Thlaspi cyprium | |
Scientific classification ![]() | |
Kingdom: | Plantae |
Clade: | Tracheophytes |
Clade: | Angiosperms |
Clade: | Eudicots |
Clade: | Rosids |
Order: | Brassicales |
Family: | Brassicaceae |
Genus: | Thlaspi |
Species: | T. cyprium |
Binomial name | |
Thlaspi cyprium | |
Synonyms | |
Thlaspi cyprium, the Cyprus penny-cress, is a perennial herb, flowering from February to May. [1] This herb is a nickel hyperaccumulator with a recorded accumulation rate of 52,120 mg/kg of dry weight. [2]
Moist rocky slopes and near streams on igneous rocks at 900–1900 m altitudes.
Endemic to Cyprus, very common in the Troödos forest, but occurs in other areas as well: Khionistra, Prodromos, Kryos Potamos, Almyrolivadho, Pashia Livadhi, Papoutsa, Saranti, Lagoudhera, Platania, Kionia.
Ophrys umbilicata is a species of orchid found from Albania to Iran, including Greece, Israel, Lebanon, Turkey and Cyprus.
Bosea cypria is a species of flowering plant in the Amaranthaceae family. It is a highly branched, evergreen shrub, 1–2 m high, erect, suberect, or hanging on walls, cliffs or trees, with hairless angular shoots. Leaves, opposite, simple, entire-+ elliptical, 2-6 x (1-2-3) cm, hairless, petiolate, dark green, occasionally red green. Flowers in branched spikes, hermaphrodite or unisexual 5-merous, very small, green brown, the floral symmetry is actinomorphic. The fruit is a globose red berry. Flowers from April to July. It is endemic to Cyprus and in the local Greek Cypriot dialect it is called ζουλατζιά
Sideritis cypria, the Cyprus ironwort, is a species of flowering plant in the family Lamiaceae. Erect perennial herb with a woody base, 60 cm high, with densely hairy tetragonal shoots. Leaves, opposite, simple, obscurely serrate, densely hairy, thick, oblanceolate, 3-12 x 1–5 cm. Flowers in verticillasters subtended by the cup-like bracts, zygomorphic, corolla bright yellow. Flowers from June to August. Fruit of 4 nutlets.
Nepeta italica subsp. troodi, synonym Nepeta troodi, commonly known as Troodos cat-mint is a suberect, aromatic, perennial herb, 20–50 cm high, with a woody base and hairy tetragonal shoots. The leaves are opposite, simple, serrate, cordate at the base, deltoid, with an obtuse apex, 1-4 x 0.6–2 cm, petiolate, densely hairy. The flowers are arranged in many flowered verticillasters, and are zygomorphic, with a white corolla white and a dotted purple lower lip. It flowers June to October. The fruit is composed of 4 nutlets.
Sedum cyprium, the Cyprus stonecrop, is an erect, monocarpic, succulent herb with an unbranched stem, 10–30 cm high. Leaves succulent, simple and entire reddish in sunny positions, the basal leaves in rosettes, hairless, spathulate, 3-6 x 1–2 cm, the higher leaves are thinly glandular and spirally arranged. Its numerous actinomorphic flowers are greenish or reddish, gathered in a cylindrical panicle. Sedum cyprium flowers from June to September. Its fruit has a many-seeded follicle.
Bupleurum sintenisii is a species of flowering plant in the family Apiaceae. It is referred to by the common name dwarf hare's ear, and is an annual herb, 1–5 cm high, hairless and glaucous. Leaves alternate, simple, entire, linear, 10-20 x 0.5-1.5 mm. The inconspicuous flowers are yellowish to brownish and crowded in umbels. Flowers from May to July. The fruit is a dry schizocarp, covered by hooded bristles.
Ferula cypria, the Cyprus fennel, is an erect perennial herb up to 1 m high with sulcate stems. The compound alternate leaves are hairless and 4-pinnate, 25-45 x 20–30 cm, final segments are very small, linear and acute. The inconspicuous yellowish flowers are repeatedly branched in pyramidal inflorescences. Flowers from May to June. The fruit is a dry hairless schizocarp.
Sedum eriocarpum, the purple stonecrop, is a small, annual, succulent herb, 3–6 cm high, with hairless, reddish-green stems. Leaves succulent, simple, entire, spirally arranged, hairless, stalkless, elliptical to oblong, 3–15 x 2–8 mm, green or green-reddish. Flowers actinomorphic, petals white with purplish keel. It flowers from March to May and the fruit is a follicle.
