Thomas William Marshall (painter)

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Thomas William Marshall
Thomas William Marshall.jpg
Thomas William Marshall (1875-1914).
Born(1875-10-17)October 17, 1875
DiedSeptember 2, 1914(1914-09-02) (aged 38)
Resting place Père Lachaise, Paris
Nationality English
Education Académie Julian, Paris
Known forPainting
Movement Post-Impressionism

Thomas William Marshall was an English Post-Impressionist painter and water colorist, born on October 17, 1875 at Donisthorpe in England. He died on September 2, 1914 in Paris.


He painted landscapes, portraits, nudes [1] and produced watercolours, in Paris, in Île-de-France, in Normandy, on the French Riviera and in Corsica. Between 1904 and 1914, He exhibited his work in Paris at the Salon d'Automne, as well as the Salon des Indépendants and also at the Nationale des Beaux-Arts. These art salons were at the peak of their glory, in this era, with well known painters such as Marquet, Modigliani, Sickert, Kandinsky, participating in them.


Medal from Societe de Golf de Paris (1902). Thomas William Marshall - medaille Societe de Golf de Paris 1902.jpg
Medal from Société de Golf de Paris (1902).
Niche at the columbarium of Pere-Lachaise. Thomas William Marshall - columbarium.jpg
Niche at the columbarium of Père-Lachaise.

Thomas William Marshall was born in 1875 in Donisthorpe, Derbyshire in England. He was the son of Robert Aldred Marshall (1852-1884) a wealthy mining engineer from Nottinghamshire who died in the Bullhouse Bridge rail accident, [2] and Dorothy Ann Tarr (1852–1879). He is a first cousin of the rugby player Frank Tarr. Thomas William studied in both Oxford and in Cambridge.

Wishing to become a painter despite his fragile health, he left England to live in Paris in 1897 and enrolled in the Académie Julian. There he met the Canadian painter Albert Henry Robinson, who would become his student and friend. [3] [4] In Paris he was reunited with his English friends, also painters, such as Ernest Yarrow Jones (1872–1951). As of 1900, he began to participate successfully in some Parisian exhibitions. [5] His studio was located at 3 rue Campagne-Première, [6] he then moved to 51 rue de Sèvres, [7] and then relocated to 49 boulevard du Montparnasse. [8]

In 1904, he participated for the first time in the Salon d'Automne where he would show an average of five to six paintings or watercolours per salon, every year until 1913. He was named as a member of the Salon in 1908. During this time, he showed works at the Salon des Indépendants in 1906 and then from 1908 to 1914. He also showed his works at the Nationale des Beaux-Arts in 1911 and at the London Salon (of the Allied Artists Association) in London from 1908 to 1914. Thomas William Marshall was one of the founding members of the London Salon with Walter Sickert. [4]

Thomas William Marshall was a member of the Golf Club of Paris (Société de golf de Paris) and played at the golf de La Boulie  [ fr ] when he started. Therefore, he produced many drawings and caricatures inspired by this sport. [9]

Due to his fragile health, he left for the Côte d'Azur and settled in Corse in 1908, where he produced a large part of his body of work (oil on canvas or on cardboard, watercolours and caricatures). He transferred works he had created in Corsica onto canvas:landscapes and scenes inspired by daily life on the island back to Paris for exhibition. These works gained him much praise from the art critics of that era. [5]

In 1910, Thomas William Marshall married Marie-Louise Désagullier [10] who had been his companion and model for many years. He died prematurely from tuberculosis [11] on September 2, 1914 in Paris, at the age of 38, at the height of his talent. He was cremated at cimetière du Père-Lachaise and his ashes are resting at the columbarium (87th division, niche n° 2137).

Wealthier than many of the contemporary artists of his time, he did not really need to sell much of his art to live; [5] as a result, he remained relatively unknown until his rediscovery by art critic Yann Le Pichon  [ fr ] in 1984. One of Thomas William Marshall's paintings, a landscape of Corsica painted in 1910, was selected by a specialized jury and art lovers, displayed at the Espace Pierre Cardin at the Champs-Élysées and was reproduced in colour in an edition of the magazine Paris-Match in December 1984. [12]

Many exhibitions to honour his work followed: at the Salon des Indépendants in Paris in 1986, at the Salon d'Automne in 1987 where an entire room was dedicated in tribute to him, and two personal exhibitions in Bastia in 1988 [12] and in Villefranche-sur-mer in 1993. The Beauvais museum acquired a painting in 1987. Bastia and Villefranche-sur-Mer museums each have conserved one or more of his works in their public collections.


