Suedia gens

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The gens Suedia was an obscure plebeian family at ancient Rome. Few members of this gens are mentioned by ancient historians, but others are known from inscriptions.



The nomen Suedius belongs to a class of gentilicia formed using the suffix -idius or -edius, originally based on names ending in -idus, but later applied to other names without regard to morphology. [1] Most of the Suedii known from epigraphy came from Umbria or Picenum, indicating that they were likely of Umbrian or Picentine origin, although the surname Sabinus and its diminutive, Sabellus, borne by two of this gens, suggests that at least some of the family claimed Sabine descent. [2]


The only praenomina attested among the Suedii are Lucius , Titus , and Quintus , all of which were among the most common names throughout Roman history.


This list includes abbreviated praenomina. For an explanation of this practice, see filiation.

See also

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  1. Chase, pp. 121, 122.
  2. Chase, pp. 113, 114.
  3. CIL VIII, 21580.
  4. AE 1978, 303.
  5. Tacitus, Historiae, i. 87, ii. 12 ff.
  6. AE 1929, 192, AE 2001, 796, AE 2001, 797.
  7. CIL IV, 768, CIL IV, 791, CIL IV, 905, CIL IV, 1059, CIL IV, 5574, CIL IV, 7203, CIL IV, 7780, CIL X, 1018, CIL III, 33.
  8. Dictionary of Greek and Roman Biography and Mythology, vol. III, p. 930 ("Suedius Clemens").
  9. PW, "Titus Suedius Clemens".
  10. PIR, S. 687.
  11. 1 2 CIL IX, 5411.
  12. CIL IX, 5349.
  13. CIL XIII, 2590.
  14. 1 2 3 CIL V, 1008.
  15. CIL XI, 8098.
  16. 1 2 CIL XI, 6310.
  17. CIL XI, 6451.
