European patent law |
European Patent Organisation |
European Union |
Eurasian Patent Organization |
Centralization and harmonization |
Historical proposals |
In the European Economic Area (European Union member countries, Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway), a supplementary protection certificate (SPC) is a sui generis intellectual property (IP) right that extends the duration of certain rights associated with a patent. It enters into force after expiry of a patent upon which it is based. This type of right is available for various regulated, biologically active agents, namely human or veterinary medicaments and plant protection products (e.g. insecticides, and herbicides). Supplementary protection certificates were introduced to encourage innovation by compensating for the long time needed to obtain regulatory approval of these products (i.e. authorisation to put these products on the market). [1]
A supplementary protection certificate comes into force only after the corresponding general patent expires. It normally has a maximum lifetime of 5 years. The duration of the SPC can, however, be extended to 5.5 years when the SPC relates to a human medicinal product for which data from clinical trials conducted in accordance with an agreed Paediatric Investigation Plan (PIP) have been submitted (as set out in Article 36 of Regulation (EC) No 1901/2006 [2] ).
The total combined duration of market exclusivity of a general patent and SPC cannot normally exceed 15 years. However, the reward of a 6-month SPC extension for the submission of data from an agreed PIP can extend this combined duration to 15.5 years.
SPCs extend the monopoly period for a "product" (active ingredient or a combination of active ingredients) that is protected by a patent. For many SPC applications, there is no controversy about the definition of the "product" or whether it is protected by the patent upon which the SPC application was based. However, there are other SPC applications (particularly for medicinal products containing multiple active ingredients) where there may not be clear answers to questions such as what is a permissible definition of a "product", and what test should be applied for determining whether a patent protects that "product".
Supplementary protection certificates in the European Union are based primarily upon two regulations. Although all countries in the EU are required to provide supplementary protection certificates, no unified cross-recognition exist. Applications must be filed and approved on a country-by-country basis.
According to Article 4 of Council Regulation (EEC) No 1768/92, the scope of an SPC extends "only to the product covered by the authorization to place the corresponding medicinal product on the market and for any use of the product as a medicinal product that has been authorized before the expiry of the certificate".
The European Court of Justice has decided, however, that the scope of an SPC is sometimes capable of encompassing more than just the single form of the active ingredient that is included in the medicinal product authorised for sale. Thus, in case C-392/97, [3] the European Court of Justice held that: "where an active ingredient in the form of a salt is referred to in the marketing authorisation concerned and is protected by a basic patent in force, the certificate is capable of covering the active ingredient as such and also its various derived forms such as salts and esters, as medicinal products, in so far as they are covered by the protection of the basic patent".
Supplementary protection certificates in the European Union were based primarily upon two regulations:
The first Regulation was repealed and replaced by the following one:
(In 2020, the European Commission published an evaluation of Regs. 469/2009 and 1610/96.)
Supplementary protection certificates may come into life at the expiry of a national or European patent. However, the European Patent Convention (EPC) needed to be modified to allow such "extension" of the term of European patent. Article 63 of the EPC was modified on 17 December 1991 to specify to, although European patents have a term of 20 years as from the date of filing of the application (Art. 63(1)),
This constituted the first revision of the European Patent Convention since its signature in 1973.
The paediatric extension is based primarily upon:
In 2019, Regulation 2019/933 was adopted. It amended Reg. 469/2009 to introduce an "SPC manufacturing waiver", i.e. a derogation allowing the manufacturing of SPC-protected products for the purpose of either exporting them to third countries, or of stockpiling them until the expiry of the SPC (during the final 6 months of the SPC term), subject to a number of safeguards (notification, export logo, etc.).
The term of an SPC depends on the date of issuance of the first marketing authorization (MA) within the EEA and can be determined by the equation:
Under normal circumstances, this means the following.
There have been very few cases where there was any controversy over the precise date of the 1st MA in the EEA. The Hässle AB case (ECJ case C-127/00 [10] ) was one of that small number. In that case, the ECJ ruled that the decisive date for SPC purposes is the date of an authorisation from a regulatory body tasked with assessing safety and efficacy, and not the date of a subsequent authorisation that may be required under national pricing or reimbursement provisions.
So-called "centralised" (European Medicines Agency / European Commission) MAs were introduced by Regulation 2309/93 [11] and became available in January 1995 (i.e. some 2 years after the introduction of the original SPC legislation for medicinal products). The introduction of these authorisations added a new layer of complexity to the issue of determination of the date of a MA. This is because there are two dates associated with "centralised" authorisations, namely: (1) the date of the European Commission's decision to issue an authorisation; and (2) the date of notification of that decision to the MA applicant. Date (2) is usually a few days (e.g. 2 to 4 days) later than date (1). Although the standard practice of many national patent offices seems to be to calculate SPC term based upon date (1), an October 2011 article in Scrip Regulatory Affairs by Mike Snodin [12] argues that this standard practice is incorrect and that date (2) should be used instead (with the result that some products may be entitled to a slightly longer SPC term than previously thought). Paramount amongst the reasons for preferring date (2) to date (1) is that a "centralised" authorisation does not become effective until it is notified to the MA applicant.