Recognized by Jacques Foucart, general curator at the Paintings Department of the Musée du Louvre, the pictorial work of the English painter Thomas William Marshall, is both inspired by the last sparkling embers of the 19th century and by the end of Impressionism. Composed of numerous oil paintings and watercolours, of rare quality, his work can be added to the Post-Impressionist and symboliste movements. Also certain pieces could be considered neo-Japonard or nabis. Regardless of how one classifies it, his work remains deeply original. [12] [5]


Salon d'Automne (1904–1913 and 1987)

Work exhibited at Salon d'Automne 1904 [6]

  • 866. Poigny (landscape).
  • 867. Printemps (Spring).
  • 868. Le Pommier - The Apple Tree.
  • 869. Le Petit Cottage - The Little Cottage.
  • 1571. Paysage - Landscape (watercolour).
  • 1572. Le Petit Paris, Dieppe - Dieppe, the Little Paris (watercolour).
  • 1573. Une vieille ruelle - An Old Alley (landscape, watercolour).

Work exhibited at Salon d'Automne 1905 [7]

  • 1050. Sunshine and shadow (pastel).
  • 1051. Bords du Canal St-Vinnemer - The banks of St. Vinnemer Canal (pastel).
  • 1052. Villefranche (pastel).
  • 1053. Verger - Orchard (pastel).
  • 1054. La « Miekmaid » - The "Miekmaid" (watercolour).
  • 1055. Les Oies - The Geese (watercolour, pastel).
  • 1056. Chaumière - Thatched Cottage (watercolour).

Work exhibited at Salon d'Automne 1906 [8]

  • 1148. Bords de la Seine (temps gris) - Banks of The Seine (Grey Weather).
  • 1149. Canal (temps gris) - Canal (Grey Weather).
  • 1150. Crue de la Seine - Flooding of The Seine.
  • 1151. Peupliers - Poplars.
  • 1152. Reflet (Villefranche) - Reflection (Villefranche).
  • 1153. Le Tub - The Tub.

Work exhibited at Salon d'Automne 1907 [13]

  • 1223. Les Citronniers, à Villefranche-sur-Mer - The Lemon Trees at Villefranche-sur-Mer.
  • 1224. Coin de Terrasse (Jardin du Luxembourg) - Terrace Corner (Luxemburg Garden).

Work exhibited at Salon d'Automne 1908

  • 1358. Pietranera.
  • 1359. Amandiers printemps (Corse) - Almond Tree, Spring (Corsica).
  • 1360. Citroniers à Villefranche - Lemon Trees at Villefranche.

Work exhibited at Salon d'Automne 1909 [14]

  • 1163. Vallée de Centiori (Cap Corse) - Centiori Valley (The Corsica Cape).
  • 1164. Couvent de S. Martino-di-Lota (Corse) - S. Martino-di-Lota Convent.
  • 1165. Pietranera (Corse) - Pietranera (Corsica).
  • 1166. Temps gris à la montagne (Corse) - Grey Weather on the Mountain (Corsica).
  • 1167. Chavenay (S.-et-O.).
  • 1168. Intérieur (après déjeuner) - Inside (after lunch).

Work exhibited at Salon d'Automne 1910 [15]

  • 821. Orangers, Ajaccio - Orange Trees, Ajaccio.
  • 822. La Baie d'Ajaccio - The Bay of Ajaccio.
  • 823. Gitanes au marché d'Ajaccio - Gypsies at the Ajaccio Market (watercolour).
  • 824. Retour du marché - Back From the Market (watercolour).

Work exhibited at Salon d'Automne 1911 [16]

  • 1065. Faverges (Haute-Savoie).
  • 1066. Avant la moisson (Haute-Savoie) - Before the Harvest (Haute-Savoie).
  • 1067. La Seine: au Pont Royal - The Seine: at the Royal Bridge.
  • 1068. La Seine: Quai d'Orsay - The Seine: at the Orsay Quay.
  • 1069. La Seine: du Pont des Arts - The Seine: at the Pont des Arts.
  • 1070. La Seine: Pont des Invalides - The Seine: at the Invalids' Bridge.

