Streaming current

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A streaming current and streaming potential are two interrelated electrokinetic phenomena studied in the areas of surface chemistry and electrochemistry. They are an electric current or potential which originates when an electrolyte is driven by a pressure gradient through a channel or porous plug with charged walls. [1] [2] [3]


The first observation of the streaming potential is generally attributed to the German physicist Georg Hermann Quincke in 1859.


Streaming currents in well-defined geometries are a sensitive method to characterize the zeta potential of surfaces, which is important in the fields of colloid and interface science. [1] In geology, measurements of related spontaneous potential are used for evaluations of formations. Streaming potential has to be considered in design for flow of poorly conductive fluids (e.g., gasoline lines) because of the danger of buildup of high voltages. The streaming current monitor (SCM) is a fundamental tool for monitoring coagulation in wastewater treatment plants. The degree of coagulation of raw water may be monitored by the use of an SCM to provide a positive feedback control of coagulant injection. As the streaming current of the wastewater increases, more coagulant agent is injected into the stream. The higher levels of coagulant agent cause the small colloidal particles to coagulate and sediment out of the stream. Since less colloid particles are in the wastewater stream, the streaming potential decreases. The SCM recognizes this and subsequently reduces the amount of coagulant agent injected into the wastewater stream. The implementation of SCM feedback control has led to a significant materials cost reduction, one that was not realized until the early 1980s. [4] In addition to monitoring capabilities, the streaming current could, in theory, generate usable electrical power. This process, however, has yet to be applied as typical streaming potential mechanical to electrical efficiencies are around 1%. [5]


Adjacent to the channel walls, the charge-neutrality of the liquid is violated due to the presence of the electrical double layer: a thin layer of counterions attracted by the charged surface. [1] [6]

The transport of counterions along with the pressure-driven fluid flow gives rise to a net charge transport: the streaming current. The reverse effect, generating a fluid flow by applying a potential difference, is called electroosmotic flow. [6] [7] [8]

Measurement method

A typical setup to measure streaming currents consists of two reversible electrodes placed on either side of a fluidic geometry across which a known pressure difference is applied. When both electrodes are held at the same potential, the streaming current is measured directly as the electric current flowing through the electrodes. Alternatively, the electrodes can be left floating, allowing a streaming potential to build up between the two ends of the channel.

A streaming potential is defined as positive when the electric potential is higher on the high pressure end of the flow system than on the low pressure end.

The value of streaming current observed in a capillary is usually related to the zeta potential through the relation: [9]


The conduction current, which is equal in magnitude to the streaming current at steady state, is:

At steady state, the streaming potential built up across the flow system is given by:


The equation above is usually referred to as the Helmholtz–Smoluchowski equation.

The above equations assume that:


  1. J. Lyklema, Fundamentals of Interface and Colloid Science
  2. F.H.J. van der Heyden et al., Phys. Rev. Lett. 95, 116104 (2005)
  3. C. Werner et al., J. Colloid Interface Sci. 208, 329 (1998)
  4. Mansouri et al. The Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 112(42), 16192 (2008)

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Electroosmotic flow is the motion of liquid induced by an applied potential across a porous material, capillary tube, membrane, microchannel, or any other fluid conduit. Because electroosmotic velocities are independent of conduit size, as long as the electrical double layer is much smaller than the characteristic length scale of the channel, electroosmotic flow will have little effect. Electroosmotic flow is most significant when in small channels. Electroosmotic flow is an essential component in chemical separation techniques, notably capillary electrophoresis. Electroosmotic flow can occur in natural unfiltered water, as well as buffered solutions.

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Zeta potential Electrokinetic potential in colloidal dispersions

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Double layer (surface science) Condensed matter physics

A double layer is a structure that appears on the surface of an object when it is exposed to a fluid. The object might be a solid particle, a gas bubble, a liquid droplet, or a porous body. The DL refers to two parallel layers of charge surrounding the object. The first layer, the surface charge, consists of ions adsorbed onto the object due to chemical interactions. The second layer is composed of ions attracted to the surface charge via the Coulomb force, electrically screening the first layer. This second layer is loosely associated with the object. It is made of free ions that move in the fluid under the influence of electric attraction and thermal motion rather than being firmly anchored. It is thus called the "diffuse layer". (-> this description of DL is not right, at least concerning the electrode/electrolyte interface. Here DL refers to charge separation at the interface with the electrode possessing negative charge and the electrolyte positive charge. The two layers are separated by some molecular distance. The two layers mentioned in above description are all at the electrolyte side.

Surface conductivity

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Electrokinetic phenomena are a family of several different effects that occur in heterogeneous fluids, or in porous bodies filled with fluid, or in a fast flow over a flat surface. The term heterogeneous here means a fluid containing particles. Particles can be solid, liquid or gas bubbles with sizes on the scale of a micrometer or nanometer. There is a common source of all these effects—the so-called interfacial 'double layer' of charges. Influence of an external force on the diffuse layer generates tangential motion of a fluid with respect to an adjacent charged surface. This force might be electric, pressure gradient, concentration gradient, or gravity. In addition, the moving phase might be either continuous fluid or dispersed phase.

Sedimentation potential occurs when dispersed particles move under the influence of either gravity or centrifugation in a medium. This motion disrupts the equilibrium symmetry of the particle's double layer. While the particle moves, the ions in the electric double layer lag behind due to the liquid flow. This causes a slight displacement between the surface charge and the electric charge of the diffuse layer. As a result, the moving particle creates a dipole moment. The sum of all of the dipoles generates an electric field which is called sedimentation potential. It can be measured with an open electrical circuit, which is also called sedimentation current.

Diffusiophoresis and diffusioosmosis

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Acoustic streaming is a steady flow in a fluid driven by the absorption of high amplitude acoustic oscillations. This phenomenon can be observed near sound emitters, or in the standing waves within a Kundt's tube. Acoustic streaming was explained first by Lord Rayleigh in 1884. It is the less-known opposite of sound generation by a flow.

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Capillary electrochromatography

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Coagulation (water treatment) In water treatment, the addition of compounds that promote clumping

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A flowFET is a microfluidic component which allows the rate of flow of liquid in a microfluidic channel to be modulated by the electrical potential applied to it. In this way, it behaves as a microfluidic analogue to the field effect transistor, except that in the flowFET the flow of liquid takes the place of the flow of electric current. Indeed, the name of the flowFET is derived from the naming convention of electronic FETs.


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  10. Menachem Elimelech and Amy E. Childress, "Zeta Potential of Reverse Osmosis Membranes: Implications for Membrane Performance". U.S. Department of the Interior, Bureau of Reclamation, Denver Office. Water Treatment Technology Program Report No. 10. December 1996.