The UK Intellectual Property Office has now accepted Snodin's arguments on this point and has changed its standard practice regarding the calculation of SPC term. [13] It remains to be seen whether any other national offices will follow suit. However, inspection of Belgian SPC certificates for products authorised via the "centralised" procedure reveals that at least the patent office in Belgium already appears to base calculations of SPC term upon date (2). Thus, there are divergent practices across different territories within Europe with regard to the selection of a date for a "centralised" MA, with Belgium and the UK IPO being in the minority. If the issue were ever to be debated in a national court, this fact that there are divergent practices across different territories could provide basis for such a court to seek an authoritative ruling from the ECJ in relation to which of dates (1) and (2) should be used for SPCs. This is because, as European Commission legislation, the Regulations governing SPCs should be interpreted consistently across all member states of the EU.
An MA in Switzerland was also considered as being a first MA for the calculation of the SPC duration, even though Switzerland is not part of the European Economic Area (EEA). This is because such a MA was automatically effective in Liechtenstein, which is a member of the EEA (since 1 May 1995). This was decided by the European Court of Justice (ECJ) in joined cases Novartis et al. v. Comptroller-General and Ministère de l'Economie v. Millennium Pharmaceuticals. [14] [15] The same point was also confirmed in case C-617/12 (AstraZeneca AB v Comptroller General of Patents, Designs and Trade Marks), [16] in a case where the data that persuaded Swissmedic to grant the (earlier) Swiss MA was held by the European Medicines Agency to not be complete or persuasive enough to justify the grant of a MA under EU legislation (Directive 2001/83/EC). However, as answer to the decision of the ECJ the contract between Switzerland and Liechtenstein was amended. Since 1 July 2005 the automatic effect of a Swiss MA in Liechtenstein is abolished. The recognition is now delayed by a time period, which is normally 12 months.
Article 36 of Regulation 1901/2006 provides for a 6-month extension to SPC term. The extension is available only under certain conditions, the most notable being the requirement for the submission of a new MA application containing data from all trials conducted in accordance with an agreed Paediatric Investigation Plan (PIP).
Consequences of the 6-month SPC extension include:
An extension of an SPC can only be awarded if there is an SPC to extend. As an unextended SPC only has a positive term if more than 5 years have elapsed between patent filing and MA issuance, this leads to the following two questions.
(1) Is an SPC available if less than 5 years and 1 day have elapsed between filing of the corresponding patent and issuance of the first MA in the EEA?
(2) If the answer to (1) is yes, what term should be awarded to the (unextended) SPC?
A July 2007 paper by Snodin and Miles, [17] put forward three possible answers to this combination of two questions.
If the answer to question (1) is no, then it is not relevant to consider question (2). This corresponds to "Model B" of the 2007 Snodin and Miles paper, and produces a curious situation where longer marketing exclusivity can be obtained if the issuance of the first MA in the EEA is delayed (to at least 5 years and 1-day from filing of the corresponding patent).
If the answer to question (1) is yes, then question (2) becomes relevant. This question can be answered in two ways, corresponding to either "Model A" or "Model C" of the 2007 Snodin and Miles paper.
Model A assumes that SPC term can validly be either zero or negative if 5 years or less have elapsed from filing of the corresponding patent to issuance of the first MA in the EEA. In this event, a positive (and non-zero) SPC term is obtained (after extension) if the time from patent filing to MA issuance is more than 4.5 years.
Model C assumes that all term calculations that provide a negative answer are 'rounded up' to zero. This has the consequence of providing a minimum of 6 months of SPC term, irrespective of how little time has elapsed from patent filing to MA issuance.
Subsequent to the publication of the Snodin and Miles article, Merck & Co. filed SPC applications for the product sitagliptin. For example, from mid-August to mid-September 2007, Merck & Co. filed SPC applications in various countries, including the UK, [18] Ireland, [19] the Netherlands [20] and Italy. [21] These SPC applications provided an early opportunity for Models A to C to be tested in practice. Curiously, the patent offices of various EU member states did not reach any consensus on which model is correct. For example, the Netherlands [22] and the UK [23] favoured Model A, Germany, [24] Portugal and Slovenia favoured Model B and Greece [25] favoured Model C.
In connection with an appeal against refusal of the SPC application in Germany, and in view of the different stances taken by different national patent offices, the German Federal Court of Justice (Bundesgerichtshof) sought clarification of the law from the Court of Justice of the EU (in case C-125/10).