Work exhibited at Salon d'Automne 1912

  • 1142. Amandiers en fleurs, Minelli (Corse) - Flowering Almond Trees, Minelli (Corsica).
  • 1143. Le Couvent de San Martino di Lota (Corse) - The San Martino di Lota Convent (Corsica).
  • 1144. Les Amandiers fleuris (Corse) - The Flowering Almond Trees (Corsica).
  • 1145. San Martino di Lota.

Work exhibited at Salon d'Automne 1913

  • 1450. Bastia (Corse) - Bastia (Corsica).
  • 1451. La Pique (montagne) (Corse) - The Peak (Mountain, Corsica).
  • 1452. Le Couvent de St Antoine à travers les fourrés (Corse) - St Anthony Convent through the bushes (Corsica).
  • 1453. Cyprès, couvent de Bastia (Corse) - Cypress, Bastia Convent (Corsica).
  • 1454. La Pique sous la neige (Corse) - The Peak Under The Snow (Corsica).

Work exhibited at Salon d'Automne 1987 [17]

Portrait de Mlle D (1906) - Catalog of Salon d'automne 1987 =: Tribute to T. W. Marshall. Thomas William Marshall - Portrait de Mlle D (1906) - Salon Automne 1987.jpg
Portrait de Mlle D (1906) - Catalog of Salon d'automne 1987 =: Tribute to T. W. Marshall.

Tribute organized by Édouard Georges Mac-Avoy, President of the Salon d'Automne, at the time. 18 paintings were exhibited in a room, dedicated entirely to the former secretary T.W. Marshall, from October 23 to November 8, 1987.

  • 1. Coin de terrasse au Luxembourg - Terrace Corner at Luxemburg Garden.
  • 2. Les Quais de la Seine à Paris - The Quays of the Seine in Paris.
  • 3. Le Port de Villefranche-sur-Mer - The Villefranche-sur-Mer Harbour.
  • 4. L'Atelier à Montparnasse - The Studio at Montparnasse.
  • 5. Portrait de Mlle D - Portrait of Miss D.
  • 6. La Barque - The Boat.
  • 7. Le Tub - The Tub.
  • 8. Le Village de San Martino Di Lota (Corse) - The Village of San Martino Di Lota (Corsica).
  • 9. Le ‘‘Libeccio’’ - The "Libeccio".
  • 10. Amandier en fleurs - Flowering Almond Tree.
  • 11. Portrait de Mrs Jones - Portrait of Mrs. Jones.
  • 12. Verger en Normandie - Orchard in Normandy.
  • 13. Les Oies - The Geese.
  • 14. Figuiers de Barbarie - Barbary Fig Trees.
  • 15. Village de Morsiglia (Corse) - Village of Morsiglia (Corsica).
  • 16. Sous la tonnelle - Under the Arbor.
  • 17. Bord de mer en Corse - Shores of Corsica.
  • 18. Le Petit Cottage - The Little Cottage.

Salon des Indépendants (1906, 1908–1914, 1986)

Work exhibited at Salon des Indépendants 1906 [18]

  • 3351. Le Pont des Arts.
  • 3352. Portrait de Mlle D - Portrait of Miss D.
  • 3353. Le Pont Royal.
  • 3354. Merisier en fleurs - Flowering Cherrywood.
  • 3355. Le Verger - The Orchard.
  • 3356. Soleil d'été - Summer Sun.
  • 3357. Effet de neige (Luxembourg) - Snow Effect (Luxemburg)
  • 3358. Temps gris - Grey Weather.

Work exhibited at Salon des indépendants 1909 [19]

  • 1686 to 1687 (2 paintings). Étude au cap Corse - Study at Corsica Cape.

Work exhibited at Salon des Indépendants 1910 [20]

  • 3518 to 3523 (6 paintings). Étude d'amandiers fleuris, Ajaccio (Corse) - Study of Flowering Almond Trees, Ajaccio (Corsica).

