The Little Review

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The Little Review was an American avant-garde literary magazine founded by Margaret Anderson in Chicago's historic Fine Arts Building, published literary and art work from 1914 to May 1929. [1] [2] With the help of Jane Heap and Ezra Pound, Anderson created a magazine that featured a wide variety of transatlantic modernists and cultivated many early examples of experimental writing and art. Many contributors were American, British, Irish, and French. In addition to publishing a variety of international literature, The Little Review printed early examples of surrealist artwork and Dadaism. The magazine's most well known work was the serialization of James Joyce's Ulysses.



Margaret Anderson conceived The Little Review in 1914 during the Chicago Literary Renaissance, naming it in honor of the Chicago Little Theatre, [3] a leader in championing new drama and prime mover in the nascent Little Theatre Movement. In The Little Review’s opening editorial, Anderson called for the creation of a new form of criticism for art, emphasizing, “... criticism as an art has not flourished in this country. We live too swiftly to have time to be appreciative; and criticism, after all, has only one synonym: appreciation”. [4] This philosophy would shape the magazine throughout its fifteen-year run. 1915-1917, Harriet Dean was a fund raiser. [5] [6] In the early years, The Little Review published a variety of literature, essays, and poetry. The magazine advocated themes like feminism and even anarchism for a short time. Emma Goldman was a key figure during The Little Review’s brief affiliation with anarchism: Goldman was a regular contributor and Anderson wrote editorials advocating anarchism and art. In 1916, Heap became the magazine's co-editor and stayed with the magazine until 1929.

In 1916, The Little Review was published, for a while, [7] in San Francisco (after Chicago, for a while, Margaret C. Anderson and Jane Heap published The Little Review out of a ranch in Muir Woods, [8] in southwestern Marin County, California, in the San Francisco Bay Area).

Ezra Pound approached Anderson in late 1916 to help with the magazine, explaining, “[T]he Little Review is perhaps temperamentally closer to what I want done”. [9] Pound became foreign editor in 1917.

In 1917, The Little Review moved to Greenwich Village in New York City, then Margaret C. Anderson took it to Paris.

Obscenity trial of Ulysses

The magazine serialized James Joyce's Ulysses starting in 1918. The Little Review continued to publish Ulysses until 1921 when the Post Office seized copies of the magazine and refused to distribute them on the grounds that Ulysses constituted obscene material. As a result, the magazine, Anderson, and Heap went to trial over the Ulysses questionable content. John Quinn, a lawyer and well-known patron of modernist art, defended them at the trial, ultimately losing. The editors paid a fifty-dollar fine each as result of the judgment. Anderson briefly considered folding the magazine after the trial.

The trial was discussed in Girls Lean Back Everywhere by First Amendment attorney Edward de Grazia, whose book was titled based on a quote from Jane Heap. [10] In response to John Summer, Secretary of the New York Society for the Suppression of Vice, who initiated the suppression, [11] Heap wrote of James Joyce:

Mr. Joyce was not teaching early Egyptian perversions nor inventing new ones. Girls lean back everywhere, showing lace and silk stockings; wear low-cut sleeveless blouses, breathless bathing suits; men think thoughts and have emotions about these things everywhere--seldom as delicately and imaginatively as Mr. Bloom (in the "Nausicaa" episode)--and no one is corrupted. [10]

Although the obscenity trial was ostensibly about Ulysses, Irene Gammel argues that The Little Review came under attack for its overall subversive tone and, in particular, its publication of the sexually explicit writings of the Baroness Elsa von Freytag-Loringhoven. [12] Heap championed the Baroness's Dada poetry, printing it alongside the serialization of Ulysses from 1918-1921 and making Freytag-Loringhoven the journal's most frequently printed poet. [13] [14] Heap and the Baroness shared a confrontational feminist agenda. Gammel writes, “If Heap was the field marshall for The Little Review's vanguard battle against puritan conventions and traditional sexual aesthetics, then the Baroness was to become its fighting machine”. [15] Following the obscenity trial, Anderson and Heap were forced to restrict the magazine's content to less inflammatory material, and they no longer printed their motto, “Making No Compromise with the Public Taste”. [16]


In 1923, Anderson and Heap traveled to Paris and met Pound and other literary expatriates during the trip. While The Little Review continued to publish, publication had become irregular during this time. By 1925, after being in Europe for a time, Anderson and Heap parted ways: Heap returned to New York with The Little Review and Anderson remained in Europe.

Between 1925 and 1929, Heap, as the new editor, made The Little Review “the American mouthpiece for all the new systems of art that the modern world had produced.” [17] Under Heap's editorship, the magazine published more art in addition to literature and organized two expositions in conjunction with the magazine. The expositions were titled The Machine-Age Exposition and The International Theatre Exposition. In May 1929, the final issue of The Little Review appeared as a series of letters and questionnaires from past contributors. Anderson reflects in her autobiography, My Thirty Years’ War, after creating the magazine as place to record her own thoughts “I decided that there had been enough of this. Everyone was doing it—the artist above all”. [17]

Content and noteworthy issues

Though the April 1920 issue instigated the famous obscenity trial of Ulysses , several other issues gained the magazine notoriety.