The decision of the Court of Justice, delivered on 8 December 2011, [26] essentially agreed with Model A of the 2007 Snodin and Miles paper. Thus, useful (extended) supplementary protection can now be obtained so long as at least 4 years, 6 months and one day has elapsed from the date of patent filing to the date of the first MA for the product in the EEA.
ECJ cases C-195/09 and C-427/09 effectively ruled that SPCs for medicaments (human or veterinary) are only available for those "products" that:
(a) are protected by a patent;
(b) have been subject to an administrative authorisation procedure; and
(c) have not been placed on the market anywhere in the EEA as a medicinal product prior to being subject to safety and efficacy testing and a regulatory review.
Until recently, decisions C-195/09 and C-427/09 could have been interpreted as ruling out the possibility of SPC protection for all "products" previously included in medicinal products that were marketed prior to the date(s) of the Marketing Authorisation(s) (MA(s)) specified in the SPC application. This is because the ECJ's rulings in C-195/09 and C-427/09 were based in part upon a desire to ensure that national patent offices are not required to assess whether an earlier MA was compliant with the standards for testing of safety and efficacy that were introduced in the 1970s (meaning that all prior MAs, whether or not compliant with those standards, should be treated equally under the SPC legislation).
However, the decision in Neurim Pharmaceuticals (C-130/11) has cast doubt upon this interpretation. In C-130/11, the ECJ held that an SPC can be granted regardless of the prior marketing of earlier (veterinary) medicinal products containing the "product" in question. Thus, cases C-195/09 and C-427/09 (which, in common with C-130/11, related to SPC applications based upon newly patented uses for old "products") could perhaps now be viewed as being of relevance only to those "products" that were marketed before being subject to a regulatory review. However, this might necessitate patent offices making a determination of whether prior MAs are compliant with current standards (i.e. whether the "product" had been subject to safety and efficacy testing prior to being granted an MA). As this is precisely the kind of determination that the ECJ had previously been keen for patent offices to avoid, further references to the ECJ may be necessary to clarify precisely which "products" fall within the scope of the SPC legislation and which do not.
The Neurim decision was reversed in 2020 by the Santen decision, that clarified that no SPC may be granted for a new use of a previously approved active ingredient, in line with the traditional requirement of "one SPC per product".
With respect to (a) above, the question of how to determine whether a "product" is protected by a patent is the subject of ongoing controversy. Cases such as C-322/10 and C-422/10 have indicated that the "product" needs to be "specified [or identified] in the wording of the claims". However, the precise meaning of this test is yet to be clarified. The Teva decision (2018) slightly relaxed that requirement, by clarifying that, in respect of a product composed of several active ingredients, Art. 3(a) requires that "even if the combination of active ingredients of which that product is composed is not expressly mentioned in the claims of the basic patent, those claims relate necessarily and specifically to that combination".
Further, although the SPC legislation mentions only Directives 2001/83/EC and 2001/82/EC as the "administrative authorisation procedure" for human or veterinary medicaments, SPCs are known to have been granted when MAs have not been obtained via those procedures (but instead via procedures that involve a similar level of safety and efficacy testing).
According to research, more than 8,000 SPCs for medicinal and plant protection products have been filed in Europe between 1991 and 2003. [27]
The European Patent Convention (EPC), also known as the Convention on the Grant of European Patents of 5 October 1973, is a multilateral treaty instituting the European Patent Organisation and providing an autonomous legal system according to which European patents are granted. The term European patent is used to refer to patents granted under the European Patent Convention. However, a European patent is not a unitary right, but a group of essentially independent nationally enforceable, nationally revocable patents, subject to central revocation or narrowing as a group pursuant to two types of unified, post-grant procedures: a time-limited opposition procedure, which can be initiated by any person except the patent proprietor, and limitation and revocation procedures, which can be initiated by the patent proprietor only.
The presence of the logo on commercial products indicates that the manufacturer or importer affirms the goods' conformity with European health, safety, and environmental protection standards. It is not a quality indicator or a certification mark. The CE marking is required for goods sold in the European Economic Area (EEA); goods sold elsewhere may also carry the mark.
The European Medicines Agency (EMA) is an agency of the European Union (EU) in charge of the evaluation and supervision of pharmaceutical products. Prior to 2004, it was known as the European Agency for the Evaluation of Medicinal Products or European Medicines Evaluation Agency (EMEA).
Under United States patent law, the term of patent, provided that maintenance fees are paid on time, is 20 years from the filing date of the earliest U.S. or international (PCT) application to which priority is claimed.
In patent law, the research exemption or safe harbor exemption is an exemption to the rights conferred by patents, which is especially relevant to drugs. According to this exemption, despite the patent rights, performing research and tests for preparing regulatory approval, for instance by the FDA in the United States, does not constitute infringement for a limited term before the end of patent term. This exemption allows generic manufacturers to prepare generic drugs in advance of the patent expiration.