Work exhibited at Salon des Indépendants 1911

  • 4107. Citronniers d'Ajaccio - Lemon Trees of Ajaccio.
  • 4108. La Baie d'Ajaccio - The Bay of Ajaccio.
  • 4109. Pont Royal (aquarelle) - Royal Bridge (watercolour).
  • 4110. Jardin du Luxembourg (aquarelle) - Luxemburg Garden (watercolour).
  • 4111. La Seine à l'Alma - The Seine at Alma.
  • 4112. Villefranche-sur-Mer.

Work exhibited at Salon des Indépendants 1912

  • 2176. Le Parmelan (Hte Savoie) - The Parmelan (Haute Savoie).
  • 2177. Amandiers rose - Pink Almond Trees.
  • 2178. Amandier fleuri- Flowering Almond Trees.

Work exhibited at Salon des Indépendants 1913 [21]

  • 2017. Cyprès (couvent de Bastia), Corse - Cypress (Bastia Convent), Corsica.
  • 2018. Bastia à travers les arbres (Corse) - Bastia Through The Trees (Corsica).
  • 2019. La Route de Saint-Florent (Corse) - The Road to Saint-Florent (Corsica).

Work exhibited at Salon des Indépendants 1914

  • 2197 to 2199 (3 paintings). Paysage corse - Corsican Landscapes.

Work exhibited at Salon des Indépendants 1986

Tribute to T. W. Marshall with six paintings exhibited at the Grand Palais in Paris.

London Salon (1908-1914)

Work exhibited for the London Salon Allied Artist Association in London, at the Royal Albert Hall from 1908 to 1913 and at the Holland Park Hall in 1914.

Work exhibited at the London Salon, 1908

  • 178. Grey day on the Seine.
  • 179. Lemon trees - Villefranche.
  • 180. Orange trees - Corsica.
  • 181. Almond - Corsica.
  • 182. Pietranera - Corsica.

Work exhibited at the London Salon, 1909

  • 590. Morsiglia - Cape Corse.
  • 591. The Valley of San Martino di Lota (Corsica).
  • 592. Pietranera - Corsica.

Work exhibited at the London Salon, 1910 (section XVII)

  • 490. Almond Blossom - Corsica.
  • 491. Almonds and the Bay of Ajaccio.
  • 492. Corner of the Lemon Grove - Ajaccio.

Work exhibited at the London Salon, 1911

  • 470. Orange Trees - Ajaccio.
  • 471. Villefranche sur mer.
  • 472. The Last of the Apple Blossom - Poigny.

Work exhibited at the London Salon, 1912

  • 218. Colette.
  • 219. Valley of Chambery.
  • 220. The Seine and the Louvre.

Work exhibited at the London Salon, 1913

  • 428. Corsican Landscape.
  • 429. Corsican Landscape.
  • 430. Corsican Landscape.

Work exhibited at the London Salon, 1914

  • Minelli près Bastia - Corsica.

Société Nationale des Beaux-Arts (1911)

Work exhibited at the Société Nationale des Beaux-Arts, 1911

Bastia Museum (June–September 1988)

Exhibition poster Thomas William Marshall in Corsica (1906-1913) in Bastia in 1988. Affiche 'TW Marshall en Corse' - Musee Bastia 1988.jpg
Exhibition poster Thomas William Marshall in Corsica (1906–1913) in Bastia in 1988.

Solo exhibition « Thomas William Marshall en Corse (1906-1913) » ("Thomas William Marshall in Corsica (1906-1913)") organized at the Palais des Gouverneurs génois (Bastia, Northern Corsica) by the Museum of Corsican Ethnography under the distinguished patronage of Bastia City Hall. [4] The exhibition catalogue was prefaced by the art critic Yann Le Pichon  [ fr ] with texts from Jacques Foucart (general curator of the Louvre Museum), Robert Marshall, Jean-Marc Olivesi and Janine Serafini-Costoli.

