Vladimir Ilyich-class motorship

Last updated
301 karamzin.jpg
River cruise ship Nikolay Karamzin in winter 2001 in Khlebnikovskiy MSZ
Class overview
Builders VEB Elbewerften Boizenburg/Roßlau, Boizenburg, East Germany
Succeeded by Dmitriy Furmanov -class (302)
General characteristics
Tonnage GT
Displacement3,570 t [1]
Length125.0 m (410.1 ft) [2]
Beam16.7 m (55 ft)
Draught2.76 m (9.1 ft)
Decks4 passenger decks
Installed power3 × 6ChRN 36/45 EG-70-5 2,208 kilowatts (2,961 hp)
Speed26.2 km/h (16.3 mph; 14.1 kn)
Capacity360 passengers

Vladimir Ilyich class is a class of Russian river passenger ships. [3] It is named after the first ship of the class Vladimir Ilyich .


Four-deck cruise ships manufactured in Germany, 1974–1983. [4]

River cruise ships of the German Project 301 / BiFa125M

Vladimir Ilyich class
No.Original nameEnglish transliteration
First series of Project 301
1Владимир Ильич (Санкт-Петербург)Vladimir Ilyich (Sankt-Peterburg)
2Мария Ульянова, (Петергоф, Викинг Рюрик)Mariya Ulyanova (Petergof, Viking Rurik)
3Евгений Вучетич (Принцеса Днiпра)Yevgeniy Vuchetich (Printsesa Dnipra)
4Советская Украина (Константин Коротков)Sovetskaya Ukraina (Konstantin Korotkov)
5Тихий ДонTikhiy Don
6XXV съезд КПСС (Леся Українка, Леся Украинка, Петр Чайковский)XXV Syezd KPSS (Lesya Ukrai’nka, Lesya Ukrainka, Petr Chaykovskiy)
Second series of Project 301
7Советская Россия (Нижний Новгород)Sovetskaya Rossiya (Nizhny Novgorod)
860 лет Октября (Floks, Avicena)60 let Oktyabrya (Floks, Avicena)
9Россия (Советская Россия, Россия)Rossiya (Sovetskaya Rossiya, Rossiya)
10Владимир МаяковскийVladimir Mayakovskiy
11В. И. Ленин (Максим Рильський, Максим Рыльский, Михаил Булгаков)V. I. Lenin (Maksym Rilskiy (ukr.), Maksim Rylskiy (russ.), Mikhail Bulgakov)
12Александр Ульянов (Кронштадт)Aleksandr Ulyanov (Kronshtadt)
13Михаил Ломоносов(Вікінг Сінеус)Mikhail Lomonosov(Viking Sineus)
14Константин ФединKonstantin Fedin
1530 лет ГДР (Владимир Арсеньев, Ferris Flotel)30 let GDR (Vladimir Arsenyev, Ferris Flotel)
16Виссарион БелинскийVissarion Belinskiy
Third series of Project 301
17Советская Конституция (Николай Карамзин)Sovetskaya Konstitutsiya (Nikolay Karamzin)
18Николай ЧернышевскийNikolay Chernyshevskiy
19Николай Добролюбов (Андрей Рублев)Nikolay Dobrolyubov (Andrey Rublev)
20Александр РадищевAleksandr Radishchev
21Александр Грибоедов (Княжна Виктория)Aleksandr Griboyedov (Knyazhna Viktoriya)
22Федор ДостоевскийFedor Dostoevskiy