True to its four pronged goal to publish "Literature, Drama, Music, Art", [18] The Little Review began as a journal of criticism but also published original poetry and fiction. [19] During the first few years, the magazine published pieces that championed anarchy as well as Ezra Pound's experimental poetry called Imagism. [19] Topics covered in the first issue (March 1914) included feminist book reviews, an essay about Nietzsche, and literary pieces written by Floyd Dell, Rupert Brooke, and Alice Meynell. The pieces Margaret Anderson selected for this first issue established the magazine's concern with feminism, art, conversation, and criticism that it pursued throughout its run.

May 1914 issue (Emma Goldman Scandal)

As evidenced in the May 1914 issue, Anderson's anarchistic sympathies became more apparent just a few months after she began the Little Review. The May 1914 issue sparked conversation and controversy about the magazine since it was there that Anderson published her essay titled “The Challenge of Emma Goldman” in which she lauds the notable anarchist for her support of the elimination of private property and religion. The publication of this issue caused such a stir that several of the magazine's existing financial backers withdrew funding, leaving the magazine in dire straits.

Blank pages issue (September 1916)

The daily activities of the editor Light occupations of the editor while there is nothing to edit.jpg
The daily activities of the editor

One of a handful of issues published during the magazine's tenure in California, the September 1916 Little Review, featured several blank pages (pages 1–13 in the issue). Anderson defended this move by claiming that contributors did not submit enough good work, so, as she notes on page one, “The September issue is offered as a Want Ad.” In the pages following the blank ones, Anderson published essays that were characteristic of the magazine's interest: two pieces about the San Francisco Bomb Case in which Thomas Mooney and Warren Billings were accused and convicted (though later pardoned) of detonating a bomb during the July 22 parade held in honor of the U.S.’s entry into World War I and a book review of Frank Harris’s Oscar Wilde: His Life and Confessions. The blank pages issue infuriated some subscribers while it amused others. [20] In particular, some readers were not amused by cartoons illustrating the daily activities of the editor. The cartoons picture the editor riding her horse, playing piano, and attending Emma Goldman lectures, among other activities.

Exiles’ number (Spring 1923)

The Spring 1923 “Exiles” issue is noteworthy because it published works by American expatriates living in Paris as well as the Parisian avant-garde including Ernest Hemingway, Gertrude Stein, George Antheil, E. E. Cummings, Fernand Léger, and H.D. (Hilda Doolittle). Perhaps the most important contribution of this issue was its publication of six vignettes from Hemingway's debut novel in our time . Beyond Hemingway's work, the issue is noteworthy due to its inclusion of avant-garde French artists such as Fernand Léger and Jean Cocteau as well its experimental front cover that reflected the tastes of editor Jane Heap.

Final issue

The 1929 issue of The Little Review ended the magazine's run with “Confessions and Letters” from over fifty individuals in the arts, including James Joyce, Wyndham Lewis, and Ezra Pound. The questionnaire, primarily designed by Jane Heap, perturbed many of the artists, and they often responded with comments that they found the questions mundane and uninteresting. Emma Goldman, for example, justified her delayed response by complaining that the questions themselves bored her. She writes, “I have not written sooner because I find the questions really terribly uninteresting,” and continues that “since the questions are so ordinary the replies can be naught else.” [21] Even Anderson and Heap agreed that the questions were unproductive: Anderson ended the magazine's run with an editorial in the 1929 issue in which she stated in reference to the questionnaire that “even the artist doesn't know what he’s talking about.” [22]

Selected contributors

In literature

Sherwood Anderson
Hart Crane
Floyd Dell
T.S. Eliot
Ford Madox Ford
Emma Goldman
James Joyce
Amy Lowell
Mina Loy
Gertrude Stein
Sara Teasdale (under the pseudonym "Frances Trevor") [23]
Elsa von Freytag-Loringhoven
William Carlos Williams

In art

Hans Arp
Lawrence Atkinson
Jean de Bosschere
Marcel Duchamp
Max Ernst
Fernand Léger
Francis Picabia
Pablo Picasso
Joseph Stella

In the Dec. 1919 issue, the individual identified as serving in the capacity of "Advisory Board" and who provided some content for the magazine was signed simply as "jh". [24]

In media

The magazine was the subject of an Academy Award for Documentary Short Subject nominated documentary, titled, Beyond Imagining: Margaret Anderson and the "Little Review" (1991), by Wendy L. Weinberg. [25] [26]

Celebrating the life and work of Margaret Anderson and the Little Review's remarkable influence, an exhibition “Making No Compromise: Margaret Anderson and the Little Review” was opened at the Beinecke Library, Yale University, in October 2006 for three months. [27]

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The Modernist Journals Project (MJP) was created in 1995 at Brown University in order to create a database of digitized periodicals connected with the period loosely associated with modernism. The University of Tulsa joined in 2003. The MJP's website states:

The Modernist Journals Project is a multi-faceted project that aims to be a major resource for the study of modernism and its rise in the English-speaking world, with periodical literature as its central concern. The historical scope of the project has a chronological range of 1890 to 1922, and a geographical range that extends to wherever English language periodicals were published. With magazines at its core, the MJP also offers a range of genres that extends to the digital publication of books directly connected to modernist periodicals and other supporting materials for periodical study.