Oil Paintings on canvas

  • Montagne rose avec arbre au premier plan - Pink Mountain with a Tree in the Foreground.
  • Arbres en fleurs sur terrasse - Trees in Bloom on the Terrace.
  • Baie d'Ajaccio avec nuages - Bay of Ajaccio with Clouds.
  • Le Couvent de San Martino - San Martino Convent.
  • Citronniers - Lemon Trees.
  • Amandiers en fleurs devant un mur - Flowering Almond Trees in front of a Wall.
  • Bord de mer en Corse - Seaside in Corsica.
  • Village de San Martino di Lota - Village of San Martino di Lota.
  • Rade de Bastia à travers les arbres - Bastia Harbour through the Trees.
  • Vallées de Grisgione - Grisgione Valley.
  • Pêcher en fleur - Flowering Peach Tree.
  • Cyprès au pied de la montagne - Cypress at the Foothills of the Mountain.
  • Village de Morsiglia - Village of Morsiglia.
  • Citronniers devant un mur - Lemon Trees in front of a Wall.
  • Amandiers en fleurs au bord de la mer - Flowering Almond Trees by the Sea.
  • Orangers en bord de mer - Orange Trees by the Sea.
  • Figuiers de Barbarie - Prickly Pears.
  • Le Libeccio - The Libeccio.
  • Pietranera.
  • La villa Damei à Minelli près de Bastia - The Villa Damei at Minelli near Bastia.
  • Paysanne dans un champ en bord de mer - Peasant Woman in a Field by the Sea.

Oil paintings on cardboards

  • Arbres en bord de mer par temps gris - Trees by the Sea on a Cloudy Day.
  • La Rade de Bastia - Bastia Harbour.
  • Montagne enneigée - Snow-Covered Mountain.
  • Berger avec mouton et arbres en fleurs - Shepherd with Sheep and Flowering Trees.
  • Vue de Bastia - View from Bastia.


  • Torrent de montagne sous un pont - Mountain Stream under a Bridge.
  • Chalet dans la montagne - Cabin in the Mountain.
  • Vallée de Grisgione - Grisgione Valley.
  • Les Maisons dans la montagne - The Houses in the Mountain.
  • Couvent de San Martino di Lota - San Martino di Lota Convent.
  • Une rue de Morsiglia - A Street of Morsiglia.
  • Scène de rue (curés et paysans) - Street Scene (Clerics and Peasants).
  • La Rade de Bastia (avec 3 cyprès) - Bastia Harbour" (with 3 Cypress).
  • Arbres en bord de mer - Trees by the Sea.
  • Village dans la montagne - Village in the Mountain.
  • La Baie d'Ajaccio - The Bay of Ajaccio.
  • Voiture à âne sous la pluie - Donkey Cart in the Rain.
  • Gitanes à Ajaccio - Gypsies at Ajaccio.
  • Une ruelle à Bastia - An Alley in Bastia.
  • Charrette à âne, cactus, figuiers de Barbarie - Donkey Cart, Cactus, Prickly Pear.
  • Nuages sur la Montagne - Clouds over the Mountains.
  • La Barque - The Boat.
  • Coin de marché à Ajaccio - Market Corner in Ajaccio.
  • Le Village de Morsiglia - The Village of Morsiglia.


  • La Gardienne - The Babysitter.
  • Le Chasseur - The Hunter.
  • Le Vagabond - The Wanderer.
  • Le Curé et le Paysan - The Cleric and the Peasant.

Villefranche-sur-Mer Citadelle (June 18 – August 20, 1993)

Exhibition poster Thomas William Marshall, Villefranche-sur-Mer Citadelle, 1993. Thomas William Marshall - Affiche exposition Villefranche-sur-Mer 1993.jpg
Exhibition poster Thomas William Marshall, Villefranche-sur-Mer Citadelle, 1993.

Solo exhibition « Rétrospective Thomas William Marshall » ("Thomas William Marshall Retrospective") of 18 paintings, organized at the Chapelle Saint Helme at Villefranche-sur-Mer. The exhibition catalogue was prefaced by Jacques Foucart, general curator at the Paintings Department of the Musée du Louvre. [5] After the exhibition, the museum kept one painting within its public collection: « Reflet (Villefranche) » (Reflection, Villefranche, 1906).

