A Vehicular ad hoc network (VANET) is a proposed type of mobile ad hoc network (MANET) involving road vehicles. [1] VANETs were first proposed [2] in 2001 as "car-to-car ad-hoc mobile communication and networking" applications, where networks could be formed and information could be relayed among cars. It has been shown that vehicle-to-vehicle and vehicle-to-roadside communications architectures could co-exist in VANETs to provide road safety, navigation, and other roadside services. VANETs could be a key part of the intelligent transportation systems (ITS) framework. Sometimes, VANETs are referred to as Intelligent Transportation Networks. [3] They could evolve into a broader "Internet of vehicles". [4] which itself could evolve into an "Internet of autonomous vehicles". [5]
While, in the early 2000s, VANETs were seen as a mere one-to-one application of MANET principles, they have since then developed into a field of research in their own right. By 2015, [6] : 3 the term VANET became mostly synonymous with the more generic term inter-vehicle communication (IVC), although the focus remains on the aspect of spontaneous networking, much less on the use of infrastructure like Road Side Units (RSUs) or cellular networks.
Research on VANETs was reviewed by Upadhyay et al. (2023) [7] and Lee and Atkison (2021) [8]
VANETs are in development and are not in use by commercially available vehicles. [9]
VANETs could support a wide range of applications – from simple one hop information dissemination of, e.g., cooperative awareness messages (CAMs) to multi-hop dissemination of messages over vast distances. Most of the principles of mobile ad hoc networks (MANETs) apply to VANETs, but the details differ. [10] Rather than moving at random, vehicles tend to move in an organized fashion. The interactions with roadside equipment can likewise be characterized fairly accurately. And finally, most vehicles are restricted in their range of motion, for example by being constrained to follow a paved highway.
Potential applications of VANETs include: [6] : 56
VANETs could use any wireless networking technology as their basis. The most prominent are short-range radio technologies are WLAN and DSRC. In addition, cellular technologies or LTE and 5G can be used for VANETs.
Computer simulations of VANETs use a combination of Urban Mobility simulation [15] and Network simulation. Typically open source simulator like SUMO [16] (which handles road traffic simulation) is combined with a network simulator like TETCOS NetSim, [17] or NS-2 to study the performance of VANETs. Further simulations could also be done for communication channel modeling that captures the complexities of wireless network for VANETs. [18]
Major standardization of VANET protocol stacks is taking place in the U.S., in Europe, and in Japan, corresponding to these regions' dominance in the automotive industry. [6] : 5
In the U.S., the IEEE 1609 WAVE Wireless Access in Vehicular Environments protocol stack builds on IEEE 802.11p WLAN operating on seven reserved channels in the 5.9 GHz frequency band. The WAVE protocol stack is designed to provide multi-channel operation (even for vehicles equipped with only a single radio), security, and lightweight application layer protocols. Within the IEEE Communications Society, there is a Technical Subcommittee on Vehicular Networks & Telematics Applications (VNTA). The charter of this committee is to actively promote technical activities in the field of vehicular networks, V2V, V2R and V2I communications, standards, communications-enabled road and vehicle safety, real-time traffic monitoring, intersection management technologies, future telematics applications, and ITS-based services.
In the US, the systems could use a region of the 5.9 GHz band set aside by the United States Congress, the unlicensed frequency also used by Wi-Fi. The US V2V standard, commonly known as WAVE ("Wireless Access for Vehicular Environments"), builds upon the lower-level IEEE 802.11p standard, as early as 2004.
The European Commission Decision 2008/671/EC harmonises the use of the 5 875-5 905 MHz frequency band for transport safety ITS applications. [19] In Europe V2V is standardised as ETSI ITS, [20] a standard also based on IEEE 802.11p. C-ITS, cooperative ITS, is also a term used in EU policy making, closely linked to ITS-G5 and V2V.