Year of buildYard NoImageNameOwnerOperatorPort of RegistryFlagIMOStatus
Project 301 - First Series
April 1975326 Vladimir301.JPG Sankt-PeterburgSevero-Zapadnyy Flot LeningradSaint Petersburg Flag of the Soviet Union.svg Flag of Russia.svg originally, the Vladimir Ilyich, RRR 160201
July 1975327 Petergof river cruise ship in Moscow.jpg Viking RurikPassazhirskiy Flot Viking River Cruises LeningradSaint Petersburg Flag of the Soviet Union.svg Flag of Russia.svg originally, the Mariya Ulyanova, [5] Petergof completely refurbished for the 2012 sailing season, [6] RRR 160202
1976328 Sevastopol River cruise ships Dnieper princess Project 301 IMG 3994 1725.jpg Printsesa DnipraChervona RutaChervona Ruta KievKherson Flag of the Soviet Union.svg Flag of Ukraine.svg originally, the Yevgeniy Vuchetich, RSU 2-000364
July 1976329 Makaryev Monastery.jpg Konstantin Korotkov Vodohod Vodohod GorkyNizhny Novgorod Flag of the Soviet Union.svg Flag of Russia.svg 7515432originally, the Sovetskaya Ukraina
March 1977330 Ms tikhi don.JPG Tikhiy Don DoninturflotPhoenix Rostov-on-DonMoscowRostov-on-Don Flag of the Soviet Union.svg Flag of Russia.svg 7523752 RRR 160204
1977331 Peter Chaikovsky ship.jpg Petr ChaykovskiyDonInturFlot Orthodox Cruise Company KievKhersonMoscowRostov-on-Don Flag of the Soviet Union.svg Flag of Ukraine.svg Flag of Russia.svg 7608526originally, the XXV Syezd KPSS, formerly: Lesya Ukrai’nka (ukr. Леся Українка), Lesya Ukrainka (russ. Леся Украинка)
Project 301 - Second Series
September 1977332 Novgorod301.JPG Nizhny NovgorodVodohodVodohod GorkyNizhny Novgorod Flag of the Soviet Union.svg Flag of Russia.svg 7617785 originally, the Sovetskaya Rossiya
1978333 [7] AvicenaAndrea Navigation MoscowKingstown Flag of the Soviet Union.svg Flag of Saint Vincent and the Grenadines.svg 8884749 originally, the 60 let Oktyabrya, formerly: Floks, Vision Clinic, scrapped in Alang on May 16, 2006
1978334 Rossia in North River Port 5-jun-2012 3.JPG Rossiya Grand Circle Cruise Line KievKhersonMoscow Flag of the Soviet Union.svg Flag of Ukraine.svg Flag of Russia.svg 7638155 originally, the Rossiya (1978–1979), Sovetskaya Rossiya (1979–2003)
September 1978335 Vladimir Majakovski ship.jpg Vladimir MayakovskiyKama One Shipping Co Ltd. Orthodox Cruise Company Perm Flag of the Soviet Union.svg Flag of Russia.svg 7706677
July 1979336 Mikhail Bulgakov on Khimki Reservoir 23-jul-2012 04.JPG Mikhail BulgakovMosTurFlot KievKhersonMoscow Flag of the Soviet Union.svg Flag of Ukraine.svg Flag of Russia.svg 7706689 originally, the V. I. Lenin, formerly: Maksym Rilskiy (ukr.), Maksim Rylskiy (russ.)
August 1979337 301 kronshtadt 2.jpg KronshtadtSewero-Sapadny Flot LeningradSaint Petersburg Flag of the Soviet Union.svg Flag of Russia.svg 7706691 originally, the Aleksandr Ulyanov
September 1979338 301 lomonosov 0.jpg Viking SineusViking UkrainaViking River Cruises PetrozavodskSaint PetersburgKherson Flag of the Soviet Union.svg Flag of Russia.svg Flag of Ukraine.svg 7823994 originally, the Mikhail Lomonosov
April 1980339 Konstantin Fedin river cruise ship side.jpg Konstantin FedinVodohodVodohod GorkyNizhny Novgorod Flag of the Soviet Union.svg Flag of Russia.svg 8031354
1980370 Teplokhod 30 LET GDR (1982 god) Khabarovsk.jpg Ferris Flotel Rostov-on-DonKhabarovskBusan Flag of the Soviet Union.svg Flag of Russia.svg Flag of South Korea.svg 8031366 originally, the 30 let GDR, formerly: Vladimir Arsenyev; 2003 sank at quay in Busan and 2005 scrapped [8]
November 1980371 Sever Rossii (97).JPG Vissarion BelinskiyVodohodVodohod LeningradSaint PetersburgNizhny NovgorodSaint Petersburg Flag of the Soviet Union.svg Flag of Russia.svg 8031378
Project 301 - Third Series
May 1981372 301 karamzin.jpg Nikolay KaramzinMosTurFlotMosTurFlot Moscow Flag of the Soviet Union.svg Flag of Russia.svg 8131518 originally, the Sovetskaya Konstitutsiya
August 1981373 301 chernyshevskiy.jpg Nikolay ChernyshevskiyVodohodVodohod GorkyNizhny Novgorod Flag of the Soviet Union.svg Flag of Russia.svg 8131520
September 1981374 Andrey Rublev river cruise ship.jpg Andrey RublevZentralnaja sudohodnaja kompanijaMosTurFlot KievMoscow Flag of the Soviet Union.svg Flag of Ukraine.svg Flag of Russia.svg 8131532 originally, the Nikolay Dobrolyubov
May 1982375 Aleksandr Radishchev on Khimki Reservoir 25-jun-2012 01.JPG Aleksandr RadishchevVodohodVodohod GorkyNizhny Novgorod Flag of the Soviet Union.svg Flag of Russia.svg 8225682 RRR 160216
May 1982376 Knyazhna Viktoriya river cruise ship.jpg Knyazhna ViktoriyaMosTurFlotMosTurFlot Moscow Flag of the Soviet Union.svg Flag of Russia.svg 8225694 originally, the Aleksandr Griboyedov
March 1983377 Fyodor Dostoyevskiy in Moscow 26-jul-2012 02.jpg Fedor DostoevskiyKama One Shipping Co Ltd.Parus Perm Flag of the Soviet Union.svg Flag of Russia.svg 8212910

See also

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  1. "Project 301". Web.archive.org. 2007-03-01. Archived from the original on March 1, 2007. Retrieved 2014-06-07.
  2. Project 301, Technical data (in Russian)
  3. Long voyage passenger ships Archived 2010-04-23 at the Wayback Machine (in Russian)
  4. Specifications Archived October 30, 2007, at the Wayback Machine
  5. Stapellauf der Mariya Ulyanova in der Werft Archived 2012-09-08 at archive.today (in German)
  6. "Viking River Cruises". Vikingrivercruises.com. Retrieved 2014-06-07.
  7. "60 лет Октября — Фотография — Водный транспорт". Fleetphoto.ru. Retrieved 2014-06-07.
  8. Проект 301, тип Владимир Ильич Archived 2012-09-13 at the Wayback Machine (in Russian)