Oil on canvas

Paris (nudes and portraits)

  • 1 - Nu assis de dos
  • 2 - Le Tub
  • 3 - Portrait de Mrs Jones
  • 4 - Le Berceau
  • 5 - Sous la tonnelle
  • 6 - Jeune femme lisant
  • 7 - Portrait de Mr. Jones
  • 8 - Jeune femme cousant

Landscapes of Île-de-France

  • 9 - La Fenaison
  • 10 - Le Manège au Jardin du Luxembourg
  • 11 - Remorqueur devant le Musée du Louvre
  • 12 - Les Bouquinistes
  • 13 - La Barque
  • 14 - Pont sur la Seine
  • 15 - Le Jardin du Luxembourg
  • 16 - La Seine par temps gris
  • 17 - Le Bassin du Luxembourg

Normandie and Savoie

  • 18 - La Chaumière
  • 19 - Le Pommier
  • 20 - Les Peupliers
  • 21 - Nuages au dessus du village
  • 22 - La Gardeuse d'oies
  • 23 - Le Village
  • 24 - Maisons derrière les peupliers
  • 25 - L'Arbre et la Grille
  • 26 - L'Église de Faverges


  • 27 - Le Port de Villefranche
  • 28 - Les Barques
  • 29 - La Barque et les reflets


  • 30 - La Rade de Bastia
  • 31 - Arbres et terrasse
  • 32 - Échappée sur la mer
  • 33 - Les Citronniers
  • 34 - Champs en fleurs
  • 35 - Le Village de San Martino
  • 36 - Baie d'Ajaccio et nuages
  • 37 - La Vallée de Grisgione
  • 38 - Figuiers de Barbarie
  • 39 - Les Cyprès
  • 40 - Amandiers en fleurs en bord de mer
  • 41 - Le Village d'Erbalonga
  • 42 - Amandiers en fleurs
  • 43 - Le Libeccio
  • 44 - Arbres, mer et montagnes
  • 45 - Citronniers le long d'un mur
  • 46 - Sous les châtaigniers


  • 47 - Le Troupeau d'oies
  • 48 - Les Charretiers à Paris
  • 49 - Village de Savoie
  • 50 - La Charrette à âne sous la pluie
  • 51 - La Charrette à âne au soleil (en Corse)
  • 52 - Remorque sur la Seine
  • 53 - Les Barques à Villefranche-sur-Mer
  • 54 - Péniches près du Pont Alexandre III
  • 55 - Femmes au lavoir
  • 56 - Place du marché à Bastia
  • 57 - Nu debout
  • 58 - Nu à genoux
  • 59 - Le Bout de la jetée
  • 60 - Au jardin du Luxembourg
  • 61 - Le Bain du cheval
  • 62 - Bateau à étages au Pont Neuf
  • 63 - Les Ouvriers au travail
  • 64 - La Baie d'Ajaccio
  • 4 watercolours on postcards (Villefranche)
  • 6 caricatures

Works in public collections

Oise Museum, Beauvais (Oise)

Museum of Corsican Ethnography, Bastia (Northern Corsica)

Museum of Villefranche-sur-Mer (Alpes-Maritimes)


Excerpts from critics published in the press for T.W.Marshall exhibitions:

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Gian Paolo Borghetti was a Corsican writer, poet and politician. He has been described as "one of the greatest Corsican poets writing in Italian", and "one of the most brilliant Corsican intellectuals of the nineteenth century".

<i>Nu à la cheminée</i> Painting by Jean Metzinger

Nu à la cheminée, also referred to as Nu dans un intérieur, Femme nu, and Nu or Nude, is a painting by Jean Metzinger. The work was exhibited in Paris at the Salon d'Automne of 1910, and the Salon de la Section d'Or, Galerie La Boétie in Paris, October 1912. It was published in Du "Cubisme", written by Jean Metzinger and Albert Gleizes in 1912, and subsequently published in The Cubist Painters, Aesthetic Meditations by Guillaume Apollinaire, 1913. By 1912 Nu à la cheminée was in the collection of M.G. Comerre. The work has not been seen in public since, its current location is unknown.

<i>The Tree</i> (Gleizes) Painting by Albert Gleizes

The Tree, is a painting created in 1910 by the French artist Albert Gleizes. Executed in an advanced Proto-Cubist style, the work was exhibited in Paris at the Salon des Indépendants, 1910, the following year Gleizes chose to exhibit it at the Salon de la Section d'Or, Galerie La Boétie, 1912, and Manes Moderni Umeni, S.V.U., Vystava, Prague, 1914. The painting was again shown at the Grand Palais, Salon des Indépendants, Trente ans d'art indépendant, in 1926. L'Arbre, an important work of 1910, appeared at the decisive Salon des Indépendants of 1911, where Cubism emerged as a group manifestation and spread across the globe, at times shocking the general public.

