Watt (crater)

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Steinheil crater Watt crater 4071 h1 h2.jpg
Lunar Orbiter 4 image, with Steinheil at top and Watt below
Coordinates 49°30′S48°36′E / 49.5°S 48.6°E / -49.5; 48.6 Coordinates: 49°30′S48°36′E / 49.5°S 48.6°E / -49.5; 48.6
Diameter 66 km
Depth Unknown
Colongitude 313° at sunrise
Eponym James Watt

Watt is a lunar impact crater that is located in the southeastern part of the Moon. It was named after Scottish inventor James Watt. [1] The northwestern third of the crater rim has been completely overlain by the same-sized Steinheil, leaving much of the interior floor covered with the outer rampart of ejecta from the latter formation. The remainder of the rim of Watt is somewhat jagged in appearance, with an inward bulge along the southeast rim and a pair of small outward projections to the northeast. The rim is otherwise relatively sharply defined, with only a minor amount of wear.

Nearby craters of note include Biela to the south-southeast, Rosenberger to the southwest, and the walled plain Janssen to the northwest past Steinheil.

Satellite craters

Satellite craters map Watt sattelite craters map.jpg
Satellite craters map

By convention these features are identified on lunar maps by placing the letter on the side of the crater midpoint that is closest to Watt.

Watt crater and its satellite craters taken from Earth in 2012 at the University of Hertfordshire's Bayfordbury Observatory with the telescopes Meade LX200 14" and Lumenera Skynyx 2-1 Watt lunar crater map.jpg
Watt crater and its satellite craters taken from Earth in 2012 at the University of Hertfordshire's Bayfordbury Observatory with the telescopes Meade LX200 14" and Lumenera Skynyx 2-1
A50.3° S46.4° E10 km
B50.1° S48.0° E6 km
C50.0° S51.5° E24 km
D50.3° S55.2° E32 km
E49.7° S55.3° E10 km
F50.5° S54.3° E16 km
G50.9° S58.7° E13 km
H51.2° S57.2° E16 km
J51.6° S58.3° E18 km
K51.4° S55.9° E8 km
L52.6° S57.6° E32 km
M53.1° S59.9° E42 km
N53.6° S58.7° E11 km
R51.0° S47.5° E12 km
S52.2° S47.8° E6 km
T51.6° S51.0° E4 km
U52.0° S51.7° E5 km
W51.1° S51.9° E7 km

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  1. "Watt (crater)" . Gazetteer of Planetary Nomenclature. USGS Astrogeology Research Program.