V2V is also known as VANET (vehicular ad hoc network). It is a variation of MANET (Mobile ad hoc network), with the emphasis being now the node is the vehicle. In 2001, it was mentioned in a publication [21] that ad hoc networks can be formed by cars and such networks can help overcome blind spots, avoid accidents, etc. The infrastructure also participates in such systems, then referred to as V2X (vehicle-to-everything). Over the years, there have been considerable research and projects in this area, applying VANETs for a variety of applications, ranging from safety to navigation and law enforcement.
In 1999 the US Federal Communications Commission (FCC) allocated 75 MHz in the spectrum of 5.850-5.925 GHz for intelligent transport systems.
As of 2016, V2V is under threat from cable television and other tech firms that want to take away a big chunk of the radio spectrum currently reserved for it and use those frequencies for high-speed internet service. V2V's current share of spectrum was set aside by the government in 1999. The auto industry is trying to retain all it can saying that it desperately needs the spectrum for V2V. The Federal Communications Commission has taken the side of the tech companies with the National Traffic Safety Board supporting the position of the auto industry. Internet service providers who want the spectrum claim that self-driving cars will make extensive use of V2V unnecessary. The auto industry said it is willing to share the spectrum if V2V service is not slowed or disrupted; the FCC plans to test several sharing schemes. [22]
Research in VANETs started as early as 2000, in universities and research labs, having evolved from researchers working on wireless ad hoc networks. Many have worked on media access protocols, routing, warning message dissemination, and VANET application scenarios. V2V is currently in active development by General Motors, which demonstrated the system in 2006 using Cadillac vehicles. Other automakers working on V2V include Toyota, [23] BMW, Daimler, Honda, Audi, Volvo and the Car-to-Car communication consortium. [24]
Since then, the United States Department of Transportation (USDOT) has been working with a range of stakeholders on V2X. In 2012, a pre-deployment project was implemented in Ann Arbor, Michigan. 2800 vehicles covering cars, motorcycles, buses and HGV of different brands took part using equipment by different manufacturers. [25] The US National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) saw this model deployment as proof that road safety could be improved and that WAVE standard technology was interoperable. In August 2014, NHTSA published a report arguing vehicle-to-vehicle technology was technically proven as ready for deployment. [26] In April 2014 it was reported that U.S. regulators were close to approving V2V standards for the U.S. market. [27] On 20 August 2014 the NHTSA published an Advance Notice of Proposed Rulemaking (ANPRM) in the Federal Register, [28] arguing that the safety benefits of V2X communication could only be achieved, if a significant part of the vehicles fleet was equipped. Because of the lacking immediate benefit for early adopters the NHTSA proposed a mandatory introduction. On 25 June 2015, the US House of Representatives held a hearing on the matter, where again the NHTSA, as well as other stakeholders argued the case for V2X. [29]
In the EU the ITS Directive 2010/40/EU [30] was adopted in 2010. It aims to assure that ITS applications are interoperable and can operate across national borders, it defines priority areas for secondary legislation, which cover V2X and requires technologies to be mature. In 2014 the European Commission's industry stakeholder "C-ITS Deployment Platform" started working on a regulatory framework for V2X in the EU. [31] It identified key approaches to an EU-wide V2X security Public Key infrastructure (PKI) and data protection, as well as facilitating a mitigation standard [32] to prevent radio interference between ITS-G5 based V2X and CEN DSRC-based road charging systems. The European Commission recognised ITS-G5 as the initial communication technology in its 5G Action Plan [33] and the accompanying explanatory document, [34] to form a communication environment consisting of ITS-G5 and cellular communication as envisioned by EU Member States. [35] Various pre-deployment projects exist at EU or EU Member State level, such as SCOOP@F, the Testfeld Telematik, the digital testbed Autobahn, the Rotterdam-Vienna ITS Corridor, Nordic Way, COMPASS4D or C-ROADS. [36] Further projects are under preparation.