<i>Groupe de femmes</i> Sculpture by Joseph Csaky

Groupe de femmes, also called Groupe de trois femmes, or Groupe de trois personnages, is an early Cubist sculpture created circa 1911 by the Hungarian avant-garde, sculptor, and graphic artist Joseph Csaky (1888–1971). This sculpture formerly known from a black and white photograph had been erroneously entitled Deux Femmes , as the image captured on an angle showed only two figures. An additional photograph found in the Csaky family archives shows a frontal view of the work, revealing three figures rather than two. Csaky's sculpture was exhibited at the 1912 Salon d'Automne, and the 1913 Salon des Indépendants, Paris. A photograph taken of Salle XI in sitiu at the 1912 Salon d'Automne and published in L'Illustration, 12 October 1912, p. 47, shows Groupe de femmes exhibited alongside the works of Jean Metzinger, František Kupka, Francis Picabia, Amedeo Modigliani and Henri Le Fauconnier.

<i>Danseuse</i> (Csaky) Sculpture by Joseph Csaky

Danseuse, also known as Femme à l'éventail, or Femme à la cruche, is an early Cubist, Proto-Art Deco sculpture created in 1912 by the Hungarian avant-garde sculptor Joseph Csaky (1888–1971). This black and white photograph from the Csaky family archives shows a frontal view of the original 1912 plaster. Danseuse was exhibited in Paris at the 1912 Salon d'Automne, an exhibition that provoked a succès de scandale and resulted in a xenophobic and anti-modernist quarrel in the French National Assembly. The sculpture was then exhibited at the 1914 Salon des Indépendants entitled Femme à l'éventail ; and at Galerie Moos, Geneva, 1920, entitled Femme à la cruche.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">Henriette Tirman</span> French painter and printmaker

Jeanne-Henriette Tirman was a French woman painter and printmaker.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">Colette Richarme</span> French painter (1904–1991)

Colette Richarme was a French painter.

Marguerite Frédérique Charlaix (1883-1939) was a French painter from the École de Lyon who specialised in landscapes and still lifes. She was the daughter of painter Léon Charlaix.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">Poggiolo (stream)</span> Stream in the department of Haute-Corse, Corsica

The Poggiolo is a small coastal stream in the department of Haute-Corse, Corsica, France. It enters the Tyrrhenian Sea from the east of the Cap Corse peninsula.