Sedum microstachyum is a species of flowering plant in the family Crassulaceae. It is referred to by the common name small-spiked stonecrop. It is an erect, succulent, monocarpic herb, with an unbranched stem up to 40 cm high. Leaves succulent, simple, entire, glandular, hairy, reddish in sunny positions, sessile, the basal crowded in rosettes, spathulate-linear 3-7 x 0.5-1.5 cm, the higher smaller, spirally arranged. Flowers actinomorphic, small, reddish or greenish, in a cylindrical panicle, Flowers from June to September. Fruit a many-seeded follicle.
Cynoglossum troodi, Troodos hound's tongue is an erect, perennial herb, 10–25 cm high, with branched stems covered with stiff hairs. Leaves alternate, simple, entire, stalkless, oblong to lanceolate, densely hairy, the basal in tufts, 2-5 x 0.5–1 cm, the upper sparse and smaller. Flowers actinomorphic in cymose inflorescences, very small, corolla brick-red, tubular, 5-lobed. Flowers May–August. Fruit of 4 nutlets with rigid spinules.
Onosma fruticosa is an erect, much branched shrub, 30-100 cm high, young shoots covered with bristles. Leaves alternate, simple, entire, stalkless, oblanceolate, 7-20 x 2-5 mm, thick, margins revolute, with a mixture of short hairs and long scabridulous bristles. Flowers tubular, nodding, solitary, corolla golden yellow, turning brownish with age. Flowers February-May. Fruit of 4 nutlets.
Gladiolus triphyllus, the three-leaved gladiolus, is an erect perennial herb, 15–30 cm high, glabrous, glaucous, with an ovoid corm. Leaves usually 3 or 4, alternate, simple, entire, linear, the two lower 10-30 x 0.3-0.5 cm, the upper much reduced. The flowers are on a spike, zygomorphic, perianth of 6 petaloid parts, 2.5–3 cm long, pale or dark rose pink, scented only in the afternoon, bracts 1.5–3 cm long. It flowers from March to May. The fruit is a capsule.
Anthemis plutonia, the Troödos chamomile, is a pilose perennial herb in the sunflower family found only in Cyprus. It often forms intricate mats with prostrate stems 5–20 cm long. Small bipinnatisect leaves. Capitula 15–20 mm in diameter, with pink rarely creamy-white tubular florets. Suborbicular ray-florets white, rarely pink.
Odontarrhena chondrogyna is a species of perennial flowering plants in the family Brassicaceae. It was previously included in the genus Alyssum, and hence named Alyssum chondrogynum, but was assigned to the newly established Odontarrhena after molecular phylogeny studies from the 2010s. It is endemic to the island of Cyprus, where it grows on rocky serpentinised slopes.
Hypericum repens is a prostrate, perennial herb up to 10 cm high, with rooting, hairless shoots, up to 20 cm long. Leaves opposite, simple, entire, elliptical to narrowly spathulate with rounded top, 5-9 x 3–4 mm and black dots (glands) on the margin. Flowers actinomorphic in cymose inflorescence, petals golden yellow, with red nerves, glands present on sepals and petals. Flowers May–July (August). Fruit a capsule.
Gagea juliae, the yellow star-of-Cyprus, is a plant species in the lily family, native to Cyprus and southern Turkey.
Tulipa cypria, the Cyprus tulip, is a tulip, an erect perennial bulbous herb, 15–40 cm high, with glabrous, glaucous leaves. It has four leaves which are alternate, simple, entire and fleshy. The two lower leaves are larger, lanceolate, 10-20 x 2–6 cm, with conspicuously undulate margins while the two higher leaves are much smaller, nearly linear. One terminal showy flower, perianth cup shaped, of six free, petaloid segments, 2.5-9 x 1-3.5 cm, with dark blood-red colour, internally with a black blotch bordered by a yellow zone. It flowers March–April. The fruit is a capsule.
Micromeria chionistrae is a suberect to sprawling hairy-glandular subshrub up to 30 cm high. Flowers pink-purple, flowering June–November.
Taraxacum holmboei, the Troödos dandelion, is a rosulate perennial herb, up to 10 cm high. Leaves simple, all in rosette, deeply divided (pinnatifid), with deltoid-acute lobes, glabrous, oblong in outline, 3.5-10 x 8-2.5 cm. Flowers in capitula, with yellow, ligulate florets, flowering May–June. Fruit a pappose achene.
Lactuca cypria, the Cyprus lettuce, is a biennial, erect herb with glandular, hairy stems and a globose rhizome. Leaves alternate, simple, the basal large, oblong, petiolate, 10-15 x 5–7 cm, pinnatisect with a suborbicular terminal lobe, the upper smaller, often with a profound purple colour at the lower surface. Flowers in heads, capitula in corymbs, florets pale yellow, all ligulate, flowers April–July, fruit a pappose achene.