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Scientific classification

Tetradonematidae is a family of nematodes, most being endoparasites of arthropods. A species discovered in 2008 was found to alter the morphology of its ant host, apparently so as to make the ant resemble fruits leading to their predation by birds. The ants forage on bird droppings and are infected by the nematodes. [1] Some species infect the invasive ant Solenopsis invicta making them of interest in applied biological control. [2]

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<i>Ophiocordyceps unilateralis</i>

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<i>Myrmeconema neotropicum</i>

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Pseudacteon tricuspis is a parasitic phorid fly that decapitates its host, the imported Solenopsis invicta fire ant. There are over 70 described species within the Pseudacteon genus, which parasitize a variety of ant species. However, P. tricuspis is very specific to its host ant and will not attack other native ant species, making it a good biological control against the fire ant. P. tricuspis was also introduced into the United States for this purpose. Aside from the United States, P. tricuspis has also been found in South America, Europe, and Asia. Female P. tricuspis deposit their eggs directly into the fire ant host. Deposition into the ant host determines the sex of the egg, which grows within the host until adulthood, killing and decapitating the host in the process. Interestingly, P. tricuspis has a male-biased sex ratio, where the males are smaller than the females.


  1. Poinar, G & Stephen P. Yanoviak (2008). "Myrmeconema neotropicum n. g., n. sp., a new tetradonematid nematode parasitising South American populations of Cephalotes atratus (Hymenoptera: Formicidae), with the discovery of an apparent parasite-induced host morph". Systematic Parasitology. 69 (2): 145–153. doi:10.1007/s11230-007-9125-3. PMID   18038201.
  2. Jouvenaz, DP; DP Wojcik; MA Naves & CS Lofgren (1988). "Observations on a parasitic nematode (Tetraodnematidae) of fire ants Solenopsis (Formicidae), from Mato Grosso" (PDF). Pesq. Agropec. Bras. 23 (5): 525–528.