While using VANET in urban scenarios there are some aspects that are important to take in count. The first one is the analysis of the idle time [37] and the choosing of a routing protocol that satisfy the specifications of our network. [38] The other one is to try to minimize the data download time by choosing the right network architecture after analyzing the urban scenario where we want to implement it. [39]
Dedicated short-range communications (DSRC) is a technology for direct wireless exchange of vehicle-to-everything (V2X) and other intelligent transportation systems (ITS) data between vehicles, other road users, and roadside infrastructure. DSRC, which can be used for both one- and two-way data exchanges, uses channels in the licensed 5.9 GHz band. DSRC is based on IEEE 802.11p.
In computer network research, network simulation is a technique whereby a software program replicates the behavior of a real network. This is achieved by calculating the interactions between the different network entities such as routers, switches, nodes, access points, links, etc. Most simulators use discrete event simulation in which the modeling of systems in which state variables change at discrete points in time. The behavior of the network and the various applications and services it supports can then be observed in a test lab; various attributes of the environment can also be modified in a controlled manner to assess how the network/protocols would behave under different conditions.
IEEE 802.11p is an approved amendment to the IEEE 802.11 standard to add wireless access in vehicular environments (WAVE), a vehicular communication system. It defines enhancements to 802.11 required to support intelligent transportation systems (ITS) applications. This includes data exchange between high-speed vehicles and between the vehicles and the roadside infrastructure, so called vehicle-to-everything (V2X) communication, in the licensed ITS band of 5.9 GHz (5.85–5.925 GHz). IEEE 1609 is a higher layer standard based on the IEEE 802.11p. It is also the basis of a European standard for vehicular communication known as ETSI ITS-G5.
Vehicular communication systems are computer networks in which vehicles and roadside units are the communicating nodes, providing each other with information, such as safety warnings and traffic information. They can be effective in avoiding accidents and traffic congestion. Both types of nodes are dedicated short-range communications (DSRC) devices. DSRC works in 5.9 GHz band with bandwidth of 75 MHz and approximate range of 300 metres (980 ft). Vehicular communications is usually developed as a part of intelligent transportation systems (ITS).
A wireless ad hoc network (WANET) or mobile ad hoc network (MANET) is a decentralized type of wireless network. The network is ad hoc because it does not rely on a pre-existing infrastructure, such as routers or wireless access points. Instead, each node participates in routing by forwarding data for other nodes. The determination of which nodes forward data is made dynamically on the basis of network connectivity and the routing algorithm in use.
Intelligent vehicular ad hoc networks (InVANETs) use WiFi IEEE 802.11p and effective communication between vehicles with dynamic mobility. Effective measures such as media communication between vehicles can be enabled as well methods to track automotive vehicles. InVANET is not foreseen to replace current mobile communication standards.
Communications access for land mobiles (CALM) is an initiative by the ISO TC 204/Working Group 16 to define a set of wireless communication protocols and air interfaces for a variety of communication scenarios spanning multiple modes of communications and multiple methods of transmissions in Intelligent Transportation System (ITS). The CALM architecture is based on an IPv6 convergence layer that decouples applications from the communication infrastructure. A standardized set of air interface protocols is provided for the best use of resources available for short, medium and long-range, safety critical communications, using one or more of several media, with multipoint (mesh) transfer.
A connected car is a car that can communicate bidirectionally with other systems outside of the car. This connectivity can be used to provide services to passengers or to support or enhance self-driving functionality. For safety-critical applications, it is anticipated that cars will also be connected using dedicated short-range communications (DSRC) or cellular radios, operating in the FCC-granted 5.9 GHz band with very low latency.
A mobile wireless sensor network (MWSN) can simply be defined as a wireless sensor network (WSN) in which the sensor nodes are mobile. MWSNs are a smaller, emerging field of research in contrast to their well-established predecessor. MWSNs are much more versatile than static sensor networks as they can be deployed in any scenario and cope with rapid topology changes. However, many of their applications are similar, such as environment monitoring or surveillance. Commonly, the nodes consist of a radio transceiver and a microcontroller powered by a battery, as well as some kind of sensor for detecting light, heat, humidity, temperature, etc.
