and the sink of the orientation are on the outer face of the graph. That is, it is a directed graph drawn without crossings in the plane, in such a way that there are no directed cycles in the graph, exactly one graph vertex has no incoming edges, exactly one graph vertex has no outgoing edges, and these two special vertices both lie on the outer face of the graph. [1]


Within the drawing, each face of the graph must have the same structure: there is one vertex that acts as the source of the face, one vertex that acts as the sink of the face, and all edges within the face are directed along two paths from the source to the sink. If one draws an additional edge from the sink of an st-planar graph back to the source, through the outer face, and then constructs the dual graph (oriented each dual edge clockwise with respect to its primal edge) then the result is again an st-planar graph, augmented with an extra edge in the same way. [1]

Order theory

These graphs are closely related to partially ordered sets and lattices. The Hasse diagram of a partially ordered set is a directed acyclic graph whose vertices are the set elements, with an edge from x to y for each pair x, y of elements for which x  y in the partial order but for which there does not exist z with x  y  z. A partially ordered set forms a complete lattice if and only if every subset of elements has a unique greatest lower bound and a unique least upper bound, and the order dimension of a partially ordered set is the least number of total orders on the same set of elements whose intersection is the given partial order. If the vertices of an st-planar graph are partially ordered by reachability, then this ordering always forms a two-dimensional complete lattice, whose Hasse diagram is the transitive reduction of the given graph. Conversely, the Hasse diagram of every two-dimensional complete lattice is always an st-planar graph. [2]

Graph drawing

Based on this two-dimensional partial order property, every st-planar graph can be given a dominance drawing, in which for every two vertices u and v there exists a path from u to v if and only if both coordinates of u are smaller than the corresponding coordinates of v. [3] The coordinates of such a drawing may also be used as a data structure that can be used to test whether one vertex of an st-planar graph can reach another in constant time per query. Rotating such a drawing by 45° gives an upward planar drawing of the graph. A directed acyclic graph G has an upward planar drawing if and only if G is a subgraph of an st-planar graph. [4]

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Hasse diagram Visual depiction of a partially ordered set

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In graph theory, an orientation of an undirected graph is an assignment of a direction to each edge, turning the initial graph into a directed graph.

In graph theory, a bipolar orientation or st-orientation of an undirected graph is an assignment of a direction to each edge that causes the graph to become a directed acyclic graph with a single source s and a single sink t, and an st-numbering of the graph is a topological ordering of the resulting directed acyclic graph.

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In graph drawing, an upward planar drawing of a directed acyclic graph is an embedding of the graph into the Euclidean plane, in which the edges are represented as non-crossing monotonic upwards curves. That is, the curve representing each edge should have the property that every horizontal line intersects it in at most one point, and no two edges may intersect except at a shared endpoint. In this sense, it is the ideal case for layered graph drawing, a style of graph drawing in which edges are monotonic curves that may cross, but in which crossings are to be minimized.

Dominance drawing Graph where coordinates show reachability

Dominance drawing is a style of graph drawing of directed acyclic graphs that makes the reachability relations between vertices visually apparent. In dominance drawing, vertices are placed at distinct points of the Euclidean plane and a vertex v is reachable from another vertex u if and only if both Cartesian coordinates of v are greater than or equal to the coordinates of u. The edges of a dominance drawing may be drawn either as straight line segments, or, in some cases, as polygonal chains.

In graph drawing, the area used by a drawing is a commonly used way of measuring its quality.


  1. 1 2 Di Battista, Giuseppe; Eades, Peter; Tamassia, Roberto; Tollis, Ioannis G. (1998), "4.2 Properties of Planar Acyclic Digraphs", Graph Drawing: Algorithms for the Visualization of Graphs, Prentice Hall, pp. 89–96, ISBN   978-0-13-301615-4 .
  2. Platt, C. R. (1976), "Planar lattices and planar graphs", Journal of Combinatorial Theory , Ser. B, 21 (1): 30–39, doi: 10.1016/0095-8956(76)90024-1 .
  3. Di Battista et al. (1998), 4.7 Dominance Drawings, pp. 112–127.
  4. Di Battista, Giuseppe; Tamassia, Roberto (1988), "Algorithms for plane representations of acyclic digraphs", Theoretical Computer Science , 61 (2–3): 175–198, doi: 10.1016/0304-3975(88)90123-5 .