St. Francis Cathedral, Xi'an

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St. Francis Cathedral
Wuxing Street Catholic Church
Wu Xing Jie Tian Zhu Jiao Tang CNSN-029-033.jpg
The front facade of the cathedral in 2016
St. Francis Cathedral, Xi'an
34°15′28″N108°55′45″E / 34.2579°N 108.9291°E / 34.2579; 108.9291
Location17 Wuxing St, Lianhu, Xi'an
Denomination Roman Catholic
Founded1716 (1716)
Founder(s)Antonio Laghi
Dedication St. Francis of Assisi
Style Neo-Romanesque
Years built1716 (first building)
1883 (current)
Archdiocese Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Xi'an
Bishop(s) Anthony Dang Mingyan
  1. It is unclear how much involvement Italian missionary Francesco Saraceni had in the expansion of the church. According to Sun Junhua, Saraceni also expanded the original church building between 1765 and 1785. [10] However, History of Shaanxi indicates that he had died in 1741. [6]


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  13. 1 2 清末教案[Legal Cases on Christianity in Late Qing] (in Chinese). Zhonghua Book Company. June 1990. pp. 535, 540, 579. ISBN   9787101018110. 署陝西巡撫劉蓉奏覆西安並城固教堂分別籌辦交結摺,同治五年十一月初七日,陝西巡撫臣劉蓉跪奏,為陝省兩處教堂業經分別籌辦,均各交給清楚,並與議立條約,以彌釁端,恭摺覆奏,仰祈聖鑒事。[...] 臣遵省城教堂,先因所指張姓住宅展轉售賣,已曆多年,初無確據。而西安為漢回雜處之地,日後恐難相安,不得不熟籌遠慮,是以曲折商辦,據實奏陳。茲蒙聖訓周詳,自應恪遵迅速妥辦,隨督藩臬兩司委員會同咸甯、長安二縣在於省城另購民房抵換,既覓數處,該教士高一志始終堅持,總非所指張宅不可。若不設法撥還,難免藉為口實。查宅主翰林院編修張大枏已經物故,僅遺數齡幼子。該印委各員只得面見張大枏寡母孔氏,告以前情。再四婉勸,將房讓出,給予價值,另覓棲止。幸孔氏等深明大義,自以世受國恩,不敢固執。惟祖輩原置去價銀八千五百兩,迄今五世,陸續增添基地,修葺房屋,又費銀一萬有奇。查契載價銀尚與所言相符,第加入增添修費為數較多,值此庫項支絀,焉能籌茲鉅款,公同商酌,擬於原價八千五百兩之外垂憐孔氏兩世孤孀,加銀一千五百兩,共足萬兩之數。訂允買定,緘邀教士高一志於八月二十日來省,帶同親往查看。廳堂正廈門樓群房統計一百五十八間,該教士欣然樂從。隨于司庫兵餉一兩節省項下動支庫平銀一萬兩,飭發給領。即催張姓出契遷移交割
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St. Francis Cathedral, Xi'an
Traditional Chinese 方濟各 主教 座堂
Simplified Chinese 圣方济各主教座堂
Literal meaningSaint Francis Cathedral