Thyroid diverticulum

Last updated
Thyroid diverticulum
Precursor Second pharyngeal arch
Gives rise to Thyroid follicular cells
Latin Saccus thyreoideus; diverticulum thyreoideum
TE diverticulum_by_E5. E5.
Anatomical terminology

The thyroid pouch or thyroid diverticulum is the embryological structure of the second pharyngeal arch from which thyroid follicular cells derive. [1]

It grows from the floor of the pharynx. [2]

See also

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Hypothyroidism Endocrine disease

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Thyroid follicular cell

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Laryngeal ventricle

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Thyroid dysgenesis Medical condition

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The fetal endocrine system is one of the first systems to develop during prenatal development.


  1. "Endocrine Glands". Archived from the original on March 14, 2008.
  2. "The thyroid gland".