  1. "MARSHALL, Thomas William (1875–1914), Painter, watercolourist: Benezit Dictionary of Artists". Oxford University Press. 2011. doi:10.1093/benz/9780199773787.article.b00117251 . Retrieved 21 December 2017.{{cite journal}}: Cite journal requires |journal= (help)
  2. Chesterfield and Midland Counties Institution of Engineers (1886). Bemrose, Cambridge University (England) (ed.). "Memoir of a deceased member". Vol. 14. pp. 65–66.
  3. "Albert H Robinson, Alan Klinkhoff Gallery".
  4. 1 2 3 Janine Serafini-Costoli (August 1988). Musée d'Ethnographie corse (ed.). "Thomas William Marshall en Corse (1906-1913)" (in French). Bastia, Palais des Gouverneurs génois. p. 35.
  5. 1 2 3 4 5 Jacques Foucart (May 1993). Citadelle de Villefranche-sur-Mer (ed.). "Rétrospective Thomas William Marshall (1875-1914): catalogue d'exposition". Villefranche-sur-Mer.
  6. 1 2 Société du Salon d'Automne (1904). Ch. Hérissey, Évreux (ed.). "Exposition de 1904: Catalogue de Peinture, Dessin, Sculpture, Gravure, Architecture et Arts Décoratifs" (in French). Grand Palais des Champs-Élysées. p. 224.
  7. 1 2 Société du Salon d'Automne (1905). Cie Française des Papiers-Monnaie, Paris (ed.). "Exposition de 1905: Catalogue de Peinture, Dessin, Sculpture, Gravure, Architecture et Arts Décoratifs" (in French). Grand Palais des Champs-Élysées. p. 228.
  8. 1 2 Société du Salon d'Automne (1906). Cie Française des Papiers-Monnaie, Paris (ed.). "Exposition de 1906: Catalogue de Peinture, Dessin, Sculpture, Gravure, Architecture et Arts Décoratifs" (in French). Grand Palais des Champs-Élysées. p. 244.
  9. Robert Marshall (June–July 1986). "La Boulie de 1901 à 1914". Revue du Racing Club de France (in French): 29–30.
  10. Registre de la Mairie du Luxembourg, VIe arr. de Paris, numéro 212/687, année 1910.
  11. Godfrey Goodwin (2002). Boğaziçi University Press, Université du Michigan (ed.). "Life's episodes: discovering Ottoman architecture". Boğaziçi University Press. p. 283. ISBN   9755181601.
  12. 1 2 3 Marshall (1875-1914), Thomas William (1988). Thomas William Marshall en Corse (1906-1913), juin-septembre 1988, Bastia (in French). Retrieved 12 November 2017.{{cite book}}: |website= ignored (help)CS1 maint: numeric names: authors list (link)
  13. Société du salon d'automne (1907). Cie Française des Papiers-Monaie, Paris (ed.). "Exposition de 1907: Catalogue de Peinture, Dessin, Sculpture, Gravure, Architecture et Arts Décoratifs" (in French). Grand Palais des Champs-Élysées. p. 292.
  14. Société du salon d'automne (1909). Cie Française des Papiers-Monaie, Paris (ed.). "Exposition de 1909: Catalogue de Peinture, Dessin, Sculpture, Gravure, Architecture et Arts Décoratifs" (in French). Grand Palais des Champs-Élysées. p. 292.
  15. Société du salon d'automne (1910). Cie Française des Papiers-Monaie, Paris (ed.). "Exposition de 1910: Catalogue de Peinture, Dessin, Sculpture, Gravure, Architecture et Arts Décoratifs" (in French). Grand Palais des Champs-Élysées. p. 292.
  16. Société du salon d'automne (1911). Cie Française des Papiers-Monaie, Paris (ed.). "Exposition de 1911: Catalogue de Peinture, Dessin, Sculpture, Gravure, Architecture et Arts Décoratifs" (in French). Grand Palais des Champs-Élysées. p. 292.
  17. Société du salon d'automne (23 October – 8 November 1987). "Exposition de 1987: À la découverte de l'ouest américain - Art Contemporain - Hommages" (in French). Grand Palais des Champs-Élysées. pp. 43–45.
  18. Salon des Indépendants (22; 1906) Auteur du (1906). l'Emancipatrice (ed.). "Société des artistes Indépendants. 22, Catalogue de la 22e exposition 1906: grandes serres de la ville de Paris... du 20 mars au 30 avril... / Société des artistes Indépendants" . Retrieved 13 November 2017.{{cite news}}: CS1 maint: multiple names: authors list (link) CS1 maint: numeric names: authors list (link)
  19. Salon des Indépendants (25; 1909) Auteur du (1909). [Société des artistes indépendants] (ed.). "Société des artistes Indépendants. 25, Catalogue de la 25e exposition 1909: Jardin des Tuileries, serres de l'Orangerie, du 25 mars au 2 mai... / Société des artistes indépendants" . Retrieved 13 November 2017.{{cite news}}: CS1 maint: multiple names: authors list (link) CS1 maint: numeric names: authors list (link)
  20. Salon des Indépendants (26; 1910) (1910). l'Emancipatrice (ed.). "Société des artistes Indépendants. 26, Catalogue de la 26e exposition 1910" . Retrieved 13 November 2017.{{cite news}}: CS1 maint: multiple names: authors list (link) CS1 maint: numeric names: authors list (link)
  21. Salon des Indépendants (29; 1913) (1913). Société des Artistes Indépendants (ed.). "Société des artistes Indépendants. 29, Catalogue de la 29e exposition, 1913: Quai d'Orsay, Pont de l'Alma, du 19 mars au 18 mai inclus / Société des Artistes Indépendants" . Retrieved 13 November 2017.{{cite news}}: CS1 maint: multiple names: authors list (link) CS1 maint: numeric names: authors list (link)
  22. "Amandiers en fleurs, Corse (TWM 1910), Musée de l'Oise".
  23. "Montagne rose avec un arbre au premier plan (TWM 1912), Musée d'Ethnographie Corse".
  24. "Vue du couvent de san Martino di Lota (TWM 1912), Musée d'Ethnographie Corse".