The term of a patent is the maximum time during which it can be maintained in force. It is usually expressed in a number of years either starting from the filing date of the patent application or from the date of grant of the patent. In most patent laws, annuities or maintenance fees have to be regularly paid in order to keep the patent in force. Thus, a patent may lapse before its term if a renewal fee is not paid in due time.
The EFTA Court is a supranational judicial body responsible for the three EFTA members who are also members of the European Economic Area (EEA): Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway.
The European Patent Convention (EPC), the multilateral treaty providing the legal system according to which European patents are granted, contains provisions regarding whether a natural or juristic person needs to be represented in proceedings before the European Patent Office (EPO).
This is a list of legal terms relating to patents and patent law. A patent is not a right to practice or use the invention claimed therein, but a territorial right to exclude others from commercially exploiting the invention, granted to an inventor or his successor in rights in exchange to a public disclosure of the invention.
European Union patent law is a subset of European patent law. It also serves as the superset of the patent laws of the individual member states of the European Union (EU). The most recent (proposed) addition to the range of measures currently in place is the Directive on criminal measures aimed at ensuring the enforcement of intellectual property rights. The most recent directive relating specifically to patents is Directive on the patentability of biotechnological inventions. Patents are probably the least harmonised area of intellectual property laws of the European Union insofar as harmonisation through EU Directives and Regulations is concerned. However, patentability criteria have been substantially harmonized by the European Patent Convention.
The Clinical Trials Directive is a European Union directive that aimed at facilitating the internal market in medicinal products within the European Union, while at the same time maintaining an appropriate level of protection for public health. It seeks to simplify and harmonise the administrative provisions governing clinical trials in the European Community, by establishing a clear, transparent procedure.
The Good Clinical Practice Directive lays down principles and detailed guidelines for good clinical practice as regards conducting clinical trials of medicinal products for human use, as well as the requirements for authorisation of the manufacturing or importation of such products.
The rule of the shorter term, also called the comparison of terms, is a provision in international copyright treaties. The provision allows that signatory countries can limit the duration of copyright they grant to foreign works under national treatment to no more than the copyright term granted in the country of origin of the work.
The Immigration Regulations 2006, amended by SI 2009/1117, SI 2011/1247 and SI 2015/694 and which have now been mostly repealed and superseded by the Immigration Regulations 2016, was a piece of British legislation which implemented the right of free movement of European Economic Area (EEA) nationals and their family members in the United Kingdom. It is based on Directive 2004/38/EC. It allows EEA citizens and their family members to live and work in the UK without explicit permission. Although Swiss citizens are covered by a separate bilateral agreement; they are treated basically the same as EEA nationals. Family members may need a special entry clearance to enter the UK.
Under the law of the United Kingdom, a copyright is an intangible property right subsisting in certain qualifying subject matter. Copyright law is governed by the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988, as amended from time to time. As a result of increasing legal integration and harmonisation throughout the European Union a complete picture of the law can only be acquired through recourse to EU jurisprudence, although this is likely to change by the expiration of the Brexit transition period on 31 December 2020, the UK has left the EU on 31 January 2020. On 12 September 2018, the European Parliament approved new copyright rules to help secure the rights of writers and musicians.
Marketing authorisation is the process of reviewing and assessing the evidence to support a medicinal product, such as a drug, in relation to its marketing, finalised by granting of a licence to be sold.
Monsanto Technology LLC v Cefetra BV and Others (2010) was a preliminary ruling by the European Court of Justice (ECJ) regarding the legal protection of biotechnological inventions. The case dealt with the interpretation of Article 9 of Directive 98/44/EC on the legal protection of biotechnological inventions, and it was the first ECJ interpretation of the 1998 directive.
Société des Produits Nestlé S.A. v. Cadbury UK Limited is a trademark law case decision by the High Court of Justice, Court of Chancery, in the United Kingdom. The Court held that a specific shade of the colour purple was registrable as a trademark for the following goods: milk chocolate in bar and tablet form; milk chocolate for eating; drinking chocolate; preparations for making drinking chocolate.
The European Data Protection Board (EDPB) is a European Union independent body with juridical personality whose purpose is to ensure consistent application of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and to promote cooperation among the EU’s data protection authorities. On 25 May 2018, the EDPB replaced the Article 29 Working Party.
A pesticide, also called Plant Protection Product (PPP), which is a term used in regulatory documents, consists of several different components. The active ingredient in a pesticide is called “active substance” and these active substances either consist of chemicals or micro-organisms. The aims of these active substances are to specifically take action against organisms that are harmful to plants. In other words, active substances are the active components against pests and plant diseases.