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The obscenity trial over the publication of James Joyce's Ulysses in The Little Review, an American literary magazine, occurred in 1921 and effectively banned publication of Joyce's novel in the United States. After The Little Review published the "Nausicaa" episode of Ulysses in the April 1920 issue of the magazine, the New York Society for the Suppression of Vice instigated obscenity charges against Little Review editors Margaret Caroline Anderson and Jane Heap. The editors were found guilty under laws associated with the Comstock Act of 1873, which made it illegal to send materials deemed obscene through the U.S. Mail. Anderson and Heap incurred a $100 fine, and were forced to cease publishing Ulysses in The Little Review.


  1. Mary Biggs (January 1983). "Women's Literary Journals". The Library Quarterly: Information, Community, Policy. 53 (1): 1–25. doi:10.1086/601317. JSTOR   4307573. S2CID   144524844.
  2. Elizabeth Majerus (2007). ""Determined and Bigoted Feminists": Women, Magazines and Popular Modernism". In Astradur Eysteinsson; Vivian Liska (eds.). Modernism. Amsterdam; Philadelphia, PA: John Benjamins Publishing Company. p. 622. ISBN   978-90-272-9204-9.
  3. Browne, Maurice. Too Late to Lament: An Autobiography. London, Gollanez, 1955. p. 128.
  4. Anderson, Margaret. (March 1914). “Announcement” The Little Review. pg. 1-2
  5. "Dean, Harriet, 1892-1964". - Sources - Social Networks and Archival Context. Retrieved 4 September 2023.
  6. Baum, Willa K; Walker, Franklin Dickerson. "San Francisco Bay Area Writers and Artists, Elsie Whitaker Martinez". Regional Oral History Office, The Bancroft Library, University of California, Berkeley. Retrieved 4 September 2023. Martinez, Elsie, 1890-1984, Interviewee
  7. "Multi-Generational Archive of Correspondence, Photographs, Manuscripts and Personal Papers of Xavier Martinez, Elsie Martinez, Harriet Dean, Micaela Du Casse, and Ralph Du Casse, with Particular Emphasis on the Artists'". Auger Down Books. Retrieved 4 September 2023.
  8. "MARTIE". Chicago Tribune. 20 January 1991. Retrieved 4 September 2023.
  9. Scott, Thomas L. and Melvin J. Friedman, eds. (1988).Pound/The Little Review, The Letters of Ezra Pound to Margaret Anderson: The Little Review Correspondence. New York: New Directions. pg. 6.
  10. 1 2 Henry Louis Gates, "Book Review: To 'Deprave and Corrupt': Girls Lean Back Everywhere", 38 N.Y.L. Sch. L. Rev. 401 (1993); The Nation, v.254, 898 (1992).
  11. Edward de Grazia, "Introduction", Cardozo Arts & Entertainment Law Journal , v.9, pp. 387-391 (July 10, 1991).
  12. Gammel, Irene. “The Little Review and Its Dada Fuse, 1918 to 1921.” Baroness Elsa: Gender, Dada and Everyday Modernity. Cambridge, Massachusetts: MIT Press, 2002, 253.
  13. Gammel, “The Little Review," 246.
  14. Gammel, Irene and Suzanne Zelazo. “The First American Dada: Introduction.” Body Sweats: The Uncensored Writings of Elsa Baroness von Freytag-Loringhoven. Eds. Irene Gammel and Suzanne Zelazo. Cambridge, Massachusetts: MIT Press, 2011, 27.
  15. Gammel,"The Little Review," 241.
  16. Gammel, The Little Review, 258.
  17. 1 2 Anderson, Margaret. (1969). My Thirty Years’ War: The Autobiography, Beginnings and Battles to 1930. New York: Horizon P. pg. 265
  18. View the logo on the magazine’s table of contents at the Modernist Journals Project digital edition of the Little Review.
  19. 1 2 Scholes, Robert. Short Description of The Little Review at the gateway page for the Modernist Journals Project’s digital edition.
  20. See the November 1916 issue for reader responses to the September 1916 issue at The Little Review on the MJP’s website
  21. Goldman, Emma. “Questionnaire.” The Little Review 12.2 (May 1929): 36-37.
  22. Anderson, Margaret. Editorial. The Little Review 12.3 (May 1929).
  23. Drake, W.D., Sara Teasdale: Woman and Poet p122
  24. jh (December 1919). "Masthead". The Little Review. VI (8): 29.
  25. Overview - Beyond Imagining: Margaret Anderson and the Little Review (1994) New York Times .
  26. Margaret Anderson -Bibliography The Little Review.
  27. Making No Compromise: Margaret Anderson and the Little Review — On Exhibition at The Beinecke Library, October 2006

Brief bibliography

Further reading