Tremellia gens

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The gens Tremellia was a minor plebeian family at ancient Rome. Members of this gens are first mentioned towards the end of the Second Punic War, but the highest rank ever attained by any of the Tremellii under the Republic was that of praetor. After falling into obscurity during the first century BC, the fortunes of this family briefly revived under the Empire, when Gnaeus Tremellius was appointed consul suffectus in AD 21, during the reign of Tiberius. [1]



The main praenomen of the Tremellii who rose to prominence in the Roman state was Gnaeus , although a few bore other names, including Gaius and Lucius .

Branches and cognomina

The only cognomina borne by any of the Tremellii mentioned in history are Scrofa and Flaccus. Scrofa refers to a sow with piglets, and belongs to a large class of surnames derived from creatures and everyday objects. This cognomen was handed down through one branch of the Tremellii for a century, and Varro relates the story of how Lucius Tremellius Scrofa, quaestor in 143 BC, when attacked by the enemy, vowed to scatter them like a sow scattering her piglets, [lower-roman 1] thereby obtaining his surname. [3] [4] Flaccus seems to have been a personal surname, as it is borne by only one of the Tremellii; it originally designated someone with prominent or floppy ears, and belongs to a large class of cognomina derived from someone's physical features. [5]


This list includes abbreviated praenomina. For an explanation of this practice, see filiation.

Tremellii Scrofae

See also

List of Roman gentes


  1. This story was related to Varro by Scrofa's grandson. Centuries later, Macrobius gave a different explanation. [2]
  2. Called Gnaeus in some sources.

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  1. Dictionary of Greek and Roman Biography and Mythology, vol. III, p. 1172 ("Tremellia Gens").
  2. Macrobius, Saturnalia, i. 6.
  3. Dictionary of Greek and Roman Biography and Mythology, vol. III, p. 758 ("Scrofa").
  4. Chase, p. 112.
  5. Chase, p. 109.
  6. Livy, xxix. 11, xxx. 26, 27.
  7. Broughton, vol. I, pp. 304, 312, 316.
  8. Livy, xlii. 4.
  9. Varro, Rerum Rusticarum, ii. 4. § 2.
  10. Broughton, vol. I, p. 420.
  11. Livy, xlv. 15, Epitome, 47.
  12. Broughton, vol. I, pp. 428, 446.
  13. PIR, vol. III, p. 336 (T, No. 248).
  14. Cooley, Cambridge Manual of Latin Epigraphy, p. 459.
  15. Varro, Rerum Rusticarum, ii. 4. §§ 1, 2.
  16. Livy, Epitome, 53.
  17. Eutropius, iv. 15.
  18. Broughton, vol. I, p. 472.
  19. Plutarch, "The Life of Crassus", 11.
  20. Cicero, In Verrem, actus i. 10; "Ad Atticum, v. 4. § 2, vi. 1. § 13, vii. 1. § 8.
  21. Varro, Rerum Rusticarum, i. 2. § 10; i. 7. § 8; ii. 4.
  22. Pliny, Historia Naturalis, xvii. 21. s. 35, § 22.
  23. Cicero, Ad Atticum, xiii. 21. § 7.