Chai Keong Toh is a Singaporean computer scientist, engineer, industry director, former VP/CTO and university professor. He is currently a Senior Fellow at the University of California Berkeley, USA. He was formerly Assistant Chief Executive of Infocomm Development Authority (IDA) Singapore. He has performed research on wireless ad hoc networks, mobile computing, Internet Protocols, and multimedia for over two decades. Toh's current research is focused on Internet-of-Things (IoT), architectures, platforms, and applications behind the development of smart cities.
Vehicular Ad hoc Networks (VANETs) is a network protocol designed for traffic safety applications. As other computer network protocols, it is also subject to several attacks that can have fatal consequences due to the VANET's intended usage. One of these possible attacks is location spoofing where the attacker is lying about a vehicle's position to disrupt VANET safety application. This attack can be performed either through existent vehicles or forging new identities by a Sybil attack. There are several publications that propose mechanisms to detect and correct malicious location advertisements. This article presents an overview of some of these verification mechanisms proposed in the literature.
Vehicle-to-everything (V2X) describes wireless communication between a vehicle and any entity that may affect, or may be affected by, the vehicle. Sometimes called C-V2X, it is a vehicular communication system that is intended to improve road safety and traffic efficiency while reducing pollution and saving energy.
Vehicle-to-device (V2D) communication is a particular type of vehicular communication system that consists in the exchange of information between a vehicle and any electronic device that may be connected to the vehicle itself.
Associativity-based routing is a mobile routing protocol invented for wireless ad hoc networks, also known as mobile ad hoc networks (MANETs) and wireless mesh networks. ABR was invented in 1993, filed for a U.S. patent in 1996, and granted the patent in 1999. ABR was invented by Chai Keong Toh while doing his Ph.D. at Cambridge University.
The 5G Automotive Association (5GAA) is a corporate coalition to develop and promote standardized protocols for automotive vehicles utilizing 5G communications. It serves as a lobbying group for the European Union on behalf of its membership. Their interests are government investments in the widespread deployment of short-range 5G wireless technology dubbed Cellular V2X.
Cellular V2X (C-V2X) is an umbrella term that comprises all 3rd Generation Partnership Project (3GPP) V2X technologies for connected mobility and self-driving cars. It includes both direct and cellular network communications and is an alternative to 802.11p, the IEEE specified standard for V2V and other forms of V2X communications.
Zygmunt J. Haas is a professor and distinguished chair in computer science, University of Texas at Dallas (UTD) also the professor emeritus in electrical and computer engineering, Cornell University. His research interests include ad hoc networks, wireless networks, sensor networks, and zone routing protocols.
An Aerial base station (ABS), also known as unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV)-mounted base station (BS), is a flying antenna system that works as a hub between the backhaul network and the access network. If more than one ABS is involved in such a relaying mechanism the so-called fly ad-hoc network (FANET) is established. FANETs are an aerial form of wireless ad hoc networks (WANET)s or mobile ad hoc networks (MANET)s.
Internet of vehicles (IoV) is a network of vehicles equipped with sensors, software, and the technologies that mediate between these with the aim of connecting & exchanging data over the Internet according to agreed standards. IoV evolved from Vehicular Ad Hoc Networks, and is expected to ultimately evolve into an "Internet of autonomous vehicles". It is expected that IoV will be one of the enablers for an autonomous, connected, electric, and shared (ACES) Future Mobility.
An evolved wireless ad hoc network (EVAN) is a decentralized type of wireless network that compensates for the shortcomings of the existing wireless ad hoc network (WANET). An EVAN is ad hoc like a WANET because it does not rely on a pre-existing infrastructure, such as routers in wired networks or access points in wireless networks. Further advantages of WANETs over networks with a fixed topology include flexibility, scalability and lower administration costs. These characteristics of WANETs are maintained in EVAN as well. However, an EVAN has a physically separate resource management channel called tone channel, unlike existing WANETs. In WANETs, the data channel performs two roles: resource management and data transfer, but in EVAN, the data channel is used only for data transfer.